Nov 292020

They lied again. Did you know that John Moorlach got 57% of the vote in Sup D2 while losing his race for State Senate? At least this is a key claim he is making as he attempts to jam down endorsements despite the exploding scandal in his political operation relating to the cover up of the rape of one of his former Senate Staff.

Dear OC Lincoln Club and New Majority – this endorsement is not going to end well. Haste makes waste.

So, let’s take a look at the statement of the vote in Orange County. It is linked here, but the focus is on page 236.

You will note that John Moorlach took 93,519 votes in OC Sup D2. There were 175,211 votes cast. This is 53.37%. This is not 57%. Whoops.

Secondly, the release fails to mention that about large portion (it looks like half at least) of OC Sup D2 is OUTSIDE SD37 that Moorlach lost. This makes this assertion deceptive and an outright lie on two levels. The truth is he had a slim win in about half the district he is running for. This is far from the hyperbolic lie that is presented in the release.

Sadly, this is the Tim Clark I know. (Tim Clark was John Moorlach’s Chief of Staff when the victim was raped in 2015, who is alleged to have covered up the rape and Clark has been Moorlach’s campaign manager for many years and many campaigns) Fast and loose with the truth, sloppy and when challenged blames other people. Soon Clark will be answering for what he has done to the rape victim he is smearing (whose rape he attempted to cover up).

Now back to today’s unethical behavior episode. There are several possibilities to explain this deceptive lie:

  1. Tim Clark was distracted by his non-stop smearing of the rape victim and did not do his homework.
  2. Tim Clark can’t do Algebra.
  3. Tim Clark lied once or twice in the release.
  4. All of the above
    Extra Credit: John Moorlach was asleep at the switch once again and has provided no oversight of his staff (as demonstrated by the cover up of the alleged rape in 2015 as well).

I see that the OC Supervisor Special Election is already off to a felonious start. Lovely. I see that Moorlach is asleep at the switch, yet his crew in the OC political establishment are covering for him. OC Voters deserve better than this sort of unchecked behavior from Moorlach and his staff (as well as the enabling from others).

P.S. for reference I took a screenshot of Page 236 of the OC Statement of the Vote to save those of you on slow computers or cell phones the trouble of looking for the money page:


Nov 252020

Blogger’s Note: I received an email forward. It is an email from Fred Whitaker, the Chairman of the OCGOP. He is doubling down on supporting John Moorlach, despite credible allegations that a member of his staff was raped in 2015 and said rape was covered up by John Moorlach’s Chief of Staff Tim Clark (who is still Moorlach’s campaign manager). If it was not clear before – it is 100% clear that Whitaker’s ego is involved and he’d rather die than let Right On Daily claim another scalp in Orange County. Please also note that the source could not forward the email to either my insurance office or my yahoo account until Fred’s email address was removed from the text – suggesting that Fred Whitaker has blocked both of my email addresses. This is cowardice.

Allow your intrepid blogger to point out the obvious. Had Bill Brough not been a pig, a drunk, a rapist, a slimebag and embezzled his own campaign money – I’d probably be writing about other things. Had Fred Whitaker and others not bungled the response so badly, I’d be writing about something else. Yet, here we are.

I will guarantee the OCGOP something. You all saw me take Bill Brough from a shoo-in for re-election to a political has been. His legacy of destruction is not done. My guess is Brough has dozens of victims, and we may never know the extent of his lifetime of destruction. 

In response to credible allegations that a staffer of John Moorlach’s was raped, and said rape was covered up, Tim Clark, John Moorlach’ then Chief of Staff (and current campaign consultant) and others are attacking the veracity of the rape victim. Fred Whitaker is calling the allegations libel. Everyone that buys in to Fred Whitaker and Tim Clark’s line of logic will end up as humiliated as they will be when this is all said and done. This is a warning and not a threat or hyperbole.

