That’s the bottom line – their editorial board decided to back up the rantings Peter Hill. I posted Hill’s self-centered rant that he blasted out to several people the other day. Hill and others are angry at the Placer County Republican Central Committee for involving itself in the affairs of local government. I have a news flash: IT’S OUR JOB – and what the voters who elected the Central Committee expect!
Read the Editorial Here – they suggest that Conservative values could have been promoted by supporting the renewal of the Rocklin Park Tax. I kid you not… and that we DESERVED to have Peter Hill leave the GOP because of it. They also imply that the Central Committee is the reason why Republican Registration has flatlined in Placer County.
Ironically, they point to the renewal of the Rocklin Park Tax as a reason to show how the Cent Com is out of touch. A low-turnout special election that was fully funded where an overwhelming minority of Rocklin’s Citizens voted 83% to renew the Park Tax. I voted against it – and I had decided to let the matter go. But, the Bee and Mr. Hill pointed to the Park Tax and Omitted the fact that Hill in the 1980’s, then a Democrat, voted to put the original tax in place. They also neglected to mention that the Park Tax failed in 2008 regular election because Hill and others jacked it from $30 a house to $45 and inserted indexing in to it – the Central Committee opposed that measure as well. But, Note that the first rendetion of the Park Tax was not supported unanimously by the Rocklin City Council.
Again – the Bee Aborts journalism in their zeal to stick it to Conservatives.
Start with this paragraph: “That isn’t the only sign that the Central Committe’s hard line isn’t resonating, even on Placer County’s GOP-friendly turf. Placer’s Republican registration has been basically flat the past three years. The Democrats are up modestly. But the nonpartisan category Peter Hill joined this week is up sharply, and now makes up nearly 20 percent of the county’s registered voters.”
The person who has been feeding the Sacramento Bee their data – (the FPPC stuff, the E-Mail from Tom Hudson, etc) must have also fed them their talking points.
According to what our volunteers have told us – people left the GOP over Bush, Arnold, McCain. Tax-raising Moderates, all.
According to data we discovered after the election – there was substantial election fraud committed. That could also artificially lower the Registration percentage… ACORN workers came across the border into Eastern Placer County / Truckee etc for a time in the last cycle. When we called the new registrants – we got dozens of “he doesn’t live here anymore” answers and still more, “Who is that?” answers. Curious, isn’t it? Since that doesn’t fit the paradigm of the Bee, the above facts are Omitted.
At a time when brutal choices loom everywhere to bring spending and revenue into balance, when the Democrat Party too often acts like a compliant subsidiary of public employee unions it’s desperately important that Republicans have something to offer besides “No.” By drawing the line at a park maintenance fee, it appears Placer’s Republican Central Committee hasn’t gotten that message. It’s an attitude that could be tragic for a region and state that badly need a responsible conservative opposition.
Actually, we have gotten that message. This is why Peter Hill took his ball and went home. The unfortunate legacy of the past is that the Central Committees looked the other way as local Republican officeholders raised taxes and fees. The aforementioned Park Tax – was originally supported by then Democrat Peter Hill!
When Local electeds raise taxes and fees consistently – there is nothing left to do other than oppose and attempt to recruit candidates to run against those raising taxes. Since, the Bee generally supports liberal tax-and-spend policies and bigger government… it is easier to put the Central Committee in to a box.
The Tea Party movement and results of November 2009’s elections show that Americans are demanding leadership. Obama fooled people into thinking he was the one who could lead, as McCain looked like Bush only 10 years older.
Now Obama’s supporters in the Bee are attempting to tell the Central Committee how to do business. Absurd.