Remember our post about Lincoln Council-member Gabriel Hydrick joining the AD06 race? Two of his colleagues support Bill Halldin. The other two have not endorsed.
Since posting about Hydrick and hearing about Hydrick, we have heard nothing further. However local Lincoln area electeds beyond the two council-members support Bill Halldin, including Supervisor Robert Weygant.
There was a recent event with the remnant of the Placer CRA which once had 105 members before surrendering its’ charter in May. An estimated 15-20 people were there that were not brought by candidates.
Nugget 1: Cristi Nelson was not present. Every other candidate was. This has been consistent with Nelson’s pattern – she is reputed to be an elitist, preferring to hang around “Money People” only. Secondly, as we have chronicled – she is a social liberal and probably wanted to avoid legitimate questions about her liberal views versus what she claims on her website.
Nugget 2: Kevin Kiley flip-flopped on the No New Taxes Pledge? After saying publicly, he does not take pledges. He did.
Nugget 3: Suzanne Jones appears to have a loyal, hard-core constituency that may help her get some traction in this race. The remnants of the CRA appear to be one such constituency.
Recently, I heard then verified that Ron “Mik” Mikaluco – the embattled El Dorado County D1 Supervisor is talking openly about running for Assembly. This means that Mik has recognized that the serial office-shopper is a formidable candidate he may not be able to deal with and that his best bet is to run for something else. If true, this is a serious boost to Steve Ferry – who is widely regarded as the best chance El Dorado County voters have to free themselves from the chains of Gaines.
Cristi Nelson recently held a fundraiser. Reports indicate that most of the attendees were employees of a large, local business who were there at the behest of the owner in order to create photo-ops for the campaign. Nelson has another fundraiser with a 6-person host committee that just added Senator Gaines to the invite. (No Beth Gaines sighting yet – adding to our suspicions of confusion)
Lastly – I took note of how the announcement of Clay Sigg presented him as the leading candidate in the race, yet neglected the McClintock endorsement of Sigg. Current McClintock endorsee Kevin Hanley has posted about it on Facebook, but nowhere else is it featured. McClintock did endorse Kevin McCarthy for speaker, so you’d think that people would be more excited about such an endorsement. (especially since Hanley just had a fundraiser with McClintock as the headliner!)