Nathan Fletcher – Moderate Hero That Ditches GOP – Line Forms to the Left

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Jun 262012

This is old news. It happened in March.

The GOP endorsed Log-Cabin Republican Carl DiMaio over Nathan Fletcher. Fletcher had decided on many occasions to go Abel Maldonado on the GOP, often apparently for his own political gain.

However, that does not absolve the donors and all of the Party insiders that helped get Fletcher in to the Assembly in the first place. Again – the Moderate bug bites the CRP in its tail.

And, again – a Charles Munger protege’ ditched the GOP in an effort to gain some sort of political advantage that does not exist.

No matter how far to the left the GOP moves – for the Moderate rank and file, it is never far enough, Munger or no Munger. Bruce McPherson, Arlen Spincter, Nathan Fletcher and others are proving it time and again. Quoting the San Diego paper:

A moderate, Fletcher made wariness of partisan bickering the centerpiece of his bid. He backed Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown’s failed attempt to end a tax break for companies based out of state and had been the only Assembly Republican to back a bill to require that gay history be taught in public schools.

Nathan Fletcher even rolled out the endorsement of Michael Bloomberg – another Republican until it didn’t suit him anymore.

Now – here is the lesson for Charles Munger about the type of candidates that win elections. Carl Dimaio said the following:

“If I can’t get the council to stand up to the labor unions and do the right thing, then I will turn to the public and I will entrust in their hands the fiscal reform agenda that our city needs to implement through ballot initiatives,” he said. (The Article is here for attribution)

No talk of consensus and finding the middle or pushing the GOP to the fiscal left in order to appeal to more Democrats.

Carl DiMaio led the charge for Pension reform in San Diego so that San Diego could be solvent – unlike Lincoln or Stockton.

All Charles Munger-type Republicans got from Nathan Fletcher was a mess sandwich, but I think Munger and crew are going to need quite a few more lessons before they wake up.

Meantime – the bumbling leadership of the CRP (see also Arnold Zeiderman and crew) are getting black eyes by the re-registration dozen as the State Party is headed for the 30% mark soon.

Another CAGOP #EPICFAIL Ethics Fallout: Jim Reed 2, Doug LaMalfa 0.

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Jun 252012

Doug LaMalfa was the choice of the GOP establishment for California’s First Congressional District.

What happens when you have a candidate campaigning as “One of Us” who gets exposed for ethical issues and for taking $5million in Farm Welfare? All of his primary opponents decide to support his general election opponent.

Ouch. (Hat tip to Greg Cheadle as well for mentioning how LaMalfa games the water system as well…)

YubaNet has the coverage:

June 25, 2012 – In a stunning turn of events, every former candidate from the June 5 primary in California’s Congressional District 1 (CD 1) have either endorsed Jim Reed, have said they will remain neutral, or may not choose to endorse at all. Gregory Cheadle-­‐a Republican and Gary Oxley-­‐ an independent, have endorsed Jim Reed outright.

In a formal statement, Gregory Cheadle said, “In Jim Reed I see a highly educated man with integrity, who can be a leader in D.C., not just another ‘go along to get along’ special interest entrenched Congressman. I will not endorse a candidate who makes hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in subsidies and selling water allotments at the expense of hard working Americans. Unlike Jim, he would undoubtedly cater to the special interests that funded his campaign, and that is something that I cannot stomach.”

Likewise Gary Oxley said, “I am endorsing Jim Reed for Congress because I believe he, rather than Doug LaMalfa, has the best interests of the American People at heart and will be the People’s best advocate in local, national and international affairs.”

Jim Reed is an attorney and ranch owner in Fall River Mills, who was nominated in June for California’s CD 1. Jim Reed is committed to ending the gridlock in Washington, creating jobs and solving our daunting debt dilemma. Jim will fight to make our tax system fair for everybody, not just the wealthy, while preserving Social Security and Medicare for our seniors.

Please note that Sam Aanestad and Pete Stiglich have not endorsed Doug LaMalfa nor will they. I’d lay odds that Dacquisto, the intended victim of the likely illegal website won’t endorse LaMalfa either.

And there you have it – an ethically challenged “Conservative” welfare recipient is the Republican Candidate in the CA-01 runoff. #EPICFAIL once again for the CAGOP.

California Republican Party EPIC FAIL – Secretary of State Edition

 California Republican Party, Charles Munger  Comments Off on California Republican Party EPIC FAIL – Secretary of State Edition
Jun 252012

Charles Munger has to be pissed.

One of his poster children has ditched the GOP.

I liked Bruce McPherson – I know he was a complete Mod, but in Santa Cruz County, I was glad there was some sort of Republican presence there. Not anymore. Like Jim Jeffords and Arlen Spincter – Bruce McPherson has jumped ship.

McPherson was a gun-grabber, pro-abortion – but unlike a lot of Mods, never bailed out on a budget that I am aware of (aka voting to raise taxes). Not even Jim Nielsen can claim that as he voted to raise taxes many times as a State Senator in the 1980’s.

Bruce McPherson was practically the spokesman for Prop 14 – funded by Charles Munger.

It seems that the Charles Munger brand of Republican isn’t really a Republican and they jump ship when it suits them for political gain.

Bruce McPherson used to be a State Senator, Secretary of State and now he is running for Santa Cruz supervisor and ended up in a runoff… must not of suited him to be a Republican anymore.

The Sacramento Bee story mentions another Munger Protege’ Nathan Fletcher who ditched the GOP as his San Diego Mayoral campaign was going down in flames.

Here is a post on the Bay Area GOP website – another group closely tied to Munger. I am cutting and pasting the words on that site as I can not do a screenshot from my home computer. The Bay Area GOP was gushing over “Republican Opportunities in Santa Cruz County”.

