Pictured: The Ousted “Corrupt Sheriff” Stanley, NRA Board Member Joel Freidman (who is a puppet of Wayne LaPierre) and of course the embattled NRA President himself.
Just when you thought Stan Sniff was going to go in to retirement, Not. Just like his fellow Narcissist Barack Hussein Obama (who is likely trying to save his own skin from prosecution by the way), Sniff can’t help himself. He was seen in public again several weeks after the previously posted I’m so ronrey photos.
It is nice to see that Stanley still has those hands… One of the photos in the above collage shows the corrupt (my opinion of him) NRA President Wayne LaPierre.
The woman pictured is some sort of Orange County NRA leader who was tapped by Sniff to run the CCW Program in 2018 after Deziree Payne was blackballed. Speaking of the NRA – have you seen this?
That is NRA guru / honcho H Paul Payne at Mohammad’s house for some sort of Trump event. Payne (In blue) is sitting there holding hands with a Married Woman (also in blue next to him). I am withholding her name and any further info as she is not the focus, Payne is. Interesting how quickly H Paul Payne moved on from stalking his soon-to-be-ex and playing the victim. In the White Hawaiian Shirt is Bob Livingston – another local NRA Guru and acolyte of the corrupt Wayne LaPierrere.
It has come to me through other gun rights groups that someone who may be H Paul Payne (who else would do this?) had the NRA send legal demand letter(s) to former instructor(s) threatening to sue them. One such letter has to have been sent to Deziree Payne. When I get a copy of the legal threat letter, I will post it.
The Sniffers as I like to call them are still out in force. Recently, I came across a link in the local patch about an accident at the Ben Clark training facility. I’d like to take this opportunity to point out that had Sniff been Sheriff that this incident would have never been known in public. It did not stop a few idiots from concocting conspiracy theories that were apparently distributed by H Paul Payne and other nimrods in the NRA. You see, Sheriff Bianco cut off their gravy train, opening up CCW permit training to a host of vendors. The small number of vendors that were all donors to the former sheriff likely have lost a lot of business.
Now that there has been an accident where someone was shot due to a pistol being dropped and discharging – the jilted sniffers are screaming. Perhaps they should have been screaming when abuse victims were being fired, senior officers were abusing their position for sex, DUI Cover Ups, financial malfeasance, jail breaks, covering up Kevin Duffy’s serial molestation, etc…
Did someone talk about Friends of Stan again? You know, that crew of people I lit up for 18 months from 2017-2018 who were getting away with all kinds of crap?
Pictured: SGT. Robert “Selfie” Garcia and CSO Karla “Steffanie” Perez. (CSO = Community Service Officer)
Almost two years ago, when I originally posted the photo of these two lampooning a DUI accident (note the compressor and firefighters cutting in to the car), a few people commented about CSO Perez. Until a today, I did not know her name. She goes by Stephanie or Steffanie. (I am still not sure, which)
However, her booking for a drunk in public where she became violent with the arresting officers earning her a pepper spray shower, lists her name as Karla Perez.
My, what a difference a night at the bar does:
I am pretty much certain that will be former CSO Karla Perez soon. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Remember Chief Deputy Jason Horton? He has a job in a local school district. I have no further beef with him unless he attempts to run for office or pops up again attempting to interfere with the operations of the Sheriff’s Department.
Remember Assistant Sheriff Jerry Guitierrez?, he got a do-nothing Job in San Bernardino County where he can make his 30 and retire. Again, the same applies to him.
To be continued…