If so, why?
Wealthy Businessman John Cox declared his candidacy two months ago and entered the CA Governor Race with a Million Dollars of his own money. (With more coming)
6 Months ago, the talk was that we would have no one credible or funded in any statewide race. Now, the talk is about a near frenetic quest to find a second Republican to run against John Cox for Governor.
Meantime, there is no Lt. Gov Candidate, No Secretary of State Candidate, No Attorney General Candidate, No Controller Candidate for the GOP in 2018.
Yet, the New Majority PAC is trying with all their might to get the unpopular Mayor of San Diego, Kevin Faulconer in to the race. At one time, Faulconer was the liberal Republican star of the party, today his legacy is the Chargers moving to Inglewood. But, he does want to raise taxes on San Diegans!
This does not matter to the New Majority as it appears they have ideological issues with John Cox and have re-ignited their quest to make sure no Republican makes the runoff.
I’ve seen this pattern before, I call it “Controlled Failure”. This is the concept of primary sabotage in order to make sure if a Conservative wins a primary, he loses the general election in order to further the canard of Conservatives being unable to win. (I first saw this in 2002, when GOP leadership poured $10 Million in to a Treasurer Race, while Tom McClintock was leading in Polls for his Controller race… ultimately lost by 27,000 votes. McClintock received token support from GOP leadership)
Meantime, there is no Lt. Gov Candidate, No Secretary of State Candidate, No Attorney General Candidate, No Controller Candidate for the GOP in 2018.
Apparently, it is not just the left of the party that has a suicide pact, witness Tim Donnelly! Yes, the same Tim Donnelly (based on my research) whose personal financial situation is a disaster, has a failing radio show, likes to chase campaign staff, has run 3 failed referenda (where’s the money, Tim?), has a police record and may well be clinical on top of the previous list. (Did I mention that I am not a fan?) He popped up on Breitbart calling John Cox a moderate. Only in a pharmaceutically-induced fantasy, I guess.
Donnelly believes the Democrat Party is in disarray. He believes this is an open door to a Republican Governor. He thinks that should be him, when John Cox wrote himself a check larger than Donnelly’s maximum fundraising potential. Perhaps Tim Donnelly enters the race in order to enjoy being a candidate again for a few months and to get paid.
He is right about the dem party. Despite the all-out assault from the media and the “deep state” Trump keeps winning and Republicans keep winning elections.
But, it seems to be more than Republican Leadership and the New Majority can handle.
Just last night, while celebrating the #BODYSLAM victory of Greg Gianforte in Montana, I received my own un-named anonymous source leak of info. (If it is good for the NYT and WAPO, it is good for this blog, right?)
The leak is a well-placed GOP insider who indicated that Republican leadership are lobbying the rank and file GOP legislators (what few are left), to endorse David Hadley, Kevin Faulconer. (See also anyone not named John Cox).
If the GOP leadership understand what a threat John Cox is, perhaps Tim Donnelly’s therapist should explain the same thing to him?
Meantime, there is no Lt. Gov Candidate, No Secretary of State Candidate, No Attorney General Candidate, No Controller Candidate for the GOP in 2018.
The specific info is that a group of major GOP donors have not stopped trying to find a Governor candidate not named John Cox. David Hadley, a one-term Assemblymember who lost re-election by 8 points in 2016, went to Sacramento to speak to the aforementioned legislators in search of endorsements and money. Note that Hadley is basically out of the running for governor and is lining up a rematch for AD66 instead.
Now, it appears that the flavor of the week is Kevin Faulconer.
Why are they doing this? Is the goal to dilute Republican Votes assuring Antonio Villaraigosa joins fellow far left democrat Gavin Newsome in the runoff? Two well known GOP consultants are on Mr. Villaraigosa’s payroll. Do they believe that recruiting a moderate/liberal Republican and pouring money in to them will get that person in to the runoff? Or, it is another case of “controlling failure”, as in we’d rather lose with our guy than win with someone we can’t control?
I am all about being a team player, having supported many candidates for the GOP I was not thrilled with. However, it becomes difficult to the extreme to be a team player when I have a front row seat to another case of the moderate wing of the Republican Party apparently doing what they accuse the Conservatives of doing.
All the above said, it makes me like John Cox even more.
Did I mention that there is no Lt. Gov Candidate, No Secretary of State Candidate, No Attorney General Candidate, No Controller Candidate for the GOP in 2018?