May 262017

If so, why?

Wealthy Businessman John Cox declared his candidacy two months ago and entered the CA Governor Race with a Million Dollars of his own money. (With more coming)

6 Months ago, the talk was that we would have no one credible or funded in any statewide race. Now, the talk is about a near frenetic quest to find a second Republican to run against John Cox for Governor.

Meantime, there is no Lt. Gov Candidate, No Secretary of State Candidate, No Attorney General Candidate, No Controller Candidate for the GOP in 2018.

Yet, the New Majority PAC is trying with all their might to get the unpopular Mayor of San Diego, Kevin Faulconer in to the race. At one time, Faulconer was the liberal Republican star of the party, today his legacy is the Chargers moving to Inglewood. But, he does want to raise taxes on San Diegans!

This does not matter to the New Majority as it appears they have ideological issues with John Cox and have re-ignited their quest to make sure no Republican makes the runoff.

I’ve seen this pattern before, I call it “Controlled Failure”. This is the concept of primary sabotage in order to make sure if a Conservative wins a primary, he loses the general election in order to further the canard of Conservatives being unable to win. (I first saw this in 2002, when GOP leadership poured $10 Million in to a Treasurer Race, while Tom McClintock was leading in Polls for his Controller race… ultimately lost by 27,000 votes. McClintock received token support from GOP leadership)

Meantime, there is no Lt. Gov Candidate, No Secretary of State Candidate, No Attorney General Candidate, No Controller Candidate for the GOP in 2018.

Apparently, it is not just the left of the party that has a suicide pact, witness Tim Donnelly! Yes, the same Tim Donnelly (based on my research) whose personal financial situation is a disaster, has a failing radio show, likes to chase campaign staff, has run 3 failed referenda (where’s the money, Tim?), has a police record and may well be clinical on top of the previous list. (Did I mention that I am not a fan?) He popped up on Breitbart calling John Cox a moderate. Only in a pharmaceutically-induced fantasy, I guess.

Donnelly believes the Democrat Party is in disarray. He believes this is an open door to a Republican Governor. He thinks that should be him, when John Cox wrote himself a check larger than Donnelly’s maximum fundraising potential. Perhaps Tim Donnelly enters the race in order to enjoy being a candidate again for a few months and to get paid.

He is right about the dem party. Despite the all-out assault from the media and the “deep state” Trump keeps winning and Republicans keep winning elections.

But, it seems to be more than Republican Leadership and the New Majority can handle.

Just last night, while celebrating the #BODYSLAM victory of Greg Gianforte in Montana, I received my own un-named anonymous source leak of info. (If it is good for the NYT and WAPO, it is good for this blog, right?)

The leak is a well-placed GOP insider who indicated that Republican leadership are lobbying the rank and file GOP legislators (what few are left), to endorse David Hadley, Kevin Faulconer. (See also anyone not named John Cox).

If the GOP leadership understand what a threat John Cox is, perhaps Tim Donnelly’s therapist should explain the same thing to him?

Meantime, there is no Lt. Gov Candidate, No Secretary of State Candidate, No Attorney General Candidate, No Controller Candidate for the GOP in 2018.

The specific info is that a group of major GOP donors have not stopped trying to find a Governor candidate not named John Cox. David Hadley, a one-term Assemblymember who lost re-election by 8 points in 2016, went to Sacramento to speak to the aforementioned legislators in search of endorsements and money. Note that Hadley is basically out of the running for governor and is lining up a rematch for AD66 instead.

Now, it appears that the flavor of the week is Kevin Faulconer.

Why are they doing this? Is the goal to dilute Republican Votes assuring Antonio Villaraigosa joins fellow far left democrat Gavin Newsome in the runoff? Two well known GOP consultants are on Mr. Villaraigosa’s payroll. Do they believe that recruiting a moderate/liberal Republican and pouring money in to them will get that person in to the runoff? Or, it is another case of “controlling failure”, as in we’d rather lose with our guy than win with someone we can’t control?

I am all about being a team player, having supported many candidates for the GOP I was not thrilled with. However, it becomes difficult to the extreme to be a team player when I have a front row seat to another case of the moderate wing of the Republican Party apparently doing what they accuse the Conservatives of doing.

All the above said, it makes me like John Cox even more.

Did I mention that there is no Lt. Gov Candidate, No Secretary of State Candidate, No Attorney General Candidate, No Controller Candidate for the GOP in 2018?

May 222017

Several conservative organizations have been keeping track of democrat election fraud. I found this .pdf from the Heritage Foundation. It is extensive and does not include more recent examples.

