Mar 022019
Note from Aaron F Park, I am proud to have William Del Pilar as a contributor. I do not control what he writes and he has editor access to Right on Daily. Please enjoy his point of view and leave your thoughts in the comment section.

A conservative Latino’s view on politics…

If your happy with the California Republican Party (CAGOP) and wanted the continued success of the worst beatdown in CAGOP history, your candidate was center-left Republican Jessica Patterson. Handpicked by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, she’s to be his marionette to his puppet master and continue the same leadership we’ve had since 2010. Conservatives felt after the 2018 massacre, leadership could change. Well, “The Empire Strikes Back” as Patterson won on the first ballot, easily defeating two conservatives.

Albert Einstein said to define insanity is to do the same thing over and over, expecting different results. I don’t believe the CAGOP did this expecting different results. Rather, current leadership believes we must go center-left to compete against Democrats even if that means higher taxes and bigger government. Perhaps they believe the state’s lost and look only to support McCarthy and his focus on congressional races.


  • Jessica Patterson, 651 votes – 54.6 percent
  • Travis Allen, 366 votes – 30.7 percent
  • Steve Frank, 175 votes – 14.7 percent


Both the establishment and conservative grass roots look up to Harmeet Dhillon, a former vice chair and current National Committee representative. She’s taken the fight straight to Democrats by taking the institutions of education and technology to court for attacking or firing conservatives. Many believe, as I do, she would’ve probably taken 95 percent of the vote had she chosen to run for chair. That said, I found it comical but expected when she introduced Patterson and stated in so many words that she chose to run a “positive” campaign, implying the other candidates did not. Comical because I knew someone from the Patterson camp would say that.

The Establishment consistently tells us to honor Ronald Reagan’s “Eleventh Commandment” that states, “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.” The proverb of, “do as I say, not as I do,” comes to mind. Case in point: immediately following Dhillon’s introduction stating Patterson ran a clean campaign, a well-known Patterson supporter, speaking on her nomination attacked Allen. Adding to that, the night before, Patterson’s camp slipped into the delegate’s hotel rooms, a hit piece against him. Oh, the hypocrisy my friends, the hypocrisy!


Patterson’s history had her supporting “Cap and Trade” Republicans. Supporting Proposition 14 (Top-Two Primaries Amendment). Working for the center-left donor that’s been directly responsible for the CAGOP malaise that led to the 2018 midterm destruction. Leadership doesn’t deny it. They make excuses for it. These are just a few examples of her center-left track record that included sanitizing social media accounts showing center-left leanings before announcing her run.

Despite that, Patterson’s campaign was flawless in disguising her as a conservative. The real coup was in gaining the endorsements of conservatives. Some research eventually revealed there was pressure to support her by the ruling class and specifically Kevin McCarthy. To the public and anyone who doesn’t follow the inner workings of CAGOP politics, one would think she’s the greatest thing since Mitt Romney said he was “severely conservative.”

What is it with center-left Republican candidates who claim conservatism come election time? Former gubernatorial candidate Neel Kashkari, former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, former Assemblyman Rocky Chavez, current San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, and former Republican turned newly-minted Democrat, Assemblyman Brian Maienschein. Patterson belongs in that group. Truth is, we know. These individuals epitomize those who’ll say anything for a vote. John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, better known as Lord Acton said it best, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Regardless, Patterson’s deception was impeccable in her portrayal as a conservative.


Now that Democrats have determined “infanticide” is part of a woman’s pro-choice right, the prolife battle has begun anew in mainstream America. Shocking to many leftists, prolife is gaining prochoice supporters for the simple fact, they also believe once a baby is out of the womb it’s no longer an abortion, it’s murder. Patterson had a heartbreaking story to tell about her own family and why she’s prolife. It’s tragic and showed why many would think she’s a strong proponent of the prolife movement. Some stood to applaud her and her poignant words.

Here’s the problem. She worked to remove prolife from the California Republican platform. This is a great example of judging someone’s character by their actions, not words. This part of her speech encompasses everything wrong with anyone running for office. To use a true, tragic personal story to promulgate a lie. It made it even more ironic or maybe hypocritical is the better word, when I read in the San Francisco Chronicle that she said, “My parents told me that talk is cheap.” “Your actions speak louder.” Shades of leftism; saying anything for a vote!


