South Placer Consolidated Fire District: Pensions More Important Than Service

 South Placer Consolidated Fire District  Comments Off on South Placer Consolidated Fire District: Pensions More Important Than Service
Oct 312011

If you live in Granite Bay and parts of unincorporated Loomis Zip Code – this message is for you.

You have probably received your “survey” complete with a request to tax yourself $60, $85, $110 a year to “keep your fire service in-tact”.

They are intenting to float a ballot measure to raise more money so they don’t have to cut pay, pensions and benefits.

Why do I write this? If you read the stuff that came in the mail – there is no mention whatsoever of the impact of bloated union pay, benefits or pensions on the budget of the fire district. Just a bunch of scare tactics about how they are going to have to idle a fire truck and close a station unless you pay up.

… and the Mailer was financed with your tax dollars! How? You pay these Unionized firefighters who have money pilfered out of their paychecks in to the hands of the union bosses (who support Jerry Brown, Colonel Klink, Richard Pan, (insert name of left-wing communist candidate here) over budget-minded fiscal conservatives).

Now, the union bosses are desperate to keep the union dues flowing and to keep their members overpaid and overbenefitted.

The “rest of us” have to share in the cost of our health insurance, but they don’t.

The “rest of us” have to use 401(k)’s and other like kinds of investment vehicles to save – but “they” get tens of thousands of additional tax dollars pumped in to mismanaged pensions whose returns are atricious, when coupled with the ridiculous benefit levels that the unions paid of the state legislature to mandate are a recipie to use as a hammer to scare and screw the public in to feeding their greed.

The above statements may sound strong – but when someone can walk off the job at age 50 with 80-90% of their HIGHEST level of income and have that benefit mandated for life + Health Insurance, Dental Insurance 100% paid for for life, etc etc etc… now you understand why over 50-70% of the budgets of some local governments are getting sucked in to the pay vortex and not service.

As demonstrated by their past actions – the public employee unions tell us all to go to hell and when we complain they strike and threaten us.

If you get their survey in the mail – please tell them to cut pay and benefits and stop threatening you… then vote the minrods out of office that are considering floating this Parcel Tax. Maybe that will cause them to put their Kool-Aid jug down…

Have a look at the Survey they sent out here: LINK, LINK. Please note that I omitted page three to protect the identity of my source.

Today is the one-year anniversary of the FBI “Visit” to Karen England’s House

 David Reade, Doug LaMalfa, Karen England, Mark Spannagel  Comments Off on Today is the one-year anniversary of the FBI “Visit” to Karen England’s House
Oct 272011

I decided to wait until the 27th to assign a date for the much-chronicled “Visit” from the FBI to Karen England’s house.

We asked Karen for the names and badge numbers of the Agents – she refused. She couldn’t even tell us if they showed up in Lincoln Town Cars or the New Dodge Chargers.

It has been a year. No visits from Scully and Mulder – not even special agent Jones for that matter.

Karen’s thought about concocting an FBI investigation lie – and I am calling it that now – was not original. David Stafford Reade, a board member of Karen’s employer did it to Rico Oller in 1999 during Oller’s campaign against David Reade’s father-in-law Bernie Richter. It has been 12 years – no one has called or visited Rico or any of his then staff.

I have chronicled all the crap we have had to put up with at the hands of Karen England and David Reade. Both are proven liars and are psychotically vindictive against political enemies – when Doug LaMalfa beat Rick Keene, Tom Hudson, George and I knew there would be recriminations, but nothing like this.

Reade and England threw everything they had at us – we stood firm, to the point where Karen England took her ball and ran away. In addition, both Karen and David have been expelled from the CRA for 10 years for committing fraud. Karen is off of the NFRA Board in addition. The SB48 Referendum was exposed as a joke and  her employer is in legal trouble as well. It hasn’t been a good year for Karen, despite helping to get her higher-power Doug LaMalfa elected to the State Senate.

Perhaps that is because when you lie and those lies get exposed, it is usually devastating?

Here we sit – one year later, nothing. So let’s do a review:

January 2011 – Karen England says at Cent Com Organizational Meeting that the FBI visited her house the previous October to talk about the Central Committee. This was repeated in the Auburn Journal.

