Oct 152019

Dear Senator Moorlach:

In a past campaign I referred to you sarcastically as Moloch. Given the revelations about Planned Parenthood and their behavior, I am convinced that there is literally a Moloch-like cult devoted to abortion like a modern day human sacrifice.

I used the term Moloch only because it was so close in spelling to your name, not because I was trying to equate you to infanticide or abortion.

I don’t apologize for the political attacks in the campaign, that is part of the game as I was helping your opponents. I do, however, apologize for equating you to a pagan God of human sacrifice. Given current events that is simply not funny or defensible as political humor.

With that – Right On Daily endorses you John Moorlach for Re-Election to SD-37. Good Luck.

Mar 082016

Again – many things in John Moorlach’s Record Suggest that he is squishy on a variety of issues, or perhaps he spends too much time thinking.

5/18/98 – John Moorlach publicly spoke out against a proposed Bill from Tom McClintock (then of Garden Grove) to abolish the Car Tax.

According to California Public Finance in an article entitled, Opponents Trade Jabs on Car Tax Bill… Moorlach publicly opined on the effects to the County Budget of Replacing or Repealing the Car Tax. When Coupled with his previous comments about the 1/2 Cent Sales Tax… there is a pattern here folks.

Moorlach’s comments were about the negative impacts on county revenue that would occur from repealing this unpopular tax.

The pattern of John Moorlach’s sometimes bizarre public statements continues in 2010 when he just got hammered by Scott Moxley and the OC Weekly for defending convicted felon Mike Corona.

Mike Corona is the disgraced former Sheriff of Orange County who got convicted of Corruption. We even heard about this case in spades even in my neck of the woods.

Lastly – Republican, turned Libertarian Steven Greenhut Unloaded on John Moorlach in 2009.

Moorlach appeared to flip on the Death Penalty – letting his Chief of Staff at the time (who is a liberal) go on a rampage:

“Given Mr. Mainero’s self-proclaimed opposition to the death penalty and your previous admonishment on his injecting it into budget discussions, I considered it inappropriate that this matter was brought forward at this meeting under the guise of a budget issue,” Rackauckas wrote. “In my view, it was not and is not proper that your office attempted to influence the constitutional duties of an elected official in order to obstruct the will of the voters as reflected by California’s very clear laws calling for the death penalty in appropriate circumstances under the cloak of a budget discussion.”

Moorlach Appeared to Squish on the Gun Issue:

Even after Hutchens filled a Board of Supervisors meeting with more than two dozen deputies, including SWAT officers, who questioned and searched peaceful members of a gun-rights group who showed up to speak out against the sheriff’s new policies, Moorlach publicly stood by the sheriff. He stood by her after it was revealed that her deputies used the security cameras to zoom in on the notes and BlackBerry screens of fellow supervisors. He stood by her even after a public records request revealed that sheriff’s officials mocked the people who came to address the board. Moorlach and Mainero told me they agree with my concerns and raised them privately to the sheriff and her command staff, yet the public isn’t privy to such things.

Ironically, Rackauckas and Hutchens both endorsed Don Wagner (over John Moorlach originally) who is A rated by all gun rights groups and is unabashedly a social conservative.

Greenhut did not stop there – he continued to unload on Moorlach, blowing him to bits over hissupport of an absurd and heavy handed campaign finance scheme that I wrote about Previously:

Furthermore, Moorlach and Mainero supported efforts by self-described O.C. campaign-finance watchdog and political activist Shirley Grindle to create a permanent county bureaucracy to monitor campaign violations. It failed, but this put the Moorlach office further at odds with Chris Norby, the libertarian-oriented Republican supervisor who has long taken a principled stand against more government meddling with political speech and financing.

I had previously imagined that Moorlach and Norby would be natural allies, given their political perspectives, and that the key would be peeling away a third vote from among the other supervisors. But as Moorlach has moved in his current direction, the two offices have been at constant odds. In particular, Moorlach and Mainero have resented Norby’s well-known bluntness (Moorlach accuses Norby of being a demagogue).

In activist land – we call this getting vested in your office. I am living with this in my own backyard with a slew of partisan officeholders that have either gone native like Moorlach or they vote no on everything and do nothing for their district, leaving local government undefended to fend for themselves.

Feb 222016

Why is it that the only endorsements he has gotten are the ritual endorsements inside of Orange County?

I have written ad-naseum about Scott Baugh’s own self-serving angle for running his part of the drill. But – it goes deeper. Most of the GOP organizations inside Orange County are shrinking and insular, their endorsements are pretty much pre-ordained. These are what Moorlach is left to rely on for support.

The CRA, a group that once wielded power in Orange County used to be Moorlach’s base of support, now it is scandal-ridden and aging.

The OCGOP has presided over a running 20+ year disaster where cities are turning blue and the number of Democrat Districts is increasing.

The handful of legislative endorsements John Moorlach have gotten are only those within Orange County – but where is Janet Nguyen, Pat Bates and Todd Spitzer?

They all served with John Moorlach on the board of supervisors and they all can’t stand him.

Every capitol staffer I have talked to in Sacramento Can’t stand John Moorlach.

As I have researched his record – I see a man who has served himself at the political altar and at the trough of big government and no one near him can stand him.

Perhaps this is why he (Moorlach) lacks the endorsement of a single fellow State Senator?

Not one of his colleagues has endorsed him. The above three OC Political figures appear to have been bludgeoned in to silence by Scott Baugh and the cadre of lemmings at the OC GOP Cent Com Meeting – but none stood up for Moorlach either.

There is a consistent theme John Moorlach is ineffective and he is not even a true conservative.

