Apr 252023

Grammarly is a fantastic service to subscribe to. Recently, I got an update from Grammarly:

Apparently, Grammarly is a fan of Right on Daily

There is one thing your intrepid blogger has learned, talk trash when you can back it up.

That’s 35,000 words a week.

And just to further confirm that your intrepid blogger gets the job done…

Think of all the Ph.D.s that use Grammarly… your intrepid blogger is right there with them. Maybe if I stopped using squish, psycho, loser, and nimrod so much… I might get the unique words into the 90’s too!

We try to warn people here at Right on Daily, but they can’t seem to help themselves…

Don’t do it.

And let’s finish with the official theme song of so many featured on Right on Daily

Apr 242023

First Off – Here are the Results of the Officer Elections:

2023 Annual Convention

Officer Election Results


Executive Vice President

Davina Keiser – 105 votes ***

Dale Tyler – 29 votes

Vice President (5 Positions)

Jim Shoemaker – 112 votes ***

Katherine Loy – 111 votes ***

Rich Handy – 101 votes ***

David Marko – 93 votes ***

Jo Reitkopp – 86 votes ***

Greg Perrone – 73 votes

Dean Gross – 53 votes

Membership Secretary

Zonya Townsend – 100 votes

Rich Marshall – 62 votes

Voter Registration Secretary

Karl George – 122 votes ***

Martha Flores-Gibson – 35 votes


Pat Garcia – 94 votes ***

Baron Night – 66 votes

National Committeeman

Bill Cardoza – 113 votes ***

Jong Lee – 48 votes

National Committeewoman

Nancy Hinton – 123 votes ***

Eveyln Jones – 38 votes

*** Elected (Two-year term of office)

Please Note: Carl Brickey was Elected President, Greg Goehring Recording Secretary, PJ Garcia Corresponding Secretary, Greg Qunath Asst. Treasurer, Paul Beckley Sgt. at Arms. with no opposition.

Here is the bottom line about the CRA convention as I have aggregated several people’s input. The Old Guard of CRA attempted the standard array of tricks at the convention, including picking floor fights and losing them all badly. It seems that the same thing I wrote about the RCC held true at CRA, some folks can’t let go or accept that the political winds have shifted.

The bottom line is that CRA is the only GOP group not in decline. CRA is the premier anti-establishment GOP group in CA.

Since 2019 – CRA’s Membership has tripled. (See also 300% gain)

Since 2019 – The CRA has doubled the number of chapters… all of whom have real people and host real meetings.

Since 2019 – The CRA’s convention attendance has increased 250%.

Currently, 6 New CRA Chapters are in the works. George Yang is in the middle of several of these new groups helping CRA establish a presence in the Bay Area.

My guess is Brickey serves 4 Years as President of CRA as a transition from the old guard who are fading away and is a bridge to the next generation of conservative leaders. If successful, this becomes a model for other groups about how to sustain growth and effectiveness even while time marches on.

The results (growth of CRA) of the new generation of leaders speak for themselves.

To be continued…

P.S. I served as an officer of the CRA for 15 years. That era was characterized by constant fighting and drama. The chain of events that led to my expulsion was another series of fights. It appears that 2-3 years after I was expelled from CRA, the leadership finally got a handle on the fake clubs and a lot of the remaining bad actors. In 2019, the CRA had hit bottom and has been in a growth pattern since. Many of the combatants from those years are no longer in CRA and well over half the current chapters are brand new. This is exactly what was and is needed for a healthy CRA.

Apr 242023

You Did you hear that the Alameda GOP adopted a resolution slamming the DA in New York State that indicted the Orange Man?

That’s nice, but did you know that the Alameda County DA is a Soros Moonbat herself who is refusing to charge people that murder Asians in Alameda County???

Come on guys…

Families of murdered loved ones, such as Virginia Nishita, wife of Kevin Nishita who was killed while protecting a TV news crew, and Barbara Nguyen whose brother, David, was killed in a freeway shooting last year, spoke about the need for proper punishment and fears of possible changes to enhancement charges from District Attorney Pamela Price.

But what came as a bit of a surprise: Alameda County prosecutor Butch Ford, who said he was put on paid administrative leave by Price, taking to the podium.

He explained a bit about his background.

“I’m half Pacific Islander and I was raised by a strong Pacific Islander woman who taught me what it meant to take responsibility for your actions,” Ford said. “I am also half African American, influenced by the first African American female judge in Alameda history, Judge Judith Ford.”

Ford shared an anecdote of a seemingly racist incident a young female DA said she experienced last month, within the Price administration.

National Fox News even jumped on the case:

Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price is scheduled to speak at a rally against her media critics, according to a flyer of the event.

