Feb 162024

BUT BUT BUT, he’s the conservative…

That Burger Don’t Hunt

Some time ago we introduced you to the Frank-Hamburger Alliance, a BBQ of Bulls–t.

DJ’s history as an activist should give the CAGOP purity police pause. He was a board member of an organization that promotes Gay Marriage, is generally pro-choice, and is pro-trans. That group also supported nationwide bans on Christian parents seeking counseling for children struggling with their sexuality and bans on faith-based groups that do not toe the line on homosexual adoptions. It is a sad irony that the Barbeque of Bulls–t has fired up over one LGBT bill and one abortion vote when the case could easily be made that DJ is far to the left of Suzette on various social issues.

Since writing that original post, we’ve expanded upon this concept.

DJ Hamburger in his own words advocates for French-Style abortion laws.

Similar to his former employer Abel Maldonado, DJ calls for French-Style abortion laws. Don’t take my word for it: Here is Donald James Hamburger on the dope rhyme himself.

French Abortion Laws?

PARIS (AP) — France’s National Assembly on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved a bill meant to enshrine a woman’s right to an abortion in the French Constitution, the first key step in a legislative process that also requires a vote in the Senate.

In case you are unclear of the motive or the impact:

The government argued in its introduction to the bill that the right to abortion is threatened in the United States, where the Supreme Court in 2022 overturned a 50-year-old ruling that had guaranteed the right to an abortion.

“Unfortunately, this event is not isolated: in many countries, even in Europe, there are currents of opinion that seek to hinder at any cost the freedom of women to terminate their pregnancy if they wish,” the introduction to the French legislation says.

Yikes. Then DJ goes after the Church while calling for amending the Civil Rights Act to Include Homosexuality. Should DJ get his way, Churches would be forced to hire drag queens and do gay marriages.

Listen to this video, at about the 26 Minute Mark through the 34st Minute.

Listen carefully to what DJ said. He is clearly using the far-left talking points against the church and the supreme court. He is trashing the Masterpiece Bakery decision from SCOTUS.

He is citing an New York Times article as the basis . At the 30 minute mark he suggests the 1964 Civil Rights Act should be modified, in fact, DJ argues we should amend the US Civil Rights Act and the US Constitution to include sexual identity and gender identity.

All throughout this conversation, DJ also undercuts religious freedom and liberty and implies how churches should be forced to adopt these policies.

It is not hard to find stuff like this with DJ attacking states like Tennessee for their conservative values and all throughout this interview he makes broad statements and slippery slope fallacies against socially conservative states.

Some conservative.

In the same video linked above is another bombshell.

Jump to minute 49.

He calls Boy Scouts Sexist. As an Eagle Scout, this attack on the Boy Scouts is absurd. He also attacks the Eagle Scout award’s significance as well in an attempt to justify that boys or girls can choose which scouting org they self-identify with: girl scouts OR boy scouts. “If you think that girl scouts is a better program you should be able to choose that, if you think boy scouts is better you should be able to choose that.”

This is definitely the mind of a platform-destroyer. This is not the mind of a conservative for sure. DJ should have run to the left of Suzette Valadares, but when you have fired up the BBQ of BS, you set out on a collision course with reality.

Dude. Yoga. This is your calling.

With regards to life after losing, your intrepid blogger recommends taking this site down:

DJ also has some interesting stuff on the internet advertising his skills for employment. For $1.98, you can hire him for a cameo.

For any of you that still might think this guy is viable, there is this:

As I typed in my previous post, Hamburger has so much stuff on his social media that should he make the runoff against a Democrat for SD-23, he’d get massacred. Judge for yourself with this sample. Your intrepid blogger is not camera-shy, but I would not want to be in the video, either! (You need Facebook access to experience this video)

If you live in Senate District 23, consider yourself warned..

Feb 132024

Steve – did you vet this candidate before you took him on?

Listen to this video, at about the 26 Minute Mark through the 34st Minute.

Listen carefully to what DJ said. He is clearly using the far-left talking points against the church and the supreme court. He is trashing the Masterpiece Bakery decision from SCOTUS.

He is citing an New York Times article as the basis . At the 30 minute mark he suggests the 1964 Civil Rights Act should be modified, in fact, DJ argues we should amend the US Civil Rights Act and the US Constitution to include sexual identity and gender identity.

All throughout this conversation, DJ also undercuts religious freedom and liberty and implies how churches should be forced to adopt these policies.

It is not hard to find stuff like this with DJ attacking states like Tennessee for their conservative values and all throughout this interview he makes broad statements and slippery slope fallacies against socially conservative states.

If DJ got his way with the Civil Rights Act being amended, Churches would indeed be forced to hire people whose lifestyle is opposed to the teaching of the church. He calls it “Fair Treatment”.

At Minute 35, he talks about his participation in LA Pride. Google that for more information.

The issue here, is that Donald James Hamburger is attempting to run to the right of his opponent yet it is very easy to find stuff like this with DJ taking some hard left stances on social issues.

