Mark Klang decided to engage in open warfare with the Teacher’s Union in Rocklin. The part that is a problem? In a letter to the editor, he told teachers that disagreed with him that they could go teach in another district. #EPICFAIL
Given all the negative things I have to say about Unions, this is certainly NOT how I’d handle a disagreement. I’d prefer to work things out in private.
Most voters would not respond well to this approach. Remember, Klang is a retired military officer that did not get past the Rank of Major (O-4), hence the name “Major Klang”.
You can expect more of the same sort of dumpster fire politics from Major Klang if he is returned to office.
Then, there is the case of the two teachers Klang wanted to lynch without due process.
One teacher sent out an email on the district’s email system advocating political positions. This is indeed a big no-no. (Remember, I torched Rene Aggielairuh for this a few years ago)
Klang’s solution was simple for these teachers that had never been in trouble before – terminate them. One of my biggest issues with the Teacher’s Union and their web of control in the State of CA is that it costs about $250,000 to fire a teacher.
One of the biggest issues that Governor Arnold tried to address (before he folded like a girlie man) was Teacher Tenure. It is, however, the law. And Klang suggested exposing the RUSD to unlimited liability and $500K in immediate cost because he was mad over the opinions in an email that he did not like.
Banning Cupcakes.
Banning Back to School Night.
Go work somewhere else if you don’t like it.
Screw up once and get fired.
Even a union as wrong as often as the Teacher’s Union is deserves better than that. So does the rest of Rocklin.
As a final note, Klang attempted to blame the Teacher’s Union for the actions of the Teachers. They had nothing to do with it. This is similar to blaming President Trump for the idiot sending out fake Pipe Bombs, or blaming David Duke (or Ron Paul) for the Synagogue Massacre. Klang knew better, but he had personalized his disagreements with the Union and went off the rails.
Given that I worked with him for a number of years after he was off the school board, including his aborted City Council run in 2010, I have little reason to believe that this angry person is any different today than he was in the early 2000’s. Beware.
To be continued…