RETRACTION: California GOP Update – Log Cabin Republican Charter Will Hit the Floor of the CAGOP Convention!

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Feb 262015

Update Two: The below statements are being retracted based on a conversation with Chuck Bell Himself and Others within the CAGOP. The below post is based in evidence that I believed was true at the time, but has been proven to be false. I apologize to Charles Munger and Chuck Bell for writing inaccurate information about them.

Update 6AM Friday: Based on additional information, the post has been edited.

The rumor recurs. This time – it appears to be coming out of the office of a powerful GOP State Senator.

I received information that there was a paid proxy drill, allegedly being financed by a wealthy GOP donor that usually gets blamed for everything. The source was a CRA officer in Riverside County.

The info indicated that there was a bounty of $100 a piece for Proxies from Riverside County. This is consistent with any effort in the past. Sometimes, the price per proxy has been as high as $250. Other times, it has been $5 or $10.

Here’s the problem with the rumor. There have been no by-law proposals noticed for the CA GOP. The Rules Committee is not meeting. This means that you would need UNANIMOUS CONSENT to modify the CA GOP By-Laws from the floor in order to pave the way to charter the Log Cabin Republicans from the Floor. Secondly, if there was a proxy drill, was it being run for this issue or for something else? No one seemed to know about an effort to push the Log Cabin group through.

Read the CAGOP By-Laws – they forbid clubs chartered on Sexual Preference.

(Article III Section 3.01 A) The Committee will consider for issuance of a charter, and recognition of delegate positions and appointment rights under these bylaws, any organization whose primary purpose is supporting and promoting the Republican principles and platforms, and will not consider organizations based on special agendas, such as: Republicans motivated by profit, Republicans for certain life-style preferences or orientations, Republicans for any personal agenda.

UPDATE -I Have been informed (by an impeccable source) that the California Republican Party’s Lawyer who is (IMO) a liberal Republican and has had a history of siding with the left of the GOP (the basis of me calling him a liberal) has done it again. He has issued a legal opinion with hair-splitting nuance setting aside the above by law because, get this, Straight and Bi-Sexual people are in the log cabin Republicans… thus giving him the legal nuance to claim that the wording does not apply to the intended charter. (Apparently, because there are multiple lifestyles in the LCR, thus, it is not a “certain” lifestyle preference? Only in the mind of a lawyer)

This is like John Roberts calling Obamacare a tax.

The Volunteer Organizations Committee has the application for Charter from the Log Cabin Republicans. This should not be considered until the By-Laws are amended. It is expected that the committee will refer it out to the floor and if the delegates are not aware of the CRP’s By-Laws, they will be taken by surprise.

The Log Cabin Republican Charter is hitting the floor of the CAGOP Convention on Sunday and if done in this manner will mar the legitimacy of their group.

Please reference this link – as the word has gotten out in the LGBT Community about a week ago.

This post is not about the merits of the LCR being chartered, rather my issue is how it is being done. Let’s follow the rules and put the issue out in the open.

P.S. I am not a lawyer – so if I did not get the hair-splitting legal nuance 100% correct, I apologize. The real issue here is the deceit.

#SD37 Update: The Moorlach Haul of Government Part 2 (The Spike Edition)

 Don Wagner, John Moorlach, SD37 Race  Comments Off on #SD37 Update: The Moorlach Haul of Government Part 2 (The Spike Edition)
Feb 262015

John Moorlach raked in$237k in total value in his last few years of office. (In my home county, the total is about $85k)

Cha-Ching. $16k for 5 years of taxpayer money in to his 401 plan. A 2.7% at 55 Pension – guaranteed by OC Taxpayers. Opposed efforts to cut said pension. Supported and even proposed efforts to weaken term limits. Supported onerous campaign finance laws to make it harder for challengers to take out incumbents.

With all that, John Moorlach did indeed vote to spike his pension.

On 7/31/2007 – Moorlach voted to bump up his Car Allowance, which counts toward his pension, nearly double his comp time from 90 to 170 hours and bump the taxpayer funded part of his 401(k) plan from 6 to 8%.

