Apr 292021

The last we covered Jason Horton was in 2019. He was interviewing for the Chief of Police Job in Yakima. Everyone thought he got the gig – well, nope.

I also saw Jason Horton at a CAGOP convention. I could not figure out why this 6’6″ tall walrus (literally 300 pounds at least) was glaring at me until I was close enough to see his nametag as the door of the elevator was closing. I never saw him again that weekend or I’d have attempted to chat with him.

Jason Horton was a Chief Deputy under deposed former Riverside Sheriff Stan Sniff. It was my belief that Horton was scum then and it has been reinforced today by virtue of an email from a well known fundraiser in Riverside County.

Ladies and gentlemen, the “Deucemobile” – the car Horton totaled under mysterious circumstances. Was he wasted?

Horton has one heck of a history with the Riverside Sheriff’s Office. I wrote about why I called him Jason “Deuce” Horton for over a year when I was eviscerating Stanley. (Sniff the corrupt former sheriff of Riverside County) A Deuce is a Law Enforcement term for a DUI.

Did you know that Jason Horton caused the County to Get Sued? Perhaps this is why the Corona Police Department turned his application down when he attempted to lateral out of the RSO? Oh, you didn’t know that either? Yup, we broke this news here on the Right on Daily Blog a month ago.

Did you know that Jason Horton’s alleged DUI may be a separate incident from this accident that resulted in a personal injury lawsuit? While I have no proof that Horton got away with a DUI, it is widely believed amongst the rank and file.

However, what I do have proof of is an accident where Horton was talking on his cell phone travelling at a high rate of speed when he climbed up the left side of a civilian’s car.

Read the lawsuit here.

On Page 3 is the first key element – The license plate of the Deucemobile is mentioned. 6EUH192. Please see the embedded photo, you will note that the recently discovered totaled 2008 Ford Crown Victoria matches the lawsuit complaint.

I suppose until we get more information of the allegedly covered up DUI, that we can say that “Deuce” refers to two injured civilians.

If you continue down page 3, you will see that Horton ran a Red Light while talking on his cell phone and hit the plaintiffs in the lawsuit. A check of records shows that Horton did NOT receive a citation for breaking TWO (another Deuce) traffic laws. Most be nice to be one of Stan Sniff’s Chiefs, similar to Stan Sniff flashing his badge to get out of traffic tickets… here we go again.

Normally, wrecking a county vehicle results in a “PERS” aka, a disciplinary hearing against the employee who wrecked the vehicle. As of the writing of this blog, there is no known disciplinary hearing or procedure against Jason Horton. Were it not for finding this lawsuit, the whole thing may well have been completely covered up from the public despite the lawsuit proceeding.

You can read even more about Horton’s checkered history here.

This is why the email I received today makes so much sense to me. Note that the email was sent to Stanley Sniff, Jason Horton himself, Mohammad Ali Mazarei, a couple of political consultants and community leaders as well. My source was not one of those on the CC line. I believe that Michael Williams may have sent this to thousands of people.

April 29, 2021

Dear Friends of Jason Horton….

  • As many of you know Jason was going to run for City Council here in Riverside….Then he wasn’t/then he was/then he wasn’t
  • Going back to January he took money from potential donors—one such for $1000 as of today…this and another donation have NOT been paid back.  (This is a FPPC violation).
  • In my case, he ordered printing and logos done.   On his word, I went ahead and did all of this.    My printer, based on our past relationship has extended him credit.   Fortunately, he reimbursed me for the stamps cost and has the envelopes in his possession with stamps on them.
  • However, besides friends he stiffed.    He has failed to pay a $744.00 printing bill to….THE PRINTING CONNECTION….THIS IS CURRENTLY OVERDUE BY OVER 100 DAYS.
  • I have sent him numerous reminders to pay this bill that he authorized.    No response/No payment….this goes back to January.
  • As a result, I am asking his friends to pay whatever they can to the Printing Connection…..whether it’s $25/50/75/100 etc.
  • Please mail your check(s) made out to
  • The Printing Connection
  • c/o 3711 A Arlington Ave
  • Riverside, CA 92506
  • Also, you as a friend should know that according to Transparency California, Jason’s annual retirement from the Sheriffs’ Department is $173,691.36

Should you have any questions,  please feel free to contact me…….Mike Williams….951 xxx xxxx

Any amounts received over $744.00 will be returned to you.    Thanks for your consideration.

Mr. Williams must not have read Right on Daily, because anyone that did would have known better than to do business with Horton.

