Feb 282023

You, yes you need to pick a hat and a shirt. I know it is a tough choice, but you can do it. Email asshole@rightondaily.com with your picks!

So which hat?

Which Shirt? Or should I bust out a tommy shirt instead?

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions…

Ok! Email asshole@rightondaily.com or leave a comment. YOU! Yes YOU get to pick what your intrepid blogger will be wearing as he steps in to the asylum in 2023!

Feb 272023

While I am not convinced that Dan and Diane Harkey did anything criminally illegal I can certainly understand how the people in this photo feel.

This was originally posted in 2021.

On 7-11-2013, Dan Harkey was found civilly liable for fraud and elder abuse by a court in Orange County over the failure of Point Center Financial. The judgement would later settle in at $12,500,000. To the best of my knowledge, not a dime has been repaid. It appears Dan Harkey lost his real estate license, the SEC did not find securities fraud, nor did other agencies find wire fraud. It appears that Dan Harkey is an effective liar who got people to invest in high-risk real estate deals (called Hard Money Lending) most of which failed.

Records I have obtained indicate that Dan Harkey has had as many as 40 entities he formed, several list attachements of some sort to Diane Harkey. If Mark Wyland had done his homework, he would have beaten the overturning of the Anti-SLAPP he got against Diane Harkey in 2015. He’d have won on the basis of this statement alone. Mark Wyland got sued by Diane Harkey in 2013 for defamation because he said something to the effect that her money is dirty and her campaigns were funded with it. We know that Diane Harkey took campaign cash from people who did business with Dan Harkey – several of who defaulted on their loans causing the people that sued Dan Harkey successfully to lose significant amounts of money.

“I’ve been married for 25 years to my husband,” said the Dana Point Republican. “We have personal income. He has income. I have income. Sometimes it was my income. Sometimes it was his income. Sometimes it’s both of our incomes. And I’ve saved him financially many years. So I’m not going to get into whose, yours, mine, ours. Who knows after 25 years?” – Diane Harkey 2009 in the LA Times.

5 months after Dan Harkey lost the lawsuit judgement, Diane Harkey created DHJP2, LLC. 

In 2014, a series of real estate transactions occurred involving DHJP2, LLC. I also believe that Diane Harkey may have been thinking about this when she lied / grossly deceived John Chiang in her letter of 8-5-2014. In that letter she claimed to be in the process of filing a divorce and legally separated. Both were patently untrue at the time of the letter according to my research (namely a lack of anything related on the County of Orange’s website and no other court records anywhere else).

From 2014 – 2020 Harkey’s personal residence, worth some 5,600,000 was moved between various trusts. In 2014, it appears that money was put in to the transaction. My guess is it was an attempt to shield some assets. However, the amount does not appear to have been large by Harkey standards. The current mortgage is a fraction of the home’s value and could be a line of credit as the records I have are not specific. The point is that Diane Harkey’s primary residence is in a trust – a common tactic for shielding assets from lawsuits and liability. Not illegal but fishy with the backdrop.

In 4-15-2014, 31212 Paseo Miraloma, San Juan Capistrano, California, 92675 – was transferred from Diane Harkey’s name in to the LLC. The LLC recently sold the property to a third party. While not illegal, moving the house in to the LLC would have been done in anticipation of other major financial decisions (coming soon). The sale price in 2020 was around $1.1 Million. What I found fascinating were notations from Don Mealing, Mealing Family Trust on this property suggesting that Mealing – a key plantiff against Dan Harkey took a run at this property.

There are several properties that at one time appeared on Diane Harkey’s disclosure forms, all were dumped in 2014 while Dan and Diane Harkey were still married. All were dumped by another LLC called Dig Pmb Note LLC that appears to have been a conduit for these properties as the previous owner was Dan Harkey, or Dan and Diane Harkey via a trust.

34021 Copper Lantern St Dana Point, California, 92629 Sold for 758,610.00 June 24, 2014.

33931 Copper Lantern St Dana Point, California, 92629 Sold for 792,919.00 June 10, 2014.

33941 Silver Lantern St Dana Point, California, 92629 Sold for 1,620,148.00 June 10, 2014.

33791 Violet Lantern St Dana Point, California, 92629 Sold for 1,076,922.00 June 10, 2014. (an interesting note, the Form 700 lists the name Lisa Bartlett. Apparently, Harkey was Bartlett’s landlord at the time?)

