Jan 222017

IF you follow me on Social Media, you will see me referencing the 1990’s era playbook.

This is the concept of running “Media Drills” in order to control the narrative, or to create one. I refer to the national media as whores because they willingly participate on those run by the left, and even do some of the lying themselves.

The 1990’s era playbook involves repeating the lie until it becomes truth. One such lie was “Bush Lied, people died”. Because George W Bush was deign to respond to his critics, the lie stuck to him and when, years later George W Bush was vindicated, no one cared.

Another lie was about the Angry Mobs in 2000 – that was later transferred to the “Tea Party”. I never saw them trashing the venues they protested in. However, the photos of the “Occupy” movement showed widespread property damage and litter everywhere. See these photos of the recent inauguration protest aftermath.

Thankfully, 200+ protesters are going to get prosecuted. This is a marked change from the Obama administration that seemed to be encouraging the protests while they destroyed property and attacked people.

Another 1990’s era tactic, claim your Conservative Opponent hates women and roll out accusers. It is apparent that the Trump campaign saw this coming and in the surreal environment, no one believed Trump’s accusers or Trump’s protestations of his innocence! This is a welcome change from the 1990’s when sexual harassment accusers were deified by the media despite evidence they lied. Gloria Allred, the famous leftist glory-seeking lawyer has been forced to sue Trump for defamation in order to protect herself from the exposure several of her clients got. (Remember, some of the accusers were tied to Clinton’s campaign and/businesses and/or known left-leaning political groups? Details of others were proven to be impossible)

Another 1990’s era tactic, divide by race. Obama did this masterfully, and in 2016 latino turnout was driven by the Dems with lies about mass deportations coming if Trump won the election. The truth? Under Obama, there were more deportations in history, while they were importing Muslims en masse. I saw this in person when I worked in Nevada.

Due in large part to social media, these tactics ran their course. Sometimes within minutes of lies being promoted, counter evidence was hitting social media.

This is an overriding reason why the Obama admin was pushing so-called “Net Neutrality”, they understood how they manipulated Social Media to trounce the GOP in two elections and also its’ power to overwhelm the media.

Donald Trump’s admin is blazing new ground. One of Trump’s primary assets and sources of support is his willingness to look the media straight in the face and call them liars. His press secretary while stumbling all over himself lit them up. Predictably, the Media immediately shot back trying to defend themselves with parsed words.

It is a brave new world, the political rule book is being re-written and there are a lot of people late to the gate and/or deliberately refusing to understand the totality of what happened.

Donald Trump, even if he accomplishes nothing else has cracked the wall of division and confusion the left has attempted to use in order to hold a vice grip on power.

To be continued.

Jan 182017

Some may say it was a #YUGE victory for the little people last night.

Some may say it was a victory for the partisan Republican Electeds last night.

After an estimated $100k was spent attempting to influence the outcome of Placer GOP Party elections, the results of said elections were uncertain.

All over the North State, from Sacramento all the way up to Butte County, the Partisan Republican Electeds and Political Consultants who up until 2016 were rarely interested in Central Committees for anything other than an endorsement have been engaged in mortal combat. It appears that until Placer’s meeting that the massive expenditures had taken their toll on the little people as most all Central Committees are now controlled by Staffers, Consultants or the Families of Partisan Electeds.

When Dennis Revell (who I supported) got re-elected 21-20 last night, it had the beginnings of another good evening for the elections. But, instead, it was a disaster.

Pictured is the CRA’s Pol-Pot Bellied Information minister, who along with the cowardly, neurotic Ken Campbell made last night’s Placer GOP Organizational meeting a joy for all involved.

Speaking of Crazy, Suzanne Jones – she of the failed assembly campaign and the joint campaign with liberal DTS NIMBY-BANANA Victor Bekhet is now the First Vice Chair of the Placer GOP. Apparently, due to the failures of the GOP we need to support candidates for party office who work to unseat local Republican Electeds.

Ironically, Suzanne Jones decried the fact that there were three democrats on the Placer Board of Supervisors! She may need intensive therapy and special education in a local charter school to ascertain the facts. But, for the benefit of her and her supporters, let me list the supervisors:

District 1 – Jack “Chief Ganja” Duran, DEMOCRAT (funded by labor unions and booster of turning Placer in to a Pot Farm)

District 2 – Robert Weygant. REPUBLICAN (Pro-Choice, Pro Gay Marriage)

District 3 – Jim Holmes. DTS (Pro-Life, all over the place on other issues including pot farms)

District 4 – Kirk Uhler. REPUBLICAN (PRO-LIFE, PRO PROP 8)

District 5 – Jennifer Montgomery. DEMOCRAT (the Sierra Club loves her more than Victor Bekhet)

Hopefully, this will provide the necessary education for the Devil and Mrs. Jones.

