Oct 302013

( Aaron F Park is the author of this post )

We don’t have a problem with blowing up Charles Munger. He is a liberal Republican. At least his actions say as such – he tried to re-engineer the CRP Platform in 2011 and even paid for a proxy drill to try and make it happen. He dropped $45k in to our Cent Com Race in Placer, specifically against Placer CRA Members running for Cent Com.

He spent wads picking winners in R vs R races all over the state – we’ve been over that ad-naseum.

However, the Munger Games site is wrong. And, Mike Schroeder’s comparing the anonymous authors of the Munger Games vis-a-vis himself to the founding fathers is grounds for a padded cell and fingerpaints.

The SF Chron did an article.

In the article, they quoted Jon Fleischman and Mike Schroeder and at the same time they outed Schroeder as the author of the Munger Games Blog. This is significant – Schroeder is a past Chair of the CA GOP and he is attacking the sitting Vice Chair and the Parties’ major donor.

We would like to call BS on the following comment by Schroeder: In an interview, Schroeder said, “Munger is a thin-skinned guy. He doesn’t like that the Munger Games is criticizing him, so he wants to use his wealth to attack anyone who does that.”

Please note that Aaron F Park spoke to Mr. Munger for about 30 minutes at the just concluded CRP Convention. Munger was far from thin-skinned, and in our opinion appreciated the conversation. Hopefully, it will be the first of many in an attempt to find common ground.

Munger has also told many people that he is not going in to R vs R races anymore.

The issue, as clearly stated by many is the anonymous nature of the attacks. The Munger Games emails / blog have libeled Harmeet Dhillon and have also attacked the CRA. There is no accountability when you’re anonymous – and Mike Schroeder knows this.

However, the shroud of anonymity has been lifted by the SF Chron and Schroeder’s non-answer sets himself on fire.

I will conclude by quoting the Executive Director of the Non-Profit First Amendment Foundation:

I support anonymous speech when it is necessary, but here these are not defenseless people,” Scheer said. “It’s not like this is Iran or China.”

Anonymous criticism has its value, Scheer said. “But your arguments have more value when you can put a name to them.”

Jon Fleischman risks further marginalizing himself by defending the anonymous attacks – he should follow up his public call on Harmeet Dhillon to drop her suit with a call for his friend Mike Schroeder to tell the truth about his involvement in the Munger Games. (This should be much easier now that the SF Chron has outed Schroeder)

Meantime – we reserve the right to kick Charles Munger’s a– when he deserves it, and we will continue signing our names to it.

The Three Year Anniversary of FBI Day Was This Week. (Karen England’s Lie)

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Oct 302013

On or about 10/27/2010 – according to Karen England, she was visited by the FBI.

Apparently, the FBI wanted to know about the Placer Central Committee’s finances.

Karen England is the executive director of the Capitol Resource Institute. They are currently running the AB1266 referendum attempt – at least it is based in their office. We also know from inside sources that England is actively participating in the effort…

… that is when she is not lying about fellow conservatives and going to the local media.

3 years later… no one from the FBI has called or visited.

How many Republican registrations has Karen England’s lie cost?

The following has been posted on social media:

Three years ago this week is the alleged day that Karen Barton England says she was visited by the FBI over alleged corruption in the Placer GOP Central Committee. Her targets were Conservative stalwarts Tom Hudson and George Park – to this day, no visits, inquiries or calls from the FBI. Karen England lied and to this day some people still believe her. (hint: most are in local tea parties) Shortly after making her accusation in public (Jan 2011) – England ran for CRA President and was defeated. I commemorate “FBI Day” every year as a monument to the power of a lie.

CA-25 Shenanigans? Buck McKeon Waiting Until Last Minute to Retire and Set Up Strickland?

 Buck McKeon, CA-25 Race, CA-26 Race, Scott Wilk, Tony Strickland  Comments Off on CA-25 Shenanigans? Buck McKeon Waiting Until Last Minute to Retire and Set Up Strickland?
Oct 292013

Assemblymember Scott Wilk penned a column on another blog yesterday about the CA-25 Race.

Buck McKeon, who is chair of the Powerful Armed Services Committee is losing his grip on the district. In fact, recent polls have him upside down.

