Thanks to California Voters getting fooled by Labor Unions many times, we have our most recent situation about the Teacher’s Union.
California Voters passed Prop 98 – an onerous spending mandate for Government Schools. (California has slipped from 40th to 49th in the nation since Prop 98 Passed).
Last year – angry voters were tricked by labor unions in to passing Prop 25. In exchange for “Getting the Man”, by not paying legislators when the budget was late – the 2/3 requirement for a state budget was gutted.
So, California Voters are as much to blame as the true evil – the California Teacher’s Association. AB114, a trailer bill tacked onto this year’s majority vote state budget is pure evil.
Because of Prop 98 spending mandates – the CTA patrols the hallways of the state capitol making sure they get every last cent. There is no regard for good government or for what happens to public safety or other services, it is all about them.
The California Teachers Association has long wielded tremendous clout in state budget negotiations. It is a multimillion-dollar player in state political campaigns – and is widely expected to help fund Democratic efforts to raise taxes on the November 2012 ballot.
Another provision in the bill would make the state liable for roughly $2.1 billion in retroactive school funding if voters reject or never get the chance to vote on such a measure.