Jul 312010

Remember Barbara Boxer whining about Carly actually having the means to put a campaign together against her?

Boxer must be really scared – she lucked out when Bill Jones could not liquidate any of his stake in an ethanol company to fund his ill-fated campaign against her.

Now Calbuzz is crying in their beer – calling Carly Fiorina “Nasty”.

Spare me. Barbara Boxer is vicious and vile – just ask the General who probably needs reconstructive surgery after getting ripped by her majesty for the unfathomable sin of calling her Ma’Am.

Spare me again – this is the Same Barbara Boxer whose obsessive rampage over the economic stimulus had her calling Fiorina out the day after her reconstructive surgery (post breast-cancer no less) to come meet workers who benefitted from the stimulus.

We know Calbuzz are liberals. I get that. I have talked to them a few times – but they took a faceplant on this little snippet:

From the Mean Girls cattiness she accidentally revealed with her comments about Boxer’s hair, to the sophomoric sarcasm of “Boxer Bites” and her overall habit of making criticisms more personal than political…

To the guys at Calbuzz – Barbara Boxer’s Hairdo is a museum piece. There, now I said it.

…Fiorina’s attitudes and language echo the caustic corrosiveness of Sarah Palin, even as  they recall the personal viciousness with which Carly set about to smash the civility and respectfulness of the “H-P Way” corporate culture when she moved in as CEO. An excerpt from Friday’s eblast:…

Oh Heaven forbid – another Conservative Woman who is not sequestered in the Kitchen. Must be scary for liberals…

…Perhaps it’s good that Barbara Boxer is visiting an employment-training center today. As a career politician who has been in elected office for more than three decades, the transition back into the real world is likely to be a rocky one. Boxer may very well need some job-skills training in order to find new employment after the people of California fire her on Election Day. (After all, bitter partisanship and election-year grandstanding aren’t exactly marketable job skills in the real world).

Another note for Calbuzz. I have Gray Hair now. I am a middle-aged man.

When Barbara Boxer first infested office – I was playing the horrific game of Dodgeball injuring the psyches of fellow students who were getting pummeled on the campus of Sherwood Elementary School in Modesto, CA.

2/3 of my lifespan later – Under Boxer’s leadership – Dodgeball is banned and children are drugged up and taught about alternative sexual lifestyles. If there is any time left in the school day – their Math, Reading and Science exams are graded based on feeling. Another legacy of Barbara Boxer.

The only defense for Barbara Boxer is to call Carly Nasty and beg for mercy. Nothing else has a chance of working… except for lying.

I thought Calbuzz was above whining – I really did.

Jul 272010

No. It’s not Tom McClintock – McClintock is expected to endorse Ted Gaines, everyone knows this. Gaines has former Senator Rico Oller locked up as well.

Roger Niello has Former Congressman John Doolittle and Doug Ose in addition to the Late Senator Dave Cox who transfered $7800 to Niello the day he died.

But rumors are rife that Ted Gaines is going for the throat and is working on a ‘Huge” endorsement characterized as a “Republican Party” endorsement. What the heck – Tom McClintock got a few of those, Rick Keene even got one… why not Ted?

The feedback I have gotten from locals is the only thing holding them back from choosing Roger Niello is that one bad vote…

Now if you’re Ted Gaines – you’d be wondering just how many ‘Huge’ Endorsements it is going to take to make your side of the SD-01 Race about more than one bad vote by Roger Niello?

The Tea Party? Rumor has it that they are not thrilled with either candidate…

Life is a lot simpler for this blogger – need a good deal on insurance? I can make sense of that for you… wanna run for office? I’ll probably tell you no unless you can get a few ‘huge’ endorsements.

To Be Continued…

Mayor’s Race in Yountville Continues to Rile Feathers

 City Of Yountville, Robert Stryk, Robert Stryk for Mayor  Comments Off on Mayor’s Race in Yountville Continues to Rile Feathers
Jul 272010

Read here and here for the latest on the City of Yountville Mayor’s race and the ensuing drama.

Remember – Yountville is in Mike Thompson and Nancy Pelosi’s Back Yard.

