WWDRD? What Will Dennis Revell Do?

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Jan 302015

To this date, Mr. Revell has refused to answer several direct questions about the social issues and where he stands on the California Republican Party Platform.

Does Dennis Revell support the California Republican Party Platform – including its’ pro-life and pro-prop-8 planks? Will Dennis Revell take a public  stand for the conservative values he tells his Tea Party supporters on the Cent Com he has?

Will Dennis Revell ever answer direct questions regarding his stances on Issues?

The California Republican Assembly will lead the charge to defend the traditional values in the GOP platform – will Dennis be true to his Tea Party  supporters, or will he choose to stay home on the Country Club?

Choose life, Dennis.

Dennis Revell’s Placer GOP Party Building 101- Shoot Your Bench

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Jan 162015

People bitch about the GOP getting older, whiter and how we don’t have a bench.

Dennis Revell and the Placer GOP missed the memo.

Pictured are two of the Placer GOP’s finest manning the Placer GOP booth.

On the Right is the First Vice Chair of the Placer GOP – Mike Holmes who was defeated by a left-wing Labor Union Troll Daniel Berlant. (who is a registered Republican) Berlant has reliably been spouting the Labor Union talking points since his election.

Holmes’ loss is the single largest embarrassment for the Placer GOP and this happened under the watch of Dennis Revell.

We have illustrated how out of touch Mr. Revell is as he failed to recognize that the extent of the candidate recruiting of the Placer County Democrats. He completely missed Dem Cent Com Recruits Darin Hughes in Roseville City SD, Christine Colvin in Lincoln and Robert Vizzard in the Nevada Irrigation District.

So, it stands to reason that he would participate in a political lynching of a key member of the GOP bench on Wednesday night.

I had been told that the chemically imbalanced Cyndy Taylor (with whom I have extensive personal history) was recruited to fill a vacancy at a previous meeting. This should have clued me in to how the well was running dry for Dennis Revell and friends to find seat-warmers.

Another vacancy occurred in Sup District 4 (home of Kirk Uhler), when a member accumulated four absences.

The alternate, Tracy Mendonsa decided to run for the seat. According to accounts, he called all of the members of the Central Committee – true to form, many did not take nor return his calls.

At the meeting – Mr. Revell who was speaking down to everyone from an elevated podium attempted to cut off a member who was attempting to nominate Mr. Mendonsa in an attempt to create an unopposed election for his choice of candidate.

The candidate? None other than Beth Gaines’ district director, Jeff Short. Mr. Short adds nothing to the local GOP – the only experience I have with him being a volunteer is seeing him stealing Andy Pugno signs, but I could not get the pictures of him I shot to turn out.

So, Mr. Revell has created two problems while trying to keep control. (which is an illusion)

He just drew the lame-duck Beth Gaines in to the Roseville City Council race against a Republican Candidate for City Council. Second, he just engaged in overt action against a member of the GOP bench for local office.

Had Dennis Revell been in touch with South Placer County, he’d have realized that Tracy Mendonsa sits on the Transportation Commission, is part of several other groups and has been working hard on relationships in Roseville. He is widely liked and respected in the community.

If Dennis Revell had realized any of this, he may well have not made the desperate move of getting his last option Jeff Short in against Mendonsa.

The last minute and harried nature of Revell’s counter-drill to Mendonsa does suggest to me that he did not slander Mr. Mendonsa like he did Ed Rowen – rather, he just gave the order to his Tea Party faithful to vote how they were told to. This is the Placer GOP we have now – the anti-establishment Tea party troops voted for a legislative staffer over a local businessman for a vacancy on the Cent Com.

Get your popcorn folks, I see the Central Pacific and the Union Pacific on the horizon and Dennis Revell is the conductor.

Confidential Memo: You are not in Placer County and You are not Reading This…

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Jan 122015

… now what?

Your intrepid blogger has intercepted a confidential message from the entity claiming to be the Placer GOP. I had almost forgotten that the Placer GOP existed, but an exhaustive investigation yielded fruit.

The message yielded some shocking information that needs to be day-lighted to the faithful readers of this blog who wonder if the GOP waves that hit the rest of the country will ever come to California.

The confidential message contained a lot of messaging about transparency. I guess the transparent confidentiality is what confounded my search for the Placer GOP.