Steven Greenhut understood this in 2008, when he wrote that John Moorlach isn’t even recognizable as a conservative anymore.

When you add in Tim Clark, his Chief of Staff and Consultant, who is equally as reviled within the building… it gets even worse.

As I continue to write about John Moorlach, continue to ask yourself why those that know him best can’t stand him and then you will understand that those in Orange County either endorsed a position or a reputation.

Positions and Reputations get you a decrease in vote share from 68% to 56%. When you lose your message, you lose your soul and your appeal to voters.

There is a reason why Tim Clark is acting unhinged, he knows how vulnerable John Moorlach is. Like Scott Baugh, I am certain that Tim Clark’s personal nexus has been driving his bizarre actions as well.

The sad irony is that John Moorlach has a massive pension and a fat 401(k) account courtesy of the Orange County Taxpayers and is reputed to hate his job in Sacramento. Is it Tim Clark running for re-election or John Moorlach?

There are a lot of unresolved issues here, but what I am certain of is that there is cancer all over the OCGOP establishment and it has metastasized.

Feb 182016

John Moorlach raked in$237k in total value in his last few years of office. (In my home county, the total for a supervisor is about $85k).

$16k for 5 years of taxpayer money in to his 401 plan.

A 2.7% at 55 Pension – guaranteed by OC Taxpayers. Opposed efforts to cut said pension.

John Moorlach Supported and even proposed efforts to weaken term limits.

John Moorlach Supported onerous campaign finance laws to make it harder for challengers to take out incumbents.

With all that, John Moorlach did indeed vote to spike his pension.

On 7/31/2007 – Moorlach voted to bump up his Car Allowance, which counts toward his pension, nearly double his comp time from 90 to 170 hours and bump the taxpayer funded part of his 401(k) plan from 6 to 8%.

John Moorloch publicly railed against the free car, opting instead to take the car “allowance”. What a hypocrite!

This is deceptive because if Moorlach took the free car instead, the $765 a month he got from his car allowance would go away and thus, the according bump to his pension would as well.

In addition to this – Moorlach also receives a cash benefit of $4500. Not sure what it is for, but it is there and Moorlach cashed the check(s).

In addition, the county pays for Moorlach’s portion of the Pension Plan Costs… aka both ends.

Moorlach also received $6300+ for serving on the OCTA – the Orange County Transportation Authority. In my home county, the PCTPA is unpaid.

When you inventory all of this, it makes you wonder if fiscal conservatism stops at Moorlach’s own finances.

I bring up once again, Mr. Moorlach’s form 700’s that indicate little or no assets or income outside of the government. When you mix in the unbelievable pay and benefits and the office-shopping, you begin to wonder…

Meantime, a man with a far lower salary donates somewhere in the neighborhood of 300K to other Republicans and amasses a lifetime 93% CRA Score. Which one is more real? Which one is a man of the people?

Perhaps John Moorlach’s hypocricy is comfortable and familiar to those around him in Orange County?

John Moorlach’s massive haul at our expense kind of underlines the absurdity of the Moorlach Campaign Headquarters in his special election run existing on the grounds of an $8.5 Million Dollar spread on the Newport Coast…

Here’s how it works folks – if Wagner is a Conservative, his behavior related to his compensation has been consistent (he gets about half of Moorloch’s total package as an Assemblymember). If Wagner is some sort of RINO hack, then it pours Miracle Grow on the hypocrisy of Moorlach because Wagner’s government haul is a fraction of his while Moorlach raked it all in to the last penny.

Yikes. It looks like Don Wagner was, is and always will be on the right side of history.

Source: Voice of OC Column By NORBERTO SANTANA JR. | Posted: Friday, July 19, 2013 9:13 am + County Records.

Feb 112016

Now Senator John Moorlach is out there spending Prop 63 Bond money now – helping the state incur more debt. This pattern of spending like a drunken sailor is nothing new for John Moorlach.

Tom Mauk agreed Thursday to resign as the county’s highest non-elected official, the latest executive departure since former O.C. Public Works manager Carlos Bustamante was charged with 12 felonies for alleged sexual abuse of female employees.

The article goes on to say that John Moorlach voted to give Mauk $270,000 of your money after he left in disgrace.

Rationalize it all you want, but this is a pattern with John Moorlach.

It did not stop there. He later voted to pay $254,000 to the computer contractor who oversaw a train wreck in Orange County Government.

The Orange County Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 on Dec. 14 to approve a controversial $254,000 bonus for the county’s computer contractor after multiple concerns were raised about the company’s performance. Supervisor Shawn Nelson dissented.

ACS State and Local Solutions, which services the technology needs of state and local governments, holds a 10-year, $266 million contract with the county, which contains a bonus clause for ACS meeting certain parameters.According to Mr. Nelson, ACS did not follow the contract to the letter, so he questions “the legal basis for giving them the money.

Why didn’t the fiscal watchdog and unassailable conservative John Moorlach follow up?

ACS has been maligned in recent years by county management, including the county’s chief information officer, who accused the company of substandard work. But over the last year the company has changed management and made significant improvements, [County Chief Executive Officer Tom] Mauk explained.”

This was the same Tom Mauk that Moorlach voted to pay $270k to when he resigned in disgrace from his position in Orange County that was defending the incompetent fools that got $254k. I have whiplash.

Why did John Moorlach do this? Where was the oversight? How is this Fiscally Conservative?

As a bonus, Add in the fact that John Moorlach sided with CalOptima executives who were accused of misuse of resources to the tune of $82000. The county attempted to recover the funds, inexplicably, John Moorlach opposed the move.

Google John Moorlach Lawsuit and look what comes up – you’d think that Moorlach was trying out for a reality show.