Feb 282017

Blogger’s Note: Many in the SOJ movement were virulently opposed to the Charter of the California Impact Republicans, a Conservative Grassroots Group. The CIR was indeed Chartered by the CAGOP despite their efforts. As the issues with the State of CA are greater than the short-sightedness and petty personal disputes, the SOJ is a separate issue.

I am not endorsing a particular SOJ group, but the concept and the need to free the North State from the psychotic maniacs that infest the majority party in California. Being a democrat is one thing, being a wanna-be despot is still another.

Having been active in the CAGOP for 20 years, I have seen the institutional failure when moderate and conservative Republican have been in charge. With one-party rule in CA (and yes, I am including Arnold in the ranks of democrats), the only hope for the Sparsely-Populated North State of CA is to succeed.

I wish those organizing the SOJ effort were more organized and had better political skills as they seem to have alienated many of the very county supervisors they will need to adopt resolutions in favor of SOJ.

I have also listened to the financial objections, vis-a-vis what would SOJ do with its’ pro-rated part of the massive wall of debt of the State of CA, etc? I don’t care. This may sound absurd to my friends in Local Government, but I have seen enough that the best solution is a torch, gasoline (even better kerosene), high winds, and a state holiday for firefighters.

The Lake Oroville Situation has given me incredible clarity about this. The State of California only cares about one thing, raising the next generation of progressive moonbats. This means institutionalized election fraud, welfare giveaways, fascist bureaucracies that terrorize constituents, equally as fascist social engineering and of course tax, tax, tax and tax again to pay for it all.

Screw them all. Burn it down. When these jerks disregard legitimate safety warnings and willfully allow bogus environmental lawsuits to stymie maintenance and construction of infrastructure, you know that the tin-horn generalissimos in Sacramento are punishing the North State for not drinking the organic free-range kool-aid of the Bay Area. From where I am sitting they could care less if Marysville is under 30 feet of water, and even worse, the extremists amongst them are using the crisis to call for dam removal everywhere.

Four dams are being removed on the swollen Klamath River because the enivros sued repeatedly to prevent the utility from being able to modernize the dams. It became easier to cut bait.

Regardless of the cover story, the fish were removed from the hatchery in Oroville three days before the incompetent fools in the DWR admitted the truth about the dam.

No more. People’s lives are now being put at risk because of Sacramento. And they don’t care. If they did, they’d have done what they did to prioritize Jerry Brown’s narcissistic legacy train. Notice how the enviro lawsuits went nowhere against the bullet-train?

It is time. Screw California. It is time to declare our independence from the psychotic tyranny of a class of elites that are more suited to wearing a fraudulent military uniforms with medals hanging off of them. Even if the SOJ is flawed, it is still far better than anything coming out of the cesspool in Sacramento.

Feb 272017

The Placer IR will be meeting in March and will be meeting a couple more times in 2017. The March meeting will be announced once the leadership are done with their respective moves.

The State CIR is Holding their Inaugural Convention on April 22nd.

California Impact Republicans
1st Annual Convention
April 22, 2017
Harris Ranch
24505 W. Dorris Avenue• Coalinga, CA 93210
CIR Member Super Early Bird Price: $40.00*
(Convention registration Includes Lunch. Good Through March 10, 2017 $55 thereafter, $65 at the door the day of convention space permitting. Convention agenda and schedule TBA)

Make checks or money orders payable to the “CIR” California Impact Republicans     

Mail Checks to:        CIR, c/o George Park Jr                

Mail Forms to:          1079 Sunrise Ave Ste B #336 * Roseville, CA 95661-7009                 

Questions:               Email gparkjr@yahoo.com     

Leave a comment on this post or email if you are interested in Joining and Participating. The comments are moderated and won’t display publicly.

Feb 242017

We had written here about the Sacramento Bee and their anti-christian rampage against Courage Worldwide. The Bee, hiding behind the pen of a pulitzer prize winning activist liberal reporter attacked Courage Worldwide several times.

It is the belief of this blog that the Bee was attempting to put them out of business. The Bee downplayed the facts related to overzealous bureaucrats and incompetent bureaucrats and highlighted everything they could to make Courage look fringe. While the Bee succeeded in scaring one corporate donor (note that most corporations are sissies that cave to leftist complaint drills – such as the Under Armour CEO that praised Trump and then folded like a cheap lawn chair when the organized protests came), Courage house is still running.

They appear to have turned the corner in dealing with the State of California. I believe that the California bureaucracy are decidedly anti-christian as I hear horror stories from would be adoptive and foster parents all the time where they have to hide their bibles before the State visits their house.

If you have a few dollars to spare, please donate to Courage Worldwide as they have been put through the wringer by the State of CA and the Sacramento BS in what I believe was no accident or coincidence.

World Relief, who has been nuked on this blog twice for their left-wing bias and for concealing their conflict of interest, got lit up again. Similar to the Capitol Resource Institute whose employees and public volunteers were publicly supporting and campaigning for candidates without disclosing the donations from them – World Relief Sacramento gets 75% of their funding from the Federal Government. No wonder why this alleged faith-based charity was calling on people to go crash Tom McClintock’s Townhalls!