You’ll see some mainstream media (MSM) papers talking about how the CAGOP elected the first woman Latina and millennial to boot. I saw many women vote for her because of this. Some even told me they were voting for another candidate but their jubilance and talk after her election revealed who they voted for. That’s OK, I understand it. Culture’s take pride when one of their own break barriers. On the surface it’s a great moment for the CAGOP.

As a conservative Latino I promote more Latinos in positions of power in business and politics but only if they’re qualified and have similar values. Two mentors – one black (liberal) and one a woman (conservative) taught me about life, treating others, leading and managing and how to carry yourself in business and politics. They also taught me qualifications and values are a necessity.

However, Patterson is chair to further the center-left movement and goals of leadership and to focus on congressional races for McCarthy. As I told a brethren Latino, I don’t care that she’s Latina as much as she’s qualified and upholds the values of the Republican Party. If you believe the CAGOP should remain center-left, then she’s your girl but realize she’s also McCarthy’s girl to do as he dictates.

I believe in Martin Luther King’s belief of not judging someone by their color (or culture or religion) but their character. A center-left Republican has nothing to do with the party Lincoln built and Reagan revitalized.


Almost every Republican – conservative and establishment – endorsed Patterson. That includes my representatives:

  • Assemblywoman Marie Waldron
  • State Senator Brian Jones
  • District 50 U.S. Representative Duncan Hunter

They’re solid conservatives, so why endorse a center-left candidate? As I said earlier, various sources told me it was pressure from the party, including McCarthy whose only goal is to focus on congressional races to win back the house. That’s important, but I care about all of California. The biggest disappointment is Waldron who’s revered by most conservatives and Republicans. This is how the highest-ranking Republican in California grows conservatism? Grows the party?

That’s my issue with Waldron. As a former liberal, I know most Democrat politicians get out into the community to grow the base, inspire youth, women, people of color or anyone else. My conservative friends who admire her, pushback with the classic, “that’s not their job,” comment. To those I say, that’s a big reason we keep losing. We don’t hold them accountable in helping grow the party. Her endorsement of a center-left candidate just adds another issue I have with her to the list.

I walked and supported Hunter but did relay to his campaign, not to call come 2020. I voted for Jones and have always voted for Waldron, but I’ll now look at all Republican candidates who’ll challenge these individuals, but I don’t expect any. In Congress, Republicans voted over and over to overturn “Obamacare” knowing he would veto it. When they could’ve overturned it, they puckered up and failed their constituents to tow the establishment and donor line. When it came time to support a conservative versus center-left candidate for CAGOP chair, Waldron, Jones and Hunter chose to tow the establishment line. The real kicker? Many will chastise me and that’s problematic. Too much reverence without questioning actions, makes us no better than sheep.


In a sign meant to unify Republicans, Patterson asked the defeated candidates, Allen and Frank to head the CAGOP voter registration task force. One of the biggest and most legitimate issues conservatives have with leadership is the fact the party no longer continues registration. Ironic because that’s one of their fundamental tasks. It’s easy for her to ask these two and create a perception of unity and extend an olive branch. The question they and all conservatives must ask, “What’s the budget and where will it take place?”

How much the CAGOP’s willing to finance in registering new Republicans will decide its success. We’re talking a multimillion-dollar campaign to be effective. Earlier, Patterson pushed back and said the party was already doing voter registration, but Frank exposed her lie. We know the current results. The CAGOP is now No. 3 behind the Democrat Party and NPP (No Party Preference). Before either Allen or Frank accept that challenge, they should make sure it’s properly funded with no constraints or walk away.

However, if the party does make it happen, maybe it’s finally understanding a base fundamental to winning – more Republicans! More important, it’s a huge step for current leadership in giving confidence to conservatives that Patterson’s willing to change. Regardless, how she votes and where they designate the registration events to happen is just as important. Her vote tells us where she stands as does where it takes place – will it only be districts where we lost congressional races in 2018 that McCarthy wants, or statewide?


Apart from the CAGOP chair election, one big issue that sadly, didn’t go anywhere was a bylaw proposal where Dhillon sought to change how proxies would work. Proxy votes are those delegates who don’t go to the convention but allow someone to take their ballot and vote for them. These votes decide elections, such as chair, bylaws, platform, amendment changes, etc. Proxy drills are a lucrative procedure worth tens-of-thousands with some telling me up to $30,000 but I didn’t corroborate those numbers. I did verify it’s mostly paid for by donors who’ve turned it into an art form with consultants specializing in it.

