Oct 272024

Some of you that read this blog have probably seen this. Why is your intrepid blogger supporting a TAX INCREASE!?

Ask Joe Patterson, James Gallagher, Brian Dahle, Megan Dahle, Josh Hoover, Roger Niello, heck, ask Mike Morrell (he is a former State Senator) – they will all tell you the same thing. In order to get money to fix local roads you have to have a local funding mechanism. (See also transportation tax)

In his rage-filled tirade a local Republican activist outright lied when he said there is enough money to pay for this. No, there is not and he knows it. Ask Tracy Mendonsa, Bonnie Gore, Shanti Landon, Ken Broadway or any of the host of City Council/Town Councilmembers – they will tell you that 85-88% of their money is spent before they even get to make decisions. You can’t pay for Police, Fire and Road Construction with only 12-15% of your budget available after mandates.

It is easy to lie about the circumstances local governments face when trying to build infrastructure.

The big lie against Measure B is that it is easy to live in the “It’s a Tax” intelectually lazy soundbyte world. I tried to engage some people in a discussion of the reality of the situation that has predicated the need for Measure B. Local Government’s money was stolen TWICE by Sacramento. The first time is tying gas taxes to matching local taxes because the supermajority party did this knowing that knee-jerk no tax at anytime for any reason counties would never vote to match the state gas tax funds. Then this allows the second theft to be completed when Sacramento Liberals to send our transportation gas tax funds elsewhere.

It’s not fair – but remember Republicans like Abel Maldonado provided tie-breaking votes to give the 2/3 to create this system and now the dems have the 2/3 they need to expand this system. Until we gain 24 seats in the Assembly with real Republicans and 12 seats in the State Senate with real Republicans this system won’t change. How long do you want traffic jams in Roseville and Rocklin?

But it’s a tax, and we have to vote no is the refrain.

Placer County was eligible for $800 MILLION IN MATCHING MONEY IN 2023. But Placer did not get it because they did not have a matching revenue stream. Are Placer voters proud to know that their gas tax money is going to build $350 Million in eco-housing in LA County? Continue to fund that stuff by voting no on B – because you know, it’s a tax!

$119 Million was sent from Placer County’s gas tax to fix the port of Oakland while you sit in CA-65 for an extra 30 minutes a day stuck in traffic!

But – It’s a tax!

Let’s look a measure B another way. If you knew you could spend $1 on building something and get another $5-$9 in matching state and/or federal money would you do it? How many of you bought taxpayer-subsidized solar for your house? It is basically the same concept – but somehow that feels different than a 7.75% sales tax rate.

What self-respecting fiscal conservative would not want to take a dollar and make it $5 at least? Sometimes, that dollar could even be $9 or more depending on how many grants the county could hit at a given time!

But – It’s a tax!

In my lifetime as a Republican activist and paid consultant, I have supported exactly three tax measures. Measure D built Westpark High School. Measure E built a ton of stuff for Sierra College and was the product of a significant compromise with political leaders. It was slimmed down considerably and now there is this measure. In each case the above facts were true (85+% of money being spent, other sources of money coming open, etc.)

People rag on the Placer County Republican Party and the Republican Party in general as being the party of no. It is because in circumstances like this where there is a clear nexus for Conservatives to bite the bullet, instead of listening to reasonable arguments, soundbytes and tirades carry the day. Placer County deserves better.

Get the facts. Vote yes on B.

P.S. for those of you that wonder – where I live the sales tax is 8.265% and we have freeway and local road construction everywhere. It is glorious. US395 near where I live is being widened from 2 lanes to 4 lanes + aux lane uphill and 3 lanes + aux lanes downhill and redone interchanges. This would have never happened had Washoe County not been able to get matching federal money… all the projects you see on I-80 in the Washoe County Area are the same nexus. Think it through and ask yourself what kind of world you want in your own area!

May 302024

If you have lived in Placer County any length of time, you know Aldo Pineschi.

To call him a giant in Placer County is an understatement. If you were involved in any local Chamber of Commerce, Local Government Board, Local Commission or Local Charity you knew this man.

I first encountered Aldo in 1997 when I joined the Roseville Chamber of Commerce. I knew him then as another one of those establishment democrats from old Roseville that ran everything.

What was fascinating is that well-known conservatives like Tim Leslie (and Staff – Robert Dugan, John Allard and others), Bonnie (then Mertus) Gore, John Doolittle (and staff), Kirk Uhler, and others all loved the guy and worked well with him. How could this be I thought? Aldo is a Democrat.

A few years later there was an ill-fated tax measure on the Placer County ballot. Bonnie, Kirk and a couple others convinced me of the merits of at least meeting with Aldo to hear him out on why he was working for the developers to pass the item. At the time, I was the President of the Placer County Republican Assembly.

What I found is that Aldo is a thoughtful man. While he is a political animal, in the years I dealt with him he was as forthright and transparent with me as anyone I know in the political arena is. I chose to look at Mr. Pineschi through the lens of others that respected him and worked with him as I was trying to reconcile why this democrat had so much infulence and goodwill in Dark-Red Placer County.

Over the years, I developed a friendship with Aldo and others to the left of me in the local political scene. Aldo was one of those that helped me realize democrats are human beings, just wrong. Amazingly, Aldo was a democrat who had been left behind by the LGBT, open borders, anti-America fever base of the current dem party.

It’s not fair that Aldo died young. It hurts a bit to write this because I had actually grown fond of him as a human and viewed him as a political ally in many cases. Moreover, we had the ability to speak candidly and exchange information that benefitted both of us.