Local ABC7 News reporter Dan Noyes shared a flyer from Price’s campaign that titled at the top, “Rally in support of DA Price” with Price being listed as a featured speaker.

“ALCO DA Pam Price still refuses my request for an interview, and she and her staff have never disputed a single fact in my reports — because they are absolutely accurate,” Noyes tweeted. “So what does she do? Call a rally for her supporters to come out against ABC7. Wonder who will attend.”

There are so many better things the new leadership of the Alameda GOP Could be doing. (Like trying to get above 13% registration, recruiting volunteers) It is just one blogger talking but this DA in Alameda County could get recalled easy and Chan, who is Asian is obviously obsessed with the Orange Man and is ignoring the plight of his own people in Alameda County. Come on man, do better.

No one is going to become a Republican in Alameda County because you are adopting pro-trump resolutions… however, focusing on a deeply flawed DA that is screwing over the people of her county is a winner.

Noyes, writing for ABC7 News, recently called out Price’s campaign for a lack of transparency on March 31.

“Throughout her campaign and in her oath of office, Price promised to be transparent,” he wrote. “Yet, she won’t give us interviews, she rushes away from the camera, and she didn’t allow us inside today’s staff meeting that reveals her vision for her next six years in office.” In the same report, Noyes told readers that a recent all-hands meeting occurred amid a blackout on communications, noting, “The meeting comes as Price faces criticism for this memo: her plan to reduce prison terms by eliminating sentencing enhancements for things like guns, gang activity and criminal history. And she has gotten rid of more than 20 experienced prosecutors, six still out on paid administrative leave.

The day before, Noyes wrote that he had obtained an email from Price’s campaign where her team appeared to be exploring “non-carceral” means of punishing violent criminals without sending them to jail.

“A member of the AAPI community asked Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price for an update on the case, and Price sent this email Tuesday that reads in part, ‘Our office is currently working on a partnership with the Asian Law Caucus to support AAPI victims of violence in ways that open up broader possibilities for healing and non-carceral forms of accountability,’” Noyes reported.

Jasper Wu was murdered in a shootout. Wu was 2 years old. The DA of Alameda County is refusing to charge the killers.  David Chan and crew should be all over this.

“A member of the AAPI community asked Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price for an update on the case, and Price sent this email Tuesday that reads in part, ‘Our office is currently working on a partnership with the Asian Law Caucus to support AAPI victims of violence in ways that open up broader possibilities for healing and non-carceral forms of accountability,’” Noyes reported.

Price was elected in 2022 with the help from liberal billionaire George Soros, but since taking office she has been criticized for her handling the case involving th death of an Asian child. More than 100 protestors gathered on the steps of a California Bay Area courthouse earlier this month and demanded Price’s removal because how she handled the case against three alleged gang members charged in the highway shooting death of an Asian child. Two-year-old Jasper Wu was killed by a stray bullet during a gun fight between rival gang members.

Mr. Chan – allow me to offer you a suggestion Courtesy of SFGOP Chair John Dennis who is now also the CCA Chair:

Get to work. Mr. Dennis even mentions the Orange Man in his tweet. Your Intrepid blogger has served up the information to you on a platter. We are here to help…

Apr 232023

The Republican Conservative Coalition met this weekend, concurrent with the California Republican Assembly Convention. They were two different events, both held in venues close to each other.

I did not attend the CRA Convention as I am still banned from the group, nor was I present at the RCC.

That said, my phone lit up yesterday mid-day with the news that George Yang, and not Steve Frank, who was one of the founders of the RCC was elected its chair. The vote was 31-20.

I had asked questions about Yang who had never been a Central Committee Member or had ever held a leadership position in any GOP group before. Those were my only questions regarding his qualification to lead the RCC.

Steve Frank has been a warrior for the conservative cause for 50+ years. He fondly talks about 1968, like it was yesterday. (It was 55 years ago and your intrepid blogger, who is in his 50’s was not alive then)

… and this summarizes the situation. Your intrepid blogger attempted to intervene on behalf of Frank when it became known that Yang was making calls and running a drill. Frank’s response to your intrepid blogger’s attempt to help him was to send an email, apparently BCC’ed to a ton of people, in an attempt to attack the credibility of this blog under the guise of asking for a revision to a post I put up.

Cc’ed on the email were two of the most disloyal members of the RCC whose actions caused major damage to the RCC’s efforts to effect change at the 2023 CAGOP Convention, Dan Brown and Michelle Guerra. Apparently, Frank in an attempt to save himself saw a chance to advance his cause by ingratiating himself to the aforementioned two. It was like I had never worked for Mr. Frank or helped him in his run for CAGOP Chair.

