Jun 282017

Officially, yesterday – former State Assemblymember Connie Conway announced that she is running for Board of Equalization. We are thrilled. We believe that Connie Conway represents the best way for the North State to continue to have representation again.

It had appeared that the feckless Ted Gaines was going to have a free ride. Now he does not.

Connie Conway is well-connected and enters the race with a money advantage right out of the gate.

Ted Gaines had been positioning a run as follows:

  1. his disgraced former Chief of Staff, Steve Davey, who was fired by the Senate Rules Committee for multiple verified claims of sexual harrassment was recently seen at the CAGOP convention actively involved in the “leadership drills”. This is a clear nexus to try to lock down the handful of remaining institutional donors to donate and possibly run IE’s for Gaines.
  2. Gaines popped out of his spider hole, attending the CRA convention at the behest of his employee Bill Cardoza and BOE Employee, the CRA’s Pol-Pot Bellied Information Minister Thomas N Hudson
  3. Gaines was buying slate mail cards last year while still on the ballot for State Senate! (Shows how much he cares about SD01)

Unlike Gaines, Connie Conway has never moved to facilitate runs for office.

Unlike Gaines, Conway is popular within GOP volunteer circles.

Unlike Gaines, Conway maintains a lot of positive relationships with insiders.

Despite my past criticisms of her, I’ve been told by several that she was an effective legislator. She accomplished more than both Gaines put together by a factor of 100.

Should Conway win, this will decimate the Gaines plan to continue to infest office well in to the 2020’s. The plan is for Beth Gaines to run for State Senate D1 should Ted Gaines win his BOE race. This family dynasty stuff needs to end.

In Conway, we will be able to get an effective legislator without a personal agenda of furtherance of a family dynasty. This is what the North State deserves.

We look forward to educating the North State about Connie Conway going forward.

P.S. The California Impact Republicans have not endorsed in BOE D1 at this time. I will be advocating on behalf of Mrs. Conway – but as of right now, the comments and accounts of this blog do not represent the opinion or endorsement of CIR.

Jun 202017

A good friend of mine and a die-hard Clippers fan has a family tragedy. Their youngest son, a lifelong Clipper fan declared he is now a Golden State Warrior fan.  Despite widespread household opposition to this tragic moment, it took them some time to digest and understand this move.  I think I get it now as well, as even though I don’t like Basketball and don’t follow it, there is an allegory to real life here.

The kid is tired of losing. He’s tired of the season ending after one or two rounds in the playoffs.  I think I get it, he wants to follow his team all the way into June.  I’ve seen the light. Few are like me, that will stick with a team like the Raiders, despite withering criticism from sissy bandwagon jumping Niner Fans, mentally ill Charger Fans and of course the most decrepit Patriot fans. (Chiefs and Broncos are a combination of the previous… hopefully everyone reading is offended now)

No one likes a loser, which leads me to the California Republican Party’s Clipper problem.

Trying to understand the new “registered voter” numbers, I’m puzzled. How could a state, so red when I was young, now be so blue?  Simple. California republicans are losers and no one likes a loser. Having been around the CAGOP for 20 years, I’ve seen it first hand. I call it controlled failure.

We lose everything. We lose vote battles in the capitol, we lose presidential elections, we lose ballot measures and we even lose statewide office elections.  And we have for some time. And when we win, like Prop 8, the Democrats make us lose.

After so much losing, like the kid abandoning our Clippers, Republican voters have abandoned our party and chosen to be independent.  Who wants to be associated with a loser? Not more than 30% of the electorate. Apparently, a lot in leadership like losing. It has become crystal clear to me that a ton of people in leadership understand that failure does not matter as election after election – the consultant class still get paid and the handful of Republicans in safe seats stay there. As long as they are one of the chosen few remaining GOP electeds, that is the most important.

Many point to Pete Wilson as the reason for our losses and his position on illegal immigration, but he left office almost 20 years ago.  I find it hard to fathom that actions in the last millennium still impact our votes.  The electorate in our country has the attention span of a gnat, so is Wilson really the reason? He’s certainly an easy scapegoat, similar to the national democrats and their lackeys in the media pushing the “Russia Did It Lie” to cover for their humiliation at the ballot box in 2016.