They tried to invalidate Robert Stryk’s signatures…

Imagine you’re running for Mayor of Yountville. The Signers on Stryk’s nomination papers didn’t put cities and states on the papers – the Napa County registrar said they were ok, but the people at the City office rejected them.

It is obvious that they are nervous. They should be: Stryk forced a runoff

Two hours later – Stryk returned with signatures they could not reject.

Sound assinine? Mike Thompson and “Republican” John Dunbar have spent $100,000 thus far attempting to stop Robert Stryk.

Police officers in Yountville have harassed Stryk over the placement of his campaign signs and have shadowed him while he is walking door-to-door campaigning.

The Yountville Sun – an illegal corporation that has not paid their taxes since 2007 continues to collude with Mike Thompson.

And so it goes.

Meantime – Stryk is self-funding his campaign. He does not want to be beholden to anyone when he wins.

I think that makes him even more dangerous.

CA-Sen Update: Boxer’s Base Crumbling. Nicole and Pete Parra Endorse Carly

 Barbara Boxer, California U.S. Senate Race, Carly Fiorina  Comments Off on CA-Sen Update: Boxer’s Base Crumbling. Nicole and Pete Parra Endorse Carly
Jul 212010

Nicole Parra – alleged Moderate Democrat Assemblywoman. (she is now a registered Independent)

Not hardly – she scored worse than any Republican on her CRA scorecard and she voted for every disaster budget ever put in front of her.

However, Parra had a conscience about a few issues – highlighting how the Pelosi-Fenistein-Harman-Boxer leadership of the Democrat Party is not only in the Top 50 wealthiest, but also has lost touch with even “regular” Democrats like Nicole and Pete Parra.

Quoting the Carly Fiorina Press Release today:

In the coming weeks, former Supervisor Parra and former Assemblywoman Parra will together spearhead the effort to recruit support for Fiorina’s campaign from Democrats, independents and decline-to-state voters across California. Fiorina has previously been endorsed by Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims, who is registered decline-to-state, and Mendota City Councilman Leo Capuchino, who is a Democrat.

Maybe the fact that Boxer cares more about Carly’s finances, a slimy fish and screwing the US military than her voters is a factor?

Oh – not to be outdone, the Sacramento Bee (rumored to be published in Jerry Brown’s basement) chimed in with a suprisingly balanced story on Nicole Parra and her endorsement of Carly Fiorina.

It sucks to be Barbara Boxer – her reign over the serfs of California is coming to an end. All her supporters can do is whine.

Jul 202010

Have you heard the latest whining from Barbara Boxer? Carly’s rich, its’ not fair! What?

Barbara Boxer – trustee of a Blind trust with $1M – $5M in Assets in it.

$100K-$250K in cash laying around in the bank. (Click here for source data)

$17 Million in her campaign account. (or raised thus far – whatever)

California Campaign Chair worth more money than the combined networth of 95% of my Home Zip Code.

$1M house in the Washington DC Area

$500K Golf Course Condo in California…

And Boxer is PO’ed because Carly wrote herself a check for campaign money? This is the same desperation of Jerry Brown who is whining about Meg Whitman’s money.

(Imagine what Barbara Boxer would say about Darrell Issa? #2 on the top 50 list behind John Kerry)

Problem one – Jerry Brown’s house is not exactly a 2000 square foot suburban home .

Problem two – while Boxer is confiding in her shrink at CBS about how troubled she is over Fiorina’s wealth…

Her California Team consists of

California Congresswoman Jane Harman – number 3 on the list.

The aforementioned Senator Dianne Feinstein – number 9 on the list.

Nancy Pelosi – number 23 on the list.

Don’t take my word for it – click here to see CQ’s list of evil capitalist Washington types.

Honorable Mention – Kool-Aid survivor and good buddy of Barbara Boxer, Jackie Speier checks in at #47.

Here’s what happens when you toss bricks in glass houses – you find that the strong majority (28-22) on the top 50 list are DEMOCRATS. (With 8 of the top 10)

Boxer. What a hypocrite. She has 5 times most people’s annual income in the bank and she’s whining about someone’s hard-earned money.