Could the FPPC be the next fine they get?
I have chronicled how the Yolo County Clerk Recorder is in the bag with Gavin Newsome, ACORN and the like. We all know that the FPPC – the State Campaign Finance Regulatory Arm – is rather selective about their enforcement of Campaign Finance Laws.
Enter Mark Pruner. Mark is the reputed “Moderate” Chairman of the Yolo County Republican Party. Unlike most so-called Moderates, Mark actually volunteers significant time – including suing Jerry Brown over his expired Law License. Even though Brown’s friends on the State Supreme Court rendered their service to the Dem Party – dismissing the suit… Pruner still pressed it. Now the AG who Pruner sued is in charge of the licensing agency overseeing Pruner’s Law License.
Sorry – most Moderates (aka RINO’s) I have ever met sit on their butts and whine about the GOP while cutting deals with Democrats.
Attached is a letter from the FEC to Mr. Pruner after Pruner successfully pressed the issue about the Yolo County Democrat Party flaunting campaign finance laws. Some will remember the non-story pushed in Placer County over our Central Committee and one check – take a look at the press release from the Yolo County GOP to see what a real Campaign Finance Issue Looks like:
Davis, CA – The Yolo County Democratic Central Committee (YCDCC) and the Davis Democratic Club have entered into a settlement with the Federal Election Commission. A settlement with the FEC was reached which included payment of a $1500 civil penalty by the YCDCC.The action, under case number ADR512 and ADR513 stem from allegations by Mark Pruner, Chairman of the Yolo County Republican Central Committee that the Davis Democratic Club received contributions in excess of $80,000.00 and failed to report the funds and expenditures as required by law. An additional allegation cites one 2004 expenditure by the YCDCC made to of $5,000.00 that went unreported.
The YCDCC in its response, contended that they “may have inadvertently” qualified as a political committee in 2004, but due to the scarcity of records could not assess the level of activity.”
In addition to agreeing to pay the fine, the Yolo County Democratic Central Committee has agreed to hire a compliance specialist and will be required to send two representatives to a Federal Election Commission conference. The Davis Democratic Club will also be required to send a representative to a Federal Election Commission Conference.
An investigation is also in process at the State level before the California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC).
Upon reading the action by the FEC, Kirby Wells, Yolo County Republican Committee vice chair stated, “All we want to see is a level playing field. Now that the FEC has acted, the Yolo County Democratic Committee and the Davis Democratic Club are required to abide by the same rules we have been following.” Wells also called upon the FPPC to “complete the process” and finish their investigation so that a full and complete picture of the scope of the YCDCC finance reporting failures could be ascertained by the public.
For more information about the Federal Election Commission please visit, or contact them at (800) 424-9530
For more information about the Yolo County Republican Central Committee, please go to:, or call Mark Pruner, Chairman at (916) xxx-xxxx
Have a look at the original complaint here.