There have been rumors for about 6 months that McKeon will retire.

However, the anointed successor is not popular with the local electeds and local partisan electeds. That successor is Tony Strickland. Strickland recently ran unsuccessfully for CA-26 last year and in the obama wave, lost narrowly to Congresswoman Julia Brownley.

Strickland has run for a ton of offices in recent history.

Strickland is raising money. He currently has $400k. Most donors think it is for CA-26 unless Strickland has been able to maintain incredible campaign security.

IN his post, Wilk details the string of consequences to this selfish, self-centered action should McKeon do exactly what is alleged. It could result in another loss in CA-26, the loss of CA-25 and the loss of AD-44. Another lost Assembly District when the GOP is already a superminority would be catastrophic… and it is preventable.

This scenario is the latest installment in what we have written for years on this blog about self-serving incumbent partisan officeholders and their desire to serve themselves absent anyone else, party, principle or people.

We’ve seen it here in Placer, so the situation in Northern LA County is not unique at all.


Breaking News Update: El Dorado County Political Leader Ken Steers Gets Arrested for DUI

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Oct 252013

Ken Steers was at a wounded warrior event last night and appears to have had too much to drink.

Steers is a Past President of the El Do GOP, donor to Vern Pierson and was a leading critic of Sherriff D’Agostini. According to several sources, Steers is also supportive of the rampage by Vern Pierson against Supervisor Ray Nutting.

Pictured here is the snippet from the website.

Steers appears to have been in the lockup for about 8 hours.

With the ongoing rampage against political enemies by El Dorado County DA Vern Pierson, all eyes will now be on the department to see if Mr. Steers is prosecuted as aggressively as El Dorado County does other DUI offenders.

… something about tossing stones in glass houses?



Fraudulent PAC Alert! El Dorado County Irrigation District Race…

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Oct 132013

OOPS! A developer got caught by channel 13 trying to play the hide-the-money game.

EL DORADO COUNTY (CBS13) — The campaign for a water district seat is generating controversy after a mailer was linked to a developer whose address happens to be a building owned by the county.

It’s not too often a little-watched race for the El Dorado Irrigation District makes news, but a flyer sent to voters’ homes this week is not only generating controversy, but it has one county leader calling it illegal.

The ad warns of skyrocketing water rates, and endorses irrigation district candidate Richard Englefield.

The mailer is paid for by the El Dorado County Farmers Businesses And Homebuilders For Responsible Water Policy.

CBS13 tracked down who is behind that political action committee. Documents with the state connect the group to area developer Parker Development Group.

But the address clearly listed on the ad is 542 Main Street in Placerville. That’s the Chamber of Commerce, which is housed in a county-owned building. The chamber is getting a steal of a deal, paying $1 a year for a five-year lease.

El Dorado County Auditor Joe Harn calls the PAC’s actions “inappropriate,” and cites state law saying its illegal to use public office space for anything campaign related.

“You’re not supposed to use an asset of the taxpayers for use in a campaign,” Harn said.

The PAC’s connection to the chamber, and the chamber’s arrangement with practically free county office space is unsettling to some voters.

“I see this whole election coming down to somebody trying to buy a couple of board seats to basically affect decisions on the board that are not going to be in the interest of the ratepayers,” said Darwin Throne, the president of the El Dorado Hills Tea Party Patriots.

“If they want to conduct political-influence campaigns, then they should get their own place to do it,” said ratepayer Ann Moore. “They should not take advantage of some county building.

The developer behind the PAC isn’t apologizing for funneling cash into the campaign.

It released a statement saying, “All of us are united in our commitment to protecting ratepayers from out-of-control water and sewer bills—a serious problem confronting El Dorado County ratepayers.”

The chamber director says she’s reaching out to the chamber’s attorneys for a legal opinion on the chamber’s close ties to the county, and what’s becoming a controversial campaign.

Neither candidate backed by the PAC was available for on-camera interviews.

It will be interesting to see if the Developer’s attempt to protect their alleged sweetheart deal with EID is able to continue after this election is completed? Maybe Vern Pierson should indict them (unless they are donors of his, but we digress…)