As someone who is a Conservative Christian, these kinds of comments and how they are getting more mainstream is scary because the muzzle and shredding of the First Amendment right of freedom of religion is in the direct crosshairs of people like DJ. I am willing to bet that DJ supported the shredding of the CAGOP platform as well.

Just wow.

Dude, wanna be gay? Be Gay! Leave the Church alone!

Similar to his former employer Abel Maldonado, DJ calls for French-Style abortion laws. Don’t take my word for it: Here is Donald James Hamburger on the dope rhyme himself.

In the previous post, when I wrote about Suzette Valladares’ long-standing record of service to the Republican Party, I failed to mention that she was instrumental in DJ getting his first internship. In fact, when I met DJ years ago, it was through CRA, and DJ was affiliated with the Buck McKeon crew.

DJ’s history as an activist should give the CAGOP purity police pause. He was a board member of an organization that promotes Gay Marriage, is generally pro-choice, and is pro-trans. That group also supported nationwide bans on Christian parents seeking counseling for children struggling with their sexuality and bans on faith-based groups that do not toe the line on homosexual adoptions. It is a sad irony that the Barbeque of Bulls–t has fired up over one LGBT bill and one abortion vote when the case could easily be made that DJ is far to the left of Suzette on various social issues.

Feb 092024

Some time ago, we introduced you to the Frank-Hamburger Alliance, a BBQ of Bull—-. This is named in Honor of SD23 Candidate Donald James “DJ” Hamburger and his consultant, Steve Frank. With all the talk about candidates in their late 70s, people need to remember that Mr. Frank is right in that range, and it is clear he is past his prime, and/or perhaps DJ is just that bad of a candidate.

The Frank-Hamburger alliance has sought to make the SD23 Primary all about the Abortion issue.

The erstwhile “True Conservative” with a few Republicans that are anything but.

Similar to his former employer Abel Maldonado, DJ calls for French-Style abortion laws. Don’t take my word for it: Here is Donald James Hamburger on the dope rhyme himself.

In the previous post, when I wrote about Suzette Valladares’ long-standing record of service to the Republican Party, I failed to mention that she was instrumental in DJ getting his first internship. In fact, when I met DJ years ago, it was through CRA, and DJ was affiliated with the Buck McKeon crew.

DJ’s history as an activist should give the CAGOP purity police pause. He was a board member of an organization that promotes Gay Marriage, is generally pro-choice, and is pro-trans. That group also supported nationwide bans on Christian parents seeking counseling for children struggling with their sexuality and bans on faith-based groups that do not toe the line on homosexual adoptions. It is a sad irony that the Barbeque of Bulls–t has fired up over one LGBT bill and one abortion vote when the case could easily be made that DJ is far to the left of Suzette on various social issues.

Your intrepid blogger was told that DJ’s first mailers have all made false claims that Suzette Valladares supports late-term abortion. Apparently, the Frank-Hamburger alliance thinks that betting the ranch on that is a winner in a D+7 district blanket primary.

When you watch the above linked clip, it makes the attack even more insane because, let’s take a look at French Abortion Laws:

PARIS (AP) — France’s National Assembly on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved a bill meant to enshrine a woman’s right to an abortion in the French Constitution, the first key step in a legislative process that also requires a vote in the Senate.

In case you are unclear of the motive or the impact:

The government argued in its introduction to the bill that the right to abortion is threatened in the United States, where the Supreme Court in 2022 overturned a 50-year-old ruling that had guaranteed the right to an abortion.

“Unfortunately, this event is not isolated: in many countries, even in Europe, there are currents of opinion that seek to hinder at any cost the freedom of women to terminate their pregnancy if they wish,” the introduction to the French legislation says.

It looks like the erstwhile defeated General Election candidate stepped on a rake again.

Shoulda stuck to yoga dude.

DJ Hamburger is indeed to the left of Suzette on pretty much everything it seems. It is also time for him to return to private life, soon.

Sep 282023

The Frank-Hamburger Alliance is not a BBQ you want to dine at

Your intrepid blogger has known DJ Hamburger for a long time as well. I’ve never taken him seriously, ever. When I heard that DJ had decided to run against Suzette Valladares, I knew from my history with the players involved that DJ did not develop the idea independently.

In the previous post, when I wrote about Suzette Valladares’ long-standing record of service to the Republican Party, I failed to mention that she was instrumental in DJ getting his first internship. In fact, when I met DJ years ago, it was through CRA, and DJ was affiliated with the Buck McKeon crew.

DJ’s history as an activist should give the CAGOP purity police pause. He was a board member of an organization that promotes Gay Marriage, is generally pro-choice, and is pro-trans. That group also supported nationwide bans on Christian parents seeking counseling for children struggling with their sexuality and bans on faith-based groups that do not toe the line on homosexual adoptions. It is a sad irony that the Barbeque of Bulls–t has fired up over one LGBT bill and one abortion vote when the case could easily be made that DJ is far to the left of Suzette on various social issues.

Then you have to ask yourself why Steve Frank would align with someone socially liberal. It can’t be for the paycheck, as DJ Hamburger’s campaign will not be able to afford to walk and chew gum simultaneously.