As our party leaders have attempted to become “Republican light” and separate themselves from Washington Republicans, it’s clear, voters don’t know who the Republicans are.  Our state republicans seem confused too.  When our conservative anti-tax legislators vote for tax increases they appeared to have lost the compass.  There is no party unity in the state capitol, in our central committees or on our neighborhood blocks.  No one knows who we are.

However, many of those at the top of leadership are content to see the tent shrink as it becomes easier to control.

When the platform of the Republican party is clear, our state party leaders should stand up for that platform and fight for it.  Instead, our state leaders throw the ball to the other team and help them score.  For instance, last month, Assembly GOP leadership tweeted acknowledgment of Harvey Milk Day, and outraged core Republicans.  Sure, he may be working to find middle ground, but does he really need to hail a king of the opposition?

Prior to that, Assembly minority leader Chad Mayes tweeted his pleasure and excitement in appearing with assembly speaker at an event saying, “any time I get to hang with @Rendon63rd I’m in.”  Can you imagine someone like Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer saying that about the leaders in their chambers?

The ability of Republicans to just flop over and take what’s coming is absurd.  I’m ashamed of the behavior and disgusted that no one has stood up to fight.

When Democrats forcefully removed Senator Janet Nguyen from the State Capitol earlier this year, there was no party outrage, no unified action among our elected officials and no repercussion for the super majority democrats.  What happened to the fight? It was left to a rag-tag bunch of keyboard commandos with little action from the GOP leaders within the building.

The state republicans seem to have taken on the position of the Obama administration foreign policy, that essentially said, if we don’t upset anyone, no one will bother us.  Well I’m getting tired of it.  We abhor Obama but act just like him.  We quote Reagan, and act nothing like him.

There are some very good and strong leaders, but with just three or four shining stars, who can wannabe Republicans relate to and follow?  And by follow, I don’t mean on Twitter, I mean, actually follow.  Who wants to lead us?  Who will take the torch of our party in this state and lead. Genuinely. We need a hero and we need one bad.

This is the thesis for why I endorsed John Cox. He is a disruptor, he is not one of “them”, yet the leadership of controlled failure can not stop trying to find a spoiler just to keep Cox out of the fall 2018 runoff. I am convinced this is the nexus. It is similar to the near panic that ensued after Super Tuesday in 2016 when Donald Trump solidified his grasp on front-runner status. Now that John Cox has gone in for $3 Million of his own money, there is a near melt-down in insider circles.

Back to my Raiders. For 15 years, almost no one had Raiders stuff on their cars or bodies. When I’d see someone, there was a camaraderie, like a Pyrrhic victory through team loyalty… as we kept losing. Unlike the CAGOP, when the Raiders figured out how to draft good players again, they did not go out to find another Quarterback to compete with Derek Carr… they moved on to other positions on the field. (see also Lt. Gov, Sec of State, etc…)

And, much like the Clippers who announced recently an intention to build a new stadium and an effort to re identify who they are, the Republicans need to abandon their current state, re-identify, and start fighting.  I don’t want any more Sesame Street from my Republican politicians I want more “House of Cards” (without the felonies).  I want to see strategy. Fore-thought. Offense. I want brains.  I don’t want my Republican party to play dead any longer.

Now, I see Raiders stuff everywhere and the annoying Niner crap I saw for years is few and far between. The same thing will happen if the CAGOP surrenders control and starts leading, people will be wearing their stuff again as well.

Yes, Republicans need to be more like Democrats, but not in the policy realm.  California Republicans need to fight like Washington democrats and recognize they are indeed in a fight.  Behave like it. And start winning.  Just like the Clippers, our Republicans need to start winning, so everyone can start cheering, again.

Jun 192017

So, here you go. This is how low the triggered American Media has gone in order to exact revenge against Donald Trump for calling them out and rightly using them as a punching bag.

Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter may be right – America could be headed for the most Civil Unrest it has seen since the 60’s. The riots enabled by Obama / Holder are carrying forward today.

“I have been worried for quite a while about the cumulative effect or impact of this constant anti-Trump hysteria everywhere in mainstream media: New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC,” Limbaugh told listeners.