Stories have delegate trips to the convention paid for by donors. Republicans selected as delegates who won’t go to conventions but will give their vote by proxy to make sure leadership’s agenda can continue. It’s an incestuous, unethical system that desperately needs an overhaul. In fairness any candidate or individual can do a proxy drill. It’s just the establishment class, fed by donors has the resources to ramp up a machine to make it successful. Patterson’s infamous for running proxy drills for the center-left’s former top donor, the notorious Charles Munger Jr.

Dhillon compared it to Democrat ballot harvesting because it’s the practice of taking someone’s ballot and voting for them. I lost hope that someone would make this correlation. When I brought up the absurdity in this to others, they gave me dumbfounded looks. The irony! How Democrats destroyed the CAGOP using a tactic Republican leadership spent years perfecting against the conservative wing!

Dhillon was also unafraid to state two members benefiting directly from proxy drills didn’t recuse themselves during the committee vote. This is what conservatives talk about when they say the GOP consultant class doesn’t care about winning and doing right but getting paid. Ethics be damned! Sadly, by not getting out of committee it needed two-thirds vote to pass and went down in flames securing roughly, over 50 percent. Conservatives want change, but the establishment continues to thwart the people’s will. The “Force” is strong in the consultant class. Despite this, Dhillon was commanding in her tone and delivery in making her case from a position of moral strength, showing herself a force to reckon with.

This shows why conservatives adore Dhillon. She’s part of leadership yet challenged a corrupt tactic leadership uses to keep an iron grip on the party. She gives many conservatives still battling optimism. I’m sure she gained new fans and secured her conservative bona fides. It’s a shame she chose not to run for chair.


I didn’t know Randy Berholtz before the election but spoke to him. I grew up with three sisters, a mother and an aunt and I jokingly brag about my “woman’s intuition.” When you meet Randy there’s an air about him. Confident yet humble. My gut or “intuition” says he’s “real” but like I always do, I ask around and research. From what I understand, he’s a successful businessman and rock-solid conservative.

It’s what I got from everyone I spoke to even when I delved into picking their brains to try to see how much was just talk versus truth. To a T, those who know him said, he’s as conservative as they come and those who didn’t know him too well, said, “I know he’s conservative.” It was good, no great to see at least one success at the CAGOP convention with his win to be Secretary of the CRP.

Despite the loss, another silver lining was the fact the two chair candidates, combined, received 45.4 percent of the vote (541 out of the 1,192 votes). It gives “New Hope,” conservatives may still have a future. While I thought we hit bottom, the CAGOP will likely dig a deeper hole but conservatives will remain. I say to conservatives: it’s not time to jump ship, but to refocus our own efforts and only support candidates that share our values. We’ve stopped going along to get along and many establishment candidates will face our wrath when we leave their selection blank on Election Day. I’ve voted this way since 2012 and others do as well. We’ll turn out for our conservative candidates but are no longer voting for someone simply because they have an “R” by their name. Mitt Romney, John McCain and Neel Kashkari learned this the hard way.


I expect some phone calls. Some will chastise me and tell me to keep the faith. Some’ll say, I’m the problem and get on board or leave or ostracize me because I’ve chosen to write how I see the truth. Luckily, I’m not beholden to the CAGOP even though I support them. As a conservative Latino, they need me more than I need them. As someone formerly in the media, I believe in making sure others understand what’s happening – good and bad.

Despite another beatdown by center-left leadership, I’ll remain a Republican because as a young liberal, I quickly realized Democrats don’t care about minorities as much as using blacks and Latinos for voter turnout. Don’t believe me? Look at the data since the “Great War on Poverty.” However, the grassroots must focus toward working and shaping ourselves into activists to work directly with candidates who share our values and can show a track record of those values.

While the Republican Party remains closer to our values, we must see the CAGOP and Patterson’s promises bear fruit. Since 2006, the Republican Party’s been feckless, and Patterson’s political circle’s been with leadership that’s brought the CAGOP to its knees. Forgive me if I’m skeptical and refuse to jump on board and sing Kumbaya.

