Mar 312020

There has been a school of thought since at least 2008, maybe before that the “leadership” and the “insiders” (see also Oligarchy of Controlled Failure) resent the amount of work they have to put in to keeping the CAGOP under control. There has been more than one person suggest that “they” would shut down the party if they could.

On Saturday, 3-28-2020 – the CAGOP’s Board of Directors cancelled the 2020 Convention and delegated the disposition of Fall 2020 Party endorsements to a small committee of insiders.

Then there is the overall apathy and attitude of defeat that comes from a generation of grassroots being shunned from any positions of real consequence and mocked for their beliefs. People only endure relegation and insults for so long before they either become terrorists intent on burning the organization down or just giving up and leaving.

After Meg Whitman won her governor’s race, everyone that supported Steve Poizner and worked for him was targeted and shunned. This matters because the same people that worked for Whitman then are swinging the axe now – Jeff Randle (who made $7500 a month from the new defunct California Trailblazers and at reputedly least double that from CAGOP Contracts), David Reade, Andy Garakhani are the people behind the curtain circa 2020. We detailed that the blacklist has returned. We’ve written about several insider machinations. We’ve detailed the serious condition that several legislative districts are in.

Your intrepid blogger even had first-hand knowledge of (some not all) “leaders” defending outright corruption/misbehavior in AD72 and AD73.

I have been told by several insiders that a survey that was sent out via email to the CAGOP’s members had next to no responses. The key aim of the survey – sent via email only – was to determine what people wanted to do with the CAGOP Convention in the #Chinavirus world. Did the party bosses really want any response?

(Note, after three months I am still not getting CAGOP Emails, others have to forward them to me. If you want to forward them to me use or if you prefer

I believe that the cancellation of the 2020 Convention is a toxic combination of apathy and “leadership” really not wanting to have to deal with a convention. Again, I believe the apathy is in no small part created by the psychotic grasp of control exerted by the shrinking coven of consultants and staff inside the oligarchy of controlled failure. I’ve watched for years as they have systematically dismantled and demolished organizations they could not control and killed organizations they did. Why should the CAGOP suffer any different a fate?

The State Party By-Laws call for 1 Convention Every Calendar Year. The Feb 2021 Convention is now the next convention. This means that the CAGOP will be in violation of its’ own by-laws. What is the consequence – someone could sue the CAGOP? This is not the first time the CAGOP leadership have flouted their own by-laws, I’ve seen it many times. Mostly the By-Laws have been flouted to ensure endorsements of incumbent legislators or to circumvent insurrections against the wishes of party bosses.

If more Apathy, disconnection, exasperation and separation is what the consultants that are making 6-figure incomes off of the CAGOP want, they are on their way.

What are the potential consequences of the CAGOP skipping and deliberately not re-scheduling the Convention in May? Please note that a lot of County Chairs wanted the convention to be re-set for September. So add Anger and disenfranchisement to the list. Did the regional vice chairs talk to their county chairs about how they felt? Did they care?

IT is the opinion of this blogger that Former Congressman Doug Ose is ramping up a Governor Campaign, and John Cox is looking at running again as well. However, given the abject bias and the movement of insiders – the Trump-Hating former Mayor of San Diego Kevin Faulconer is being lined up by the Oligarchy of Controlled Failure. They believe that we need yet another Chad Mayes Republican to run statewide. Remember Randle and Reade raked in $15,000 a month from Meg Whitman. Garakhani and Patterson also cashed in off of Meg Whitman, this is their paradigm.

What has their leadership brought us? (Quoting an email I actually get)

  • No voter registration effort by the CRP since March, 2013   They did a one month effort in September, 2019.  Current registration figures are 44% Democrat, 27% NPP and 23% GOP
  • The November, 2020 ballot will NOT have Republican on the ballot for:

19 Assembly Seats <<< 22.5% of Assembly Elections with no GOP Candidate on the Ballot.

9 out of twenty State Senate seats <<< WHAT!? That’s 45% of the State Senate Elections with no Republican on the Ballot! (note, in SD05 the party bosses wasted $150K on a Republican that finished 5th)

8 congressional seats

Out of Ose, Cox and Faulconer – only Ose is an original Trump Supporter (although Cox was endorsed by Trump for Governor in 2018) and Cox is easily the most Conservative of the three. Faulconer is the most liberal – hence the love of the insiders.