Please see Diane Harkey’s 2013 Form 700 – all of the above properties are listed. The form 700 also mentions DHJP2, LLC for the first time as Diane moved some property in to it to keep past the asset dumping of mid 2014 apparently as well.

In addition, there are at least three pieces of property sold around that period of time that Diane Harkey had an ownership interest in at some point in the past. None of these were listed on her form 700’s however. This further decimates her narrative that her personal finances are separated from Dan Harkey’s and any claims she did not benefit from his businesses are absurd.

While not illegal, Dumping $4.5 Million worth of property within a year of losing a massive lawsuit smells to high heaven. Moving a couple pieces of property in to DHJP2, LLC also smells. It looks like they were draining assets out of the marital estate, with the process starting in late 2013 just months after the judgement – and after Dan Harkey filed an appeal (that he lost in 2018).

How much of that money did Diane Harkey get? She was still married to Dan Harkey at the time and had to know that he was dumping several properties in the months following the lawsuit!

Did Dan Harkey file the appeal to stall for time in order to facilitate the dumping of assets?

At the same time she was playing the victim in public, on 8-5-2014 claiming she was legally separated and in the process of filing a divorce. Was dumping $4 Million worth of property part of the “process of filing a divorce” in order to keep that money away from the victims?

So about that Sham Divorce? For those of you that know about divorces, a couple married nearly 30 years with a ton of assets is usually a 2-3 year deal to get final. The Harkey’s divorce was final in just 4.5 months. Details on that and more as we continue.

Feb 262023

What does Jack Duran have to do with all this? Read on…

Did you know that when Suzanne Jones ditched the Placer County Republican Party to join with the left against Kirk Uhler, her campaign was almost 100% about Tami Uhler’s job. Did you also know that Jones hired her Brother as her district director after getting elected?

It is also well-known that Jones is incapable of taking meetings herself as she is always in meetings with her brother present. Perhaps this is why Ms. Jones is up to something.

Jones also cost the taxpayers of Placer $15,000 in moving expenses because she just had to have her county office in a different place. And, her new office is $1500 a month more than the previous office.

But, Jones’ latest move that is supported by resident loser Jim Holmes is even more egregious. (I am sure the so-called conservatives that supported her in 2020 would blush when they hear about this)

Crazy Suzy wants to get her colleagues to agree to adding a second staffer to the budget for Placer County Supervisors. Currently, only Sup D5 has such an arrangement due to the large geographical size of the district. (And that it can get cut in half in the winter with pass closures) The cost of this is $500,000 more a year to the county at a time when the State is running massive deficits. (That will soon pass to the county!)

You got that right, Crazy Suzy needs another staffer as it has just dawned on her that the election is a year away. Given that Suzy can’t take meetings on her own, her Brother (speaking of nepotism) can’t do much else than function as a chaperone.

So, just who does Crazy Suzy want to hire? Jack Duran’s old chief of staff that is referenced above in the epic mailer I helped produce in 2018! (The wife of the pot lobbyist)

So, it looks like Suzanne Jones is going Green / Commie to get re-elected. The next thing I know, she will be playing soccer too…

Feb 252023

Sometimes your intrepid blogger despairs over the dishonesty in the body politic. And, sometimes, the theater of the absurd, known as the asylum in 2023, yields clarity.

Recently, I blogged that Candidate 2 for California GOP Vice Chair (who has been a friend of many years) was getting messed over by Solano GOP Chair Michelle Guerra and San Mateo GOP Chair Anna Kramer. Kramer is also a candidate for CCA Chair (aka the Chair of Chairs, an organization of the chairs of the 54 active county parties in California) Candidate 2, helped the aforementioned in their bungled takeover of the CCA a few months ago. This effort drew the ire of your intrepid blogger because of the lack of integrity in the execution of the event.

So why should your intrepid blogger be surprised that two of the revolutionaries have turned on my friend of 20 Years, the Chair of Placer County in his bid to represent the State Party as its’ Vice Chair? Information continues to come in that the two have been openly supporting candidate 3, who is a failed Assembly Candidate from Southern California.

Mrs. Kramer sent your intrepid blogger an email:

Hi Aaron:
Contrary to what you wrote in your February 23, 2023 blog that:

“…..This is odd as Kramer and Candidate 2 for CRP Vice Chair are connected publicly! Has Anna Kramer abandoned Candidate 2 as well? Update: have now been told that Kramer is indeed advocating for candidate 3 and has thrown candidate 2 for CRP Vice Chair aside despite the online endorsement and collaboration….”

