May 022021

Why hasn’t Spitzer nailed this psycho to the wall? Liens, Judgements and a trail of abused women – that’s Gene James. He is also good buddies with Diane Harkey too.

Hi Gene.

How many of you remember the lies Gene James told? Yes, there are so many of them, let me focus… his stolen valor. Jim Bieber is suing Gene James over that caper and Mr. Bieber did mail predicated on that lie.

Now – Gene James has the same lawfirm I believe was responsible for husbanding the nearly $2 Million finally disclosed to have been paid to Harvey Englander to smear anyone affiliated with the toll road now hot on the trail trying to make the municipal insurance carrier foot the bills for Gene James legal defense.

Read agenda item 8A for The 5-4-2021 San Clemente City Council Meeting here. To think, Gene James and two other nimrods on that council voted to censure Laura Ferguson for asking questions. I hope Ferguson makes a mess of this agenda item on Tuesday.

The city is already in to this thing for $25K and James wants $100K authorized.

If Gene James was not a malignant narcissist liar, con artist, cheater, abuser, in debt up to his eyeballs disaster he would not have legal problems. The dude has lost 4 judgements in his lifetime. How many normal people have even been in court 4 times? The dude has more liens than a prostetic surgery ward at a military hospital.

So – it looks like the San Clemente City Attorney is helping to fleece the taxpayers of San Clemente in to defending the crazed and disturbed Gene James – who can’t afford to defend himself as he still has active liens (that likely include garnishments).

Gene James, ladies and gentlemen blowing exhaust from his truck in to the tents of homeless people. This sort of bullying and abuse is his standard problem solving, but it appears that Jim Bieber’s lawsuit attempting to hold him accountable for being a filthy liar has him running to the city attorney for his binkey.

Learn more about Gene James below:

Another offshoot of the investigation in to William “Bill” Brough was our expose’ on Gene James. We learned that he has had a lifetime pattern of abusing women, abusing the homeless in San Clemente, 11 Liens, 4 Judgements and a Foreclosure. James’ record of legal issues dates back to 1992 according to what we know and may well extend prior. In addition there is/was an investigation in to blatant “stolen valor” campaigning either by James or people supporting him. What made me the angriest was hearing from the women he abused and seeing what he was doing to the homeless people in San Clemente.

Two of the biggest pieces of garbage in Orange County Political History flank a complete failure of a State Senator whose ego is so out of control she refused to acknowledge the evidence against either of these monsters.

Click here for court documents, dates and case numbers detailing Gene James 11 Liens, 4 Judgements, Wage Garnishment and a Foreclosure. <<< and the OCGOP endorsed this guy!

Click here to view a video of two homeless victims of Gene James and others blowing exhaust in to their shelter. They clearly describe the pattern of abuse and harassment by Gene James.

Click here to see Gene James in the middle of a celebration where residents of San Clemente are flipping off, waiving goodbye and otherwise mocking the homeless people that were being moved.

Click here to see yet another video of Gene James harassing homeless people, this is six minutes long and is undeniable.

If you visit the Right on Daily facebook page – there are several videos featuring Gene James. What a terrible look for the OCGOP. The abusive behavior alone would be a black eye, but the lifetime pattern of judgments and liens is even worse. See even more in an expose from one of Gene’s Exes that is backed up with proof and evidence.

Let’s take a look at Gene James’ financial maladies. Remember Diane Harkey has liens, judgments, lawsuits and the like. Perhaps this is an affinity between the two of them?

Here are the public records on Gene James:

Retired from the Army in 1992 –

May have had as many as 10 jobs between 1992 and 2001

2001 – 2016 – Jack in the Box – Loss Prevention

JUDGEMENT #1: 1992 – Tax Lien Hardin County Court  – Case# 92-15828 – judgment against James for unknown $ amt

Gene W. James, 5745 Allison Ave., #B, Fort Knox, CA 40121


JUDGEMENT #2: Civil Judgment – Cuyahoga County, 1200 Ontario St., Cleveland, OH 44113

Plaintiff AVI (James past employer)

CV03515820 Filed 12/1/2003 against Gene James, 2705 W. Canyon Ave., #112, San Diego, CA 92123 in the amount of $45,600

JUDGEMENT #3: Civil Judgment – Cuyahoga County, 1200 Ontario St., Cleveland, OH 44113

Filed 4/20/2004 – Judgment against Gene James, 2705 W. Canyon Ave., #112, San Diego, CA 92123 in the amount of $5,240.00


TAX LIEN #1 CA State Lien – San Diego County, 1600 PCH., San Diego, CA 92101

Filed 08/27/2007 – Court Case# 2007-0566939

Judgment against Gene James, 3360 Daley Center Dr., #1014, San Diego, CA 92123 in the amount of $24,624.40


JUDGEMENT #4: Judgment recorded as paid – San Diego #2009-0155167

Plaintiff Jacqueline James (2nd ex-wife) – judgment against Gene James in the amount of $12,000

Balance of $6000 collected by income withholding filed Oct 7, 2009


TAX LIEN #2: CA State Tax Lien – San Diego County, 1600 PCH., San Diego, CA 92101

Court Case# 2009-0627967    Total lien/judgment $34,499 dated 10/30/2009

Gene W. James, 6051 Dunant St., #310, San Diego, CA 92122


TAX LIEN #3: Ohio State Tax Lien – Trumbull County, 160 High Street NW, Warren, Ohio 44481

Filed 2/19/2010 – Court Case # 2010-JL215226

Judgment/lien against Gene James, 211 Pawnee Ct., Girard, OH 44420 in the amount of $34,347

FORECLOSURE: Foreclosure on residence in 2011 – Gene James, 211 Pawnee Ct., Girard, OH 44420



Total Federal Liens in the amount of $299,759 for non-payment of taxes from 2002 – 2009

Good Lord San Clemente. And Diane Harkey is doing events with this guy, too.

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