I learned that in 2013, the Placer GOP hosted the “largest ever” salute to local electeds. A look at financial records shows they made little if anything as the records are extremely difficult to analyze (there are no standard ledger columns, only transparent  non-specific summaries), perhaps they gave out a few too many free tickets?

I learned that there was a volunteer effort in 2014. I was involved in campaigns from Loomis, to Granite Bay to Roseville and never encountered any. Perhaps they were in Auburn? But, then, the man listed as the “First Vice Chair” of the Placer GOP was defeated in his election campaign.

I saw notes about the effort against democrats all over Placer County. Were the volunteers in Lincoln? But, Lincoln was not in the list of successes despite one of the closest margins a democrat had in the county… democrat Christine Colvin, supported by every major democrat group in Placer County missed election by under 200 votes in Lincoln City Council.

I saw a note about Rene Aguilera who was the subject of several media stories, none of whom quoted the Placer GOP. The same Aguilera was attacked by a non-partisan group called the league of Placer County Taxpayers and was defeated in his bid for a City Council Seat. Was there some sort of secret effort on behalf of Republicans in Roseville?

Has the transparency of the Placer GOP made it invisible?

The Placer Democrats recruited candidates all over the county. The democrat candidate in Nevada Irrigation District Candidate Robert Vizzard lost in a landslide, but missed mention in the confidental commuinque from the Placer GOP. Could it be that the Placer GOP was unaware and unprepared for the onslaught of democrat candidates?

The documents reveal that there was some sort of inclusive endorsing convention, that I’d assume was as transparent as the confidential memo or the financial records.

The documents indicate that the Placer GOP sent out a mailer – could this be what several candidates told me they had to pay $300-$600 a piece for? Our search of campaign finance records show that the Placer County Democrat Party DONATED money to their candidates versus the Placer GOP that charged candidates money.

This transparency is all very confusing.

Sources tell this blogger that the Placer GOP endorsed against Placer County Measure B without a hearing or allowing those supporting the measure a chance to make their case. I am sure that endorsement that was done outside of the inclusive, transparent endorsing convention was equally as transparent.

Then Measure B passed with 62.62% of the vote – the basis of my theory that the Placer GOP was dead and thus started my search for its’ relevancy.

Further investigation reveals that while volunteers for the Placer GOP were nowhere to be found in Rocklin, Roseville, Loomis, Granite Bay, Lincoln or parts elsewhere, we did see some home-made “No To Measure B” signs. Is it possible that the volunteers from the Placer GOP were fully occupied on the No on B campaign?

The document has certainly left the Right On Daily Blog with more questions than it has answered.

What we do know is that Placer County GOP Chairman Dennis Revell was married to Maureen Reagan many years ago. That, we are certain of… the quest for answers will continue.

Jan 042015

With the Placer GOP in disarray, people and groups will continue to step in to the vacuum.

In 2015, the people to watch may well be groups. What will the League of Placer County Taxpayers do? The Placer County Republican Assembly was the only group that had an organized precinct walking effort (that aided Congressman McClintock and local candidates), what will the Placer CRA do?

We have outed Beth Gaines Chief of Staff Dave Titus as the choice of the Gaines Dynasty to succeed her majesty in to the assembly in 2016. Despite public denials by Gaines herself, it appears that Titus is indeed moving in to Placer County. He has to at least a year before filing for that office.

Will the Gaines throw Titus under the bus now that he has been exposed? Will Titus start showing up at things like the Roseville Chamber of Commerce installation dinner?

What is the next move for Beth Gaines? Rumors indicate that their personal situation is very unstable. Does this mean that they need another government paycheck to replace that of Mrs. Gaines?

Who will run against Jennifer Montgomery? It appears Montgomery has run her course with a lot of left-leaning business owners in Tahoe with her ardent hatred of capitalism and her environmentalist xenophobia. With Measure B passing, the financial barrier to a sane business owner has been removed.

Will someone run against Kirk Uhler? Pam Tobin tried and she got slaughtered by 25 points in 2012.

Will someone run against Jim Holmes?

What will the Placer County Dems try to pull in local elections?

The 2000 pound gorilla loops back to the AD06 race. Who is the anti-Gaines? The Gaines have made a ton of enemies in the last 4 years. The dynamic is different now, there is no candidate named Gaines to run, this is a regular election (not a ultra low turnout special), and the 3rd house has a completely different agenda now.