For the rest of you reading that are in other counties – take a look at Fred Whitaker’s email and juxtapose that with the fact that a Staffer of John Moolach’s got raped by Bill Brough (I believe her and I know there is proof as I have written before). The OCGOP is being pushed by Fred Whitaker, in what I believe is an ego-feuled rampage to endorse John Moorlach for Orange County Supervisor despite this issue. The email Fred Whitaker Sent follows (I have emboldened the key parts):


I’m reaching out to you to ask a personal favor, because we are at a critical point.  The absolutely false accusation against Sen. Moorlach is threatening the ability of the party to unite behind one candidate for this special election, where only one more vote wins. The Democrats have only one candidate – Katrina Foley.   We have 4 candidates, and now even Diane Dixon says she wants to run because of the allegations against Moorlach.  That would be 5 Republicans (three City Council members from Newport and one from Huntington Beach and Sen. Moorlach).   I have commitments from two of our candidates they will withdraw for Moorlach, but not the others.   Once we show courage, others will follow.

I believe that if we consolidate behind Sen. Moorlach, we will have the most well-known candidate as the only candidate. We cannot say that with the others in the race – the city council members will not get out for each other and they are not known past their cities.    John Moorlach as always fought the principled fight. We need to fight for him.

I personally, think the blog was sent out just to sow disarray in the party by those that want to see us divided, since they know we can’t unite behind one of the others.  I know you know how it feels to be wrongly accused and have libel sent out against you.   Please help John fight this. Would you please “reply” that we can count your email as support for Sen Moorlach’s endorsement?   I appreciate the consideration.



Let the words above sink in. Everything I have written about William “Bill” Brough has proven to be true. So will this. Fred Whitaker, Tim Clark and John Moorlach will hear from me quite a bit for the next few months and even more so once the victim who is being smeared by these three men has had her case made and evidence known.

The victim was raped. Tim Clark Covered it up. John Moorlach did indeed know about it. The rape is real and verifiable. The truth is on the way, and when it comes out make sure Fred Whitaker, Tim Clark and John Moorlach are held accountable for what they did years ago when the rape happened and what they are doing now.

P.S. Wait until the democrats get ahold of the evidence that is coming out. The OCGOP will pay dearly as will our candidates. Think it through. The optics are horrible.

Nov 242020

Get a good look. This is the man pushing the OCGOP, Lincoln Club and others (along with Jon F.) to go off the cliff for John Moorlach

We’ve written about former State Senator John Moorlach’s Consultant / Former Chief of Staff Tim Clark for years on the Right On Daily Blog. Expect to see some refreshers so you can re-acquaint yourself with the lack of integrity, demonstrated dishonesty and overall lack of ethics that define Tim Clark. (and we have evidence too) I’ve known Tim Clark as a consultant and have seen his poor political advice, bland messaging, procrastination (everything is last minute with him), what I believe is overbilling, and tactically poor decisions made to maximize his own profit while he shoves everyone else out of the campaign. I’ve seen Clark wreck years-long relationships between candidates and others in order to gain complete control of candidates.

Right now, Tim Clark is working overtime behind the scenes with people on the OCGOP to smear the good name of a rape victim who told him her story. Tim Clark covered up the attack and ample people over the years knew about it. (More coming soon as the bear trap tightens around Clark/Moorlach and crew)

I had warned the former Moorlach Staffer who I believe was raped by Bill Brough that Tim Clark would lie about the events and attempt to smear her. It is happening almost like clockwork. With people like Fred Whitaker whose ego is wrapped up in everything OC (aka he cares more about how the scandals reflect on him than on the party itself), Clark who I know to be a master manipulator has an easy mark and accomplice to further his latest paycheck.

Please note that Tim Clark is on the Right on Daily all time top ten list of political losers (Note: Brough supplanted the corrupt former Sheriff of Riverside County Stan Sniff for number 1)

Allow your intrepid blogger to remind you of how Fred Whitaker responded to the Bill Brough scandal June 24th 2019:

The Bee continued with a fairly detailed story ending with these comments from the feckless void known as Fred Whitaker:

Fred Whitaker, chairman of the Orange County GOP, said the county party will not tolerate harassment but is unaware of any ongoing investigations into Brough’s behavior.

“The Republican Party of Orange County has no tolerance for sexual misconduct,” Whitaker said in a statement. “We are not aware of any pending investigations. All claims of sexual misconduct should be reported to and investigated by law enforcement or state legislative ethics committees to allow for a fair and thorough investigation, so that victims can be heard and an accused can present a defense. If an investigation is initiated, any request for endorsement would be dependent on the results of the investigation. There is no request for endorsement pending at this time.”