We should be wary and take a wait and see approach. What other realistic choice do we have? It’s the Republican Party or bust and yes, I know – we’re closer to bust in California.

An abbreviated version of this article ran in the Valley Roadrunner March 1, 2019.

William Del Pilar is politically active, currently sitting on the Valley Center Community Planning Group (VCCPG). As an entrepreneur, Del Pilar drove his fantasy sports company to set the standard for analysis and news distribution, helping to commercialize the industry from 1997-2008.

Feb 172019
Dear Aaron,

Reports are coming in from delegates across the state that Republican establishment “Leadership” is actively discouraging delegates from attending the Republican Convention in Sacramento on the weekend of February 22-24. Numerous delegates have complained of intimidating calls and messages pressuring them to surrender their proxies with veiled threats from elected officials and their staff.

The failing status quo will say anything to protect a record of failure that is plain for everyone to see. California Republicans were decimated in the 2018 elections, and our Party is at its weakest point since 1883. We must STAND UP FOR CHANGE NOW. It’s time the Republican Party fights for OUR VALUES, OUR IDEALS, and OUR REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT.

This Convention will be pivotal in rebuilding our California Republican Party. I fully encourage you to attend, bring your friends, and be a direct participant. This Convention will decide the leadership for the Republican Party for the next decade: will we have a continuation of the shrinking, losing, insular status quo or will we demand a BOLD NEW DIRECTION WITH ENERGIZED LEADERSHIP that will register new Republican voters statewide, organize every street and precinct, and fight the election fraud of the California Democrats?

It’s time every Republican demands a California Republican Party that REPEALS PROP 14 and FIGHTS TO WIN again in California.

If you cannot make convention, download a proxy form here so your vote can still count to REBUILD our Republican Party. Please print, fill out, and sign the form (must be physically signed) and reply back to this email that your are completing your proxy.

Proxies can be mailed or picked up directly from your home. With our network of over 50,000 volunteers across California there are Republicans in every community that are ready to help you to MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT.

Once you have printed and signed your proxy, please respond to this email or call 510-579-9197 to let us know that your proxy is ready. You can mail your proxy to the address below or contact us to have it picked up.
Remember, EVERY VOTE COUNTS and ALL VOTES ARE ON A SECRET BALLOT, so no one has to fear retribution from the “establishment”. We can’t afford to allow the same failed Republican status quo leadership to continue to destroy our Party and empower the California Democrats.

This is our state, this is our Party. JOIN ME TODAY and rebuild our Republican Party, by Republicans and for Republicans. IT’S TIME WE WIN IN CALIFORNIA.
Travis Allen – Candidate for California Republican Chairman
Feb 012019
Yup. Luis Buhler was in the room.

We’ve written about the Oligarchy of Controlled Failure. They are currently running a very manic and frenzied operation to identify Travis Allen supporters to exclude them from the CAGOP’s Delegation. Your intrepid blogger has dozens of reports of long-time party faithful being told to pound sand when asking for appointments to the state party.

The long-term consequences of supplanting true GOP activists with consultants and staff will be devastating for a fractured, shrinking GOP. Many Central Committees whose ranks were devastated in the $3MM ego-fueled rampage of Luis Buhler can’t make quorum anymore.

One of the other tactics being employed in an attempt to control the outcome of the CAGOP’s officer elections is operatives showing up to County Central Committee Meetings to threaten people (either with their mere presence or otherwise). Having seen David Stafford Reade and others do this to the Placer GOP several times at endorsement meetings, I am familiar with the drill.

A few days ago Luis Buhler, once the most trusted adviser to Charles T. Munger Jr., was reputedly at the Santa Cruz GOP meeting. Buhler is alleged to have engaged in filibustering and making legal arguments citing bylaws in an effort to forestall an endorsement by the Santa Cruz GOP of Travis Allen.

It is the opinion of this blogger based on 20+ years of experience with Luis Buhler that he has a deep contempt for activists and especially Conservatives. The list of people coming forward to your intrepid blogger with stories of how Mr. Buhler has mistreated them is legion.

Yet here he is acting on behalf of Jessica Patterson.

Since most Central Committees are not comprised of battle-hardened veterans, often times bully tactics work. Mr. Buhler was successful in delaying an endorsement vote in Santa Cruz.

