Feb 282020

I am going to be rather blunt. I got the notification of this event forwarded to me and all I could think of was that it was a tail-covering because Assembly GOP Leadership were content to let Andrew Kotyuk swing because they were too cowardly to take on the swamp that have poured over $1 Million in to Chad Mayes. If Andrew Kotyuk does not make the runoff, the rank-and-file GOP Activists will be livid and Jessica needs to be able to claim she did something.

If Andrew Kotyuk does not make the AD-42 runoff, you can make bank Jordan Cunningham, Tyler Diep and maybe one other bolt the GOP because the NPP Precedent will be set.

Jessica Patterson has helped Kotyuk a bit, but it is clear that Rosilicie Ochoa-Bogh is the total fixation of the Senate Caucus, Leadership, Consultants and the like.

If you care about the future of the GOP – you may want to show up and ask Jessica Patterson whose decision it was to spend $250,000 of the Senate Caucus’ limited resources trying to pick a winner in a primary? (referring to SD-23 where Oil Interests have poured $1Million in to Rosilicie Ochoa-Bogh and the Party another $250K)

Where was the big money for Andrew Kotyuk in AD-42?

Where was ANY help at all for GOP Endorsed Kelly Seyarto in AD-67?

What are you going to do when Jordan Cunningham, Tyler Diep and others go NPP?

What is the plan to avoid a loss of as many as 8 legislative seats this fall?


Please join us and CAGOP Chairwoman Jessica Patterson for Get Out The Vote weekend this Saturday in Yucaipa.

Date & Time: Saturday, February 29, 2020 at 10:00 a.m.

Location: White Rabbit Coffee Company, 35256 Yucaipa Blvd., Yucaipa, CA 92399

We are asking that all volunteers commit to at least knocking 100 doors.

Now is the time to act to ensure that our endorsed candidates make it through the Primary Election.

If you can’t walk but you are willing to make calls, please let me know. I’ll get you setup for that instead.

If you want to carpool, please contact me. I will match you up with other volunteers.

Thank you for your help!


Regina Santamaria

P.S… Check out our list of endorsed candidates here.

Think it through, she called Andrew Kotyuk and basically told him who to hire. The implication was he would not get supported unless he played ball and guess what? Kotyuk got very little support as it is.

While Jessica Patterson may not have had any hand in the decision by party bosses to jam down the endorsement of Ochoa-Bogh and the decision of Matt Klemin / Shannon Grove to dedicate a disproportionate amount of the meager resources of the Senate Caucus in to Bogh, here she is nevertheless leading a precinct walk in a contested GOP Primary.

Meantime, AD-38 Suzette Martinez-Valladeras, nothing. AD-67 Kelly Seyarto, nothing. AD-73 Laurie Davies, nothing. Ling Ling Ling Chang, Scott Wilk and John Moorlach – 3 vulnerable senators who have received less caucus money combined than has been poured in to Bogh.

Make sure you show up in Yucaipa and start asking questions about the decisions being made behind closed doors – because conservatives and real party activists have been almost completely exterminated from Party Committees and having any voice in the decisions at all.

Feb 282020

Who Vetted Rosilicie Ochoa-Bogh (Bogh)?

According to the family’s lawsuit, Superintendent Binks approached Rosalie’s parents at a vigil before her death. “We dropped the ball on your daughter,” Binks is quoted as saying in the lawsuit. “Can you please forgive me?”   [Redlands Daily Facts, 9/24/2019]

It sure looks like the Yucaipa-Calimesa Unified School District anti-bullying policies were hollow and far from effective.

“We have six lawsuits and one more pending against this school district,” Pasadena lawyer Brian Claypool wrote in a text message on Tuesday, Sept. 17. “This district is a train wreck.” Claypool’s lawsuits include one on behalf of the family of Mesa View Middle eighth-grader Rosalie Avila, 13, who killed herself in late 2017 after years of alleged bullying. Rosalie’s death sparked an outpouring of support for her family, who believed her suicide could have been avoided with more intervention by the school district. “Their purported anti-bullying policies are window dressing with no teeth or substance,” Claypool said of the district. “They also have ineffective suicide prevention policies and scant training on how to handle kids who are desperate and contemplating suicide.” [Redlands Daily Facts, SCNG, 10/1/2019]

Your Intrepid Blogger has been hammering California Republican Party Leaders for weak, feckless leadership. Based on what I am seeing from research on Rosilicie Ochoa-Bogh (Bogh) she will fit right in. Many times she had an opportunity to speak up and did not.