Feb 2011 – Karen England with her moderate allies start initiating personal attacks against Cent Com Leadership in an effort to take control of the Cent Com – citing felony allegations with no evidence and the FBI Investigation.

March 2011 – more articles in local papers, Karen while drinking a beer yells “BS” when fingered as the source of the FPPC complaint filed against the Cent Com the prior year.

April 2011 – more fighting at the Cent Com Meeting, while this was being carried by Cheryl Bly-Chester, Karen was seen rallying votes in the room. FBI investigation charges are repeated in the State CRA officer elections in an attempt to gain political advantage where Karen was attempting to take control of the state CRA.

May 2011 – Cent Com Votes to Resolve the HQP issue 16-8.

Late May 2011 – an Email from DSR enterprises (David Reade’s Consulting Firm), signed by Doug LaMalfa, Ted Gaines and Beth Gaines- at Karen’s behest breathed new life in to the controversy and got media coverage.

June 2011 – a motion to reconsider fails 7-15. The local electeds after getting in the middle of the fight make the vote about them instead of the greater good.

July 2011 – apparently using her media savvy to get a story run, the Bee obliges with a front-page story accusing PCRP leadership of money laundering quoting Doug LaMalfa making the charges himself backed up by Ted Gaines.

July 2011 – Doug LaMalfa / Ted Gaines show up in person to Central Committee meeting in an attempt to pressure PCRP Chairman Jeff Atteberry. Auburn Journal covers the story.

July 2011 – Karen England / David Reade expelled from CRA for 10 years for committing fraud and bringing disrepute onto the CRA.

August 2011 – Mark Spannagel and David Stafford Reade repeat FBI charge in the local media in response to questions about their ouster from the State CRA. (Mark Spannagel is Doug LaMalfa’s Cheif of Staff)

September 2011 – David Stafford Reade / Doug LaMalfa exposed for their roles in an attempt to gut the California Republican Party Platform

October 2011 – Karen England’s organization Capitol Resource Institute slammed with FPPC Complaint alleging illegal activity.

October 2011 – Karen England self-terminates from the Central Committee after obtaining her fourth absence.

Now – something could happen. David Stafford Reade, Doug LaMalfa and crew could admit the lie and the whole thing could go away… otherwise, October 27th will be an annual event where we remember the day personal hatred caused a colossal political error that has been expanding ever since.

Oct 262011

The Capitol Resource Institute did it again. Like with the SB777 referendum – they screwed up another one, or they ran another fund-raiser.

However, this time – the insider community is abuzz as it has become apparent to many that it appears that they may never have been serious about the effort in the first place. Add to this, they are struck with an FPPC complaint for being a non-profit engaging in political activity and we have issues.

We have been documenting the activity of the Capitol Resource Institute because we believe they are a fraud. We also believe, based on our compilation of data and anecdotes that the Capitol Resoruce Institute has established itself as a fund-raising operation first and foremost.

We now have a pattern of three issues – SB777, Prop 8 and now SB48 where the Capitol Resource Institute appears to have utilized a hot-button issue to profit itself.

In the expose on the fake Prop 8 website ran by the Capitol Resource Institute – I observed some patterns that repeated with the SB48 referendum:

1. CRI employees were apparently taken off the CRI payroll and paid through the campaign.

2. The address of the Stop SB48 and the CRI were the same for all intents and purposes.

3. There was no public accounting of what was done with the money raised – only scrutiny and research in to the fake prop 8 website exposed what was done.

4. According to volunteers that were present in the Stop SB48 headquarters – the effort was disorganized and there was no serious, coordinated or sustained effort to validate signatures that were being gathered. In addition – it appeared to the same source that the “staff” didn’t really seem to care about what was coming in the mail – and the error rate on the petitions was well over 50%.

This would lead one to believe that the Stop SB48 effort was a fundraiser for the Capitol Resource Institute and not a serious effort to do anything.

I have heard charges leveled myself from Consultants and Conservative Activists about the CRI and its’ activity that suggest that the opinion expressed here on this blog is not unique.

It certainly makes sense how David Stafford Reade and Karen England could accuse their political enemies of fraud, money laundering, influence peddling and the like – they seem to be familiar activities based on what I have observed, found, been told, and have experienced through the eyes of others.