“It’s hysteria. It’s lies. It’s things that are completely manufactured about Trump personally, about Trump and Russia, about climate change, about any number of things.

“I have been very concerned about what all of this is doing to the average, base Democrat voter. I have sensed them getting more and more fringe and imbalanced, and the evidence for it is everywhere in the things that they tweet. They openly promote violence, and advocate some of the most despicable things happening to their political enemies.”


(Malcom) Nance tweeted an image of the President’s Tower in Istanbul, with the text reading, “This is my nominee for first ISIS suicide bombing of a Trump property.”

“Trump Tower Istanbul,” he continued. “After seeing Trump’s congrats to Erdogan for winning his RIGGED election I’m worried our FP [foreign policy] is directed by property.”

Not to be outdone, another MSNBC Host Suggested Steve Scalise deserved to be shot because of his conservative record.

Note that MSNBC is getting record ratings (for them) as of late.

The featured image of this blog is a tweet from an up-and-coming left-wing millenial snowflake reporter. The kid did work for both the Washington Post (they of multiple anonymous stories and now retracted outright lies) and Vox. Both outlets have attempted to throw the kid under the bus.

Not surprisingly, a university professor publicly called for Republicans to be lined up and shot. He still has his job.

The Huffington post allowed an article calling for the “ultimate punishment of Trump” to stay up, only pulling it down when Congressman Steve Scalise got shot.

The democrat leadership have done their part: Tim Kaine, a senator from Virginia and Hillary Clinton’s Running Mate said, we have to fight Trump in the streets. Kaine’s son did just that, getting arrested in Minnesota in an ANTIFA riot and the kid is facing felony charges. (ANTIFA is a terrorist group funded by George Soros and other extreme left wing donors who foment riots and destroy property towards a political end)

A Nebraska Democrat Party official mocked grieving Republicans in the wake of Steve Scalise’s shooting.

A New Jersey Democrat staffer and consultant coined the hashtag #HUNTREPUBLICANS and then doubled down on it.

“We are in a war with selfish, foolish & narcissistic rich people. Why is it a shock when things turn violent?#HuntRepublicanCongressmen,” he wrote.

“I am sorry if my #HuntRepublicanCongressmen hashtag hurt the feelings of any GOP snowflakes but you have not engaged in civil discourse,” he added Thursday.

The New York Times could not help themselves – using a debunked lie to attack Sarah Palin in the wake of the Steve Scalise shooting.

The Washington Free Beacon’s David Rutz pointed out that the NYT’s “editorial board has now done editorials about Pulse and Alexandria shootings that found a way to blame Republicans.”

So it comes as no wonder that Nancy Pelosi the dem minority leader would say some outrageous things of her own about the shooting of Steve Scalise.

Pelosi placed the blame for the coarsened political culture — the most recent manifestation of which involved a left-wing Bernie Sanders supporter trying to murder Republican congressmen — squarely at the feet of Donald Trump and Republican attacks on Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Get it? Dem leadership think they are right and that they can be as violent as they need to be because they can just blame it all on Republicans.

The shooting of Steve Scalise is the latest in a string of actual violence against Republicans. Given the above, you can understand how easily people on the left can feel empowered to do so.

Speaking of Steve Scalise, the shooter had a list of 6 other Republican Congressman he intended to murder.

The democrats, on tilt, have dropped $30 Million in to a 30-year-old trial lawyer in an attempt to “get Trump” in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District. The violence spilled over to there:

The shooter called Karen Handel (the Republican candidate who will win, btw) a Republican Bitch.

“Republican Bitch Wants People to Work for Slave Wages, when a Livable Wage is the Only Way to Go! Vote Blue, It’s Right for You!” Hodgkinson wrote on Facebook.

“I am aware that the suspect recently made vile comments about me on social media,” Handel said in her statement. “It also appears that the suspect targeted members of Congress specifically because he disagreed with their views.”

