Oct 232022

I got a video sent to me; it was a huge file that I hosted on my YouTube Channel. It is highly illuminating. You will see that the Teacher’s Union loaded the audience of this candidate forum with sycophants. (This is what people present told me, and the video bears it out)

I learned what I believe to be a complete picture of the Rocklin School Board candidates.

Someone has to expose the bad actors – even if it means getting smeared in the media.

Rick Miller is slick and dangerous. He is a complete portfolio liberal that has the double-speak mastered. He has a lot of money to spend, making him a very hard target. He also fed kool-aid to the Teacher’s union people in the crowd. They want control back, and Rick Miller is willing to do so.

It makes me wonder what was behind Miller endorsing and donating to David Bass in Rocklin in that World War III council race.

Jen Brookover looked just like what I was told to expect. She looks like she should be a lunch lady with one of those mesh hats on and a madam Helga apron. She also loves some explicit books for children (just like Rick Miller). Don’t let the planted audience distract you from who she is.

It does make sense why Brookover attacked Tiffany Saathoff for her faith. Saathoff annihilated Miller in the video by pointing out how School Administration circumvented any parental input into books in the RUSD library. Saathoff speaks at the 5:40 Mark.

I also got to see Michelle Sutherland in action for the first time. She looks like an empty-headed hippie.

I am concerned about Derek Counter; he should be running a lot stronger campaign after he was once the only voice of reason in that district. I fear Rick Miller’s slick BS may be enough to knock Counter or Kari Hamilton off.

Kari Hamilton was the co-star of this video with Tiffany Saathoff. At the 2:55 mark, she details the graphic content of books available to 1st graders that include descriptions of female masturbation. Again, Rick Miller had some slick answers, but he can not cover that. He said he is okay with this stuff being in the RUSD library and available to children.

Watch the video carefully. The Teacher’s Union wants control of the RUSD back. Look at what they have recruited to get it back. Remember what the consequences are if they succeed:

Oct 082020

With tip supporters like Millie Yan, it sure looks like Michelle Sutherland does not need Antifa or BLM showing up on her behalf anymore.

Millie Yan looks like a bully and my friends in the local GOP tell me she is an attorney (shocker) and that she is a loudmouth at local events and school board meetings. It appears that Yan likes living in the clean, well-run City of Rocklin with good police and fire protection and wants to bring her extreme left-wing views to Rocklin. If Millie had her way, Rocklin would have no churches, police and would be full of riots and homeless camps. It appears she is too stupid to understand it is the leftist democrats she supported for office that wrecked her former home in the Bay Area. This is quite typical, people leave the Bay with zero self-awareness that the communists they supported are the ones that wrecked it.



You can see Millie at work here. Allow your intrepid blogger who is also an insurance agent for a living (meaning I protect people from attorneys) take Millie apart piece by piece.

Note – Destiny Church ended up not being a target of leftist protestors recently as law enforcement had picked up on comments by a few extremists and were prepared. That said, it appears that Millie hates Christians and attacks Destiny Church directly. Does Michelle Sutherland agree with this? Do these women think the Church should be exterminated from the debate?

I have known of Millie Yan for a long time. She has been a huge booster of Camille Maben, SB48, AB1672 and the whole raft of family-destroying values-shredding psychosis being handed down from Sacramento.

Yan also attacks the informed parents of Rocklin – another indicator of her vitriol and extreme leftist leanings. A key tenant of communism and socialism is separating Children from their parents and indoctrinating them in schools. It appears Millie’s emphatic support of Michelle is because this is Michelle Sutherland’s vision for Rocklin as well.

Like the arrogant attorney bully she is, she accuses Tiffany Saathoff of committing a crime when her Candidate Statement and Ballot title were vetted and approved by the County Elections Office. This is typical bluster from attorneys, having been threatened by people like Millie Yan so many times I have lost count – I simply mock the stupidity of them. This would include posting the legal threats from the idiot Placer County Counsel.

Perhaps Millie Yan should call Placer County Counsel and confirm that she has as much of a case against Tiffany as the County of Placer does against your intrepid blogger – as in none.

It also appears that the unholy leftist-athiest alliance between Michelle Sutherland, Millie Yan and the Rocklin Teacher’s Union are as much about taking on local churches as they are about brainwashing our children and keeping the schools shut down.

If you run in to Millie on social media – don’t let her bully you. I think she is a moron and calling her a moron is not even libel. She would have to prove that you knew she wasn’t a moron when you called her a moron. Good luck on that. I also laid out a case for why I think she is a psychotic communist – cut and past this blog and troll her with this post.