Orange County had the same dynamic. The votes are clearly there to get to 2/3, out come the rules lawyers in order to delay the inevitable. File this as yet another reason for many feckless GOP organizations, some people care more about the process than simply allowing the will of the body to prevail. (as in they never miss a chance to miss a chance)

Jessica Patterson was present in Orange County with an entourage. It was reported to your intrepid blogger that she was visibly nervous having to deal with an audience that was not paying her salary.

Trying unsuccessfully to train candidates for victory is a different world than speaking to party activists… many of whom have been targeted for elimination from the State Party’s delegate list. (Similar to the $3MM spent in 2016 by Luis Buhler to exterminate conservatives from cent com rosters, with people like David Stafford Reade and Jessica Patterson on the payroll)

When I saw Jessica Patterson announce some county party endorsements, I was struck by the number of Paid Staffers and long time political acolytes on the list. Shasta, Glenn, Tehama and Butte are four counties almost 100% controlled by David Stafford Reade. All four were targeted heavily by the $3MM spent by Luis Buhler with David Reade on the Payroll.

The Chairman of Glenn is a supervisor whose election was almost completely underwritten by David Reade’s current and former boss. The Chairman of Tehama is the son of a Supervisor with similar entanglements. Shasta County has long been a moderate stronghold with several staff amongst its’ elected members and Butte County’s Chairman works for State Senator Jim Nielsen, who happens to be David Stafford Reade’s current boss.

Kern, Kings and Tulare County? Devin Nunes / Kevin McCarthy country. All were targeted heavily with the Luis Buhler / David Reade / Jessica Patterson money in 2016. Their membership were hand-picked by team McCarthy in 2016.

7 of the 12 County endorsements Jessica Patterson has are not independent activist leaders. They are from the machine known as the Oligarchy of Controlled Failure. I don’t know most of the individuals in question, I am sure they are fine Americans, they are just not independent and do not represent real activists. It is what it is.

This is the main point about Jessica Patterson’s Campaign. It is not legitimately organic. It is from a machine. There is a facade being created that this is something other than a political insider game.

Fast forward to 1/31/2019 in Marin County. The Boss of the Bay Area, Luis Buhler showed up to Marin County in an attempt to repeat his squashing of the Travis Allen endorsement in Santa Cruz County the day before. With Luis Buhler’s surrogate in the room, they voted 15-2 to endorse Travis Allen.

That’s Marin County folks. Travis Allen went in to occupied territory and smoked the moderate overlord Luis Buhler nd crew in their home turf. Amazing things happen when a bully no longer has a billionaire’s money behind him.

When Jessica Patterson’s crew have to fight on a level playing field with Travis Allen, they lose. Badly.

This is why they needed the legislative leaders to step up and defend the failure known as California Trailblazers. This is why they have to defend failure and re-package it as a plan for the future.

This is why people like Andy Gimmecandy, David Reade and Luis Buhler have to show up in an attempt to keep a lid on Party Organizations. This is why they are keeping a list of Travis Allen supporters in an out-sized effort to exterminate activists from the rolls of CAGOP Delegates in favor of consultants and staff they can control the votes of.

So much to control. So many variables. And then there is this blog with 2.2 Million hits in 2018 to contend with…

To be continued…

P.S. Update: We were informed that Luis made calls and attempted to intervene but had a surrogate present at the meeting. He himself was not present.

Jan 242019

Hell has frozen over.


Chad Mayes has just given CAGOP delegates the ultimate reason to vote for Travis Allen for CAGOP Chairman!

Does This Mean Chad Mayes is leaving too???

GASP! Chad Mayes will leave the CAGOP if Travis Allen is elected Chairman! What an AWESOME reason to VOTE TRAVIS ALLEN!

BTW – for those of you tracking the stupidity in Sacramento, understand that behind the scenes, Chad Mayes was reputedly working to for an “Independent Caucus”.

The plan was for Maienschein, Jordan Cunningham and Chad Mayes to re-register NPP together and then announce their new caucus. The problem is that Maienschein was to be the dems #1 Target in the Assembly in 2020 meaning he was assigned to the dungeon. The dungeon is not the “Doghouse” where Assemblymember Tyler Diep is. (Diep endorsed Jessica Patterson despite all of the assistance Travis Allen gave him to win AD72 and succeed him there)

Mayes’ plan was foiled by Maienschein being upset over being assigned to the dungeon by Anthony Rendon. I guess getting hammered for months in a campaign, being lined up as target #1 and the like was not enough… it was a damn office in the capitol that was the final straw.