With local electeds seemingly galvanized, will they engage and help the anti-Gaines get the critical mass against the political establishment (if said establishment even has power still)?

What will the Placer GOP do? Will they continue to postpone and/or cancel fundraisers? Will they continue to hide in the political corner? Will the local partisan electeds continue to contribute to their failure? Or the local partisan electeds happy with their failure?

Ted Gaines – he is up for his last term in 2016. The word in the capital is that Ted has already detached himself from his duties. Recently, Steve Davey, Ted’s Chief of Staff (who is alleged to be the Senator) purged the entire staff. Will Ted draw a credible opponent for re-election?

Keep your eyes peeled, folks.

Placer Politics 2014’s Winners and Losers

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Jan 022015

Everyone does this for State and National, but allow your intrepid blogger to take a stab at naming the biggest winners and losers in Placer Politics.


Congressman Tom McClintock – despite a passionate opposition and circumstances lined up to favor a challenger, McClintock reminded people of his dominance with a blowout win.

Susan Halldin – finished first as a first-time candidate in the Rocklin School Board race. Impressive, indeed.

Roseville Joint Union High School District – the two recruits of Placer County’s far left got trounced in their attempts at office.

Roseville City Council-Member Tim Herman – he was the primary beneficiary to derail the attempt for a Roseville City Council election by one of 2014’s biggest losers. Even though Herman is still packing grudges from his 2010 run, his re-election was all but assured due to the efforts of several people who put aside their personal issues for the greater good of Roseville.

Town of Loomis – the wipe-out of the left-wing anti-growth faction in that town is complete. A slate of Brian Baker, Robert Black and long-time incumbent bomb-thrower Miguel Ucovich decimated the field. Sandra Calvert and Vic Markey were both defeated spectacularly.

Big Daddy Jack Duran – due to one of the losers below, he was re-elected without opposition, he stayed out of the Congressional Primary and managed to keep his fingerprints off of the Roseville election drama. Meantime, he has been on an ego-trip that no one can do anything about.

League of Placer County Taxpayers – stepped in to the gap left by the ineptitude of the Placer GOP and led the effort to defeat the attempt by the Placer dems to steal local office seats.

Placer County Board of Supervisors – Measure B passed in a landslide. They ring in the new year with real pay and real benefits.

Bonus – Placer County wins because it will be easier to recruit opponents for Jennifer Montgomery and Jack Duran in future elections.


Placer County Republican Party – The current Central Committee is dominated by local Tea Party Members who are aligned with moderate Republican Dennis Revell. The Central Committee raised less than $20k, with almost $14k of that coming from candidates paying for their place on the slate mailer. The previous chairman raised $26k, with next to nothing from candidates. Worse, the Placer GOP was able to mount almost no effort against upstart Art Moore or any of the Democrat recruits for local office. Worse, the inept party structure was helpless to find a candidate against Big Daddy Jack Duran.

Bonus – Beth Gaines, Ted Gaines, Jim Nielsen, Doug LaMalfa, Tom McClintock, Frank Bigelow make the list by association – all participated in the train-wreck that is the current structure of the Placer GOP Central Committee.

Mike Holmes – the Vice-Chairman of the PLACER GOP LOST HIS OWN RE-ELECTION CAMPAIGN. Where were all his Tea Party allies? Where were all his friends on the Placer GOP? #epicfail

Rene Aguilera (pronounced aggie-lair-uh, or else you are racist). He got hammered at the ballot box, He got exposed in the local media and as a bonus, everyone associated with him got slaughtered at the ballot box as well.

People that hate the Placer County Board of Supervisors – they got a 138% pay raise and benefits with 62% of the vote. Once again, the natural opposition to the board of supervisors would have been based in the local GOP, but alas…

The Biggest Story out of the above, IMO is:

Unless you were under a rock, the GOP had a great year in 2014… but in Placer County, it took the NON-PARTISAN League of Placer County Taxpayers to save the bacon of the City of Roseville whilst the local GOP was moribund, asleep and inept.

… and liberal labor-union democrat moonbat Jack Duran slipped back in unopposed.

In one hashtag the biggest story of 2014: #epicfailplacergop