The Sacramento Bee needs to come clean. It is clear they hate anything to the right of a liberal democrat, as evidenced by their withering attacks on Republican officeholders and their grotesquely biased endorsements of candidates.
Time and again, the Bee advocates for the farthest left of positions and candidates – yet they point the self-righteous finger at people like your intrepid blogger. Unlike the Bee, your intrepid blogger is proud to be a “religious conservative,” and I am clear that is my paradigm. The Bee needs to admit they are completely sold out to Socialists and the extreme Left.

One perfect example of the Bee’s bias is their refusal to cover some of the worst of the behavior of the democrat supermajority in Sacramento, killing tougher sentences for Sex Crimes in Committee. The actions were so bad they made national Fox News and even the San Francisco Chronicle covered the issue!
Another example is them sticking their noses into a local issue with a “Church” in Placer County that promotes drag shows, transgenderism, homosexuality, etc… and does so to children.
The show — hosted by the Landing Spot, an LGBT youth support group in Placer County — was intended to be the third iteration of a fundraiser for the group, with proceeds going toward a summer camp program, said Casey Tinnin-Martinez, a pastor and founder of the Landing Spot.
According to Tinnin-Martinez, the group’s drag shows are “wholesome, family-friendly” events where the students lip-sync to age-appropriate songs. The group had previously held two prior drag shows to sold-out crowds in 2020 and 2022 without incident.
Note the deceptive wording of the Sacramento Bee, they imply that the first two shows were on the RJUHSD Grounds, and the statement of “without incident” was put in to make it appear that this refusal to rent space was some sort of change in policy.
Tinnin-Martinez has bigger problems now than colluding with the Sacramento Bee to smear opponents of the filth he promotes. Project Veritas Nailed him to the wall with his own words.
- Reverend Casey Martinez-Tinnin, Loomis Basin UCC, The Landing Spot: “When they [parents] know that their queer kid is coming to me for support, they’re going to be upset.”
- Reverend Martinez-Tinnin: “In my mind, how communities thrive is through intergenerational relationships.”
- Reverend Martinez-Tinnin: “Parents don’t want me talking – encouraging this lifestyle, right? Like, that’s the thing.”
- Reverend Martinez-Tinnin: “So, if we can start helping parents talk about, ‘How do you talk to your kids about puberty? Have you considered blockers?’”
- Reverend Martinez-Tinnin: “I call CPS [Child Protective Services]” when parents misgender their kids.
That is a pretty interesting person that the Sacramento Bee has aligned itself with. Based on this video, it is clear that the “Pastor” is taking the place of parents and is intent on exposing young impressionable kids to graphic sexual content. This is also referred to as Grooming. Encouraging kids to lie to their parents is also a hallmark of grooming. Also note the reference to him pushing medical treatments and abusing CPS to separate kids from parents.
Great Job Sacramento Bee, Hannah Holzer and Robin Epley… you have now taken ownership of blatantly exposed deviant behavior.
Holzer’s extreme left-wing attack job was entitled: “A Placer County high school agreed to host a drag show. Then conservatives found out”
Epley’s was entitled: “Placer school is too scared of drag to allow performance.”
Here is a key quote that demonstrates the UC Davis Graduate’s hatred of Religious Conservatives:
Placer County’s religious leaders have been vocal about their opposition to the drag show. Roseville’s The Family Church Senior Pastor Matthew Oliver had taken to Facebook to express his “outrage” over the drag show, and Rocklin megachurch Destiny’s Pastor Greg Fairrington called out “the progressive liberal agenda that has been birthed in the pit of hell” in a recent Sunday sermon that also mentioned the show.
Placer County has struggled with a blurring of church and state. RJUHSD School Board President Constant, for instance, is not only a faculty member at Rocklin’s William Jessup University, a Christian college that has previously been accused of homophobia, but his consulting firm was also hired by Oliver’s city council campaign.
Amazingly, when I met Pete Constant, he was regarded as a social liberal moderate from the Bay Area! He came in to GOP politics from the Bay Area moderate GOP Machine. Dear, Hannah, once again it is called research getting in the way of a good hit job. I also remind the Bee that “Separation of Church and Mind” is not in the constitution, it is a fabrication of the American Left in an attempt to remove the church from society. (Unless it is the “Church” from Loomis)
Also note that the tenor of Holzer’s attack implies that the “Homophobia” accusations are true… this is also a pattern of hers, to promote unvetted and unfounded accusations from the left as facts.
The Landing Spot’s drag show was planned as a family-friendly event and would have featured performers between the ages of 14 and 18. Drag allows performers to express themselves — and, in a conservative community like Placer, a safe space to be unabashedly queer, passionate and artistic is a rare and beautiful experience for so many of our young queer and trans neighbors.
Without a venue, The Landing Spot still planned to move forward with the drag show on March 31. But after speaking with Landing Spot parents, Tinnin decided to cancel the show after a number of hateful and threatening messages sent to the organization raised fears about the safety of performers and audience members.
Note that none of the “Hateful” messages were published by the Bee, just an article taking the word of people they agree with as gospel. This rings very familiar to your intrepid blogger.
But now that the “Pastor” has been exposed on camera with his true agenda of subverting parents and making sure young children are exposed to graphic sexual content, the Bee is exposed for the extreme left wing agenda peddlers I have known them to be. In addition, their intellectual bankruptcy is also laid bare. Encouraging kids to lie to their parents is also a hallmark of grooming, I can only conclude that lying must be so common to the Bee’s staff that they did not recognize this pattern.
In both Epley and Hozer’s pieces was this gem. I will bet the Bee’s Editors wish this had never been put in print given what we know now…
“There have been recent efforts by some conservatives to brand drag shows and drag culture as inherently ‘predatory,’ while others have claimed that drag ‘grooms’ or ‘sexualizes’ children. This is patently false,” she wrote.
“ The Landing Spot’s drag show was planned as a family-friendly event and would have featured performers between the ages of 14 and 18. Drag allows performers to express themselves — and, in a conservative community like Placer , a safe space to be unabashedly queer, passionate and artistic is a rare and beautiful experience for so many of our young queer and trans neighbors.”
Whoopsie, now the Pastor is on tape spilling the beans on the entire agenda. Those dammed religious conservatives were right all along and were smeared by the Bee. Sounds like the Biden Laptop and the Covid stuff all over again, just right here in Placer County.
Anytime in the future, when a Conservative is attacked for taking a pro-family, pro-values position by the Bee… you should use this blog post as a pointed example of the Bee’s agenda and complete lack of moral standing to say a thing about anything.
Please note that the RJUHSD removed the organization (the Landing Spot) from the wellness centers, including Drag Show event on 2-15-2023 long before the faux outrage from the Bee. So, the RJUHSD was ahead of the curve once again.
P.S. The three articles I refer to are posted here only for attribution:
Article 1
Article 2
Article 3