May 252024

This is something your intrepid blogger has not seen in a long time. A candidate sent me their stuff in an attempt to get some love from this blog.

Why the hell not, Robert Howell is a pain in the backside of the establishment in Santa Clara County. Robert, here is your endorsement, give ’em hell in the fall election.

Robert Howell sent a letter all the way up here in far away Nevada! It is nice to see that the USPS can still deliver here to my artillery nest at 5,146′.

That is quite a resume for a grassroots candidate!

The Republican’s Republican from San Jose’ California.

Sick ’em Robert.

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  2 Responses to “California SD15 Update: Robert Howell gets an A for Effort!”

  1. Ran for State Insurance Commissioner….


  2. Many Santa Clara County business owners will soon know about Robert Howell

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