A mutual friend indicated that Steve said he had 22 votes lined up going in to the weekend. He got 20. If Dan Brown and Michelle Guerra were present and voting, those would be the first two I’d have counted as bailing out. In fact, Guerra endorsed Jessica Patterson in 2021 and I never counted Dan Brown in my tallies I kept for Steve when I was working for him in 2021 at the CAGOP Convention.

It was put to me that Steve left the RCC Convention after losing the vote. He returned later. I hope Steve will stay involved and help the new generation of leaders benefit from his long institutional knowledge in the political world.

Ultimately, Steve Frank should have taken a step back in 2021 when he started having major health issues. I have learned a personal lesson from this, I have a personal plan for my political and professional life that I believe will have me changing my roles long before being put in a position like Steve put himself in.

Congratulations George Yang. I will fully support Mr. Yang and his team’s efforts to lead the RCC.

Congratulations Vic Marani. The same man that masterminded the drill to unseat CAGOP “Chair in Waiting” Lindsey Stetson, pulled off another victory this weekend as he helped guide Yang to victory.

The political guard has changed in the conservative movement.

P.S. By the time many of you read this blog, Carl Brickey will have been elected CRA President. This move will help CRA continue to grow and will help CRA become more effective in their mission.

Apr 172023
The email thread started with this:
On Sun, Apr 16, 2023, 1:23 PM Steve Frank <stephenfrank@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
Aaron:  I just got a call in regard to your blog about Dan Brown and Michelle Guerra.
Your statement is 100% inaccurate–neither have been thrown out of the Republican Conservative Coalition.  No questions have been raised about their membership or support of the RCC.
You need to correct this.  If you have any questions feel free to contact me/  I look forward to your correction.

Steve Frank

The blog was corrected. But, suffice to say, given what I had heard about Dan Brown’s behavior from leaders within the RCC and how they felt betrayed, I was pretty surprised to get the call I got from Mr. Frank.
Then Dan Brown Responded:
Steve thank you very much for your honesty, but unfortunately Aaron only likes to slander people without ever checking any of his facts every time he is written about me and Michelle he never checks his facts, and I have been told he gets paid for posting his negative blogs about good people, no proof of that but that’s what I’ve been told by the old timers that’s why 3 years ago I blocked his blog
Note sure how Mr. Brown “Blocked” my Blog as he sure knows what’s on it. FYI – I have plenty of people on and off the record, plus a lot of stuff related to my recent writings about Mr. Brown.
I did however take the time to respond to Brown, Guerra and Mr. Frank himself: (Note that I left a typo in from my original email to prove its’ authenticity)

Dan – I corrected the blog nly to reflect that you are still a part of the RCC. I believe for the record you should be thrown out of the RCC for what you have done. And, I stand 100% behind every word I have written about you and your behavior and can back it all up.

Your actions are beneath the ethical and moral standard anyone that calls themself a conservative should adhere to.
I just wanted to make sure we were and are all clear where I stand.
If Steve is still associating with you both, he does so at his own peril.
If you forward this email, please forward it in its’ entirety.
IF Steve Frank thinks Dan Brown and Michelle Guerra are going to vote for him on the secret ballot next weekend at the RCC meeting, he has another thing coming. I am old enough to remember when Guerra endorsed Jessica Patterson against Steve Frank for CRP Chair. I also have the CCA Chair debacle fresh in my mind. I wonder what Steve Frank is seeing that I am not – I learned a ton about his relationships within the CAGOP when I worked for him professionally in 2021… and I knew 70-80 of the votes he was counting on were fool’s gold.
I do want to make mention that Dan Brown also liked to attack some members of his committee for getting paid small sums of money for helping Republican Candidates (the horror). I suppose he’d have to be hospitalized if he knew how much Mr. Frank and I have made over the years doing campaign work.
Then – I got this comment on another post about the RCC… yikes…
The RCC is a dying organization. Cordie Williams, one of the founders, left; Woody Woodrum, vice President, left; Randall Jordan, representing the Tea Party on the Board of the RCC, left. The RCC is already unable to make payments they had promised to multiple people, people like Lee De Meo, The RCC doesn’t have 2 pennies to rub together.
This is not a take over. There is nothing to be taken over. This is a rescue operation. George Yang had no plan to run for the RCC. In fact at the CRP convention he told me he needed a break from politics will vacation in Egypt in May. He only agreed after multiple people on the Board of the CRA and College Republicans asked him to lead this rescue mission to make the RCC work like it was designed to work.
It takes a lot of a courage to step in to save a dying organization.
As to the laughable and groundless insinuation of link to China, a simple Google search will show that George Yang has been working for years with the good people in Epoch Times, Sounds of Hope, and NDTV to bring down the Chinese Communist Government.
I just don’t think the establishment that control the CAGOP have a whole lot to worry about.