There would be a clear nexus to keep the grassroots at bay. There will be no debate about proxy rules and Jessica Patterson can go in to the 2021 CAGOP Convention with 257-275 proxies lined up making her a prohibitive favorite to get re-elected. This favors Faulconer.

Perhaps the very ambitious and very liberal CAGOP Northern Region Vice Chair Deborah Wilder (a client of David Stafford Reade’s) will be tapped to run for CAGOP Chair after the November Elections are complete? (It is the opinion of this blogger that at least 3 more Legislative seats are gone, perhaps as many as 6) Remember, Wilder has served party bosses well, arguing against grassroots supported rules changes at at least two conventions that I am aware of.

Another sick irony is that with the 2020 convention shuttered, none of the never-trumpers currently raking in money off of the Trump effort have to face any of the rank and file CRP delegates until the Feb 2021 officer election convention. (Note, that while David Stafford Reade worked for Marco Rubio and later Cruz in 2016 – he is bundling money for Trump in 2020, this will undoubtedly set him up for a run of his own in 2022 or more high-profile work. Of the crew, Reade is the most conservative and the most friendly to Trump) It is my estimation that Jessica Patterson, Jeff Randle, David Reade and Andy Garakhani (among others) split a $500K kitty from the 2020 RNC Convention drill – despite their past history of openly opposing President Trump (scrubbed social media or not).

The only decision made by the CAGOP Board this past weekend that I agreed with was making the election of two RNC officers a mail in ballot deal instead of a jam down from the 159 hand-picked RNC Delegates. Had the CAGOP board not designated a mail-ballot election, Harmeet Dhillon would have been at the mercy of 159 hand-picked RNC Delegates that Andy Garakhani and Jeff Randle selected for the RNC Convention instead of being re-elected by the rank and file CAGOP delegates.

The other major decision of the CAGOP Board is related to the election in November 2020. There are going to be a ton of ballot measures on the ballot in November. The initiatives committee – 100% of which were appointed by Jessica Patterson and 100% of which were supporters of Jessica Patterson is making the recommendations. (Remember, in Jeff Randle’s world, anyone that did not tow the line is excluded. It is my opinion and knowledge that Randle directed the process of forming the current CAGOP committees) Then the recommendation of the initiatives committee will be sent to the executive committee of the CAGOP for debate and ratification. 50% of the executive committee is also appointed by the Chair. The Rank-and-File delegates are shut out again.

No by-law debates, no endorsement debates just a couple of party insider committees calling the shots.

Perhaps party activists that care about the party should organize their own convention? I’d support something like that were it to get traction.

Perhaps party activists should openly petition the party bosses to actually hold a regularly scheduled CAGOP Convention in August or September in order to satisfy the PARTY’S OWN BYLAWS? The only way to set aside the party by-laws is with unanimous consent and the cancellation of the convention was not done unanimously. I would also support a VERY PUBLIC effort to petition party bosses to do their job and hold a convention in 2020.

If you care about the CAGOP – please forward this to people that are delegates and alternate delegates to the CAGOP. This is our party and what is being done is not right.

Mar 312020

When I saw the list of Trump delegates to the RNC, it caused me to start investigating a lot of things. For one, West Walker was retaliated against for helping Travis Allen. Despite being a very early Trump supporter and a key volunteer leader in 2016, Andy Gimmecandy made sure he was eliminated. In fact, the list of delegates are replete with establishment types – including many who vociferously opposed the President up until Election Day. I had also been told there were several internal fights over the delegate list as Gimmecandy was assembling it. The fee for a delegate went from $900 to $1200 and Gimmecandy was asking for it 100% up front, suggesting it was supporting his consulting fees.

