Mar 102022

Allow your intrepid blogger to point out the obvious. People read this blog. People know what is on this blog. And thanks to the dozens of people that supply your intrepid blogger with information, we are able to air out the smoke-filled rooms and expose the bad behavior of those that think they control things.

The CAGOP Board of Directors met last night to render endorsements. The meeting was not without controversy.

#CA03 Kevin Kiley was endorsed by the California Republican Party after the Inyo GOP met a 2nd-4th (who the heck knows) time and dual endorsed again. David Stafford Reade’s attempts to scuttle the Inyo GOP / thus the CAGOP endorsement were ignored by the body so much so that Mark Spannagel (representing Doug LaMalfa on the board) could not get a second to table Kiley’s endorsement. Spannagel, following his boss Reade, was one of three who abstained on the endorsement of Kevin Kiley. (Political Consultant Tom Ross and former CRP Chair Jim Brulte who opposes endorsing period was the other)

Your intrepid blogger has not endorsed in the #CA03 race. However, given the behavior of the Scott Jones team, I am leaning towards endorsing Mr. Kiley.

#CA06 Tamika Hamilton. There was a bit of controversy over this endorsement as Tamika appears to have laid a couple of eggs on social media. Similar to Inyo County, there was an attack on the process of the local party. Hamilton was endorsed.

Given that the CAGOP ignored the violations of state election law by Glenn, Tehama, and Yuba Counties… such allegations are absurd.

Conservative Mugs 970×250

#CA21 David Valadao. He was pulled from consent and got his ass kicked for voting for the impeachment of Donald Trump. Nevertheless, Valadao was endorsed by the CAGOP. (I do not think that one lousy vote disqualified him from consideration, by the way) Valadao was not endorsed unanimously.

#CA42 Ken Calvert – despite a challenge from State Senator Melissa Melendez, Calvert was endorsed.

#CA49 Bryan Maryott – after exposure on Right on Daily, Howard Hakes did not double down on his actions of February. Maryott got endorsed (as he should have been in Feb).

Something your intrepid blogger is tracking – #AD01 Megan Dahle

The Placer GOP endorsed Kelly Tanner over Megan Dahle — unanimously. This follows a 16-6 endorsement by the Nevada GOP.

Do note that Shasta’s GOP endorsed Megan Dahle.

I have not looked at the population, but Placer is a small part of AD01, but it looks like the Nevada-Placer decision has prevented Dahle from reaching the 80% threshold. That said, if Kelly Tanner lacks the resources to promote those endorsements, do they matter?

To be continued…

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  3 Responses to “CAGOP Update: Endorsements, Endorsements, Endorsements (Hint: Justice was Served)”

  1. Hamilton laid ‘eggs’? Is that the $40K in campaign donations I was told she spent on babysitters or is it the other stuff? Luckly she is no longer running in my district (or her own district) so I will not be seeing her on the ballot… (being blunt!)

  2. When asked if their was a downside to running a negative campaign, James “The Ragin’ Cajun” Carville replied, “Yes, not starting it early enough.”

  3. Who does CAGOP endorse for LAUSD District 4?\

    Check out the LAGOP Webpage. That is a local matter

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