Late, Late, Late Independent Expenditure Hits Beth Gaines

 4th Assembly District Race, Beth Gaines  Comments Off on Late, Late, Late Independent Expenditure Hits Beth Gaines
Apr 282011

Why so late? Why at all in a district as lopsidedly Republican as this one?

The Opportunity Pac – a group that supports communists for public office decided to set fire to good money – but heck, that’s how democrats roll, right?

Two mailers hit today – one on the Double-Dip theme. (Wonder where they got that one from?)

The other is attacking Beth Gaines for signing the (GASP) No new taxes pledge. It is replete with the unreasonable charge (yawn) and the gutting public safety charge (yawn)…

All I can say is that the Dems must believe the polling data that shows people favor tax increases + sepnding cuts vs 100% spending cuts.

The only conclusion I can draw is that this is a set up to try and trim Beth’s margin of victory to set the stage for a Dem run at this seat in 2012.

Why else would they waste $30K this late in the game.

Make sure you vote on May 3rd, Ok?


 4th Assembly District Race, Beth Gaines  Comments Off on FROM PLACER GOP: HELP BETH GAINES!
Apr 282011

Do you want a left-wing labor union moonbat in the Assembly from Placer County? I didn’t think so, either – below are details on how you can help Beth Gaines get elected to ensure that Placer County continues to be represented by someone who shares OUR values.

Republican Party of Placer County Logo
URGENT NOTICE FOR REPUBLICANS Beth Gaines for Assembly Needs Your Help! 
Gaines LogoOur Headquarters is Open and Working!

Please Sign Up to Phone Bank Or Volunteer at the Headquarters

During the Final Weeks to Support

Beth Gaines, the Only Republican Running  

For the 4th Assembly District Special Election

1700 Eureka Rd. Suite 170

Roseville, CA95661  

To RSVP a time to help email:

or Call 916-626-9495

Prop 8 Proponents Move to Toss Exceptionally Biased Ruling

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Apr 262011

I couldn’t care less that Vaughn Walker is gay, what I do care about are the extreme statements – especially those against the Church in his ruling. I do believe that Judge Walker’s rage against the Church is indicative of the culture war pitting Homosexuals against any traditions of society.

I received a press release yesterday – it is simple. Judge Walker should have recused himself before ruling on Prop 8. It’s called a conflict of interest – especially so for Judge Walker who has been in a relationship for years with his domestic partner.

Date: April 25, 2011    

Contact: Carla Hass 916-834-9969

Prop 8 Proponents Move to Throw Out Same-Sex Marriage Ruling –

Cite Judge’s Long-Term Gay Relationship, Failure to Disclose.

SACRAMENTO – Attorneys for filed a motion today asking the U.S. District Court to vacate former Judge Vaughn Walker’s decision invalidating Prop 8, on the grounds that Walker failed to disclose a long-term, same-sex relationship, and should have recused himself before trial.

Federal law requires a judge to disqualify himself whenever the judge knows that he has any personal interest that could be substantially affected by the outcome of the case, or any other circumstances in which the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned. 

“The American people have a right to a fair judicial process, free from even the appearance of bias or prejudice,” said Andrew Pugno, general counsel for the official proponents of Prop 8.  “Judge Walker’s ten-year-long same-sex relationship creates the unavoidable impression that he was not the impartial judge the law requires.  He was obligated to either recuse himself or provide full disclosure of this relationship at the outset of the case.  These circumstances demand setting aside his decision.”

The core issue presented in the Perry v. Brown case is whether the U.S. Constitution requires the redefinition of marriage to include same-sex relationships.

“Under governing California law Judge Walker currently cannot marry his partner.  But his ruling in this case, if ultimately upheld, would give him a right to do so,” Pugno pointed out.

“We deeply regret the necessity of this motion.  But if the courts are to require others to follow the law, the courts themselves must do so as well,” Pugno added.

“We are not suggesting that a gay or lesbian judge could not sit on this case,” Pugno said.  “Rather, our motion is all about the fundamental principle that no judge is permitted to try a case where he has an interest in the outcome. Surely, no one would suggest that Judge Walker could order state officials to issue a marriage license to him and his partner.  Yet it must be presumed that that is precisely what has occurred.”

Proposition 8 was approved by over 7 million California voters in the 2008 general election, to reaffirm marriage in the California Constitution as only between a man and a woman.

Beth Gaines AD-04 Campaign Update

 4th Assembly District Race, Beth Gaines  Comments Off on Beth Gaines AD-04 Campaign Update
Apr 242011

The Auburn Journal highlighted Dennis Campanelle’s “Campaign“. Knowing them – they are probably upset that Campanelle did not answer the bell.