I have not abandoned Mark Wright whatsoever and continue to support him consistent with my endorsement of him.   Soo Yoo is impressive in her campaigning skills.   But that is different from actual accomplishments.    Just wanted you to know the facts.
Thank you,
Anna Cheng Kramer
San Mateo County Republican Party
First off, thank you for attempting to clear the record, but your email creates more questions than it answers. The specific information I have is that Anna Kramer is promoting candidate 3 (The methods of promotion, if exposed would burn my sources). In this response, Kramer does not deny that and in fact promotes candidate 3 in her response.
If I was a candidate and I had an endorser doing what Kramer was doing, I would not be happy about it at all. This 100% appears that Kramer is attempting to hedge her bets, yet another hallmark of weak leadership. Candidate 2 deserves better than this and as a friend of the man, this is infuriating what both of these County Chairs have done to him.
Regardless of how you, dear readers see this response (unedited and posted in its’ entirety) this is not a good look for Kramer and shows us all why she is not qualified to be the CCA Chair, and that she can not be relied upon in a fight.
There is a solution:

Your Intrepid Blogger has endorsed the following:

CAGOP Vice Chair: Corrin Rankin
CAGOP Treasurer: Greg Gandrud
CAGOP Secretary: Randy Berholtz

CCA Chair: John Dennis
CCA Vice Chair: Johanna Lassaga
CCA 2nd Vice Chair: Lani Kane

CAGOP Vice Chair Northwest: Bryan Pritchard
CAGOP Vice Chair North: Laurie Wallace
CAGOP Vice Chair Central: Craig DeLuz

Feb 252023

Please note, I fully expect the morally abhorrent liar Hannah Holzer to abuse her space in the local rag to lie about the RJUHSD Board again as she has done. I have been informed that the people who attempted to deceive the district to get their drag queen event held on School District Property had involved the Sacramento Bee from Day 1 of their effort.

If you don’t think Holzer is a liar in the mold of a communist propaganda merchant, have a look at her “column” and compare her rantings to actual fact. I received an email from the American Council recently, and some insider calls. Please see the email from the council below:

Header image

The Landing Spot, an LGBTQ+ / Drag Ministry of Loomis Basin Congregational United Church of Christ, announced its 3rd annual Drag Show, this year, at Roseville High School on March 31st. Parents, teachers, and the school board were unaware of the event or its messaging toward students.

The event invitation encouraged students to engage in the show this year as well:

“The youth will be celebrating “Queer Joy” as they perform in drag for an eager audience. […] The event will take place at the Pattie Baker Theater located on the Roseville High School campus. Remember to bring cash for tips as is custom for drag shows.”

The American Council, a faith-based advocacy group in California that represents families, houses of worship, and faith organizations — quickly responded to the news.

The American Council has a family network of ~9,000 people in Roseville. We quickly emailed our stakeholders, letting them know of the event and encouraged them to reach out to Roseville High School.

Other parent and family organizations, like the NorCal Freedom Alliance and Moms for Liberty, quickly responded in tandem and started reaching out to their parents and school administrators in Roseville.

Loomis Basin Congregation United Church of Christ has been an outspoken critic of faith organizations and churches in the region, suggesting that religion should not play any part in public institutions like government, schools, etc.

However, these standards seem to not apply to their LGBTQ+ and Justice ministries, which play an active role in local and regional advocacy.

Drag should not be an underage activity on a high school campus, says Tanner DiBella, President of the American Council.

Roseville High School is a Public Institution. Allowing an event that encourages students under 18 to dress up in provocative clothing, dance in front of adults, and get tips shoved in their clothing is not a healthy expression of sexuality, maturity, or safety. We want children to be happy, healthy, and safe. Targeting minors to dance and perform in drag at a public school campus is highly concerning, and we will continue to represent students, families, and the community.

About The American Council
The American Council is a leading advocacy group representing families, houses of worship, and people of faith. Read more about our vision and mission.

Blogger’s Note: I also received information that the American Council has hired a good friend of mine full time to work for them! More on that as soon as it is public.

Here is the truth that the Bee will never report… The group sent their application in during spring break when they knew staffing at the district would be light. As a result, the usual questions were not asked. Once this group revealed their true agenda for the facility rental – THE STAFF (make a note as Holzer will attack the elected board for this) invoked standard district policy that has been in force for years to inform the deceivers that their event was not within the established guidelines. It is that simple. So simple in fact, that it seems like this group set up the district and once the Bee article comes out you will see the endgame.