At a recent Placer GOP Central Committee meeting, Placer GOP Chairman Dennis Revell was absent and basically handed the floor of the meeting to Ken Campbell to trash Kirk Uhler while Vice-Chairman and deposed former Auburn Council-member Mike Holmes was holding the gavel. It should be noted that Holmes and other allegedly unbiased Cent Com leadership members huddled with the Pol-Pot Bellied CRA Information Minister Thomas N Hudson before said roasting.
Ken Campbell has a seething, firey rage for Kirk Uhler that dates back to 2004 when he was forced out as Chairman of the Placer GOP for torching several local officeholders over a dispute related to the finances of the committee. (Sound familiar?) Thomas N Hudson, once a target of Ken’s psychosis is now on the same side as Ken (for now) as Hudson’s ego is bruised over the dissolution of the Placer County RA Chapter.
At the aforementioned recent Placer GOP meeting, Ken Campbell extolled the virtues of commie-lib hippie Jennifer Montgomery, stating that “She can be worked with”. Jennifer Montgomery is an act-blue democrat who has been open about her democratic socialist views. Apparently, Ken Campbell has gotten more liberal with (r)age. At the same time, he talked about what a sell out Kirk Uhler was and how bad he is for the taxpayers of Placer County. Thomas N Hudson added his snide remarks for emphasis at the same meeting.
It was reported to me that some at the meeting were bemoaning that Kirk Uhler did not have an opponent. Why? Do they want another reasonable communist like Jennifer Montgomery? Do they want to make Placer County Great Again?
About a year ago, Ken Campbell’s buddies in Beth Gaines’ office attempted a smear campaign against Supervisor Uhler that was later exposed and debunked. Remember it? Then Beth Gaines Chief of Staff Dave Titus and her then district director and now Chief of Staff Jeff Short planted a lie in the local tea party basically asserting that Kirk Uhler was single-handedly attempting to raise our taxes via the Placer County Transportation Agency.
Fast-Forward to yesterday.
The PCTPA adoped a legislative agenda for 2016. For the benefit of Mr. Campbell and others that may still listen to him – let’s have a look at a key bullet on page one, “Support the establishment of a 55% majority threshold for the passage of a local option transportation sales tax…”
That would be gutting Prop 13.
And, on page 2 of the document is a reference to supporting AB 1591 (Frazier).
Yes – this is raising gas taxes $.22 a gallon and raising the car tax $38 a car. Frazier calls these moderate on his website.
So – If you believe Ken Campbell, then you could make bank that Kirk Uhler supported both of these items in the PCTPA legislative agenda.
Once again, the Pol-Pot Bellied CRA Information Minister and Mr. Campbell flew straight in to a brick wall of truth:
1) Adopt the State Legislative Program for 2016 as shown in Attachment 1 (see attached State Leg Program)
AYES: Berlant, Hesch, Nader, Rohan, Ruslin
NOES: Holmes, Trebess, Uhler
ABSTAIN: Wheeler
2) Take a position of support for AB 1591 (Frazier):
AYES: Berlant, Hesch, Nader, Rohan, Ruslin, Treabess, Wheeler
NOES: Holmes, Uhler
For those of you reading this that have been conditioned to believe I am a liar – go get the minutes of the most recent PCTPA meting.
For those of you not familiar with all the names on the list:
Daniel Berlant – Auburn Councilmember
Tony Hesch – Colfax Councilmember
Stan Nader – Lincoln Councilmember
Susan Rohan – Roseville Councilmember
Diana Ruslin – Rocklin Councilmember
Ron Treabess – Member at Large from the Public. Works in Tahoe Resort Association
Dave Wheeler – Loomis Town Councilmember
Jim Holmes – Placer County Supervisor District 3
Kirk Uhler – Placer County Supervisor District 4
Perhaps the move to supporting gutting Prop 13 is due to the fact that the mass mailings and the thousands in consulting fees have not been able to move public opinion on the issue. Ironically, I just got one recently, see here and here for a lousy scanned copy. I was sent a copy of the summary of a recent poll that only shows 63% support for the tax increase – which any seasoned observer knows will collapse once campaigned against. (You need 66.67% to pass it)
I know most all the people on this board. I am absolutely befuddled that they would support gutting Prop 13 and the massive tax hike of Jim #Epicfail Frazier of AD11. There has to be an explanation.
However, Ken Campbell’s psychotic rage against Kirk Uhler is destructive for all of us. He and Thomas N Hudson are so blinded by their rage that they are attempting to raise our taxes in their rampage to unseat one of the apparently few true fiscal conservatives in local government. I wonder what the California Taxpayer Protection committee would say if they knew Thomas N Hudson was trying to run Kirk Uhler out of office? Whoops, it is as fake as the CRA. #facepalm.