This is the type of ham-fisted dictatorship I have become used to. The goodwill post 2019 CAGOP Convention is gone. None of the follow-up meetings I personally had been led to believe would happen did. Jeff Randle, Andy Gimmecandy, David Reade and crew are doing the EXACT SAME THING THEY DID post Meg Whitman when they were all pulling down $10,000-$15,000 a month salaries off of her. Anyone that was a part of Steve Poizner’s campaign was excluded, shunned and blacklisted from future participation. It was not just me in 2010, and it is not just me in 2020 being punished for refusal to accede to the wishes of the elite.

Remember, the connection between these consultants and Jessica Patterson was first solidified in the Whitman effort in 2010.

Worse, Travis Allen and Steve Frank supporters were willfully exterminated from CAGOP Committees by Jessica Patterson, Jeff Randle and crew. It was seeing the lists of CRP Committee-members that told me we were in for a long two years as conservatives. It also told me that the blacklist had returned (which I confirmed with off the record sources). I personally did not even ask for an appointment to anything, I knew better. Others found out the hard way.

So when I looked at the current list of CAGOP Delegates – I went through the list looking for Congressional Staff, Legislative Staff, Political Consultants, Staff of Consultants, employees of firms that are political in nature (aka treasurers, fundraisers, etc). I figured the near psychotic grip being exerted had some sort of basis in numbers and control. I was not disappointed.

Note – that I included myself in the count of political consultants.

I determined that 29% of the current delegates, based on the list I got in January fit the list of people with financial interests in CAGOP politics (don’t worry CRP, I am not publishing the list nor am I spamming it either). It took me a few hours to look up names, but I am 99% convinced this number is accurate.

What this means is that Travis Allen, Steve Frank or anyone else seeking to dethrone Jessica Patterson starts with a 27-2 deficit. (Not all 29% of the aforementioned are part of the machine, just most of them)

The system is rigged. Any candidates running for CAGOP office have to win 2/3 or more of the 71% of renaming delegates in order to win election against the establishment.

It gets better. In case you are wondering why any efforts to reform the proxy system are eviscerated, this is why. The rules committee, stacked with establishment, will torpedo any attempts to reform. Then you have to get 2/3 from the floor to adopt reform to override the stacked Rules Committee – which is also impossible due to the rigged system.

Proxies? Jessica Patterson got 584 Votes for CAGOP Chairman. This was 54% of the total vote. 257 of those 584 votes came by proxy. (This assumes that every proxy I thought was a Patterson vote actually was a Patterson vote)

257 out of 584 is 44%.

You can literally draw the conclusion that Jessica Patterson is a Proxy Chairman and that the Oligarchy of Controlled Failure are in complete control of the CAGOP.

This is not a representation of real Republicans. This is Failure, Inc.

Mar 302020

Are you a candidate for office? Have you ever been talking to your consultant or just going through life wondering, is the Right On Daily Blog going to kick my Tail?

In order to qualify for the Right On Daily Blog, you, yes you have to screw up. So let us list some of that stuff in a manner even a candidate for office can understand.

  1. Register as a Republican specifically to run for or hold office.
  2. Raise taxes as part of a “deal” or raising taxes as anything other than a last resort
  3. Use your office to advance the careers of donors or loyalists over more qualified competitors
  4. Become vested in your office – as in deriving part (or all) of your identity from your campaign(s) for or office(s) held.
  5. Fail to pay your bills – (screwing campaign staff, tax liens, lawsuits, judgments, etc)
  6. Have Sex with Staff, Donors, Supporters that you are not in a committed (preferably married) relationship with.
  7. Campaigning as a Conservative with a personal history of porn, alcohol or drug abuse (ongoing, versus sober 5+ years)
  8. Abusing your position to cover up malfeasance and/or criminal activity
  9. Supporting two or more of the following: Gun Control, Drug Legalization, Soft on Crime Legislation (or initiatives), “Rights” Bills/Initiatives at the expense of Religious Freedom,  which includes Open Borders
  10. Engage in Emotional Manipulation / Cult Leader Type behavior as a campaign or governing practice
  11. Lying about your qualifications for office or accomplishments while in office – including attempting to take credit for other people’s successes
  12. (Bonus): You’re a democrat – in which case you deserve to have your tail kicked by the RightonDaily Blog.

IF you do any thing in the above list, you, yes you could get your tail kicked by the Right on Daily Blog.