One of the biggest movements by the right is Voter ID. The Obama admin fought in court every time a state enacted voter ID. In Wisconsin, they seemed to have found the magic formula to survive legal scrutiny and it worked.

In 2016, Wisconsin had voter ID. IN years past, stories were frequent about people being bused in from Illinois to Same-Day Register in Wisconsin to vote there as Wisconsin has been a democrat state since 1988 but always had been competitive. News Busters lit up the AP for a nearly hysterical story about Wisconsin’s 2016 election. (Note – Trump won WI by about 27,000 votes, the first time since 1988 it was carried by a Republican.)

While the left were not happy in WI – In North Carolina, the Republican legislature there made an ID law that was poorly written that got overturned and then the SCOTUS rejected the final appeal, killing it. The consequences were expected:

State auditors found that about 500 ineligible people voted in 2016, more than 440 of them felons. Dozens of non-citizens from 28 different countries also cast ballots, the probe found. “A number of non-citizens said they were not aware that they were prohibited from voting,” the report states. “Interviews and evidence show that some non-citizens were misinformed about the law by individuals conducting voter registration drives or, in at least one document case, by a local precinct official.” North Carolina authorities are also investigating 24 substantiated cases of double voting in 2016. “Some violators appear to be ‘testers’ trying to find holes in the system,” according to the report. “Others claim property ownership in multiple jurisdictions should allow them to vote in each, and others brush past the law to support their candidate by any means necessary. Additionally, a case that initially appears to be a double voter—an individual who votes twice—may actually be a case of voter impersonation—an individual who casts a ballot using the identity of another person.”

A democrat group called FieldWorks was creating fake voters in PA and OH (both swing states like NC, imagine that) and got busted for doing so.

Another group in Indiana (a state Obama won in 2008) got hammered statewide for a registration and election fraud scheme. They were so brazen that they aired advertisements claiming “Voter Suppression” – the left’s dog whistle when they get caught.

Patriot Majority USA launched the Indiana Voter Registration Project earlier this year with the goal of registering tens-of-thousands of Hoosiers before this past week’s deadline. The group has said they registered 45,000 people and now claim in the radio ad, “45,000 citizens, almost all African Americans could lose the right to vote.”

But Indiana State Police say of the forms investigators have already reviewed, about 10 percent have shown signs of fraudulent or forged information.

“So using their numbers of 45,000,” Bursten said. “We have the potential of more than 4,500 fraudulent or forged documents.”

Another Swing State – Nevada has long been thought to be beset by voter and election fraud. Clark County is a Union Machine County. It is replete with non citizens and the motor-voter act which registers people to vote when they get licensed is a major problem. Why? Nevada lets illegal aliens get a driver’s license.

Nevada’s Republican secretary of state says three people who had not obtained citizenship by the 2016 election participated unlawfully in November.

They are at the center of Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske’s ongoing probe into voter fraud. She has said some state employees may have inadvertently registered green card holders to vote.

Her office released data Wednesday showing another 18 people without citizenship voted in other Nevada elections. Spokesman Kent Alexander declined to say in which elections or years.

Eighty others have improperly registered at some point in Nevada history, but never voted. Alexander also declined to say when those registrations occurred.

Cegavske said last week she believes they could have registered through the Department of Motor Vehicles in a process her office approved.

The investigation is far from over and the federalist sees something far more widespread than 100 or so bad registrations and 20 illegal votes.

One of the worst “Swing” States is Virginia, whose governor is none other than Clinton DNC Chair Terry McAuliffe, who granted clemency to thousands of felons in order to allow them to vote for Hillary Clinton. The Washington Times had a disturbing article about the amount of fraudulent registrations in Virginia.

The foundation found itself in a stiff battle with Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s elections chief, who, PILF said, did not want to turn over voter information. In October PILF issued its first report, accusing the state of a “cover up” as “thousands” of noncitizens illegally remain on Virginia’s voting rolls.

Citing data from six counties and two cities, the report found that 1,000 noncitizens were registered to vote in those jurisdictions between 2011 and 2016, and that 200 of them actually voted.

An example: In 2011 Fairfax County discovered 278 registered voters who had told the DMV they were not citizens. Of those, 117 had voted in state and federal elections.

PILF argues that these illegal voters were discovered mostly by accident and not as part of a statewide program to monitor lists and weed out aliens.

“It is, however, likely that based on discoveries to date, thousands of noncitizens remain registered and eligible to vote throughout the Commonwealth,” PILF said.