“Four of the cases that we have right now against this school district involve students who have been physically assaulted. The fifth student is dead. The sixth student was mentally traumatized so much that she was suicidal,” said attorney Brian Claypool.  “How many kids have to die or suffer over them (YCUSD) not taking bullying seriously?” said Freddie Avila, father of Rosalie Avila who committed suicide after suffering ongoing bullying at her middle school. [Redlands Daily Facts, 7/8/2019]

Freddie Avila, Rosalie’s father, said school officials denied they had the power or responsibility to do anything about the bullying. That includes when a boy shot a video of Rosalie during lunchtime, calling her an “ugly girl” and comparing her to prettier girls in the cafeteria, Avila said

“The first thing (the principal) told me is ‘I can’t do anything about social media,’” Avila said. “I said ‘Hey, it’s happening in your school, during school hours. What do you mean, you can’t do anything?’” Before Rosalie’s death, Avila said, his family reported concerns to Yucaipa-Calimesa school officials over and over again. But nothing changed. “There were things that should have been documented, that were reported, that were discussed, and now they say ‘I don’t know what he’s talking about,’” he said. “Nothing (the district) did or failed to do was a cause or contributing cause” to Rosalie’s death, attorneys for the district wrote in an August 2018 response to the Avila family’s lawsuit. [Redlands Daily Facts, 9/24/2019]

But, it gets worse. The School Administrator that apologized to the family whose daughter committed suicide, was honored by Rosilicie Ochoa-Bogh.

On Saturday, Nov. 2, The Yucaipa Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints presented the “Standing for Something” award to Cali Binks, Superintendent of the Yucaipa-Calimesa Joint Uni!ed School District, a position she has held since July 2013.
Relatives, friends, and co-workers of Binks joined school board members as well as members of the Yucaipa Stake to celebrate the accomplishment. Guests were treated to a delicious dinner before the award ceremony.
This church, which is Mormon is Rosilicie Ochoa-Bogh’s home church. The date of honoring of the administrator was well after she apologized to the family of the dead student, saying she dropped the ball on dealing with bullying that led to the kid’s suicide. Why was the administrator honored in this manner? The name: Standing for Something award is just a sad irony for what happened.
I am flabbergasted, this is simply not a good look for the Republican Party and is an opposition research gold mine.
Feb 252020

Again, note the absence of the Ochoa in her last name on her business card.

District Policy that Rosilicie Ochoa-Bogh Voted for:

District staff shall not solicit or collect information or documents regarding the citizenship or immigration status of students or their family members or provide assistance with immigration enforcement at district schools, except as may be required by state and federal law. (Education Code 234.7)
No student shall be denied equal rights and opportunities nor be subjected to unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying in the district’s programs and activities on the basis of his/her immigration status. (Education Code 200, 220, 234.1)
The superintendent or designee shall notify parents/guardians regarding their children’s right to a free public education regardless of immigration status or religious beliefs and their rights related to immigration enforcement. (Education Code 234.7)

That’s right, Sanctuary School.

It gets better, the District is a trainwreck.

Over 1/4 of the Teachers are Chronically Absent and 1 in 9 Teachers are inexperienced suggesting that the Yucaipa-Calimesa School District has extremely High Turnover.

WHAT!? Did Matt Klemin, Shannon Grove or anyone else research the School District!? 48% of the Students ARE NOT PROFICIENT IN READING and worse 61% are NOT PROFICIENT IN MATH! (Klemin is the $152,000 a year Senate Political Director and Shannon Grove is the Senate Permanent Minority Leader)

What in God’s Green Earth are these people doing pouring $200k of the party’s limited resources in to this disaster!?