Oct 232011

CA-02 (Herger) – Herger has three primary opponents. Herger will be entering his 30th year in Congress next year and does not appear to be in serious jeopardy yet. He will be forced to actually do some campaigning and spend some money, however.

Expect Herger to retire after this term to hand the seat off to Doug LaMalfa in 2014.

CA-04 (McClintock) – The RINO challenge has not materialized with the Consultants coalescing behind Liberal Republican supervisor Kim Dolbow-Vann in the CA-03 race. Vann uses the same consultant as McClintock’s rumored opponent – who decided to stay in his own, new district.

CA SD01 (No One) – Ted Gaines has not moved yet. He will. He will also be left to deal with Shasta County Supervisor Les Baugh. Baugh announced last weekend.

CA SD04 – (LaMalfa) gets a free ride and does not have to run for re-election until 2014 (see the note above). He can spend the next 2+ years continuing his jihad against Rick Keene supporters, or doing something useful for the citizens of California… his choice.

CA AD-01 (No One) – Dan Logue Moved to Lake Wildwood. He is the prohibitive favorite. For some strange reason, Redding City Councilmember Rick Bosetti decided to enter the race. Dumb. (Even worse when you consider that Logue only has 2 years left before Prop 34 ends his tenure)

CA AD-05 (No One) – Rico Oller is running for his last term. Kevin Hanley and Ray Nutting endorsed Rico Oller. Country-Club Liberal Republican Frank Bigelow apparently missed the memo and is continuing to run (while talking about open borders and tax increases to pay for high speed rail).

CA AD-06 (Beth Gaines) – As of now, it is Beth Gaines only. No known opponents. This district is very compact and relatively easy to cover. It includes, Lincoln, Rocklin, Roseville, Granite Bay, Loomis, Fair Oaks, Orangevale, Folsom, El Dorado Hills and Cameron Park. That’s it.

We will have plenty to do next year in Placer.

Oct 172011

I love Republicans, they charge the windmills and don’t care about strategy… there are 2 more that joined the race after Colonel Pete Stiglich, this will likely assure Wally Herger of finishing in 2nd place (behind the one Democrat that is sure to file) and getting in to the runoff.

Anyway – Pete Stiglich was the first to file and the first to announce and the most noteworthy candidate (not named Herger). I have mentioned before that Stiglich is now the President of the Shasta RA as well.

Click here to read the Anderson Newspaper’s Coverage of  Pete Stiglich’s announcement.

Pasted Below is Colonel Pete’s First Press Release:

Friends of Colonel Pete Stiglich is pleased to announce the candidacy of Colonel Pete Stiglich (Colonel Pete) for California’s 1st Congressional District.

Colonel Pete explains his reason for entering the 2012 congressional, saying,

Frankly, I’m fed up.  Fed up with democrats who want the federal government to intrude into every facet of our lives and republicans who go 50/50 on deals that are 100% wrong.  And, hard working, patriotic Americans feel much the same way.  It’s long past time we returned to our constitutional principles, a balanced federal budget, and a limited government.  And, the only way we’re going to do this is to replace career politicians like Wally Herger.

Colonel Pete, a native of California, retired from the U.S. Air Force in 2006 after 26 years of honorable service to his country.  Upon returning to his ranch in Cottonwood, he dedicated himself as an advocate for both veteran and community affairs.  He also wrote a popular conservative column for the Red Bluff Daily News entitled “Dare I Say”.

“Like never before, we need an emboldened Republican Party willing to lay out a clear conservative agenda and the leadership to stand up and fight for it,” says Colonel Pete. “And I’m just the guy to do it.”

Wally Herger has been in office 29+ years and has made some horrific endorsements as of late – preferring Liberal / RINO Republicans to more Conservative counterparts in several recent races. My research also shows that Herger has gotten soft on the Abortion issue as he has voted for some spending bills that included continued funding to pay for welfare abortions, etc.

And, I didn’t even mention his affiliates in Northern California by name – it’s not necessary, you know who they are.

(In addition, I saw some of Herger’s CRP appointments on the list of proxies given to Bay Area Liberals that attempted to gut the Republican Party Platform…)