Liberal Democrats and academics maintain that no illegal immigrants vote in U.S. elections, dismissing two national polls that indicate they do.

However, the Marshall-PILF findings come from counting actual people, not polls. While it is difficult to extrapolate how many noncitizens vote illegally in Virginia, their data provide firm evidence that some do. Polls show they vote overwhelmingly for Democrats.

Donald Trump was widely criticized for asserting that 2 million people voted illegally in 2016. His claim does not see so far fetched now does it?

But wait – there is also this:

7 Million people are registered to vote in 2 or more states: (and this is only a sample of 28 states!)

The newest data is from crosschecks of voter registrations across 28 states that participate in the program. At least 7.2 million registrations appeared in two states at once, according to the data.

Georgia (660,708), North Carolina (561,811), and Illinois (542,065) lead the 28 states studied in potential duplicated voter registrations across state lines.

The study shows that more than 916,000 people appear to be registered multiple times within their state of residence. North Carolina accounts for 90 percent of potential intrastate duplicates.

Nearly 68,000 registered voters across the 28 states had “invalid” dates of birth, a category that include missing, incomplete, or placeholder birth dates, which can reflect older records before dates of birth were kept on file.

The program also found 32,000 registered voters who appeared to have invalid Social Security Numbers tied to their voter records, which can result either from clerical mistakes or fraud.

Note that Georgia and North Carolina are both considered “Swing States” – they have voted Republican all but one time since 1980 and are definitely democrat takeover targets.

Donald Trump signed an executive order to create an election fraud commission – and this post is a thesis for why he did it.

May 212017

Unless you are living under a rock, you will remember that the Democrats rigged their Presidential Primary in favor of Hillary Clinton. Several supporters of Bernie Sanders filed a federal lawsuit against the DNC., not exactly a right-wing site had coverage of an opening round where the DNC attempted to get the lawsuit dismissed.

1. The crux of the Motion to Dismiss asserts the Judge is not in a position to determine how the Democratic Party conducts its nominating process.

2. The Democratic Party views itself as having authority to favor a candidate without any legal repercussions.

3. Judge Zloch appeared skeptical, noting the Democrats’ interest to obscure the guarantee of the Party’s impartiality clause.

4. The Democrats insist that “impartial” cannot be defined, so the DNC’s impartiality clause is akin to a political promise in that it can not be guaranteed.

5. DNC’s legal counsel appeared unaware of any procedures in place to determine how the DNC supports state parties as they conduct individual primary nominating contests.

6. The Democrats’ lawyers take the position that while the Democrats are not legally obligated to conduct the primary fairly, they did, in fact, conduct the 2016 primary fairly.

7. In closing remarks, U.S. Federal Court district judge emphasized: “Democracy demands the truth”.

You will note this is not being covered by the national media at all. Also note the vacuous and circular logic proffered by the defense attorneys of the Democrat Party.

As you recall, during the Presidential Campaign, heads rolled.

The DNC fired three top officials after the Democrat Party was caught rigging their primary against Bernie Sanders last year.

This came after Wikileaks released emails that revealed how Democrats rigged the primary in favor of Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders.

It makes perfect sense that a party with several electeds in prison for election fraud would also commit fraud itself in its’ own primary process.

It does not stop there – The democrat party is getting hit with a second class-action lawsuit for screwing its’ own field staff. Note – this story is being stuffed by the national media as well.

The DNC is being sued for sub-minimum wages and for failing to pay overtime. That’s right – the party that riots for $15 an hour, screwed its’ employees.

Some of the Democrats’ workers put in 80-90 hours per week, according to Swidler, and got only $3,000 per month in compensation. “They got paid a flat salary of $3,000 a month, which isn’t even minimum wage for some of the hours that they were working,” Swidler said.

The Democratic platform decried the current federal minimum of $7.25 per hour as ” starvation wage” and declared “no one who works full time should have to raise a family in poverty.”

It gets better:

“One of the arguments that the Democrats are making is that they just don’t have the money to pay overtime to their workers,” Swidler said.

“These workers were out there in a campaign that was promising $15 an hour minimum wage, and expanding the overtime rights of workers,” Swidler added.

And, the punch line:

Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, the chairman of the Democratic National Convention Host Committee in Philadelphia, said that he told workers before they were hired that they would receive substandard pay.

To be continued…

May 212017

If you live in California, you remember Leland Yee, convicted of Gun-Running. You remember Charles Calderon, who got caught committing fraud. You also remember Roderick Wright, he of the I don’t live here brand of fraud.