This helpful primer of pitfalls will help any candidate understand why the Right On Daily Blog is whaling the tar out of them – because we care.

Mar 262020

It is obvious that our political leaders in California are tone deaf and completely out of touch.

During the run up to the CAGOP Chairman’s Race we talked about the scarlet memo called “Reframing the Message“. This document was allegedly created by $350,000 worth of Chad Mayes’ money. (Mayes is no longer a Republican, and Mainschein who is featured all over the document is also no longer a Republican)

The goal of the project was to figure out how to sell sentencing reform, global warming and other leftist pillars to a Republican Audience. The paper claims that it is how to sell Republican ideas to non-Republicans.

It is clear that the leadership of the legislature and to a lesser extent the leadership of the state party are on a suicide mission to implement the “Reframing the Message” plan. The voter registration materials I saw from the state party were so watered down and uninspiring that they were hard to read – but lines were pulled out of this disaster verbatim.

So why would I not be surprised to see Pardoned Murderer Esteban Nunez and Far-Left Wackjob Van Jones (nominated by Obama and torpedoed when video of him calling all Republicans “assholes” surfaced) as part of an inmates’ rights group? Remember, Esteban Nunez’ sentence commutation was done late in Governor Arnold’s tenure as governor and Nunez’ father is none other than former Dem Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez. (Who happened to be a business partner of Arnold’s post office) Based on what I read, Nunez murdered someone in cold blood and law enforcement objected to the commutation given by Arnold. Worse, the victim’s family learned about it from a reporter because Arnold was too much of a coward to notify them himself!


Cut50 is a group that advocates for sentencing reform – aka go soft on criminals. #dayofempathy is their signature event where they tell sob stories about convicts to make people forget about the crime victims.

Here is Assembly Permanent Minority Leader Marie Waldron participating in undermining law enforcement.

There is no discussion of fatherlessness. There is no discussion of the correlation of the social welfare system to crime. There is no discussion of any of the societal trends that are leading to higher crime – just typical feel-good pablum about the poor criminals.

If you want to know why the GOP in California is teetering on extinction – it is because leaders like Marie Waldron are attempting to adopt the same policies that have turned California in to a disaster in many ways, and…

Leave us not forget she was a huge impediment to getting rid of the scandal-marred William “Bill” Brough in AD73 as well as defending the corrupt, liberal Tyler Diep in AD72.

We deserve better as a party and we deserve better as Californians.

Mar 252020

As of the writing of this blog, I have now spoken to / emailed with 15 people from the Placer County DA’s Office. The stories are alarming, emotional, terrifying and I experience a full range of emotions hearing them.

I am not going to cut and paste any of the recent emails I have gotten as there is (in my opinion) solid evidence that Jennifer Miszkewycz may well be communicating with Jeff Wilson as “undesirables” are still getting attacked, monitored and virtually stalked. In a couple of the past posts people that have sent me emails that I pasted appear to have been targeted (even more than they already were).

In aggregating the latest bits of info, it appears that there are 7 claims of harassment, retaliation, and/or targeting that have been filed in the last two weeks. These are in addition to the claims that appear to have led to the disturbed Jeff Wilson being placed on Administrative leave. (for laypeople – admin leave is a predecessor to termination)

Three women that I have talked to most recently have all told me almost the same story. I am of the opinion that they are all victims of narcissistic abuse. All have had their personal reputations destroyed. All of the victims beyond the most recent three are suffering from PTSD-like symptoms. These symptoms include sudden fits of crying while I was on the phone with victims, others had to pause many times to compose themselves, all talked about how their personalities changed from being worn down by the abuse. It was disturbing and every time felt very personal.

Dave Tellman may not understand why I am skeptical of his candidacy for DA. He was once one of Jeff Wilson’s people before suffering the fate that people that do not accede to the wishes of a narcissistic tyrant 100% of the time suffer. Mr. Tellman, the offer still stands if you want to tell your side of the story.

Listening to these stories from several current employees still working, out on stress leave or who have fled the department make me view anyone in the current department’s management with skepticism.

