Sep 262024

That’s correct. $92.66.

She will tell you that she has $21,718.69 in the bank. (Remember her $20,000 loan to herself?) The problem for Tenessa is that her report also shows $21,626.03 in debt for a difference of $92.66.

Fundraiser #EPICFAIL

I have a few friends that are insiders in the political scene that have breathlessly repeated the “Heather does not show up” lie. She has put 70,000 miles on her car since launching her campaign for Assembly, and the work is paying off. I believe their cagyness has to do with future aspirations and Tenessa Audette’s former campaign consultant Dave Gilliard. (FYI – Dave Gilliard does not show up on this current report and debt or a payee, has she parted ways from him?)

While Tenessa had such an incredible night with Ted Gaines and Shannon Grove (but reports not a single dime received from Gaines), that may have netted $2,000 (with strong tailwind and 50% inflation)… the brutal reality is setting in.

These same insider friends referenced above have been openly hostile and/or cagy regarding Heather Hadwick, but I know none of these critics know her at all. My suggestion is that it is time to break free of the Gilliard brainwashing, and the emotional activism and get to know Hadwick. There is a practical reason:

Cycle to date Tenessa has raised $84K, with only $23,577 coming this reporting period. Tenessa spent every last dime of that money on a ballot statement, one slate card and $1,100 worth of ads. She is now clinging to a balance of just over the $20,000 she lent herself. The acid test is if she is actually going to spend that money.

Hadwick, cycle to date has raised $175,815.50. FYI – the Park Political listed on her report as a payee is my company. This reporting period alone, Hadwick has knocked down $55,719. Hint, the financial pounding is going to continue.

Given the absolute abortion of a finance report I have seen from Tenessa Audette, your intrepid blogger now has context for several behavorial maladies exhibited by Mrs. Audette. It has been a veritable Cross-Fit Workout of political mistakes. These would include abusing the State of the City address to promote her campaign for assembly, running a campaign on rumors, incessantly calling would-be endorsers and hounding them, claiming endorsements she does not have, trafficking in debunked lies about her opponent… basically doing everything but raising money. (You know, like where’s the check from Ted Gaines?)

You do stuff like this to overcompensate for a campaign that is has become the aftermath of a 4H club meeting. (But she can’t afford the tools needed to clean up the mess)

Speaking of the aftermath of a 4H club meeting, The activist community has used a mistake on a Modoc GOP questionnaire and has spread it around the district accusing Heather Hadwick of being pro-choice. Your intrepid blogger was asked about this months ago by a couple of those folks and I addressed it then. However Audette (and others) have repeatedly aborted the truth pushing the admitted error for political gain. This is not dissimilar to the national astroturf campaign of Kamala Harris.

Speaking of Astroturf, it took Doug LaMalfa’s staff taking over the Shasta GOP and 6 votes to get an “endorsement” for Tenessa in her own backyard. At that, the circumstances of said endorsement are suspect. Remember: Brenda Haynes and Erin Ryan were both trained in political craft by one David Stafford Reade (But are nowhere as good at is as Reade is)- interesting how these are now the good guys in the minds of the activists that have been getting screwed by that crew for years! (Don’t worry guys, the LaMalfa crew will be back opposing all the activist candidates for CRP office soon!)

Lest you think the LaMalfa endorsement is a big deal, Haynes and Ryan have had his stuff in a lockbox for years and we all knew the endorsement was coming eventually. (More on Ryan and Haynes later)

Now this whole crew has attached themselves to the crazed Mayor of a crime ridden city that is broke and on tilt. $92.66.

Hi Guys!

Mrs. Audette – allow your intrepid blogger to give you some life advice. Reimburse yourself for the $20,000 loan you will never spend and call it a day. Heck, you are still the Brown Act Mayor of Redding so there’s that.