Then, the next day, an Anthrax type scare ensued at her house and those of her neighbors. (CONTENT WARNING)

Concurrent with the Wednesday shooting of GOP Rep. Steve Scalise, former Georgia Secretary of State Karen Handel, who is running against Democrat Jon Ossoff in a hotly-contested 6th Congressional District Special Election, has been targeted along with her neighbors by letters containing a white powdery substance and calling Handel a “dirty fascist.”

The verbiage in the letters was foul:

I do take note that Jon Ossoff, the democrat candidate had little or nothing to say about the vile rants or the anthrax-type attack on Handel and her neighbors other than to whine about a few “threats” that he refused to characterize. This is the state of the Dem Party.

Remember – Congressmembers have been specific targets:

-California GOP Rep. Tom McClintock had to be escorted to his car after a town hall because of angry protesters. The tires of at least four vehicles were slashed.

-Protestors knocked a 71-year-old female staffer for California GOP Rep. Dana Rohrabacher unconscious during a protest outside the representative’s office.

– Republican Rep. Tom Garrett, his family and his dog were targeted by a series of repeated death threats deemed credible by authorities.

-FBI agents arrested a person for threatening to shoot Republican Rep. Martha McSally over her support for Trump.

-Police in Tennessee charged a woman for allegedly trying to run Republican Rep. David Kustoff off the road.

-Police in North Dakota ejected a man after he became physical with Republican Rep. Kevin Cramer at a town hall.

-Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney received an email threat that read, “One down, 216 to go,” shortly after the shooting at the Republican congressional baseball practice.

(Read even more here)

Great job Media. Great Job Democrats.

Jun 182017

It looks like the free-speech loving democrats of Sun City Lincoln are trying to get the Tea Party United shut down and denied access from the clubhouse in Sun City!

Please show up and support the Tea Party United as they fight to keep Lincoln (and South Placer County) free and Conservative, despite the best efforts of the Bay-Area transplants who have moved there and can’t figure out it is their politics and electeds that drove them out of the Bay Area.

The urgent message from Dan Catania follows:

2. The Republican Club is having a meeting at Killaga  Springs  June 26th and 6:30 PM. The Subject is the 2nd amendment  with speaker Craig Deluz. This event is for Republicans and Conservatives only

Every Conservative must attend this meeting.

We received word  that the Democrat Club in Del Webb is planing to stage a protest at this  meeting.
This is an outrageous and ignorant plan coming from the Ignorant Democrat Party and  the Crazies on the left.
 If the ignorant violent crazies in the Democrat Party follow through with this protest it could cause all political events to be banned from Del Webb. Of course that may not stop the insane Democrats.
Regardless if the Crazies show up or not, we need a strong showing and  we must support our 2nd amendment rights

Liz wheeler laid out a brief History of the Violent Democrats during her One America News program, you can view it at the link below.

The facts are facts and it’s time we all acknowledge it, Political Violence is normal in the Democrat Party.
What Liz did not mention in this video is Violence in the Democrat Party dates all the way back to 1864 when the Democrats  created the KKK.


This is a great way to take a stand against the democrats, the KKK and people that want to steal your guns. 

I just might go to a Tea Party event.

Jun 172017

RESIST! It says!

She has taken up the cause of RESISTING the Placer County Impact Republicans. We are honored.

Apparently, this snowflake got melted in the 2016 election when Joe Patterson finished first on the ballot.

Since then, she has become a regular contributor to this blog. You can even see some of her comments where she is wishing us well.

Everyone should make sure Connie feels welcome. I think every Republican elected should give her a hug and tell her how they are going to make Placer County Great Again.

Connie left a “review” of the California Impact Republicans on Facebook. We appreciate her endorsement.

In the comment, in true marxist fashion, she refers to the California Impact Republicans as “Zealots”. Why Thank You, Connie. We hope you see us in your dreams, because CIR will be around long after you’ve been committed to hospice for cognitive impairment.

A little note to other groups out there – A great way to measure how well you are doing is when the left goes psycho over your activity and success. Connie is an example of the effectiveness of the Placer CIR, she is triggered beyond imagination and will continue on an obsessive rampage to get even with CIR for our perceived offenses against the socialist utopia she is fighting for.

We sincerely hope McLennan leaves her vagina costume and facemask at home, law enforcement in Placer County actually deal with rioters.