Three California Trailblazers Star Recruits – Maienschein, Cunningham and Mayes plotting to ditch the GOP and form their own caucus… until the small matter of an office in the capitol came up.

Remember – there are also extremely strong rumors that Maienschein was negotiating with the democrats before the 2018 election seeking some sort of a deal. This, if true, means that the cover story about Maienschein’s office being a factor in the decision may be quite false.

Since its’ 2011 inception, the California Trailblazers has been present and participated in the net loss of 13 GOP Seats in the State Legislature. 28-19 in the Assembly, 15-11 in the State Senate. How low can we go? Since its’ inception in 2011, the California Trailblazers has paid $2.3 Million in Salaries against a paltry $142,000 in candidate contributions. Jessica Patterson’s haul has been over $1.2 Million.

It looks like the net loss is headed up to 15. #EPICFAIL

Jan 102019

IF you take a look at Jessica Patterson’s Social Media, you’d be struck by one amazing fact… it stops in mid 2017. 

All the tweets about supporting New Way California – the group Chad Mayes started as his narcissistic rage over being called out on the Cap and Trade disaster, are gone. We all see those emails from New Way California and saw Jessica re-tweeting those tweets. Nope, not any more we don’t. Re-tweeting items critical of the President were also present, and they are gone as well.

I am pretty sure archive services will be our go to, in order to attempt to ascertain more about her. Anything put on the internet exists somewhere and can never be completely covered up. 

We know she has a long history with Meg Whitman’s and other well financed establishment type of campaigns. We know she was involved in efforts to eviscerate the CAGOP Platform and defend Proposition 14. 

Perhaps this blurb in the Sacramento Bee sheds some light. Mike Madrid, a former GOP Consultant who likes to call Republican volunteers Nazis who consistently trashes President Trump is called upon by the Sacramento Bee. (The Bee like other leftist media outlets looks for “consultants” with full-blown TDS for quotes): 

WHO WILL LEAD THE CA GOP? (from the Sac Bee Capitol Alert)

California Republicans will select their next leader at the party’s Feb. 22-24 convention. Lost in the news cycle this week was a major development. David Hadley, vice chairman of the CA GOP, told supporters he’d withdraw from the race.

“I no longer believe that I can prevail on February 24 while still running a campaign to unify the delegates and walk forward together after the convention,” Hadley wrote in an email to his supporters. “As a result, I have decided to suspend my campaign for chair, and to release my many endorsers and supporters to evaluate other candidates.”

Activist Steve Frank and former Assemblyman Travis Allen are the two remaining candidates at this time, and Allen is the presumptive favorite.

But some California political insiders believe another candidate will soon emerge. (Blogger’s Note: This is a link to Chad Mayes’ Chief of Staff Joe Justin)

A representative for political consultant Jessica Patterson would not confirm the any details, but said Patterson would be making an announcement in the coming days. She is expected to have the backing of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

Republican political consultant Mike Madrid is displeased with all the available options because of their strong support for President Donald Trump. California Republicans lost seven of their seats in the House of Representatives in November’s midterm election. Madrid worries Allen will lead the party down the wrong path if he’s elected.

“The path that he’s pursuing is obviously flawed, and it’s not going to work,” Madrid said of Allen. “He wants to stay relevant. There ‘s plenty of people in Republican politics who want to be captain of the Titanic.”

Madrid fear the California GOP “will be broke within six months because the donor community as it exists will completely abandon the party.”

Quoting Mike Madrid about anything Republican is like asking a drug addict about moderation. That said, I do find it interesting that the implication of this update is that Jessica Patterson will be the most anti-trump of the people running for CAGOP Chair. It is clear they have read the same (since deleted) social media posts from Patterson. 

Remember, Patterson worked for / or publicly supported Marco Rubio and later John Kasich. She was also known to have been publicly defending Chad Mayes during the Cap and Trade Drama. The plot thickens…

Meantime, having Mike Madrid attack Travis Allen in the Sacramento Bee is a badge of courage. Note that Stephen Frank gets nary a mention. 

P.S. for more on Mike Madrid enjoy this post.