This gets me to Jennifer Miszkewycz the acting DA. It has been put to me by a few of the people I have communicated with that she is an ambitious ladder climber who appears to be mimicking Jeff Wilson’s savagery towards undesirable employees. It is clear that she has slipped through any oversight from people outside the office. It would be one thing if just one disgruntled retired employee told me something, but employees who have retired due to mental health issues, others that have escaped and still others with current ongoing issues have all volunteered stories about Doug Van Breemen and Jennifer Miszkewycz.

It is clear that the Placer County DA’s office is a mess. Regardless of individual stories about Dave Tellman, he was part of the management team under whose watch the mess metastasized.

Jeff Wilson, Doug Van Breemen and Jennifer Miszkewycz all appear to have been well versed in the process to circumvent public employee protections. Interestingly enough, I am familiar with things like “Scully Hearings”, “Write-Ups” and the like after having spent over a year writing about the maladies of the Riverside Sheriff’s Office. It appears that the trio had a list of employees that they wanted to take out.

The methods included overloading people with work, then micromanaging their finished product. One employee was written up for being 45 seconds late, others were having their breaks timed to the second, others had family vacation requests denied at the last minute after hotel reservations were made, others would get transferred suddenly, others were mocked and ridiculed by the three senior managers aided and abetted by other ass-kissing ambitious accomplices. Still others were stuffed in the 100 year old Auburn Courthouse 20+ miles away from the main Roseville Justice Center. (This is known as freeway therapy)

Time and time again, I was told complaints were discarded and the union rep was useless. (It has been alleged that Jeff Wilson had friends in the county whistleblower office and that the union rep may also have been compromised – yet no one has been able to produce any proof of said allegations) It is common with a tyrant ruling by fear to create the false impression among his victims that he has more tentacles of power than he actually has.

Regardless of how many spies Jeff Wilson may have had in Placer County Government, where was DA Scott Owens? One person I interviewed shed some light when they indicated that in a “Scully Hearing” Owens had to take his cues from Wilson regarding the employee. More than one employee I spoke to had stellar scores and evaluations before Wilson was promoted to the number two slot and post Wilson were routinely trashed.

It is simply not possible for Karin Bjork who was proven to have been mistreated ($2.9 Million Dollars Later) and a host of other victims of Wilson’s Rampage to ALL have been bad employees. In order for everyone targeted for elimination post Wilson’s Promotion in 2015 to have been a bad employee (or in the case of Bjork, she was smeared as incompetent), it would have meant literally half the employees in the DA’s office 2015 and before fit that description.

I think everyone hired post Jeff Wilson needs to be reevaluated. There is no way given what I know now that I could trust anyone who was hired under the reign of terror by Wilson. A new DA needs to scrutinize anyone that served as a manager under Wilson as well.

In today’s Coronafreakout world where the national media are on a psychotic rampage to smear PRESIDENT Trump with everything, (calling him a racist, incompetent, etc etc etc) take a step back and look at what Jeff Wilson is reputed to have done to so many employees in the Placer DA’s office. They were abused, scapegoated (aka gaslighted) and discarded. The patterns are disturbingly similar – except that Wilson’s targets are not President Trump who has the ability to defend himself. They are vulnerable employees that the union rep could not help and the county whistleblower refused to help.

I was driving around to stores in my neighborhood trying to find Paper Towels, Toilet Paper, Hand Sanitizer, etc… as a gag for my Wife’s Radio Show while I was talking to a victim of Wilson’s for an hour. Several times, I had to stop and ask the victim to repeat themself as I struggled to absorb all of what I was getting told.

Let it sink in a bit, I have written about some of the worst of human behavior on this blog. Politics and Government attract the scum of the earth who see it as a way to feed themselves with power, control, money, sex, narcotics, etc. Right here in Placer County, I am being told stories firsthand by victims in my own county DA’s office that are as disturbing as any I have been told over the 22+ years I have been in the political game. It’s personal, It’s my own backyard.

I hope the five supervisors are reading and I sincerely hope they take a long look at the mess that is a the Placer DA’s office and make a wise choice. To be continued.

P.S. Dear Supervisors, if you think Jeff Wilson is going to withdraw his application for DA, you have another thing coming. He is going to tell you he is the victim and that he is the best thing that ever happened to Placer County. Wait for it.