P.S. Look at Michelle Sutherland’s campaign finance reports. Millie Yan is on there for $1500 and Camille Maben for $1000. I am waiting for the Chinese Government to show up next.

Oct 012020

First off, take a look at this photo from a classroom. This is essentially the teacher’s union throwing a temper tantrum because the Rocklin Unified School District voted for a Hybrid re-opening.

Apparently, Rick Miller did not support staying shut down. The feckless lawyer coward (that is what I think of him and I am glad he is retiring) Eric Stevens is so afraid of COVID he was shaking at the most recent RUSD board meeting. Good riddance, if you are that weak Mr. Stevens, get help now for your fears. Joining Eric in the Shutdown psychosis is the human mushroom herself Camille Maben. After 28 years of polluting the minds of our children, it is really time for her to retire to a hippie commune.

My hope is that when the good candidates for Rocklin School Board win, that our children will no longer be subject to the abuse of the 3 member ruling junta and the teacher’s union. This is dehumanizing and stupid. These kids will have scars from being purposefully robbed of part of their childhood by a bunch of so-called teachers that wanted to get paid for not working and people in all levels of government dedicated to wrecking people’s lives to win an election.

If you are not convinced that the Rocklin Teacher’s Union is in need of an exorcism and the leaders should all have their teaching credentials yanked – look at this:

Read this as many times as needed. The Teacher’s Union President was asking the members to lie. Don’t give specifics he says, just ID yourself as high risk.

This sounds similar to the union abusing the grievance system in a last minute desperate attempt to stop the RUSD from re-opening.

You can also see the clear contempt that the Rocklin Teacher’s Unions has for the Rocklin Unified School District Board because they are not pillaging the treasury to get even more overpaid than they already are.

I’ve been told by a few people that visit RUSD Board Meetings that the conduct of Travis Mougeotte and others that show up on behalf of the Rocklin Teacher’s Union has been abhorrent. This includes Travis lecturing the board as if he is a kindergarten teacher castigating unruly students.

Why am I not surprised? Soliciting people to identify themselves as High Risk and using the greivance process to keep the school district shut down so they can get paid for not working? Yes, this is the Rocklin Teacher’s Union.

I am told there are a group of teachers disgusted by this behavior. Given the way the union has rigged the voting process and the endorsement process – it is going to be difficult to the extreme to unseat the dishonest, corrupt leadership with more ethical and reasonable people.

… and these people are “educating” our children. Good Lord.

P.S. ICYMI Below are screenshots of emails soliciting people to oppose re-opening before they filed their bogus greivances and ran a media drill.

Sep 242020

You’d think after all these years that political people in Placer County would realize that your intrepid blogger will figure out their games after a while. Sometimes we get tipped off in real time.

Information came in to your intrepid blogger that the Rocklin Chamber of Commerce rendered their endorsements and they have been reported out to the candidates already. (Perhaps this explains why the information came in hard and fast)

The Chamber of Commerce endorsed Joe Patterson, Greg Janda and Ken Broadway for Rocklin City Council. Zero surprise. A well-run city with few problems (other than massive budget cuts coming due to the State’s Management and COVID).  I’ve received good reports about Josh Rolph, but he is not making a compelling enough case for change at this time. I keep hearing it time and again. I have also been told that Ken Broadway has been busting his tail on his effort.

This gets me to the School Board Races.

In the four-year race, the Chamber set fire to the crazed leftist Michelle Sutherland. The Chamber joined everyone not named Camille Maben, Rick Miller and Jill Gayaldo (all three are trump-hating liberal democrats by the way, get to work Rocklin) and endorsed Julie Leavens-Hupp and Rachelle Price for the 4 year seats on the Rocklin Unified School District.

Then there is the two-year race. After endorsing Five Candidates who really represent Rocklin, the Chamber of Commerce endorsed Camille Maben over Tiffany Saathoff. A 28 year incumbent who has supported every anti-family garbage bill that has come down from the Sacramento Mafia. The Rocklin Chamber endorsed a sworn enemy of Charter Schools. (An issue that polls nearly 70% even in California)

Oh, and then there is the fact that the Rocklin Chamber did NOT endorse Camille Maben in 2016. What changed?

Let’s introduce the new Rocklin Chamber of Commerce President: Jay Lang. Jay is married to Wendy Lang. Lang is also a democrat (who may be registered otherwise at the moment) who is very close to Camille Maben.