2nd Vice Chair Mark Wright and Secretary Beth Wright are good people I have known for years.

However, the Treasurer is none other than Deborah Jackson. She was a last minute replacement for the cowardly, neurotic Ken Campbell.

Last night featured Mr. Campbell waiting until Congressman McClintock left the room to lambaste him. That’s right, your intrepid blogger gets to bask in the glory of another pyrric victory as I accurately predicted that Campbell would indeed turn on McCintock. I guess a 30 year friendship with Dennis Revell does not count in Ken Campbell’s mind, as McClintock was apparently expected to abandon Revell because that is what Campbell wanted.

All in all, last night’s meeting is a recipe for another 4 years of gridlock. There are 4 members of the executive committee who are opponents of the Consultant Oligarchy and the local partisan electeds. (Even though I hear that the electeds may not have been unanimous in all their voting)

People will get a front row seat to the CRA’s Pol-Pot Bellied Information Minister and his brand of inclusion. They will also get another 4 years of Ken Campbell’s neurotic rants via email. But like Campbell and Hudson, most on their side have done little real work. Over a decade later, Campbell is still taking credit for other people’s actions and Hudson is still living in the past.

Thomas N Hudson is indeed as effective as any member of the Consultant Oligarchy at running a drill in a small universe. This is why they won last night.

Most on the Consultant / Elected side haven’t done much to help matters, either.

This leaves Dennis Revell who has attempted to provide a vision and leadership, to rely on a group of people who prefer to debate, email and fight wars on facebook.

As a new friend to Revell and someone who has learned who he really is as a person, I am not sure whether to laugh or cry over the results of last night.

Jan 152017

Update – here is a nice angle, Tim Donnelly takes to Breitbart to support Peter Thiel. This would put him at odds with a lot of his core supporters. Was/Is there a nexus for Mr. Donnelly in this?

Peter Thiel would be the next Meg Whitman. A loaded, Bay Area Republican seeking the governorship of the State of CA.

GOP Consultants are salivating for a paycheck, who in their right mind wouldn’t be?

By the time Politico, the Hill or any other mainstream hard-left media outlet gets the news, it is months or years old.

When one sets up a run for statewide office there is usually a large-scale plowing operation in advance of it where potential obstacles are neutralized in advance of said run.

I have been vacillating that the activities in the North State are related to a possible LaMalfa / Nielsen / Gallagher and others office shuffle. James Gallagher’s wife is pregnant with twins due in May. These would be children 4 and 5. I believe that the notion of Gallagher wanting to go to Washington DC anytime now or in the immediate future is extremely remote.

Without getting deep in to the weeds, let’s have a look at the circumstances as I know them right now:

Large amounts of money spent to gain control of dozens, if not hundreds of delegates to the CAGOP.

Large amounts of money spent to gain control of county party central committees.

Those ousted are a collection of old-time Conservatives, Tea Partiers, State of Jefferson People and a handful of disruptors that needed to go. Again, not all those that were ousted were a bad thing.

All this said, as I looked across the paradigm, the increase of GOP Staffers and well-known and well-established GOP Consultants suddenly engaging in Local Central Committee politics exploded. My first reactions back in March of 2016 when I was seeing who was filing for County Central Committee in various areas was who, what and why?

The first thought was the Nielsen and/or LaMalfa retirement angle. While there is an increasingly slight chance of those being real, there is still a nexus for why dozens of people that are ordinarily annoyed with Central Committee Politics took a sudden interest.

A paycheck.

This leads me to Peter Thiel.

In 2010, a who’s who of GOP Consultants in California made thousands, some as much as $15,000 a month working for Meg Whitman. Peter Thiel has similar resources.

There is another complicating factor – while Peter Thiel was a a huge supporter of Donald Trump, he is gay. This is going to be an issue for about 15-20% of the voters in California.

The results of the 2016 GOP internal party elections represent the wholesale slaughter of Conservative / Tea Party Activists / State of Jefferson people. The leadership elections have seen a removal of the hardest of hardcore Trump supporters in favor of a group of establishment types many of whom were #nevertrump while others advised their candidates to stay away from Donald Trump.

Further, some Central Committees knew that loads of money would be spent in an effort to unseat them. They went to a caucus system in order to defend themselves from the large money. The by-laws of the state party were modified to strip those committees of their delegates. This was done in 2015. Did these people see a Peter Thiel coming back in 2015?

The people most likely to see Peter Thiel’s Gay-ness as a chance to gain more democrat votes are indeed those in power in most places of the State GOP. I could care less who Thiel sleeps with, but many of my friends in the establishment are obsessed with the Gay Marriage issue.