For Mr. William’s benefit and the others CC’ed on his fundraising email – here is more on Horton’s alleged Deuce:

Note – Horton hit the victim’s car on the left side so hard that it was moved 20 feet from the collision. This is of course why the county’s vehicle was destroyed in the process. Did Horton get 2 DMV Points as a result of this (An accident with Bodily Injury is 2 points and causes you to lose your California Good Driver Status for 3 years)?

So Deuce means, a 2 point accident, 2 victims, 2 violations of traffic law in the case of Jason “DeuceX3” Horton. Were Horton’s case properly handled, he’d have 4 DMV Points – a 2 pt Accident, a Red Light Ticket and a Cell Phone Ticket. I will lay odds that he shows nothing on his MVR and CLUE reports. (Remember, my day job is Insurance)

Officer Christopher Wilson and Officer Hatzidakes of the Riverside PD Responded to the Accident. While I am sure they had no idea that the stuff Horton did disappeared (I am basing this on the fact I could find nothing in records checks about Horton having any tickets in the last 3 years), I’d sure love to talk to them and see if they observed the presence of Alcohol on Horton’s Breath. Maybe there are other details they could tell me. Perhaps someone can find the Riverside Police Department Report about the accident?

The Civil Claim also indicates they are asking for an amount in excess of $250,000. Ouch.

The County and Jason Horton’s Defense? Absurd.

  1. I didn’t do it
  2. The Family Caused It
  3. Unknown 3rd Party Caused It
  4. I may have caused it, but family incurred risk of collision by getting in their car
  5. Family is partly to blame so damages, if any should be reduced
  6. Family didn’t do enough to mitigate their own damages
  7. Even though Horton Caused the Accident, he was careful and reasonable and did not do anything wrong so the family should not get any money.

Sounds an awful lot like the absurd and inane excuses the county uses to further injure injured employees by denying care and litigating Worker’s Comp Claims.

Where was the PERS on Horton?

Where are the two tickets he should have gotten?

Where is the DMV Record of the Accident?

Why was the destroyed vehicle hidden for a YEAR? (The accident was on 8-10-2017 according to the lawsuit)

I told Chad Bianco he’d be 10 years cleaning up the mess of Stanley. (Stan Sniff) This is Jason Horton ladies and gentlemen, at one time he was a top cop in Riverside County. That is truly scary.

Jun 102020

We’ve written about Christian Dekker at length. It appears in the recent chaos, he (as in Dekker) reinserted himself in to the Temecula Sheriff’s Office (he had been stuck in the SW Jail). When Sergeants in Temecula weren’t telling him to pound sand, it appears one of his (Dekker’s) brilliant ideas was this:

Well it seems that Dekker was taking a break from drama to pose for the camera. Zach Hall (on the right) is another person we’ve featured. He was trying to play both sides in the 2018 Sheriff’s race, ultimately being outed for his duplicity.

I am sure both of these guys are going to be explaining themselves for a while over this photo opportunity. Yeesh. I would not be smiling standing to such a sign for a variety of reasons – especially with cultural marxists trying to undermine law enforcement all over the country.

In the meantime, allow your intrepid blogger to suggest the correct photo:

Sheriff Chad Bianco is going to be years trying to clean up the mess Stan Sniff left behind for him.

Sep 102019

We’ve written a book about Bob Epps. It seems the whole department can’t stand the guy. It is very possible that Epps is way down the list of problem children within the Riverside Sheriff’s Office.

Bob Epps likes to brag a lot. From an informant:

…For years Epps has been vocally antisemitic while on the team. One of his favorite phases during purchase contracts was to “Try and Jew them down”. Shockingly, Epps has decided to send himself to Israel this week for bomb training with the Israeli Police bomb squad. See attached photos. No where in the RSDBombSquad Instagram page does it say Epps went. Just one of the team members.
Being a member of the tribe, I put up with his stupid comments for years and never said a word or filed a complaint. I just figured his words would catch up to him one day…
Perhaps when Robert Epps was misusing grant funded equipment or sending a bomb suit to another company for reverse engineering he was trying to “Jew the price down”? I swear this stuff writes itself.
For those of you following the Riverside Drama, Robert Epps’ girlfriend was in the news and it was not good. Perhaps the domestic drama is why he jumped at the chance for a trip to Israel.
I cannot let you or the department forget about dumb shit Robert Epps. Besides his domestic violence issue with his girlfriend, no one every was curious why Epps was drunk as well while “on call” for bomb call outs. How could he as a supervisor make sound judgment calls while so heavily intoxicated. Nothing has been done yet to discipline Epps over his domestic issue yet.
What the? There is no way in hell Bianco and crew would tolerate this if this was true (and if they knew about it).
((Source)) tells me a few weeks ago they, the RSO Bomb Squad, arrest a guy in Jurupa Valley for possession of an IED and numerous guns. The evidence IED was sent to an ATF lab via a local agent for determining if it was an explosive. Very common practice. Anderson sent the IED to ATF.
Two weeks ago, the local ATF agent calls Anderson telling him that the AUSA (Assistant US Attorney) wants to look at the evidence personally because ATF was going to federally prosecute the suspect. Anderson tells the agent ‘I never got the evidence back.’
The ATF agent confirms it was EPPS who signed for the returned evidence which should have been placed immediately in the Sheriff’s explosive evidence locker. Anderson checks the evidence locker, tearing it apart and cannot find the ATF evidence. There are entry exit logs posted inside the doors of all explosive storage lockers. Epps’ name is not on any of them for entry or exit. Anderson searches three other explosives lockers and still cannot find the evidence Epps signed for receiving.
Anderson said he spoke to Epps and he did not remember signing for it. The ATF is now pissed at Epps for losing federal evidence. Epps told his chain of command about the lost evidence and they are trying to keep it hush hush and not let Sheriff’s administration know about it. Epps told Anderson that this could get him transferred off the team.
Epps just rolled another bomb squad trainee off the team after a year. He wasn’t cutting it according to the guys. With (((a pending retirement))) in December and three other bomb techs testing for promotion, Epps isn’t gonna have much of a team left or anyone with experience.
Sorry Sheriff Chad, you’ve got a 5-alarm fire here if this is true. You have subordinates trying to hid stupidity and Epps misplacing a bomb. A BOMB!
What a mess… to be continued…
Apr 222019

Remember Sgt. Selfie? Who can’t – Robert Garcia is his name. Sgt. Garcia is REPUTED to be a jerk to his men. Sgt. Garcia is held in low regard by those that have talked to this blogger. (Ahem, Garcia, when studying your law courses… ahem OFF THE CLOCK… check with your professor about libel laws and how they work. Because I think you’re a loser and by the time I am done writing about you everyone else will also) Many also rip on the guy for being a “Gym Body” meaning he looks strong until a 150 pound crank fiend rolls him on a traffic stop. I can’t speak to Garcia’s apparent lack of real strength, I just know what sources tell me about him.

Hi Robert.

So guess what Huskey did? Put Garcia on a special team as its’ Sergeant. Nothing says up yours to your men than doing that on your way out the door. Then, of course there is Sgt. Geronimo Contrares, made the admin Sgt. by soon to be departed Captain Huskey. According to accounts given to this blogger, Contrares may well have caused a couple of lawsuits against the county with his conduct in the year or so since becoming the admin sgt. (when he allegedly isn’t slipping people in to Cochellafest without tickets) DOH!

Huskey is soon to be 10-7, too. Your intrepid blogger has learned that this door at MoVal has been fixed, along with the gate at Lake Elsinore. (since Bianco started as Sheriff by the way)

Then we have the case of Kevin Vest. Vest was and is still reviled by most of the sources your intrepid blogger has in a manner similar to invertebrate reptilian slime.

Sources indicate that Kevin Vest in the waning days of Stan Sniff, wiped the county database clean – at least the section that housed sheriff’s department records and emails.

Kevin Vest got hammered on Facebook by SHERIFF BIANCO. (Repeat as many times as necessary – Garcia, you may need a buddy to help you with this one…)

Kevin Vest was terminated by Sheriff Bianco in his first hour in office.

Did Kevin Vest destroy evidence? That is the question of the day from your intrepid blogger.

We have been told that the Kevin Duffy serial child molester, rapist, abuser case is going to explode again. SHERIFF BIANCO has said it will be investigated and closure will be given to the victims (or something similar). Did Kevin Vest and others destroy the evidence? What happened to the stuff Captain Leonard Purvis reputedly was ordered to take to the second floor from Hemet?

It is going to be interesting times as the County is looking to wrap up a slew of employment practices cases, worker’s comp abuses and the like with the new Sheriff pushing for justice. It is also going to be interesting as the new management team keeps uncovering hidden money, malfeasance and corruption… no amount of deleted data by Kevin Vest (if the allegation is true that is) will stop SHERIFF BIANCO and crew from the clean up of the department.

In other news – as not seen in the local media – the morale of the department is sky high, hiring is surging and the Sheriff himself has said there is enough money to restore punitive cuts made by the old Sheriff.

To be continued…