John Moorloch publicly railed against the free car, opting instead to take the car “allowance”.

This is deceptive because if Moorlach took the free car instead, the $765 a month he got from his car allowance would go away and thus, the according bump to his pension would as well.

In addition to this – Moorlach also receives a cash benefit of $4500. Not sure what it is for, but it is there and Moorlach cashed the check(s).

In addition, the county pays for Moorlach’s portion of the Pension Plan Costs… aka both ends.

Moorlach also received $6300+ for serving on the OCTA – the Orange County Transportation Authority. In my home county, the PCTPA is unpaid.

When you inventory all of this, it makes you wonder if fiscal conservatism stops at Moorlach’s own finances.

I bring up once again, Mr. Moorlach’s form 700’s that indicate little or no assets or income outside of the government. When you mix in the unbelievable pay and benefits and the office-shopping, you begin to wonder…

Meantime, a man with a far lower salary donates somewhere in the neighborhood of 300K to other Republicans and amasses a lifetime 93% CRA Score. Which one is more real? Which one is a man of the people? It kind of underlines the absurdity of the Moorlach Campaign Headquarters existing on the grounds of an $8.5 Million Dollar spread on the Newport Coast…

Here’s how it works folks – if Wagner is a Conservative, his behavior related to his compensation has been consistent (he gets about half of Moorloch’s total package as an Assemblymember). If Wagner is some sort of RINO hack, then it pours Miracle Grow on the hypocrisy of Moorlach because Wagner’s government haul is a fraction of his while Moorlach raked it all in to the last penny.


P.S. for those of you just now tuning in to my dismantling of John Moorlach – please note that the CRA endorsed John Moorlach. I am writing as an individual and while I am identified with CRA – my opinions on the SD37 Race do not reflect those of the CRA. (but, I sure wish they did)

Source: Voice of OC Column By NORBERTO SANTANA JR. | Posted: Friday, July 19, 2013 9:13 am + County Records.

#SD37 Update: Fiscal Conservative John Moorlach’s Massive Compensation Package!

 John Moorlach, SD37 Race  Comments Off on #SD37 Update: Fiscal Conservative John Moorlach’s Massive Compensation Package!
Feb 252015

$237,000. That’s what it was worth by the end of his term(s).

Pat Bates (you know, that RINO) and Shawn Nelson (Yes, that Shawn Nelson) REFUSED retirement payments by OC Taxpayers – but NOT John Moorloch!

Note that Pat Bates has a lousy lifetime 89% CRA Score herself?

John Moorloch also raked in $16k a year for at least 5 years in to his 401 retirement plan courtesy of you and I! In fact, Moorloch has been in elective office since 1995 and has not paid a dime in to his enormous pension! (which exists in addition to that 401 plan)

He must have one heck of a lifestyle to have to have a look at a Governor, Congress and now a Senate Run (aka a new job)… why not cash in that ghastly pension of 2.7% at 55 and call it a day? Heck, he’s got at least another $160k in his 401 plan, too. (to get the $80k out of the taxpayers, he had to contribute 80K of his own money to get the match)

Here is the potential Problem – Moorlach’s Form 700’s don’t list very much stuff at all. If you read Moorlach’s form 700’s you’d think that the government was his sole source of income.

John Moorlach did not opt out of the pension, claiming that staff made him enroll in it. That did not stop Shawn Nelson from dis-enrolling!

John Moorlach even OPPOSED Shawn Nelson’s Plan to reduce the retirement plan benefits that supervisors get paid?

Wait a minute, Moloch Pension Good, Union Pension Bad? There goes Moloch thinking again.

Is John Moorlach really a Fiscal Conservative? Please stop tossing Bricks inside that glass fiscal house.

I will take that “Soft” 93% lifetime CRA Score please. (Referring to Don Wagner)

Source: Voice of OC Column By NORBERTO SANTANA JR. | Posted: Friday, July 19, 2013 9:13 am + County Records.