Lastly, there has been a movement to mid-term change the GOP platform to remove the support for traditional family values / marriage from the platform. The chatter about that has arisen in the last 6 months, this suggests that the Peter Thiel effort may well have had its’ genesis around July or 2016 when he spoke at the RNC Convention.

Plot all of this stuff on a straight line

By-Laws Changed to force Central Committees on to the ballot

GOP platform adopted that has less conservative language regarding Gay Rights

Consultants and Staffers file for Central Committees en masse

Millions spent on elections

Peter Theil arrives on the scene

Chatter begins about modifying GOP Platform

Post election aftermath with Staff and Consultants in open warfare with activists.

You tell me what this means?

Maybe it was not for Peter Thiel per-se, but it sure was about control and a paycheck. I am sure time will tell who, what, when, where and how much.

BTW – allow me to finish by saying, I am not opposed to Peter Thiel at this time. A lot of those Consultants and Staffers are Friends. A lot of those Activists are Friends as well. This is an attempt at a report on insider action and a search for context for it.

Jan 142017

I read a commentary from the NY Post that rattled me to my core.

Some Americans just don’t need much; they don’t think there’s anything wrong with wanting to have a 1,500-square-foot house, watch football and go to church on Sunday. They don’t want to leave their hometowns to come to Silicon Valley or Washington, DC, or Manhattan. They place great value on community and living near family and carrying out family traditions.

That’s not hate, that’s not stupidity, that’s not racism — it’s their own version of the American dream.

Even people in my own party don’t get this. The American Dream is a pretty wife, a nice comfortable home and a government that leaves us the hell alone. We want to be safe, have a retirement and access to the things we need to live. It is pretty simple.

We love little babies and are aghast when they are called fetuses and later are destroyed in the name of rights. This dehumanizing of people also has translated in to labels like stupid tea partiers, deplorables, racists, idiots, bible-thumpers, wackjobs, etc. When “Tea Partiers” become a batch of freaks that are viewed as a batch of wackos, it becomes very easy to justify spending millions on wholesale slaughter.

Then those in power look through the end of their noses at that, as if we are stupid retards for not wanting to be in office in DC, Sacramento or elsewhere. We lack ambition because wealth repulses us, cocktail parties look foreign and fake and hollywood actors look like cartoon characters from a video game. Politicians and Hollywood actors appear to live in a separated world far away from the rest of us.

Then those in power treat the small number of people that actually have the temerity to run for public office, like freaks who are disregarded with the list of above labels.

The “little people” as they are known are easy to manipulate – for a time. The “little people” are extremely difficult to organize in to a movement. This further feeds the disdain and the paternalistic superiority those in power feel towards them.

Some little guy files for party office and because he is not on a list, someone somewhere miles away spends more than that person’s annual income against them in an effort to deny them election. Then the cycle of anger amongst the naive, not politically in tune mass continues. (And the small consultant oligarchy enriches itself off of the largess of donors paying for said control)

I’ve seen many attempt to organize the little people for their own personal gain. Chuck DeVore and Tim Donnelly are two recent examples. There are other more minor players that attempted to create movements at the State GOP level. Again, the lack of character by the would be organizers doomed their efforts. Then, of course there are the PAC’s that steal millions from candidate campaigns such as the Move America ForwardPAC , Conservative Campaign Committee, America Deserves Better PAC, etc. I believe (and I am not alone) that Donnelly and DeVore are reprehensible human beings on a personal level and people’s allegiance to them is another factor that fuels the elitist disdain for the little people. (aka the lack of discernment, following a pied piper, etc.)

The whole thing sounds like the dems? Yes it does and yes it is part of their reality. But this appears to be the reality of the CAGOP. Back to the article:

First she said Middle America needs to realize “no educated person wants to live in a s- -t-hole with stupid people,” which is why she said more big corporations don’t move to the Heartland: “Those towns have nothing going for them,” with “no infrastructure, just a few bars and a terrible school system.”

Educated people such as herself wouldn’t live in rural areas because they won’t sacrifice their superior tolerance and diversity to do so. Nor do her highly educated friends want to live in states where the majority of residents “don’t want brown people to thrive.”

Yet another nugget from the article that was highlighting another rich elitist.

All over California, political consultants and legislative staffers are taking over county parties. They were put in position to do so by what I estimate to be $1.7 Million in expenditures. To what end? I’ve seen the finance reports. A small number of people made hundreds of thousands and appear to be setting up to make more by controlling what is left of the shattered CAGOP apparatus. Do they care about registering voters? Recruiting Candidates? Or is it the almighty endorsement?