The partisan Democrats in AD04 gave Campy enough votes to finish first in the “General” election in March.

Beth Gaines outraised John Allard by about $100K, largely due to the strength of name recognition and having a Husband already in the legislature. That same name ID helped her finish second despite a spirited campaign by John Allard.

Gaines, for her part has not simply decided to try and coast in to office in this lopsidedly Republican district…

She has sent two peices of mail – the second of which hit yesterday. It featured three Republican County Chairman lauding her Republican bona-fides and featured the Republican Party Endorsement. (No mention of CRA, though)

I am plesantly suprised to see Gaines’ campaign following through in the General election with Signs being placed and still sending mailers out. It is way too common in safe GOP districts for the Republican candidate to haul it all in after winning the Primary.

It will be interesting to see how the Gaines’ govern once both are in office.

I wish the CRA Election was About More Than Hatred for Karen England

 California Republican Assembly, Karen England  Comments Off on I wish the CRA Election was About More Than Hatred for Karen England
Apr 222011

Years ago – I made a fatal error I have never been able to recover from. I met Karen England and told a few people she was a fraud. Most notably, I told a few capitol staffers.

Those comments may well have been posted on the Sacramento Bee’s home page.

Don’t get me wrong – I am not begging for sympathy – I am not an innocent. I am as much of a combatant as anyone. I torched Eric Kerry-Egland especially after Peggy Mew attempted to aid Karen in a takeover attempt against the Placer CRA in 2007. There was the Logue Vs Horne race in 2008, Hudson for CRP Vice Chair in 2009 etc etc etc.

In late 2009, Karen started recruiting lieutenants out of the local Tea Party for her next war. The intended beneficiary of that war: $27,500 man – Doug LaMalfa, and the Placer County Republican Central Committee was a bonus takeover target.

Karen teamed up with the Moderates in an attempt to dethrone the Placer CRA. To this date – she is still voting in lock step with the moderates on the Placer GOP Central Committee.

But the CRA in 2011 was special.

Bill Tolson – a former Karen supporter who supported the Contract with the CRA noticed the situation on his blog on April 16th:

I am amazed at the extent Karen has gone to in repaying Aaron & George Park and Tom Hudson for the harm she feels they have done to her. Truly hell hath no fury…

If you’ve paid attention to Placer Politics – you’d know that the Central Committee is still “controlled” by the Placer CRA. You’d also know that people allied with Karen have filed FPPC Complaints and a complaint with the Placer DA’s office against the Cent Com.

You’d also know that the FBI visited Karen’s house in October and that “visit” has now become, “The FBI is investigating these guys and their entity, Headquarters Partnership, for what most people believe is money laundering.”

The only person the FBI has talked to (if Karen really is telling the truth) is Karen England as of the writing of this post.

Ken Campbell, who made the above post is a long-time ally of Karen England’s as he serves on the board of the CRI with her and political consultant David Reade. (The CRI got the $27,500 from LaMalfa)

Reade was in the middle of the CRA controversy. He controls four CRA units in the North State – at least three of which are fake. Three of these units were chartered by then CRA Vice President Karen England.

On Ken’s neurotic rant today – a commenter summarized the entire situation of the recent CRA elections. (The title of the comment is BIAS)

In my opinion after watching everything that happened from an outside perspective, it was very clear that Karen never intended to win!!! This was 100% about hating the parks and not about winning the election – There where some people there that didn’t know what club they belonged to and couldn’t tell you where, when, or who meetings, president, nothing!!!

The really sad deal is Karen’s Husband, John England. I actually like John – he is a straight-forward man. He is the strong-silent type who looks to be in really good shape for his age.

The last two times I have interacted with John, his voice was shaking as was his entire body. When I saw him outside the credentials committee meeting on last Friday night – he looked like it was all he could do not to swing at me.

Where did that sort of hatred come from?

It’s one thing for people to write the insane stuff that has been written about Tom Hudson, George and Myself…

On Saturday afternoon, I heard Karen telling Cyndy Taylor and Phyllis Wing that “It’s all about the money for the Parks”. This is the first time I heard Karen actually saying something like that myself – previously all accounts I had were second hand.

Now I know the source of the hatred for certain and the slander – and no amount of letters from lawyers can change that.

We warned the CRA what was going to happen and it did.

… but there are still people who have believed all the insane conspiracies conjured up by Karen and her team. Now that is really sad.