Fred Whitaker lied to the Sacramento Bee by omission. He saddled up on a technicality to dodge the question. If he does not Resign in disgrace, the OCGOP should vacate the chair at the next meeting. Whitaker knows full well there is a problem and the committee voted to refer the matter back to the endorsement committee for an investigation – prompting Brough to withdraw his request. The honest answer would have been, “The OCGOP referred the endorsement matter back to the endorsement committee for a review of issues after Mrs. Bartlett’s remarks at the Monday Evening meeting and Mr. Brough withdrew his request for endorsement two days later. As such, there is no current investigation or request for an endorsement”.

Whitaker’s legally-parsed response is yet another example of the moral bankruptcy that is rampant within the ranks of political leaders at all levels. At least we now know where Fred Whitaker stands, avoid the issue at all costs and defend the incumbent.

It took mere weeks for Whitaker to eat major crow as victims and corroboration poured out against Bill Brough. Mark this blogger’s words – climbing in bed with Tim Clark is a career-ending move. If Clark calls someone a liar or attacks their credibility – which Moorlach’s staff also appear to be doing – you can make bank that person is worth listening to.

Then, take a step back and think through how victim shaming is going to look in the community at large. There were a variety of ways for Moorlach to respond, having Tim Clark handle crisis communication is like inviting tobacco companies to research lung cancer.

Meantime – Fred Whitaker is on his way to screwing up colossally for a second time in his tenure as OCGOP Chairman. He has now established a pattern of callous disregard for female victims of misconduct by legislators. This is going to be ammo for the OC Dems and the union Independent Expenditure Committees to use.

Nov 232020

A conservative Latino’s view on politics…

Upon entering local politics in 2015, I learned the San Diego County Republican Party’s (SDCRP) one of California’s most successful! It’s where Republicans thrive, with the board of supervisors showcasing our dominance since the 1990s. Unsurprisingly, that’s come to a crashing end!

Reading the San Diego News Desk article, “Democrat Victories in San Diego Spell Troubling Future,” made me think about current supervisor Kristin Gaspar’s rout. My friends, there’s no doubt this was a beat down!

The Democratic Party taking the board of supervisors’ district three, and district one races, along with Nathan Fletcher’s (D) 2016 mugging of former San Diego District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis (R) in district four, gives them a 3-2 majority.

This loss by the Grand Old Party (GOP) is a culmination of at least a decade of Democratic Party dominance and Republican Party ineptitude throughout the state!

What’s worse? Gaspar was a rising political star. Now a veteran, party elder, and leader. Yet, that wasn’t enough to unite everyone – party, grassroots, and candidate – to thrust her to victory.

Reality vs. Fantasy

SDCRP leadership always treats me well. I have great respect for them as individuals and fellow Republicans. Still, something must change – we repeatedly lose! Politics is an industry that’s more cutthroat than any business. It’s an industry of scheming and despicability to an exponential degree. The SDCRP has no answer to counter what’s happening.

  • San Diego’s failed politics are now out in the open versus the fantasy we’re the model for the rest of the state.
  • A Democratic Party “blue wave” in San Diego County is ongoing. It’s massive and comprises the last two election cycles with no end in sight.
  • The situation’s grim because we’re so deep in losses – county and statewide. It’ll take more than a generation to overcome.

Success in politics comes through winning elections. In that, the CAGOP and SDCRP are failures. That’s not a personal or spiteful comment, but a fact.

It’s not only local leadership that’s failed. We must rid ourselves of current state leadership and ineffectual county chairs. Also, consultants, whose only goal is to make a buck versus helping their candidates win. Until we do this, we won’t move forward!

Why We Lose: CAGOP Template to Failure

In 2016, local leadership – establishment and grassroots – told me:

  • it’s the Republican Party’s job to get Republicans to the polls.
  • It’s the candidate’s job to go out and find votes among any non-republican out there.
  • Registration drives are nonexistent. Expanding and recruiting the Republican Party base is no longer a goal.

Leadership appears to have no qualms with this template. They view it as one that creates responsibility with accountability. Yet, grassroots aren’t on board, dealing with complete frustration and powerlessness.

  • This model destroys us from within and creates losses up and down the state with no end in sight.