Now if the above statistics about the failure of the School District are not enough, imagine what the democrats are going to do in the fall with this:

For the combined student body of the Yucaipa Calimesa Unified School District, mixed-race students are 3.4 times more likely to be suspended as white students and black students are 5 times as likely as white students to be suspended.

Racial breakdown of YCUSD student population:

54% white

40% hispanic

2% black

2% asian

2% native american / mixed

Sampling of schools in YCUSD with reported student suspensions:

Calimesa Elementary Black Students 11.7 times as likely as white students

Valley Elementary Black Students 7.8 times as likely as white students

Yucaipa High School Black Students 4.6 times as likely as white students

$200,000 and counting + one of the California Republican Party’s major donors Marathon Petroleum is spending big in an independent expenditure propping up Ochoa-Bogh (or is it Bogh) in her primary. It appears Mrs. Bogh is unknown and even less so now that she changed her name.

The “Leadership” of the GOP are betting the ranch on this poorly vetted and unknown school board member.

Feb 202020

Remember, none of us “little people” are allowed to question the wisdom of the party leaders who choose winners and losers. IN SD-23 the Oligarchy of Controlled Failure are pouring money in to a primary to pick one Republican over another, but in AD-67 the GOP Endorsed candidate Kelly Seyarto has been abandoned.

Note: AD-xx = California’s XX Assembly District. SD-xx = California’s XX Senate District.

So common with control games are abject failures.

Where’s the Ochoa? Was that a creation of the Oligarchy of Controlled Failure?

The Governing Board is committed to the success of all students and believes that every school site should be a safe and welcoming place for all students and their families irrespective of their citizenship or immigration status.
District staff shall not solicit or collect information or documents regarding the citizenship or immigration status of students or their family members or provide assistance with immigration enforcement at district schools, except as may be required by state and federal law. (Education Code 234.7)
No student shall be denied equal rights and opportunities nor be subjected to unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying in the district’s programs and activities on the basis of his/her immigration status. (Education Code 200, 220, 234.1)
The superintendent or designee shall notify parents/guardians regarding their children’s right to a free public education regardless of immigration status or religious beliefs and their rights related to immigration enforcement. (Education Code 234.7)
Consistent with requirements of the California Office of the Attorney General, the superintendent or designee shall develop procedures for addressing any requests by a law enforcement officer for access to district records, school sites, or students for the purpose of immigration enforcement.
Teachers, school administrators, and other school staff shall receive training regarding immigration issues, including information on responding to a request from an immigration officer to visit a school site or to have access to a student.
The superintendent or designee shall report to the Board in a timely manner any requests for information or access to a school site by an officer or employee of a law enforcement agency for the purpose of enforcing the immigration laws. Such notification shall be provided in a manner that ensures the confidentiality and privacy of any potentially identifying information. (Education Code 234.7)

Ouch. Rosilicie voted to turn her school district overboard in to a Sanctuary School going beyond the state mandates. Where was the vetting of this candidate by party leaders???

Did you know that Rosilicie voted several times to expel students of color? While this is less of an issue for Republicans, imagine what the social justice warriors on the left will do with this  knowledge?

Action (Consent): 13.11 Educational Services – Student Discipline #14.17-18
Resolution: Approve actions recommended in the expulsion review for the following case: #14.17-18.

Action (Consent): 13.12 Educational Services – Student Discipline #18.17-18
Resolution: Approve actions recommended in the expulsion review for the following case: #18.17-18

These are just two of the numerous expulsions Bogh rubber-stamped. The minutes of school board meetings are full of these types of votes. She also voted several times to spend the limited resources of the school district on bonuses and massive union pay raises.

Action: 11.05 Human Resources – Early Retirement Notification
Approve Early Retirement Notification Bonus for Yucaipa-Calimesa Educators Association (YCEA) bargaining unit members.

Action: 11.06 Human Resources – Salary Increase – Classified Substitutes
Approve an increase to the Classified Substitute Salary Schedule

There is no evidence that Rosilicie asked any questions or attempted to engage a discussion about any of this stuff. Why was this needed? Could the raise have been smaller? Why early retirement bonuses? Why were the expulsions done?

