Jul 072023

For those of you that read right on daily, we love the opportunity to torch liberal democrats and we blasted Clarissa Cervantes for getting her second DUI. The Riverside Press-Enterprise, the day after being called out by Right on Daily for pulling their story on the first DUI sometime in the past, did indeed run a story about the first DUI. They pointed out that the misdemeanor conviction was expunged and had to admit that the expungement did not change the law regarding Cervantes’ second DUI. Your intrepid blogger was ahead of the curve pointing out that her mishap was DUI #2 long before other media outlets.

A Couple Days Later, the CAGOP piled on with an email of their own. This suggests that they saw your intrepid blogger’s post and waited until they had other sources to cite before sending their email:

July 7, 2023
Contact: press@cagop.org

ICYMI: Dems Double Down on DUIs

Move over DUI Dave Min, looks like California Democrats have ANOTHER drunk driver in their midst.

Democrats were probably hoping you missed this story over the holiday weekend, so we’ll fill you in: Riverside Councilmember and candidate for the targeted 58th Assembly District Clarissa Cervantes was arrested for DUI in Banning, CA on July 1.

KCAL News, 7/5/2023

Sadly, this isn’t Swerving Cervantes’ first rodeo; in fact, this is her second DUI in 8 years! Even worse, this comes just six weeks after she had her DUI from 2015 that she earned with a blood-alcohol level nearly double the legal limit  dismissed by a judge. Cervantes promised the judge she would never repeat her mistake… Spoiler alert: she broke her promise.

This offense is serious. Cervantes, who is looking to succeed her sister, current Democrat Assemblymember Sabrina Cervantes from Riverside County, not only put her life at risk but those of innocent Californians who shared the road with her that night.

As KCAL reports, “two arrests within a 10-year period could result in jail time of up to one year and a two-year driver’s license suspension, according to the California Vehicle Code.”

Bottom line: One DUI Democrat in Sacramento is already too many (looking at you, State Senator and CA-47 candidate Dave Min).The last thing Californians need is another Democrat politician like Clarissa Cervantes who disregards public safety, endangers fellow Californians, and still believes they should be rewarded with a promotion to higher office.


I’d like to thank the CAGOP for reading Right on Daily.

— Personal Note to Clarissa Cervantes —

Clarissa – I am an alcoholic. I have been sober over 20 years. It was not easy and it took a lot of work to escape it. Do understand that my attacks were political and about attempting to thwart any campaign you may make for office.

If you are sincere about seeking treatment and this is not a ploy to try and save face to run for office later, I wholeheartedly wish you well. I hope you find the hope and strength you need to get a handle on your addiction. I believe if you do, you will take a long break from public office and my choose to get out of the spotlight for a while if not forever. My sincerest hope is that you place your recovery first and do everything you need to do to beat your addiction.

I will be praying for you, as my desire to see you and anyone else escape the hell of addiction comes first before anything else. Godspeed to you.

Jul 032023

Last Cycle Brian Hawkins, a San Jacinto Councilmember, ran against Raul Ruiz for Congress. Ruiz is now in CA-25 post-redistricting.

After racking up a ton of Republican Endorsements in 2022, he ran a campaign that included flying to Georgia to campaign for Herschel Walker. Now, Mr. Hawkins told a local leftie rag that “my core values and principles no longer aligned with the direction of the Republican Party…”

Which may explain this:

Hawkins, who presents himself as a pastor, may well be wanting to defund the police, eliminate of cash bail, and of course reduce criminal penalties after this!

There is a rack of felony charges here that speak for themselves.

I think the GOP Groups that supported this guy need to take a long look at how they vet candidates and their endorsement procedures.

Blogger’s Note: Hawkins swithced parties to run against Ken Calvert CA-41 in 2024.

Jul 012023

You read that correctly. The Riverside Press-Enterprise did not do their job. They reported on the DUI from 1:23 AM This morning, but they either refused to do their follow up or were simply trying to do the minimum to look objective despite having been a cheerleader for the Riverside Councilmember.

Clarissa Cervantes is also a cop-hating defund the police far-left wokie. (Ahem, my opinion based on her actions and behavior) She gained folk hero status with her demands and defamation lawsuit against America’s Sheriff Chad Bianco. This, of course, was dutifully and breathlessly reported by the Press-Enterprise and other far-left institutions of propaganda in Riverside County – including hundreds of words of quotes from the text of the lawsuit. (News flash, you can basically put anything you want in a lawsuit filing, something commonly done in order to feed garbage to your willing patsies in the media for example…)

Welp. Mizzzz Social Justice Warrior has Herself a problem. (Yes, Clarissa, I assumed your gender)

Read it and weep – on 10-22-2015, after having been cited on 12-17-2014, Clarissa Cervantes pled out to a DUI. It looks like she was .15 or more in this one, vs .08 +/- in the one she was arrested for early this morning.

It was put to me that the Riverside Press-Enterprise had reported on this first DUI in the past but the story is nowhere to be found. It was also not easy to obtain these records through normal channels on the internet to corroborate the that fact that Cervantes is now a double Deuce.

Cervantes, who was elected in 2021, is the second openly LGBTQ and second Latina Councilmember. Ward 2 encompasses the areas of Sycamore Canyon, Canyon Crest, UC Riverside, and Eastside. She previously worked as a legislative field representative to former Councilmember Andy Melendrez, according to her website.

In September, Cervantes filed a libel suit against Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco for a Facebook comment he made accusing her of vandalism at an abortion rights protest. Cervantes said she did not participate in the protest or vandalism, with her account  at least partially substantiated in a body camera video from the Riverside Police Department.

She is currently running for the 58th district state Assembly seat to replace her sister, Assemblymember Sabrina Cervantes.

Note how the Press Enterprise spun this story to hit all the leftist resume building talking points and to once again whore out the newspaper to a reminder about the lawsuit against Chad Bianco. I wonder what their spin will be for deliberately omitting that this is DUI #2? (Maybe they will tell us what happened to the story about the first DUI as well…)

Why is the first DUI significant? Because based on circumstances, Cervantes could be charged with a felony on DUI #2. Also note that the CHP, not the Riverside Sheriff’s Office arrested her majesty at 1:30 this morning. I guess Cervantes will try to defund them, too if her assembly campaign does not end up in the drunk tank.

$5,000 Bail? I am sure that Cervantes will try to get rid of Cash Bail as well… just out of her own self interest.

WooWee, life comes at ya fast. The only missing detail was weather or not she was drinking Bud Light before the deuce.