I was told that they did not send emails encouraging protesters to show up to the other Townhall meetings the Congressman held. I can’t confirm that. What I do know is that Trump’s policy of actually enforcing immigration law is bad for their business and they did not openly disclose that they are a largely federally-funded refugee agency.

Faith Leaders for America Applauds President
Trump’s Immigration and Refugee Policies as
Consistent with Biblical Teachings

Washington, D.C.—Dozens of clerics organized by the new multi faith group Faith Leaders for America (www.FaithLeadersforAmerica.com) released today an open letter to President Donald Trump supporting his efforts to protect Americans through a prudent pause in immigration and refugee resettlement from seven problematic nations. Their letter says, in part:

“As faith leaders, we want to thank you for: following a discerning and Biblical approach to the ‘wise welcome’ of foreigners, including refugees; your commitment to border security; and your determination to end the magnet for illegal immigration represented by so-called ‘sanctuary’ cities. All of these initiatives have firm foundations in Biblical instruction.”

This open letter is being circulated for signature by other ordained clergy and spiritual leaders in response to efforts by those selectively invoking passages from the Bible in opposition to the President’s initiatives. One such misleading influence operation was led earlier this month by World Relief. Unmentioned in its open letter to the president and vice president is that organization’s blatant conflict of interest: World Relief garnered over $225 million from the federal government from 2008 to 2016 as payments for its resettlement of refugees.

In addition, several U.S. cities were subjected on Sunday to demonstrations billed as “interfaith” rallies in which non-Muslim clerics joined others in the crowd in professing that they were “Muslim too.” The rally in New York, however, featured prominently Linda Sarsour, a Sharia-supremacist who epitomizes the intolerance that alienates many people of other faiths. For example, in 2011, she used Twitter to attack former Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali and ACT for America founder Brigitte Gabriel for their opposition to suppression of freedom in the name of Islam. She declared, “I wish I could take their vaginas away—they don’t deserve to be women.”

Ordained clerics and other spiritual leaders who actually support freedom of expression, as well as freedom of religion, are encouraged to join the Faith Leaders for America’s open letter (full text, as well as those who signed, here).

Visitors to the site can also view the group’s rollout press conference at the National Press Club on January 19, 2017.

Faith Leaders for America is a dedicated group of clergy and leaders from various faith communities who share a common commitment to freedom—freedom of religion, freedom of speech and the other liberties guaranteed by our Constitution—along with a firm commitment to address the imminent threats to those freedoms.

Good for these people for calling World Relief Out. I wonder how many of the pastors that signed World Relief’s letter were told about the millions in federal funds they got to re-settle “refugees” before signing the letters?

It is clear that Donald Trump touched a third rail with the immigration policy. It is clear that the left is pulling out all the stops to fight anything that will stem the tide of illegal immigration.

That said, some so-called “Faith Leaders” are conspiring to commit felonies. Namely, harboring fugitives and assisting in a conspiracy to violate US Immigration Laws. I am not sure what translation of the Bible they are reading that justifies committing felonies.

These people are fools and when they get held accountable, they will go to prison along with the fugitives they intend to harbor.

Do not confuse yourself, this is not an act of conscience, this is an act of sedition for political gain. Comparing harboring illegal aliens to the underground railroad that fought against slavery is absurd and offensive.

Feb 212017

Remember – Mass Immigration is something the left will fight to the death for. It is their #1 Voter Registration Program. The Media is on war footing and is playing the race card all the way to the bitter end to try and halt anything resembling immigration controls. Europe is a mess and everyone knows it.

83. CNN and New York Times Lie About Trump Claiming Sweden Was Hit With Terror Attack

During his rally in Florida Friday night, Trump said the following:

Here’s the bottom line, we’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening. We’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening in Germany. You look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden! Who would believe this? Sweden! They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never thought possible. [emphasis mine]

From that, among many others, some members of our lying MSM, like Maggie Haberman of The New York Times, falsely claimed that Trump lied about a terror attack in Sweden “last night.”

‘Sweden, who would believe this?’: Trump cites non-existent terror attack

At Florida rally president refers to attack in Sweden that did not happen, possibly confusing it with Sehwan in Pakistan

Here is video of a CNN chyron lying about it:

While there is no question that what Trump said was confusing, to jump to the conclusion that he was trying to lie about a non-existent terror attack is beyond outrageous and yet another example of “the enemy of the American people” deliberately using confusion to spread lies and Fake News.

Trump later explained that his “last night” reference pertained to a segment about Sweden immigration problems that aired on Fox News. Everyone knew this, but CNN and Haberman and the rest pretended not to.

84. MSM Lies About Sweden NOT Having a Massive Migrant Problem

After the MSM was busted lying about the above terror attack, they changed tactics and accused Trump of lying about Sweden having a migrant problem.