Make sense? The President of the Chamber imposed his will and told members of the PAC Board what he expected of them. (So I have been told, an so I believe and can easily ascertain as I know most of the players involved)

Let’s give a little more background on Lang/Maben. One of my first forays in to local politics was in the early-mid 2000’s when the Rocklin Academy was in a knock-down drag-out fight with the Rocklin USD. As the then President of the Placer CRA Chapter, I helped with an effort that unseated two incumbent board members of the Placer Office of Education. That election broke the stranglehold that the Rocklin USD had over the disposition of charters. The Western Sierra Collegate Academy was chartered shortly thereafter and the threat to the Rocklin Academy was mitigated as a 5-2 pro charter majority on the PCOE was ushered in.

The charters were able to appeal the denials of the Rocklin USD to the Placer County Office of Education, game over.

Lang and Maben remained staunchly anti-charter. Other members of that board were involved in the personality fight between the Crazed Mark Klang, the Late Joe Scharrer, Kevin Cooper and myself. I have since become friends, allies and a campaign operative for Bill Halldin and consider Todd Lowell a friend as well amongst others who were then on the wrong side of the Charter Issue.

Anyone that knows Bill Halldin now would never believe he was once on the same side of an issue as Camille Maben.

It was with that background in 2016, that the Placer County Impact Republicans PAC nailed Camille Maben:

I was told via third parties that Wendy Lang became enraged over this mailer. She is alleged to have filed an FPPC Complaint against the Placer Impact Republicans PAC. (I have no direct proof because cowards can file anonymous complaints, I have never filed an anonymous complaint and never will) It was related to me via Hearsay that Lang talked openly about filing the complaint.

Three years, tons of phone calls and emails later – the Placer CIR PAC got a technical violation for the disclaimers on all 16 mailers being incorrect. Note – the fine was not related to Lang’s complaint but was due to something else. It is also well-known that anyone that took money from the Charter Schools Association were targeted at the behest of Gavin Newsom (remember, the CCSA foolishly poured 15 million in to Antiono Villariagosa ) As a result of Lang’s complaint the Placer CIR PAC was fined $500 a mailer times 16 mailers for a total of $8,000.

Kirk Uhler raised the money to cover the fines while people like Ken Campbell, Tom Hudson and bay area liberals like Viktor Bekhet among others were emailing each other congratulations over the fines.

These are the kinds of people that the Lang’s are. I pass that judgement by watching them over a decade+ it is what it is.

Note: I am using a professional treasurer for all current efforts so when the Wendy Langs of the world file revenge complaints, we will be ready to deal with all the FPPC technicalities.

Jay Lang needs to hear from the people of Rocklin as does the Rocklin Chamber of Commerce. This sort of insider game is the exact opposite of what the overwhelming majority of citizens want and especially not in Rockin.

Worse, a Pro-Business group endorsed a woman who supports Split Roll gutting of Prop 13? She supports AB5 which put tens of thousands of independent contractors out of work (the Uber Lyft thing)? If you look beyond Jay/Wendy Lang rigging an endorsement for Camille Maben – just on the base issues of the day the Chamber can’t justify what they did.

Why the Rocklin Chamber of Commerce sell out the business community? Ask the questions and let em have it.

P.S. Update: This screenshot was just sent in to your intrepid blogger: (Note 2 days ago at the time I got this would be 9-22-2020 before the tipoffs we received)

Nothing to see here, move along now.

Sep 152020
Blogger’s Note – the following email was forwarded to me. It originated from Informed Parents of Rocklin.


Rocklin Unified School Board Election

Valued Concerned Citizen:

This year, Rocklin Unified School District has 3 excellent candidates running for its Board of Trustees. Rachelle PriceTiffany Saathoff, and Julie Leavens Hupp have stepped up to serve Rocklin parents in this turbulent season in public education.

We have come to know these women, all mothers whose children have attended Rocklin schools for many years, and we are confident they will stand up in support of the issues that matter most to parents and community members like us.

For more information on their platforms, and to know them better yourself, visit their websites, Facebook pages, and share them with your friends.


We have all had concerns with the School Board. This election is a key time for the future of our schools. We encourage you to stay involved now by getting involved in supporting these candidates – please reach out to the candidates, offer to place a sign in your yard and/or make a campaign contribution. Now is the time to make a difference.

With Gratitude,
Rachel and Courtney

Meet the Candidates: