But, but, but Aaron Heather Hadwick never shows up to anything. (Blogger looks at Heather’s calendar 3-5 events a day deep and shrugs)
But but but Aaron Tenessa is campaigning hard. You know, like going to events in Rocklin outside her district or to the RNC Convention.
Tenessa’s next-to-most-recent post as of 7-26-2024 on her campaign Facebook Page
Heather Hadwick was in the district doing stuff (like raising money and participating in events), and just today had this post about current events affecting AD-01:
Recently (in the last 5 days), Heather posted about being at the Sac Metro FD (yes out of district), with the California Professional Firefighters (all over the district). She posted about a meet and greet in Nevada County, Meeting with the Northern California State Farm Agents, Being at a Fair in Lassen County, and mixed in are personal posts about her family and their involvement in ranching / farming in the Modoc County area.
Tenessa has posted once in the last 9 days, announcing a meet and greet on August 3rd. Further investigation shows several appearances outside of AD01 among her posts of the last 6 weeks.
But Heather does not show up to anything? Right? This is what I keep hearing from the same people and the source traces back to one office in the suburban Sacramento Area with a satellite in Redding.
It looks like the donors know the truth. Let me give my readers a hint, Heather will only be sleeping in her own bed about 7 times between July 4 and Labor Day. Meantime, Tenessa has gone broke and her camp is probably sweating the release of Hadwick’s 6-30-2024 report.
As for Tenessa’s Campaign Finance Report, your intrepid blogger has linked it here so you don’t have to look for it. (Because I care)
Tenessa has $28,541.38 in her account.
She has $20,975.00 in debt.
This leaves Madam Mayor (of one of the highest crime-rate cities in California) with $7,572.38 net in her account as of 6-30.
When you add in that Tenessa lent herself $20,000, that makes the numbers even more painful.
Let’s look at the major scores on her report:
Laborers International Union! #muhunion – kinda makes it hard to whine about yoonyuns and liberulz, huh? $6500!
Billy Essayli and Shannon Grove teamed up for $8000! (While Essayli has acheived folk hero status in the grassroots, he is about as well liked as COVID in Sacramento)
The crazed Geri Byrne (who I have known and observed for 22 years now) gave her $100 as did the similarly gifted Ned Coe. Your intrepid blogger has always said endorsements don’t matter unless they come with money. $500 in the primary and $200 in the general is chump change and with the baggage those two bring to the playing field I’d rather put dirt in my campaign gastank.
In 4.5 Months, Audette reports raising $33,300. Allow your intrepid blogger to point out that Heather Hadwick rasied that much in two days. $16,500 here and $21,900 here – including another $5,500 from that School Administrators group that also donated to Kevin Kiley and Joe Patterson and James Gallagher and…
Now your intrepid blogger understands why Audette and crew are forced to repeat a rumor created in Modoc County + using an error on a candidate questionnaire to try to advance their cause. The objective measures, including the primary results show that Audette is losing. Bad.
Heather Hadwick pictured with Lassen County Rancher and State Senator Brian Dahle
P.S. A fourth attempt to secure an endorsement from the Shasta County GOP also failed… Not a good couple months for Madam Mayor.