Allard Mailer #5 is the best mailer of the campaign.
This here is the best sign of the campaign.
You could tell by how fast they were getting ripped down after being posted.
This latest mailer from the Allard campaign went back and keyed on all the reasons why you should support John Allard.
Unlike Beth Gaines’ mailer #5 – Allard’s mailer had full penetration in the district. (Gaines’ mailer hit Roseville only) Allard’s final mailer was also in the same format as the previous four. (Full size postcard)
Gaines’ mailers went from a 6 1/2×11 postcard to a full-size postcard to a four-page attack against John Allard (with no mention of why to vote for Beth) to another positive postcard piece about immigration only, then peice five was the bizarre letter in the envelope.
Allard’s 5th Peice features: Lew Uhler, the CRA (YEAH!) and venerable retired State Senator Tim Leslie.
ON the front is a cut out of him signing the no new taxes pledge along with the bullet points about his qualifications – something Beth Gaines could not match.