Did anyone in the Senate Caucus do any sort of research about the consequences of these rubber stamp actions by Ochoa Bogh? This stuff is problematic at best. I guess I might be years waiting for an explanation.

Feb 192020

I like Russ Bogh, I always have. But, I can’t help but think the Bogh name was the reason an unvetted candidate with next to no experience in public office was selected by the power-brokers in the Legislative Caucuses to be the anointed one in SD-23 to replace Mike Morrell.

Rosalicie Bogh was a legislative staffer and field representative for No Party Preference turncoat Assemb-lymember Chad Mayes. When explaining what experience she has that will be needed as a state senator, Rosilicie Ochoa-Bogh frequently points to her work as a legislative staffer.  However, Bogh never identifies the legislator for whom she worked. Rosilicie Bogh / Ochoa-Bogh’s mentor, Chad Mayes, earned the ire of Inland Empire Republicans for his support of “cap-and-trade” and more recently due to his abandonment of the CA Republican Party.
According to her FPPC Form 700, ROB began her employment with Mayes on February 17, 2015 and left Chad Mayes last summer, on July 29, 2019.

She is running as Rosilicie Ochoa-Bogh, yet when she worked for the mastermind of Cap and Trade Chad Mayes, she was Rosilicie Bogh. Was the Ochoa the creation of her consultant?

I have long had an issue with the intelligentsia of the squish-moderate-rino GOP establishment recruiting disasters of candidates only because they check the right boxes on page one of the application. As a soon to be “Old White Guy”, I am 10000% sensitive to discrimination and choose to judge candidates based on 10 years of history and not the first page of their application. Rosilicie fails the ten year test for a variety of reasons. I can’t say with certainty that happened here, but you can’t help but ask the question – what’s in a name?

It looks like every family has a “Billy Carter”. In this case one of her relations who was nailed on a prostitution beef and was divorced within a year gave her some money. Rosilicie had to have known about this, and the whole family should have known this would be an issue. The democrats can and will use this in the fall should all the money the Oligarchy of Controlled Failure get Mrs. Bogh in to the runoff. (Or is it Ochoa-Bogh) If you do family-based political recruiting these are the things that happen.

ROB has traditionally used “Rosilicie Bogh” as her name on official documents.  
Only rarely does Rosilicie Ochoa-Bogh show up. Here’s some usage of “Rosilicie Bogh”
All 5 Deed & County Assessment Records
CA Department of Real Estate Salesperson license 
Director, Region #5, East Valley Association of Realtors
Realtor, Century 21 M&M & Associates
Board Member, Yucaipa Chamber of Commerce
Yucaipa-Calimesa Unified School District Board of Education Minutes
Twitter: @rosiliciebogh

Interestingly enough – in the AD06 Race in 2016, Cristi Beckstead-Nelson did the exact opposite of Rosilicie Bogh / Ochoa-Bogh. She was on voter rolls as Beckstead-Nelson but ran as Nelson. I guess names are flexible too in the efforts to create perceptions for the masses.

I got an email from someone in SD-23 with some other interesting points: (OB is referring to Rosicilie)

2. OB asked for and received an endorsement from bankrupt Banning Mayor Daniela Andrade, who bk’ed while in office – exceeding $220k in debt.

Look at OB’s campaign page for this endorsement.

(Note: establishment darling Steve Manos in AD-67 BK’ed $1.3 Million while in office in Lake Elsinore)

3. Ochoa Bogh says she doesn’t support Prop 13 , however her family is in the school construction biz and they would benefit from the measure
immensely. (She also voted to put a massive bond on the ballot in her district – more on that soon)
4. which may also the reason why OB took no position on Beaumont Measure B, a separate 98M school bond (for a city of 50,000 people)
5. her entire campaign is boilerplate bs with only a generic message. In the few personal appearances she made, all she talked about was her
family and the weather
too many red flags with OB. Besides, I would never vote for anyone who was an aide to another politician
This is looking eerily similar to Stone vs Bonnie Garcia. Why doesn’t anyone learn from their mistakes???
This does not look good at all, was Rosilicie recruited on the merits? What role did her name play in the recruiting? Why does it look like her name was changed in time for this campaign?