All were forced from office via conviction, not by the feckless voters of California.

Linked here is a sampling of some past election fraud cases as compiled by the Heritage Foundation. The pdf is pretty long.

As you may remember, the democrat attorney general of Pennsylvania was forced to resign and is now in prison for corruption. I do believe her spectacular flame-out was a great reinforcement for the “Drain the Swamp” message.

Her successor is now investigating the results for the 197th House District where a democrat write in defeated a Green and a Republican on the ballot. It appears that the democrats were out strong-arming people, harvesting ballots and the like.

The irony? The 197th District Special Election was supposed to be to replace someone who was forced to resign because of a felony conviction!

In March, (Renee) Acosta reportedly admitted to helping Renee Tartaglione, her former boss at the Juniata Mental Health Clinic, embezzle thousands of dollars from the publicly funded Fairhill clinic between 2008 and 2012, before she took public office.


Acosta, who awaits a January sentencing, was first elected to office in 2014, when she defeated incumbent J.P. Miranda, who pleaded guilty to a corruption charge last year.

Not to be outdone, a local prosecutor in Philadelphia… a democrat, is well… on his way to prison, too.

Read the 50 page, 23 count indictment against this “Star” of the PA Democrat Party.

This sort of stuff is commonplace.

Seattle’s Mayor, Ed Murray… yup, a democrat. Going down.

And, how about another crooked, democrat, Mayor?

Jury selection began Monday morning in the election fraud trial of a former Eatonville mayor.

Anthony Grant and two of his campaign workers — Mia Nowells and James Randolph — are accused of manipulating voters so that they would cast absentee ballots for him during the 2015 mayoral election.

The trio faces numerous charges, including voter fraud, attempting to vote with a fraudulent ballot, illegally marking ballots, corruptly influencing voting and violating the Voter Protection Act.

So, it should come as no surprise that the National Democrat Party is getting ROCKED by scandal and lawsuits – to be continued…

May 202017

This is what the modern democrat party has become when they lose an election:

a Huffington Post article that showed “how to really turn up the heat on elected officials” went viral. The author, Michaelangelo Signorile, called on protesters to harass Republicans at dinner, when they’re out shopping and even at home. Societal norms for the basic levels of decency one should afford political opponents, Signorile argued, no longer apply to liberals.

“It’s time to move beyond polite protests within specified boundaries. It’s time to escalate the expression of our outrage and our anger in a massive way,”

The Daily Caller wrote a thorough article about violence against Trump supporters.

Being a Republican in high school or college is increasingly treacherous — and not just at Berkeley.

Shortly before the election, a female high school student was attacked after declaring her support for Trump. A fellow female student took the girl’s glasses off and punched her in the face, saying, “Fuck you, you bitch.”

Olivia Corn, president of Cornell University’s College Republicans, said she was physically assaulted the night after Trump won the election. “Fuck you, racist bitch, you support a racist party,” her attacker reportedly said. Ironically, Corn said she was “not Donald Trump’s biggest fan,” and added that she “was saddened that I was not afforded the same respect that I offer others.”

A Maryland high school student wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat after the election was punched and kicked by students protesting Trump after he started arguing with them.

Similarly, police in Florida arrested a 17-year-old high school student after he punched a classmate for carrying a Trump sign at school.

“It definitely had a political motivation,” said Lt. Mike Bandish of the Palm Bay Police Department. “The boy was carrying a Trump sign and walked into the gym. The other boy punched him in the face.”

A Whitworth professor asked an open-ended question about killing GOP Congress-members. As of today, he still has his job.

The Congressman from North Dakota got physically assaulted. The CNN Reporter that was present seemed to encourage it.

Here is a felony against another congressman:

A woman was been charged with felony reckless endangerment after she allegedly chased Rep. David Kustoff in her car following a town hall meeting at the University of Tennessee’s Martin campus.

Wendi Wright, 35, was arrested and booked Monday after she chased a vehicle occupied by Mr. Kustoff and aide Marianne Dunavant, putting them in “fear of being forced off of the roadway,” the Weakley County Sheriff’s Office said in a news release Thursday.

And lastly – another felony:

The FBI has arrested an Arizona man on suspicion of threatening to shoot Rep. Martha McSally (R., Ariz.) for her congressional votes in support of President Trump.

Tuscon Unified School District employee Steve Martan, 58, was arrested for allegedly threatening to assault and murder McSally in three different, expletive-filled messages left on her congressional office voicemail on May 2 and May 10, the Arizona Daily Starreported Monday.

This is the state of the American Left… to be continued…