May 282024
May 28, 2024
Contact: Duane Dichiara
Phone: (916) 997-4784

Primary opponent Mark Mezzano endorses Heather Hadwick for Assembly
Redding Councilmember & Former Vice Mayor Mezzano adds to momentum of Hadwick campaign

REDDING, CA  – Today, Redding Councilmember and Assembly 1 Primary candidate Mark Mezzano announced his endorsement of Heather Hadwick.

“I’m endorsing Heather for Assembly. Heather Hadwick embodies the integrity, proven leadership and ability to collaborate that our District needs in its representative,” said Mezzano. “She is in this race for the right reasons. I proudly stand behind her candidacy and urge all voters to join me in supporting Heather for a better California.”

Mark Mezzano is a longtime Shasta County resident who retired as Sergeant in the California Highway Patrol, and who has served on the Redding City Council since 2020. Mark represents Redding at CalCities, serves on the CalCities Public Safety Committee,  is Chairman of the Shasta Regional Transportation Authority, past Chairman of the Redding Area Bus Authority, past representative to the Redding Rancheria and Redding Downtown Collaborative.

I am honored to have Mark’s support. His leadership in Redding and commitment to his community have set a remarkable example for us all. Mark has been a strong voice for the North State, and I look forward to working with him in the future,” said Hadwick.

Mezzano adds his name to a growing list of supporters, which include State Senator Brian Dahle, Assemblywoman Megan Dahle, Assemblymember Heath Flora, the California Professional Firefighters, CALFIRE local 2881, and the California Association of Highway Patrolman.

Heather Hadwick’s campaign for State Assembly is focused on lowering unaffordable prices for California families, keeping our neighborhoods safe from rising crime, and protecting our communities from devastating wildfires. To learn more about Heather Hadwick and her campaign, please visit

This is a big deal for Heather Hadwick for sure.

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  3 Responses to “AD01 UPDATE: Game Changer. Third Place Finisher Mark Mezzano Says: “VOTE FOR HADWICK””

  1. Interesting.
    “State Senator Brian Dahle, Assemblywoman Megan Dahle,” They’re listed as supporters.

    Apparently, the anti-Dahle crowd isn’t reading these anymore, or they’re just late to the party.


  2. OH MY GAWD…..are you kidding me?

    Bianco will be, THE REPUB nominee for GOV for 2026? QQ

    WHO ON EARTH, came up with this one??
    eh, such is life.
    I invite you all to attend, on the 18th June 2024, 2pm at the Purple Heart Memorial downtown Sacramento CA.
    On this date and this location, I WILL BE announcing MY “Exploratory Candidacy” for California’s State Governor 2026.

    When you have detractors(and some well meaning people) saying: Leo? Hold off. It’s too early; eh, things are in the making, can you pause? Why do you want to do this now? You realize the Presidential’s are happening and you’ll be drowned out?

    Yea, I do. The very next day is a Federal Holiday. In ten days afterwards, Biden debates Trump. Shortly after that, is the 4th of July holiday. August follows up with another debate, the potential 3rd before school reopens. Then, it’s OCT SURPRISE season. Finally, NOVEMBER 2024!! When we’ll see if “weekend at Bernies” Biden can fall across the finish line, or if Trump can beat the underhanded way the DEM’s will vote.
    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…………….then what?

    Afterwards, will you feel SAFE enough to come out? Safe enough to come out and play?
    Will you finally LEAD, now that the smoke has cleared, the carnage is over and the bad guys have gone home?


    BONTA still trying to figure it out. Beccerra would LIKE to just stroll in and take control, but HE is hoping for another Bernie Term, so HE can stay in his office.


    I thought of something recently, and I’d like to share:
    1) LEO? You can’t do this, because YOU have no Businessman experience;
    2) LEO? You can’t do this, because you have no POLITICAL experience;
    3) LEO? You can’t do this, because you have no LEGALEASE/LAWYER experience.

    1) If I need a businessman, I’ll call for one. If I need a political solution, I’ll ring you up. If I need a lawyer, I know where to find one. California doesn’t need these type of people. California needs, a LEADER and LEADERSHIP. If politics is ” war by another name “, then we don’t NEED a lawyer, businessman, or politician. We need, a WARRIOR, FIGHTER, LEADER.

    Experienced people have already said, it can’t be done.
    Trying to do something the same way over and over while getting the same results amounts toooooo…………… know how that goes.

    STOP……stop telling me how experienced you are; stop telling me how much I HAVE TO DO ALONE; stop telling me what can’t be done; stop telling me I’ll never win!
    Really? Like YOU have been? How about you START showing me, what YOU can do to GET me to the point of WINNING! STOP, being a lethargic whinner and START being a courageous LEADER!

    I’ve GOT my resolve in making this announcement. You can join if you choose to; sit on the sidelines and watch/wait/ponder options; or not show for support. Your choice. Exactly what I’m standing for: CHOICE.
    I don’t like losing. I don’t like Mediocrity. I don’t accept last place as the norm. And I definitely don’t like those who ‘ claim to be supportive, while doing the least they can, so that THEY can get paid, while YOU suffer the loss.’

    Please take a moment to look skyward. See it? Planet PLUTO. How far away is it? Over 3 BILLION Miles!! Purple Heart Monument……know where it is? Look westward, see the Capital beyond the trees? Know how far THAT is?? Less than 1/4 Mile.
    The distance to Pluto is closer to me, than the walking distance from the Memorial to the Capital Steps……and on that day, I’ll be taking MY first step towards making that distance a little bit smaller.

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