Apr 262022

He may not be a Congressman but he did stay at a Maryott Inn Express Last Night

Readers of Right On Daily may recall that the California Secretary of State BEAT DOWN Bryno Maryott for lying to voters.

“We don’t approve/disapprove a ballot designation based on 3rd party complaints. We do receive them, but don’t base our review on them,” said Joe Kocurek, a representative for the state office. “We review the ballot designation worksheet and any accompanying materials provided by each candidate, then we reach out to a candidate if we find there is an issue of any sort with their proposal. We spoke with this candidate and we came up with a ballot designation that was acceptable for him and us.”

Translation – the SOS office got the complaint and talked to Maryott about his BS. Target hit.

Maryott has previously denied any wrongdoing in his campaign filings, arguing that his certification as a financial planner still remains active. Maryott acknowledged that he no longer practices financial planning or provides investment advice and that he is not active with any brokerage.

Well that’s a lie. Maryott’s Securities License has been lapsed for 4 years.

In order for a ballot designation…to be deemed acceptable by the Secretary of State, …each proposed principal profession, vocation or occupation submitted by the candidate must be factually accurate, descriptive of the candidate’s principal profession, vocation or occupation must be neither confusing nor misleading,” the law reads. “…The candidate’s proposed ballot designation is entitled to consist of the candidate’s current principal professions, vocations and occupations.”

According to Robert Stern, a retired attorney and former elections counsel to the Secretary of State’s Office, the successful result of Bartlett’s complaint is a win for her campaign, as such ballot designation challenges are rarely so swiftly resolved. What impact the challenge will have on the June primary is unclear however, at least for now, Stern added.

It’s very unusual for the Secretary of State to deny a candidate’s occupational status,” Stern said. “I’d guess it only happens a handful of times each year. So yes, it’s a win for the candidate filing the complaint. It’s also significant in the sense that voters get a lot of information from the three-word title candidates use to describe themselves on the ballot. If a candidate doesn’t raise a lot of money or isn’t as well known, that can really be something that identifies you to voters and lets people know who you are.

Undaunted, Bryno got the CAGOP to lie on his behalf:

He also calls himself a businessman. That appears to be another lie. Remember Bryno isn’t a Congressman, but he did stay at a Maryott Inn Express Last Night…

P.S. The CAGOP had better do a better job of vetting their mailers because this blatant lie is lawsuit and campaign finance complaint worthy.

Read the original post on the complaint pre BEAT DOWN here. 

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