The Roseville Press Tribune had some coverage of Rene Aguilera in the paper. IMO – they gave Aguilera extra ink because he is the challenger.
The article erroneously says that Rene Aguilera ran for Roseville City Council in 2012. He did not. In 2012, he ran for Roseville High School Board while in mid-term for the Roseville City School Board. Since 2006, Aguilera has run for office every cycle and in 2010, even ran twice. I know it is difficult to keep track of and I continue to ask if Rene actually gives a damn about any of the constituents in any of the districts he has represented.
I am going to focus on the extreme leftist opinions that Rene expressed in the article as well as the race-baiting. It may not be obvious, but since I know Rene Aguilera well… allow me to decode:
“If you go down interstate 80, it says we 106,000 people in Roseville. I would venture to say we have 150,000 people,” Aguilera said in response to the question. “Most people can’t afford to live in Roseville, but they can work (here) because there’s good-paying jobs…growth should be balanced – housing, commercial and industrial. That way, those impacts can be minimized and we can get revenue for the tax base to provide services that we’re accustomed to. Growth should pay its own way and not rely on existing residents.
Ok – these are buzzwords of the left. The left hate suburbs. They want to force people in to high-rises in urban areas, this is the nexus behind SB375, AB32 and a host of other central planning bills that have made development nearly impossible.
If you understand the laws of the State of California – in his comments, Rene Aguilera just showed his support for the Mello-Roos taxes that people always get angry about having to pay.
Then, on the other hand, Aguilera makes a veiled racist swipe at Roseville being too expensive for most people to live in. The Mello-Roos taxes that Rene Aguilera supports are certainly a reason why – however, Rene Aguilera lied when he said most people can’t afford to live in Roseville.
The Sacramento Area – Roseville included has some of the cheapest real estate in California. You have to go to severely economically depressed (usually run by Aguilera’s fellow democrats) areas to find cheaper housing. (places like Stockton or South Sac for example)
Or, you can go to the north state where the timber and mining industry have been executed by the democrats to find cheaper housing.
Rene Aguilera, in the course of his populist race-baiting ignores that Roseville has slightly higher real estate prices than Rocklin or Citrus Heights because of its’ utilities, which cost about half what SMUD charges or 1/3 what PG&E rapes its rate-payers for. I am sure Aguilera could fix that problem, too if he had two other like-minded City Council members.
The real choice content is next:
The bill Aguilera referred to, is a piece of legislation proposed by assemblyman Roger Hernandez (D-West Covina) that would require non-charter cities with populations over 100,000 to establish districts, rather than hold at large elections as Roseville does. Following Hernandez’s idea that such would allow representation to better represent demographics in a city’s respective neighborhoods, Aguilera believes this method would produce a more diverse city council.
Groups like Aguilera’s MALDEF and the ACLU go around suing cities and bullying cities with hyperbolic charges of racism in order to force district elections on to them. See also the current measure in the City of Anaheim that was the result of lawsuits brought by the far-left.
Roger Hernandez is one of many democrat legislators to get a DUI in recent years, and he even threw in a domestic violence charge.
Aguilera’s psychosis was also borne out in an incredible statement where he claims he would have won election in 2012 had Roseville had districts.
Allow me to educate Mr. Aggie-lair-uh about Roseville’s elected officials:
City Council: Susan Rohan, Bonnie Gore, Carol Garcia, Pauline Rocucci, Tim Herman. 4 Women and a Jewish Male. Apparently, Mr. Aguilera’s idea of diversity means that HE should be elected to the city council and the rest of us are racists.
Allow me to pile on some more diversity:
Dry Creek USD: Diane Howe, Tracy Pittman, Scott Otsuka, Jeff Holland, Jeff Randall – that’s Two more women and a Japaneese Man, for those of you scoring at home. (and, finally our first two GASP white males)
Roseville City School District: James “Brian” Vlahos, Jeff Willoughby, Susan Duane, Gary Miller, Hallie Romero. Two more Women, a homosexual male and two more of those white dudes.
The Eureka USD (which takes in a slice of Far East Roseville) has two women and three (GASP) white men.
The Roseville Joint Union High School District – Jan Pinney, Scott Huber, Linda Park, Paige Stauss and Aggie-lair-uh – Again Two Women, a latino and Two (GASP) white dudes.
This means that in Roseville – only one board (Eureka USD) that covers less than 10% of the city of Roseville is controlled by those non-diverse White dudes.
What about our supervisors? Jack Duran and Kirk Uhler. (Duran is latino, Uhler is as white as a ghost, which probably keeps Aguilera up at night)
How about the County Board of Education? Robert Tomasini, Susan Goto and Suzanne Jones. That is one American Japanese, one Woman and one (GASP) White dude.
But – for those of you victimized by common core math, let’s tally for a final score:
Out of 30 Available Seats:
14 Women – or 48%
2 Asian
2 Latino
1 Jewish
1 Homosexual
… and 11 of those really BAD Straight White Dudes. (That is about 37%)
BTW – Placer County is 84% White. Roseville is at least 80% White. I think our representation is just fine, and Rene Aguilera is a race-baiting idiot.
The Rene Aguilera Experience, take some Tylenol and keep reading.