Bruce McPherson jumped into politics in 1993, pulling off what seemed like a miracle win for a Republican in a heavily Democratic Santa Cruz state Assembly district. He was well known as the editor of the local newspaper, the Santa Cruz Sentinel.

McPherson was elected to the state Senate in 1996 and served two terms. In 2005 he was nominated by Governor Schwarzenegger to become California Secretary of State.

The 5th Supervisorial District includes part of Scotts Valley, Boulder Creek, Felton, various mountain communities, and a little of the city of Santa Cruz. Incumbent Mark Stone is running for state Assembly.

Bruce McPherson says he is interested in running for local government because it is the “best, most responsive form of government.”

I am not surprised anymore. After Arnold used the GOP like a whore and threw it away when he did not need it anymore – history is repeating itself again and again.

P.S. the other Irony about the Bay Area GOP post – the other candidate Vic Marani ended up having to withdraw from the race in January. Is the Bay Area GOP really that clueless?

Don’t answer that – Munger invested heavily in picking RINO’s / people he can control for the GOP Cent Coms in Five Bay-Area Counties. (In addition to Placer) As I posted earlier – one would-be member of the Monterey Cent Com left the GOP when he got outed for being a convicted felon.

I am convinced that the CRP wants to kill itself. Keep tossing money, Mr. Munger it is a baaaaaaaaaad investment.

Dave Gilliard Demands that Andy Pugno not run

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Jun 242012

Dave Gilliard proved a lack of integrity by putting out mailers so bad that even the Sacramento Bee called him out on them.

Even before Dave Gilliard went on tilt – his hubris would not allow him to take Mr. Pugno up on his pledge. In doing so, Gilliard gave Pugno the moral release to run if he so chooses and Gilliard won’t (even though I know he will try to) be able to score points with it. I think that Gilliard’s refusal was borne out of that fact that he understood that Beth Gaines was and is not a strong incumbent – right down to hiding her incumbency on the ballot and in her campaign.

Andy Pugno capsulized the hubris in his second mailer: Quoting the Article from the Bee

“Gaines apparently would rather see a Democrat in the Assembly than a Republican – unless it is her,” the flier said. “This is the kind of attitude that comes with being an incumbent.”

This issue I have has nothing to do with Gilliard representing Gaines / LaMalfa. It Doesn’t matter as we’ve been on the same side many times.

In this campaign, Dave Gilliard and in the campaign against Peter Tateshi – went on tilt and showed a character that was 100% bereft of integrity all in the name of winning.

The bee article ends with a Demand from Dave Gilliard:

“We expect Pugno to keep his word, suspend his campaign, and support the top Republican vote-getter, Beth Gaines,” he said.

I don’t know what Pugno will do. However, Dave Gilliard’s attitude in that quote shows me that he does not want to have to run a competitive campaign against Andy Pugno again in the fall…

… now that is indeed revealing.

This should be academic, we should be concentrating on local races and other issues as I am in favor of some reconciliation – but Dave Gilliard has made it extremely difficult with his tactics and now his chest-beating.

If Placer County is on fire this fall – it is 100% Dave Gilliard’s fault.

Jun 242012

Want to know why billionaires like Charles Munger think they can buy the California Republican Party? Because as demonstrated by it’s behavior – the CRP is dead set on committing suicide and someone like the big daddy can walk in to the vacuum and take over.

The irony is that most of the people who haven’t committed suicide in the CRP are for sale – including so-called conservative leaders.

One of the “liberal counties” Monterey had a bit of drama in their Central Committee election – even though the so-called moderates there are in total control.

They recruited a man for their team that was/is a convicted felon, for Bribing a public official in Los Angeles County.

Here is the key quote from the Monterey Herald: “Fenton, who lost his law license in 2000, said he has done a lot of good things in the community and with local schools since coming to Monterey County. He said he never would have accepted Newman’s invitation to run for the committee if he knew it would lead to his past being turned over.”

He was honest – I will give him that. You caught the quote, right – he said he w0uld have never run for office if he knew he’d get caught.

This is another embarrassment for the California Republican Party – this time in Monterey.

This is a lesson for the so-called “Corruption Hunters” in Lincoln. It is called evidence. If there isn’t any doesn’t that tell you something?

Now – the big question this fall is what the “Corruption Hunters” are going to do in the City Council Race – the cities’ finances are a trainwreck and one of the worst offenders, Spencer Short has buddied up to the Lincoln Tea Party. I will get in to more on Spencer Short later – but suffice to say, he is not a Conservative, never was a Conservative – but the Lincoln Tea Party seems to be lining up to support Short and later more moderates for local Republican Party leadership.

Looks like an impending black eye for the Tea Party movement in addition.

However, it is all about their spiritual leader Doug LaMalfa who took a beating in the most recent election despite winning. People now know that LaMalfa is not the Conservative warrior he holds himself out to be, and the only Tea Parties that remained loyal to him were those that Doug LaMalfa’s staff intervened in. (aka Lincoln)

When you add the Monterey situation in with the Lincoln Tea Party, the Amador GOP, the Orange County establishment re-taking control of their committee by spending big bucks to throw out the constitutionalist candidates there (the exact same as what happened in Placer, the Conservatives were targeted in favor of the LaMalfa Tea Partiers and pro-choice, pro-tax liberals) – you can see a pattern…

… and you can see why a Liberal Billionaire like Charles Munger would attack the effective Conservatives by supporting ideological moderates and a group of brainwashed Doug LaMalfa Cylon Robots. Charles Munger does indeed have a good chance of taking over the California Republican Party by force.

The reasons? Most of those in the CRP that haven’t committed suicide are for sale, there are groups of naive, impressionable people that can be lied to and used, and many more have left the CRP in disgust – shrinking the universe needed to take control with an iron grip.