Watching the “establishment” dismantle and destroy local grassroots to their detriment? Beyond comprehension.

The California Republican Party (@CAGOP) focus is not a robust grassroots infrastructure. Rather, technology and media (mailers, later social media). I’m simplifying. Yet, the CAGOP infrastructure to victory has become a template, ignoring foundational politics for a consultant’s takeover of campaigns.

All this is to the disadvantage of candidates. But with history giving us a decade of data, they should know better.

CAGOP Winning Template – The Reality

The Republican Party’s template to win is a complete and utter failure with defeat after defeat. Sure, we earn a victory here or there, but nothing more. Yet, leadership shows no will to change, and candidates show no resolve to do what’s needed to win – instead, allowing consultants to lead their campaign toward defeat.

We’ve gone from a prosperous red to a deep blue state – led by a hybrid socialist-Democratic entity that looks more and more like serfdom. With abuses from the executive, legislature, activists, and local party leadership.

Why We Lose: No Unity

Upon hearing this winning formula, my immediate thought, “We not only lose, but we lose all the time!” It’s obvious; we lack unity!

  • The union of candidate, party, and grassroots are a necessity to win.

The SDCRP and Kristin Gaspar failed to follow basic political fundamentals. In contrast, Democrats understand the importance of grassroots working with party leadership and the candidate.

Democrats abused belief of a “greater good” enables leftists to win – over and over. The Democratic Party understands the power of “the will of the people.” The Republican Party does not.

Why We Lose: Burp and Chirp Grassroots

Are you wondering what the term “burp and chirp” means? It’s a fitting term, and it was a grassroots activist from who I first heard it.

Most groups meet once a month – coming together with like-minded souls. Ready to hear conservative speakers talk about our beliefs and ideology.

Here’s what happens.

  1. Individuals show up and order their meals. Eat, and enjoy catching up with fellow conservatives.
  2. Listen to a conservative speaker. When done, he or she pushes their t-shirts, books, etc.
  3. The meeting closes on a high note. There’s optimism because righteousness will overcome hate.
  4. There’s rarely, if ever, a call to action.
  5. Individuals go back home and do no volunteering to help a candidate or cause.
  6. They then “rinse and repeat” this process.

That’s the grassroots we have – at least in San Diego County, but we can surmise that’s up and down the state.

Why We Lose: Weak Grassroots

Our grassroots are lacking. Most local groups are “burp and chirp,” with activists seeking popularity, not results. There are others, but an easy example is the North County Conservatives.

  • They care more about complaining than helping candidates.
  • There’re too many coaches and not enough players.
  • They lack youth and a willingness to find them.
  • They’re absence of diversity.
  • Activists care more about “selfies” and popularity than helping a candidate win.

All this creates problems that result in losing, allowing the Democratic Party to take over a SDCRP.

2016: Foreshadowing Difficult 2020 Re-Election

In 2016, Gaspar battled a very flawed Democratic candidate in incumbent Dave Roberts. Roberts had various accusations ranging from:

  • hostile work environment.
  • Retaliating against an employee.
  • Misuse of county resources.
  • Employee favoritism.

There were other issues, yet Gaspar almost lost. Winning by a scant 50.23% to 49.67%. A difference of 1,272 votes!

Gaspar nearly lost a race in 2016 that should’ve been a blowout, shows a united and robust Democrat base. But part of that’s because they only hear one side of the story.

Again, Republican candidates rarely venture into Democratic strongholds. They don’t speak, hold rallies or do town halls. The signs were there in 2016 with many races. Her loss shows she ignored the data, or the strategies and tactics used were inadequate.

Reasons for Gaspar’s Beating

  1. Gaspar didn’t pursue non-Republican voters to sell herself. She only went to the predictable watering holes.
  2. There was a lack of cooperation with the party and grassroots to reach into non-Republican strongholds.
  3. She abandoned constituents and donors with a hopeless run for Congress. Likely losing her grassroots and donor support.
  4. Her political values, like the Second Amendment, don’t always align with conservative values.
  5. Gaspar’s 2016 primary win came by a vast, “establishment” war chest. Defeating the grassroots candidate left a lingering resentment toward her.
  6. Gaspar’s a divisive candidate, trying to work both sides of the aisle yet appealing to none.