I also know that Steve Frank hates anyone attached to former Congressman Buck McKeon. In 1996, Steve Frank ran for Assembly and was beaten by Tom McClintock. Scott Wilk, the outgoing Senator, worked for McClintock. Buck McKeon, apparently, joined with others to aid McClintock at various stages of McClintock’s political career.

Buck McKeon has been out of office for a damn near a decade, but the rage lives on.

Hamburger helped cure ballots for Suzette Valladares when she lost by about 500 votes for re-election to AD40 in 2022! He also interviewed for a job with her as well. That could be added to the motive mix as well.

Thus, the Frank-Hamburger alliance was born. Then the carnival act started soon after that.

Many of you know that Steve Frank was rightly critical of former State Senator and Lt Gov Abel “Maldo” Maldonado. Frank should have reviewed Hamburger’s resume…

That’s right, DJ worked for one of the most Liberal Republicans we’ve seen in a generation. Maldo was one of the GOP votes to place Prop 14 on the ballot, went up on Arnold’s massive borrowing, tax increases, and a grab bag of lefty initiatives. There was DJ Hamburger right in the middle of it all.

DJ also has some interesting stuff on the internet advertising his skills for employment. For $1.98, you can hire him for a cameo.

No one should take Hamburger seriously. At Right on Daily, we will let the young man’s actions speak for everything needed.

Scott Weiner 2.0

I think Mr. Hamburger should take his mentor through several Yoga sessions. Mr. Frank could use a mental cleansing for sure…

As I typed in my previous post, Hamburger has so much stuff on his social media that should he make the runoff against a Democrat for SD-23, he’d get massacred. Judge for yourself with this sample. Your intrepid blogger is not camera-shy, but I would not want to be in the video, either! (You need Facebook access to experience this video)

It is usually a disaster when candidates run for office halfcocked to seek revenge. Welcome to the Frank-Hamburger Alliance.

Sep 252023

Poor little guy didn’t know when to retire.

So, let’s say you are a Republican running in a D+7 District (like, say, Greg Wallis or Josh Hoover). Do you walk down Main Street beating your chest, screaming Abortion is Murder?

Apparently, Steve Frank and DJ Hamburger – known as the Frank-Hamburger alliance think this is the way to win the SD-23 election. Mr. Frank has yet to be able to win an election in the CAGOP. I am unsure what makes the 50-year veteran of losing Republican politics think 2024 is the year it all changes.

Let’s talk about Suzette Martinez. At least she was Suzette Martinez when I met her 20 years ago. Unlike many now in the legislature, Suzette started out as an activist, came up through the ranks that way, and got the attention of former Congressman Buck McKeon and others. She got her first job in that arena around the time I met her.

Like many in this game in California, I’ve known them since they were teenagers or barely older. Suzette is no exception. Her married name is Suzette Valladares, which is how most of you know her.

But, I will leave it to NARAL to summarize the Suzette Valladares I know:

NARAL Pro-Choice California Director Shannon Olivieri Hovis released the following statement:

“Voters in Assembly District 40 must not be misled by this deceptive mail piece claiming that anti-choice Republican Assemblymember Suzette Valladares supports reproductive freedom. To be crystal clear, Valladares earned an “F” onNARALPro-Choice California’s Reproductive Freedom Legislative Scorecard. Time and again, Valladares has voted against reproductive freedom: she voted against bills to protect Californians from criminalization for pregnancy outcomes, stabilize California’s abortion provider network, ensure that all people regardless of income can access abortion care, and much more. The mail piece is dangerous and entirely misrepresentative of Valladares’ dismal record on reproductive freedom.

When the chief pushers of Abortion in California go that berserk on a candidate, it should tell anyone that the Frank-Hamburger alliance is a Barbeque of Bulls–t. (More on that soon) I disagree with Suzette’s vote on the ballot measure thing, but she still got straight F’s from Murder, Inc.

When in AD-40, Valladares earned an A Rating from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, a glowing recommendation from the Cal-Chamber as an advocate for business in California, and an A Rating from the NRA.

From the near-hysterical emails being sent, you would think that Suzette wanted your children to have sex changes. The only “Republican” to vote yes on the version of AD1184 that passed was Jordan Cunningham. During the multi-vote process that creates bills, even diehards like Kevin Kiley and Shannon Grove had abstentions recorded into the record! Should they be put in the Barbeque of purity as well?

In a D+7 district, having someone like Suzette is better than the usual Republican who would represent such a district! (See also Jordan Cunningham)

The Suzette I know has volunteered hundreds of hours for candidates. I’ve seen it. She was also a CRA member for years.

It is rare to see someone successfully transition from activist to major officeholder; Suzette is one of the few who did.

I will go ahead and conclude with this. There is a reason why the transition from Activist to Officeholder is so tricky. Often, activists do stuff that comes back to haunt them later when they try to reinvent themselves into the mainstream; activists are extremely difficult to work with as candidates and most activists need to learn or care to raise money for their campaigns. These three things apply to Suzette’s Republican opponent, D.J. Hamburger.

With that, Right on Daily Endorses Suzette Valladares for SD23