Do the right thing Placer County! Vote.
Please note that the following are the opinions of your intrepid blogger only and do not represent anyone else. (or any group for that matter)
It goes without saying I am voting to re-elect Donald Trump. I may think he is an asshole, but he is my asshole. For those of you struggling with President Trump being an asshole, imagine Right On Daily in the White House. There, see how easy that is? You can contact me at if you need therapy.
Speaking of assholes, We are endorsing Doug LaMalfa and Tom McClintock for #CA01 and #CA04 respectively. I am not a fan of either one of them, but LaMalfa is one of the 10 most conservative members of congress by voting record and Tom McClintock’s opponent is a Massachusetts liberal who came to Placer County Via San Francisco. Special. The last Massachusetts liberal for CA04 – Regina Bateson was so committed to CA04 that she moved back to Massachusetts. I’d rather drink bleach (see what I did there?) than support a communist to represent me. Go away Audrey and Brynne.
Now that I am done endorsing three fellow assholes – let’s talk about some other races:
AD-03 James Gallagher and AD-06 Kevin Kiley. I am not a member of Kiley’s fan club either – but the young man is FINALLY doing what so many of us told him years ago when he first got in to office. Kiley and Gallagher have taken the place of the feckless Marie Waldron and are dragging the GOP Assembly Caucus to the right places on the field of battle. Both are talking Fire, Water, COVID and the psychotic rampage of the legislature against business owners. I can forgive Gallagher being part of Jessica Patterson (and David Reade’s) crew as he and Kiley are doing what needs to be done. (Please keep going guys…)
AD-01 and SD-01 Megan Dahle and Brian Dahle. I worked for Brian Dahle for pay twice. I’ve never regretted doing so. (boy that’s rare) Megan Dahle has proven she is more than a last name and would be a compelling candidate in her own right. The Dahle’s put Prop 19 on the Ballot – we need that thing passed to help save family farms. The Dahle’s are two of the best people you will meet in State Level Office, they stick out like a sore thumb in that cesspool.
(Yes on Prop 19 by the way)
Which gets me to Placer County Local Races.
In Loomis you have a simple choice for Town Council.
Jennifer “Jenny” Kinsley – Loomis Business Owner, former Loomis Chamber of Commerce President
James “Danny” Cartwright – a former marine sniper. Need I say More?
The third candidate is a #DEFUNDTHEPOLICE #BLM #ANTIFA college professor. I may chose to burn his (ahem, Political) house down later, but for now we will leave it here.
Roseville City Council District 1 (yup, the City went to Districts): Tracy Mendonsa, I’ve known him for several years. Good Dude. (Also endorsed by the Placer GOP)
Roseville City Council District 4 Bruce Houdesheldt (also endorsed by Placer GOP)
Roseville City Council District 5 Gary Johnson (also endorsed by Placer GOP)
Similar to Loomis – I may reserve the right to hammer the opponents of any of these three. The other guy running in District 1 is not a match for the City of Roseville in any way shape or form.
Placer County Office of Education – Area 1:
Susan Goto – The immortal loser Rene Aggielairuh is running against Susan Goto. Apparently, this is the office Rene decided on this time. He has run for supervisor, city council, two school boards and is now running for office of education. It appears that the cops visiting his house 56 times in 6 years (that we know of) has had no impact on him.
Roseville Joint Union High School District:
Pete Constant
Julie Hirota
Heidi Hall
Roseville City School District
Julie Constant
Meghan Krafka
This gets me to Rocklin. Oh mama, this is going to be a mess. The extreme left-wing homosexual activist Rick Miller is seeking to keep his 3 seat ruling Junta on the Rocklin USD Board. Apparently, adopting the most extreme LGBT indoctrination agenda in this conservative city was not enough. Rick also convinced Camille Maben to run for her 8th(!) term on the Rocklin USD Board. Maben was on the Rocklin USD BEFORE I MOVED TO PLACER COUNTY and now that I am gone SHE IS STILL THERE. I lived in Placer County 23 Years!!!
So here are the parent and family friendly alternatives to “Team Miller”:
Rocklin USD:
4 YR Julie Leavens-Hupp,
Rachelle Price
2 YR Tiffany Saathoff
The psychotic nutjob (at least that is what I think of her based on my research) Theresa Landon went berzerk because she felt entitled to the seat that Rachelle Price now holds. It is clear that she has resisted therapy (more than she resists President Trump) and is on the rampage path again.
If I am Rick Miller, I am not liking my life very much right now having to feature the support of the #ANTIFA #BLM left in a local election in Rocklin. (However, I am sure Theresa Landon hates me for reasons other than being a white male, but I digress)
Then there is the Rocklin City Council. I am quadruple endorsing. I will explain why in a bit. It is always said if you want to piss everyone off, dual endorse. Well guess what, I am doing it in a vote for three at large race. I guess I am getting my money’s worth.
#1 Joe Patterson. He is one of my favorite squishes in politics. I can recall few issues I have ever disagreed with him on as he has been a councilmember. I also helped him get elected in the first place and have never regretted it. Go Joe.
#2 Challenger Candidate Josh Rolph. I like Josh. I know him to be a full portfolio conservative. Can he convince people in Rocklin they need change? Will he have the resources to be competitive? I think he will. If he can not raise the money he thinks he can, he won’t win.
#3 Rocklin Mayor Greg Janda. I helped get Janda Elected to the Rocklin City Council in 2012. I have not regretted doing that either. Janda had trouble with the conservative base because he threw in with the Rocklin establishment supporting a couple Trump-Hating liberal democrats for local office. However, I have seen Janda on the right side of issues like working with Kirk Uhler to oppose the massive proposed Pioneer Energy Rate Increase that failed to carry.
#4 Ken Broadway. The quintessential nice guy. He went one step further going out on a limb actively supporting Jim Holmes re-election. For this, Broadway was the odd man out in the Placer GOP endorsement process. I supported Mike Murray with no reservation and do not disdain Ken for supporting his incumbent supervisor – he was just wrong for doing so. I like Ken as a human being, and I always have. This is why I chose to quadruple endorse rather than not endorse Ken.
Both Ken and Greg were railed for their support of local democrats and I believe Ken had better answers. I am also aware that Mr. Broadway has been a man on fire since the Placer GOP chose Josh Rolph over him.
And, we’re off. Hopefully your intrepid blogger does not need to annihilate anyone in Placer Politics this cycle, but we still have 10 weeks to election day.