This race is a repeat of the Dumanis loss last cycle. The answer’s obvious. Democrats outnumber Republicans, and that will grow under the current CAGOP policy. A diminishing Republican voter base means we must take our values to non-Republicans!

We’re not doing this; thus, we’re not growing the base to win. We’re our own worst enemies!

Truth? We Can’t Even Compete!

There’re approximately 7,500 ballots left to count in San Diego County. Gaspar’s flogging is about 50,000 votes, which equals a 16% loss. It wasn’t even close!

It’s significant because Dumanis’ assault by Fletcher in 2016 showed Gaspar what they would face. Dumanis lost district four by 34.8% and about 74,000 votes. Party leadership was in early denial but realized the race’s reality as it went on. Confirming what we already knew – the numbers and Dumanis’ strategy and tactics never added up.

We must ask if either the SDCRP or Gaspar didn’t consider or care to realize the reason for Dumanis’ loss. To overcome the future, you study the past. It was clear the lack of reaching out to non-Republican voters never was a serious strategy. I know – that sounds crazy, but it’s true!

Don’t forget; #CAGOP strategy believes a grassroots infrastructure is no longer necessary. Gaspar’s loss continues to show we’re not even competing in what were once GOP bastions.

Routs will continue. Until we determine as party, candidates, and grassroots – reaching out to non-Republican voters is the only path to victory. By not doing that, it’s the primary reason we can’t even compete, much less win!

Not Learning From Past Failures

The SDCRP should’ve seen this coming and prepared. They knew what the numbers were once term limits became law. Yet did nothing to prepare for these uphill battles. Instead, using strategies and tactics from past cycles of failure.

Gaspar should’ve taken what made her a successful businesswoman into the campaign. Instead, she accepted the CAGOP’s flawed policies. Policies that only help those in the system – consultants.

Results of Loss = Massive New Perpetuity Programs

Our board of supervisors is a rarity in politics today. It’s fiscally sound with billions in reserves, allowing us to keep a high credit score. This score enables funding during emergencies such as wildfires, homelessness, or anything else.

  • COVID-19 will be the excuse that begins depleting these reserves.

Billions will disappear. Our credit rating will sink like a rock. We’ll lack the funds during emergencies and go in the red as Democrats put in new programs. They’ll tout them as temporary. Yet, they know full well, once started, they’ll continue in perpetuity.

CAGOP Still Refuses to Learn Basics

From local to statewide, we must realize, it’s not only money, but a base infrastructure must be in place to win – one composed of ready-to-move, savvy, and policy educated volunteers. You don’t build an infrastructure overnight, but we must start now or repeat a losing cycle!

Without a vibrant volunteer labor force, combined with candidates promoting proven conservative values and policies, losses will continue.

Losing the board of supervisors falls on party leadership and flawed candidates. San Diego County’s transformation from deep red to a blue takeover is now complete.

Nov 222020

WooooooWeeeee! San Clemente. Home of Gene James (When he isn’t in Irvine dining with women he is not married to), Kathy Ward and Chris Hamm.

The trifecta are really worked up over Laura Ferguson’s quest for transparency. Perhaps a simple look at who their attorney is for the lynching of Laura Ferguson is a nice window in to the corruption of San Clemente. Quoting the SC Times about the impending lynching:

The city is estimated to spend between $3,000 and $5,000 on special counsel engagement services with attorney Cristina Talley, who will oversee the conflict during Monday’s proceedings, when Ferguson will have due process in order to plead her case.


Wait, what? BBK (aka DDT) is the Law Firm that San Clemente contracts with for a City Attorney! Oh wait, Talley just left DDT law firm. Maybe.

Talley has quite a history. She sued Anaheim and won a discrimination settlement. She was also a proponent of by district elections long before they were a thing in California.

She was forced to resign as Anaheim City attorney in 2012 after giving lousy advice and some sort of Brown-Act Drama.


What could possibly go wrong tomorrow night when this Lawyer with a checkered history, recently (or still with, who knows) of the same DDT Law Firm that is the City Attorney leads the lynching of Laura Ferguson?

Conflict of interest much? Yeah, keep the lynching in the family and don’t anyone dare disclose where all the money went, ever.