NorCal Tea Party Update: Lie Day 14, When Spinning HIT AN OVERPASS!

 NorCal Tea Party  Comments Off on NorCal Tea Party Update: Lie Day 14, When Spinning HIT AN OVERPASS!
Feb 242015

The State of Jefferson is not dead, they say.

14 days later – it still has not dawned on the NorCal Tea Party that letting one of their board members vent a 12 year old vendetta in their name against their main ally for the State of Jefferson in Placer County was a bad idea.

It seems that the Tea Party has taken on the absolute worst traits of Obama, when caught, double down and then stage other events to distract from the real issue.

It is almost clinical.

Since the lie – the NorCal Tea Party has sent double their usual number of emails – including the Overpasses for Jefferson Email.

In the email they triumphantly declare that they had four overpasses in Placer County Alone and the following:

Just in case anyone has heard the rumor the the State of Jefferson is a “dead movement”, this weekend reveals that this is a growing movement with determined individuals who only want equal representation.

They also reference Shasta County. The Tea Parties up there, aided by a staffer of a Congressman took a run at Shasta Supervisor Les Baugh who got 54% of the vote and was re-elected outright in June of 2014.

The dirty little secret is even if you could get the California Legislature and Congress to sign off on the resolution (won’t happen), the State of Jefferson is dead without Placer County. Period. No amount of overpasses and spin can change this. The NorCal Tea Party is stuck – they are going to have to admit they lied and retract the attack against Kirk Uhler before they can expect to get anywhere.

Do the NorCal Tea Party think ANY Placer Supervisor will work with them after the way they treated Kirk? Are they really that arrogant?

I agree that the individuals behind the state of Jefferson are determined. How determined seems to be counter-productive.

#SD37 Update: Emptied the OC Treasury to WHO? For HOW MUCH!?

 John Moorlach, SD37 Race  Comments Off on #SD37 Update: Emptied the OC Treasury to WHO? For HOW MUCH!?
Feb 232015

Tom Mauk agreed Thursday to resign as the county’s highest non-elected official, the latest executive departure since former O.C. Public Works manager Carlos Bustamante was charged with 12 felonies for alleged sexual abuse of female employees.

The article goes on to say that John Moorlach voted to give Mauk $270,000 of your money after he left in disgrace.

Rationalize it all you want, but this is a pattern with John Moorlach.

It did not stop there. He later voted to pay $254,000 to the computer contractor who oversaw a train wreck in Orange County Government.

The Orange County Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 on Dec. 14 to approve a controversial $254,000 bonus for the county’s computer contractor after multiple concerns were raised about the company’s performance. Supervisor Shawn Nelson dissented.

ACS State and Local Solutions, which services the technology needs of state and local governments, holds a 10-year, $266 million contract with the county, which contains a bonus clause for ACS meeting certain parameters. According to Mr. Nelson, ACS did not follow the contract to the letter, so he questions “the legal basis for giving them the money.

Why didn’t the fiscal watchdog and unassailable conservative John Moorlach follow up?

ACS has been maligned in recent years by county management, including the county’s chief information officer, who accused the company of substandard work. But over the last year the company has changed management and made significant improvements, [County Chief Executive Officer Tom] Mauk explained.”

This was the same Tom Mauk that Moorlach voted to pay $270k to when he resigned in disgrace from his position in Orange County that was defending the incompetent fools that got $254k. I have whiplash.

Why did John Moorlach do this? Where was the oversight? How is this Fiscally Conservative?

As a bonus, Add in the fact that John Moorlach sided with CalOptima executives who were accused of misuse of resources to the tune of $82000. The county attempted to recover the funds, Moorlach opposed the move.

Google John Moorlach Lawsuit and look what comes up – you’d think that Moorlach was trying out for a reality show.

I think I will take the lifetime 93% CRA Score instead.

P.S. Disclaimer: The CRA Endorsed John Moorlach. I am writing as an individual and my opinions / facts expressed do not reflect those of the CRA.