And of course there was Meryl Streep’s Golden Globes acceptance speech, railing against Trump and his voters — delivered in a bejeweled dress in the company of people draped in clothing worth millions of dollars in an auditorium that looked like Versailles.

Her rip on people who prefer football and mixed martial arts as entertainment over high-art film was also telling.

Their comments are the exact kind of sneering condescension that provoked the election’s anti-elitism backlash, said Bruce Haynes, a GOP strategist in Washington. “And what is interesting is that we always suspected that these people felt this way, but now they are not even hiding behind the façade anymore.

Donald Trump won with a message to America about the unprotected class versus the protected class. It appears that the California GOP consultant oligarchy missed the memo. I am not looking forward to the spin from them once the purging is done…

When I wrote in the previous post that the California GOP has been transformed from an Activist Party in to a Consultant Party, It was not an original thought. The person I got the notion from was a democrat consultant whose understanding of this fact was used to defeat Republicans at the ballot box.

To be continued.

Jan 132017

Your intrepid blogger gets a lot of email forwards and anonymous letters.

One such letter found its’ way to my insurance office. It is so full of typos and grammatical errors, I am wondering if they were done deliberately to ensure that I’d not be able to identify the author(s).

Apparently, Mr. Kiley went on to a local TV station and was asked a variety of questions including the world famous left wing dog whistle questions about illegal aliens, sanctuary cities and the like.

Kevin Kiley is intelligent, and quite articulate. It appears that his answers were either a skillful dodge of the question or so nuanced that less educated people (Kiley is Ivy League) were unable to clearly understand what he said. I know Kiley and his platform of law and order were effective enough to propel him to the top of an 11 person primary race. It does not make sense that he’d support illegal immigration.

The letter was sent to me in hopes that I would post it (which I did), but that I’d also take up arms against Kiley for being a RINO. I do believe that Mr. Kiley deserves time in office to get his feet under him before anyone should pass judgement about weather he is a Republican, RINO, Liberal, Commie, Squish, etc.

A group calling itself “Trump Allies of California” claimed responsibility for the letter. The letter finishes with an ominous warning, “We are not surrender”.

In addition, Mr. Kiley recently waded in to the Placer GOP Cent Com leadership drama. I have been treated to a series of neurotic rants by Ken Campbell reminding everyone what a great job he did as Chairman and how no one since has come close. (This, ironically would include his ally in arms Thomas N Hudson)

Mr. Campbell conveniently neglects that in 2004 the Placer GOP (and other Cent Coms) received a lot of money from the RNC/Bush 2004 campaign for GOTV, something that has not happened since. Whoops. This, not anything the neurotic former Placer GOP Chairman did, was the main factor for the high activity level in 2004.

I also thought it was ironic that the photos Campbell have sent out include my family members in them as despite Mr. Campbell’s visceral hatred of my entire family, we did our part – that he now claims credit for and invokes to help get a flawed, dishonest candidate for Placer GOP Chair elected. This sort of dishonest behavior has characterized Ken Campbell for the 15 years I have known him. The Ken Campbell that donates time and money to local charities is the one I don’t know very well at all.

Mr. Kiley would have no way of knowing the history. When Kevin decided to endorse Dennis Revell, he did a “soft endorsement” including complementary words about Revell’s opponent in his email. The issue here is similar to the parsed words on the TV Station interview, unless you are crystal clear – people will slice and dice and hear what they want to.

Kevin Kiley is going to get attacked by Ken Campbell and those supporting the opponent to Dennis Revell because he did not side with them. It is black and white, no middle ground in their minds. This is why I refer to them as ideological narcissists, they believe they are right and nothing else matters, including the tactics used to win the war. They may not start in on him for a while, just to try to make a liar out of your intrepid blogger, but eventually they will no longer be able to restrain the deep burning inside of them.

The consequence of unclear, or parsed communication is one lesson most new to public office have to learn the hard way. Given that Kiley is becoming a defacto spokesman for the small GOP Caucus all over the state, (He was on LA’s top rated KFI radio yesterday blasting the hire of Eric Holder) I am hoping that his learning curve on this is short…

… because the “Trump Allies of California” have Mr. Kiley on their list as well as the torch-wielding Campbell crew.

I don’t share any of their concern about Mr. Kiley, yet. I for one am hopeful that Mr. Kiley will be effective and will achieve his potential as a member of the Assembly.

However, “they” will believe what they want as I can already smell the burning wicks and “they” will be one hell of a nightmare for Mr. Kiley and anyone else that does not better manage their communication.

Personal note for comparison – I don’t mince words, so at least the people that want to do mean things to me have a real excuse for not liking me.