Aug 272013

It appears that El Dorado County Controller Joe Harn and DA Vern Pierson have long histories of corruption and their antics have spawned the creation of a new website and group.

From the Website:
“People Power
There was little or no law during the early years of California’s colorful Gold Rush. In the widespread absence of official government, “Miner’s Justice” was often dispensed at the end of a rope to thieves, larceners, and murders by law abiding citizens using “Miner’s Courts” and “Committees of Vigilance” in the rough and tumble mining camps and fledgling cities.  San Francisco’s law abiding citizens wiped out their criminal element before dissolving in 1851 and reformed a few years later to successfully clean up the rampant political corruption victimizing honest citizens in 1856.  Just as during our Gold Rush past, corruption has taken hold in some of our local governments.  We have formed our modern Committee of Vigilance to expose corruption in local government and help vote the corrupt scoundrels out of office.”

COVAC is a group we will keep tabs on.

The website asks citizens to write in about corruption in the county “for the purpose of defeating corrupt local elected officials in California.”  Some of the stories already on the site include:
Under Cover Surveillance of Political Opponents At Taxpayer Expense

Fraudulently Using The Grand Jury To Destroy Political Opponents

Arbitrary And Capricious Treatment Of Local Agencies – Abusing The Grand Jury For Publicity

Abuse of Office – Failing to Investigate or Prosecute Crimes and Malfeasance of personal and political friends, representitives of the Carson City Courts

Illegitimate Salary and Pension Spiking

Abuse of Office

Negligence and Malfeasance

It looks like some fur is going to fly in ElDorado County.

Aug 242013

We remember Vern Pierson. He starred in a despicable Doug Ose attack ad against Tom McClintock that was shot at the McClellan airfield. In the ad, he called Tom McClintock unpatriotic and accused him of opposing veteran’s benefits.

The ad finished with Vern Pierson saying of Tom McClintock, “How can he live with himself”?

That smear lasted in to the general election as Charlie “Colonel Klink” Brown – an ex-Colonel was the communist spawn of the DCCC and saddled up on the military thing all throughout.

With Republicans like Vern Pierson, who needs democrats?

Vern Pierson is the DA of ElDorado County who filed charges against Ray Nutting a CRA member and a stand up El Dorado County Supervisor. Pierson and Nutting both have future political ambitions.

It 100% appears to us that this is an attempted lynching by Pierson and appears to be supported by supervisor Jack Sweeney (whose son is the ElDo GOP Cent Com Chair – the ElDo Cent Com is widely viewed to be ineffective in political circles).

Now, if there was merit and Ray Nutting really was crooked, people in that small county would know, right?

Nutting hosted a fundraiser for his legal defense and it sold out in hours. Click here for the story. We just don’t think a crooked man would get so much support so fast. You see, when you are scum, your friends run at the first sign of trouble.

Stay tuned as we are going to unpack some information about Vern Pierson who appears to be a very disturbed man. We will also go in to detail about the alleged offense of Ray Nutting.

It should be noted that the local media has been largely silent since announcing the indictment of Ray Nutting. That should also scream volumes.

Political Notebook – State of the CA GOP

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Aug 182013

For those of you in a vacuum – you probably are not aware of the arena fight now that a new arena has been approved for the kings.

A lot of us here in the Placer CRA are not King’s fans. Some, even less so after some of our local GOP electeds decided to grandstand on the issue.

It seems a group has shown up to run an initiative to gut the project. Then, recently the prime funder of the effort turns out to be a jilted suitor for the Kings from Seattle.

It gets worse, GOP consultant Tab Berg waited until the day before the revelation to leave as the consultant – not two weeks ago when it appears everyone found out.

Why is that significant? In the intervening two weeks, Berg pulled in a bunch of markers and rammed down an endorsement of the no on arena effort by the Sac GOP – who incidentally shut down all debate and discussion to do so.

OOPS. Now Berg has taken his cut and run and the Sac GOP is left holding the bag.

Oh, and don’t look now – but the Sac GOP is getting an FPPC anal exam. They just got served recently over the California Republican Leadership Fund debaucle. The CRLF was a money operation that was used to fund mostly moderate Republican candidates in target districts… mostly by Charles Munger.

That brings us to Stanislaus. Yikes.

Unlike the article that Dave Gilliard and Doug LaMalfa got planted in the Bee three years ago about nebulous and never proven charges against Placer… there was an article in the Modesto Bee about Stanislaus.

There are several problems. Donations over $32,500, coordination, the decisions made without the knowledge and consent of the full committee and the like. The same goes for Sacramento, apparently.

Contrast this to Placer where Dave Gilliard is purportedly still pushing the moderates (who were helped in to control by the local Tea Party and the local electeds) to try and get the former Chair and Treasurer hauled in front of the grand jury.

If the story about Gilliard pulling the strings is true, it looks like it is too bad for him as there are real problems elsewhere that the FPPC is chasing.

So when the local Tea Party members brag about getting rid of the old guard – in favor of Mike Holmes and Jon Green (both of whom are over 70) and others… maybe they should take a look at the articles about other Cent Coms. But, we digress, it might take the fun out of a witch hunt and require unheard of discernment from the Tea Party.

Now, we actually feel sorry for Charles Munger in all of this. Why? While we still fault him for attacking Conservatives in R vs R races while we lost 8 legislative seats – he spent a ton of money trying to win a few other races. (Tateishi, Rios, Zink, etc.) They all lost.

Now, the funding vehicle is being dismantled because the people that put it together didn’t do their job right and tried to tightly control everything, which will cost them everything…

… which closes the loop… control lost 8 seats, control has several cent coms in a state of chaos and we get to sit here blogging about it all. (While trying to figure out how to win an election or two in 2014…)

CRA Blasts Marin GOP for Picking a Fight

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Aug 022013

President’s Message

Long time officers in the CRA told me that they were astounded at the unity of purpose displayed in the campaign of Andy Vidak for State Senate.

Members of over 20 CRA units participated in this historic victory for the California GOP, and for a rare time in California Republican Party history, liberal, moderate, libertarian and conservative Republican alike unified for a common cause.

Yet, the Marin County Republican Party chose this time to make history of their own. They adopted a resolution supporting same-sex marriage and touted themselves as the first central committee in the US to support same-sex marriage.

Did their desire for headlines outweigh any consideration of the consequences?

We in the CRA are wondering if the Marin County Republican Party tested this action on the voters of the 16th Senate District? Would any of the roughly 60% Latino voters in this district have been less likely or more likely to support Andy Vidak if he supported gay marriage? Would the African-American voter concentrations in southern Fresno County and western Bakersfield have come in to the GOP fold as a result of this ground-breaking action?

The polling data is clear that this issue is a loser in both of those demographics, even more so in the Central Valley of California.

So-called moderate Republican groups constantly lecture CRA and other conservatives about “Divisive Social Issues” and that the path to victory for the California Republican Party is won by focusing on fiscal issues. Further, some say that the Government should “stay out of the marriage business”.

The Marin GOP’s actions means that these arguments are either false or arguments they don’t believe themselves, or both.

The issue is one of unity. Whenever you “break new ground” in this manner you send two messages, one to the group you’re attempting to pander to and another to the existing groups within your sphere of influence. The small number of Republicans comprising the Marin GOP have chosen to drive a wedge between themselves and the Conservative base of the GOP.

With statewide GOP registration at 28%, we are questioning the wisdom of such a move.