I spend an hour or more a day collecting all sorts of news articles, some of which I aggregate in to posts on this blog.
I look at what the Trump Administration is accomplishing and it is astounding.
In the backdrop of this is the attempted assassination of a Member of Congress (which you did not hear much about a few days after it happened), the corruption trial of a Democrat Senator (which would be headline news were it a Republican), and three (!) Major Hurricane Disasters.
What do you hear? Trump is a racist and hair splitting criticism of everything related to disaster #3, because Texas and Florida were handled so well. This what the media is reduced to, trying to create something from nothing. (see also the Russia did it lie investigation)
More frustrating are Republicans like those in California who are rooting for President Trump to fail. Even people in the faith community jumped on the Trump is a racist lie over Charlottesville.
There is something to consider – President Trump will do no worse with minorities. The goal of the media is apparently to try and fracture the President’s base.
President Trump has appointed a slew of Conservative Judges. Some have so deeply disturbed the democrats that they have attacked several nominees for their faith. For the first time in a generation, the Department of Justice has intervened on behalf of Churches and/or Christians targeted by the Social Justice Warrior industry.
The truth of what America thinks comes out in anecdotes. The NFL decided to fight back against President Trump’s criticism of their ill-advised take a knee protests. AS a result, the NFL players doubled down and did it en masse. Almost immediately, the results started pouring in – ticket sales dropped 17.9% almost immediately, almost immediate 10% drop in ratings and so many people cancelling subscriptions to the NFL channel that several cable / satellite providers were allowing unprecedented refunds. National companies have pulled their ads and a host of players have lost endorsement deals.
Yet, we are being told that America is divided.
No – President Trump is the first Republican in anyone’s lifetime that is fighting the culture war. Neither Bush did it. Reagan sorta did it. Ford and Nixon were squishes.
President Trump is the first President since Ronald Reagan that is pushing back against his critics, which explains why the media is in a meltdown.
It is not President Trump’s fault there is a culture war. But he is railed as a racist for fighting it. It is not President Trump’s fault the media have been allowed to be completely one-sided.
I will finish this rant with some thoughts on immigration. Uncontrolled immigration, and I mean specifically, illegal immigration have been changing the demographics of this country. The left have fought to try and separate the immigrants from society in order to control them and keep them voting democrat. It is this nexus that is 100% of the reason why the left will fight with everything they have in order to try and stop any efforts to re-establish strong borders.
During the Obama administration, refugees were largely (as in over half) Muslim. Christians were selected against. Refugees were settled in swing states primarily as well. It is clear that they were being used to achieve a political end.
The democrats have maxed out their race card to the point where they are basically powerless to do anything other than use procedural roadblocks. Already, the border patrol is reporting drops in illegal crossings and the flow of refugees has been cut to a fraction of what it was.
Pay attention to President Trump fighting for Christians, American Citizens and our values. Pay attention to the American Left and their lackeys in the media calling him a racist incessantly.
Apparently, some of my friends in the California Republican Party live in mortal fear of this dynamic. Apparently, 25.6% registration is too high for them.