Trump is 100% correct about Sweden’s migrant problems.

The problems over there are massive.

89. Washington Post Misleads About ICE Detaining Woman Seeking Protection from Domestic Abuse

This Washington Post headline is all about ginning up hate against TrumpHitler:

‘This is really unprecedented’: ICE detains woman seeking domestic abuse protection at Texas courthouse

Here’s the truth about this dangerous and criminal illegal alien — which is buried by WaPo under nearly 17 paragraphs of sophistry:

According to the affidavit, I.E.G. has a criminal and immigration history that dates back to 2010 and includes numerous deportations and arrests for assault, violating probation, domestic violence, false imprisonment and possession of stolen mail.


93. AP Lies About Trump Using 100K National Guard Troops to Round Up Illegals

Truly, truly the height of Fake News.

Naturally, liars like CBS News, ABC News, The Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post ran like crazy with this bald-faced lie.

100. Media Lies About Trump’s Refugee Pause Ensnaring American-born Olympian

Washington Examiner:

The problem with this particular news cycle is that Muhammad was detained in 2016, weeks before Trump had even been sworn in as America’s 45th president.


113. Media Freaks Over Trump ICE Raids … Planned Before Trump’s Executive Order

For nearly two days, the MSM completely over-hyped ICE (doing its normal job) as some sort of souped-up Nazification of Trump’s America.

There are more here on the Daily Caller. Just WOW.

Feb 212017

Ricardo Lara – who would be a great tin-horn dictator in a third world country has introduced SB562, to create single-payer health insurance in California. This is in response to their deep fears of Donald Trump and his evil plan to repeal and replace Obamacare. The real nexus? Government Control and Health Insurance for illegal aliens.

In 2015, Brown signed into law the senator’s Health4All Kids bill, which allocates almost $280 million in the coming fiscal year to cover health care costs for 185,000 undocumented California children up to age 18.

Last year, Brown also signed a Lara bill that would have allowed undocumented Californians to buy insurance through Covered California, the state’s health insurance exchange, regardless of their immigration status. The legislation would have cost taxpayers little or nothing because the undocumented wouldn’t have been entitled to any government subsidies, and the state filed for a federal waiver under the Affordable Care Act seeking to implement it. But last month, after it was delayed by the Trump administration, Lara withdrew the waiver request.

Lara who is on a roll this cycle also introduced SB29, which basically prevents law enforcement from using independent contractors to help them deal with illegal aliens. And it gets better, if you actually do detail illegal aliens, your records are immediately subject to FOIA requests. This means internal communication (similar to what Obama holdovers are leaking to the press in real time), investigation files and other things law enforcement use to gain advantage in prosecution are now public record. Nice, huh?

SB1 is the $5 Billion Gas Tax Hike. Please also note that the car tax is going up $65 a piece and the mileage tax is in the “study phase” thanks in no small part to State Senator Ted Gaines, a “Republican” who voted yes on the bill to establish the study of the mileage tax. Note that our roads are a mess and the current tax money goes in to the general fund so people like Ricardo Lara can spend it on welfare (and single payer healthcare).

IF you think the Gas Tax will be replaced by the mileage tax, you are insane. The Mileage Tax will be in addition to.

Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez introduced AB250 which is taxpayer subsidized trips to the beach for poor people. Yup, the state is in the hole $100+ Billion with Dams breaking and washed out roads everywhere and the priority is beach trips for the poor.

SB6 and AB3 – both bills would provide taxpayer funded legal assistance for illegal aliens in California to fight against ICE deporting them. Apparently, the psychos in the dem leadership in CA forgot that immigration policy is set by the federal government and neither law would stand up in court. (except maybe in the 9th circus)

In addition to Lara’s bill to expose law enforcement to unlimited civil liability for dealing with illegal aliens, Lara introduced to more bills. One is aimed at preventing construction of the border wall and the other is aimed at preventing a Muslim database. (Which does not exist)

SB179 is the Transgender change-your-drivers-license bill. Apparently, it is just too difficult to change all your legal documents to reflect how you feel about your genitalia as it is in its’ current state. According to Sen. Weiner, (one of the authors) “Our trans brothers and sisters are under attack in far too many parts of this country and this world.” I guess boys in the girl’s locker room is now a civil right. Note – Weiner is the guy’s actual last name.

SB2 – a tax increase on Commercial Real Estate and Rental Properties to pay for low-income housing. Like all of these bills, the money goes in to the general fund and may not be spent on its’ intended purpose (similar to gas taxes and infrastructure funds).

Lest you think bad bills are limited to democrats. Here is one with far less earth-shattering impact: Janet Nguyen wants to make campaign finance filings instantly available under FOIA. This would be especially helpful if you had the ability to go an intimidate donors and/or publicly humiliate Independent Expenditure Funders. This is SB529  It wpudl also give advantage in a campaign to the better funded candidate as the intimidation of donors has an increased effect when their is a perception of one winning versus another.

I am sure I will have an update because the democrats can’t help themselves.