There are many others in the Local Placer Political Scene that have deeper connections to the man and I have marvelled at what I have been reading as the news of his passing has spread.

Someday, we are all going to die. People loved him, becuase of who he was and what he did. Seeing what is being said about Aldo should be a goal for all of us to make sure our legacy is anywhere near as impactful as his was.

RIP Aldo.

May 292022

The New Logo for the Placer Good Government PAC Made in Honor of Placer County Counsel

I have written about Placer County Counsel before. I think she is an idiot and when you are done reading this post, you will also.

When I founded the Placer Good Government PAC and www.placerelections.com – Placer County Counsel went berserk because we used an altered logo for the County of Placer that she thought looked too much like the original. So she sent one of her junior assistants to send me a legal demand letter threatening all sorts of heinous stuff unless I bowed to her eminence. So, the logo was changed to the above.

The same moron is still Placer County Counsel today.

Recently, Placer CEO Todd Leopold was in an accident that involved a fatality. Black Lives Matter has been all over this alleging some sort of cover up. I used one of the local leftist TV stations because the communist rag printed in the basement of the Russian consulate has a paywall.

Placer County Executive Todd Leopold has been placed on paid administrative leave effective immediately, the Board of Supervisors confirmed to KCRA 3 on Friday.

The decision comes over a week after Leopold came forward as the driver who hit and killed Inderkum High School basketball player Anthony Williams in March. It’s unclear if he was placed on administrative leave due to the deadly crash.

The Rocklin Police Department said Leopold was not at fault and that he would not be charged.

The crash happened on March 19 on Lonetree Boulevard and Adams Drive. The Natomas Unified School District identified Williams as a student and basketball player at the school. Police said Williams was walking on the road when he was hit and killed that night. Police at the time of the crash said the driver was cooperating with the investigation.

I have been aware of this issue for about a month and did not write about it because the local electeds I spoke to asked me not to.

What happened is that Anthony Williams appears to have committed suicide by car. Leopold was driving home from the Gym. The kid was in the middle of the street, another car was stopped, Leopold moved to go around that car and saw Williams too late to react. Leopold, who is a Christian Man has been devastated by the incident.

Enter the idiot.

She advised everyone not to talk about the situation and keep it quiet. What a complete fool.

I was first alerted to this because the Rocklin PD was investigating a fatality accident but was not releasing the names of the subjects involved. I found the Black Lives Matter conspiracy theories and began to piece together what was happening.

Thanks to Placer County Counsel, Leopold has been living with this nightmare with no outlet. If BLM and their butt-monkeys in the Sacramento Pravda want a boogie man – it should be Placer County Counsel.

As it is, the Sacramento Pravda are smearing Leopold and gleefully railing Placer County because it feeds their seething rage towards the conservative government of Placer County. The Pravda is publishing Leopold’s past driving maladies to create a false narrative surrounding the accident. This kind of slime fits right in with the thinly researched, slothful reporting that Hannah Holzer, Marcos Breton and others represent.

I understand more details about the accident and about the young man that was killed. It is my belief that the Sacramento Pravda is refusing to print those, similar to the national media when they try to create race wars. The kid had quite a history and that was indeed a factor. Look at the report from the Rocklin PD when it is available, the situation is tragic all the way around.

What should the idiot Placer County Counsel have done instead? Every experienced crisis manager has a 72 hour rule. Wait 72 hours and release a statement then turn it over to law enforcement.

While the Placer DA’s office has the file and is reviewing it, it is unlikely that Leopold will get prosecuted. But, because the idiot Placer County Counsel told everyone to shut up about the incident, people like BLM and the Sacramento Pravda get to scream “cover up” and Mr. Leopold’s agony is magnified.

I’d tell the Placer Board of Supervisors to fire Placer County Counsel, but there appears to be a disease across all levels of Placer County Government. Few if any can stomach crossing swords with staff.

Aug 252020

Do the right thing Placer County! Vote.

Please note that the following are the opinions of your intrepid blogger only and do not represent anyone else. (or any group for that matter)

It goes without saying I am voting to re-elect Donald Trump. I may think he is an asshole, but he is my asshole. For those of you struggling with President Trump being an asshole, imagine Right On Daily in the White House. There, see how easy that is? You can contact me at asshole@rightondaily.com if you need therapy.

Speaking of assholes, We are endorsing Doug LaMalfa and Tom McClintock for #CA01 and #CA04 respectively. I am not a fan of either one of them, but LaMalfa is one of the 10 most conservative members of congress by voting record and Tom McClintock’s opponent is a Massachusetts liberal who came to Placer County Via San Francisco. Special. The last Massachusetts liberal for CA04 – Regina Bateson was so committed to CA04 that she moved back to Massachusetts. I’d rather drink bleach (see what I did there?) than support a communist to represent me. Go away Audrey and Brynne.

Now that I am done endorsing three fellow assholes – let’s talk about some other races:

AD-03 James Gallagher and AD-06 Kevin Kiley. I am not a member of Kiley’s fan club either – but the young man is FINALLY doing what so many of us told him years ago when he first got in to office. Kiley and Gallagher have taken the place of the feckless Marie Waldron and are dragging the GOP Assembly Caucus to the right places on the field of battle. Both are talking Fire, Water, COVID and the psychotic rampage of the legislature against business owners. I can forgive Gallagher being part of Jessica Patterson (and David Reade’s) crew as he and Kiley are doing what needs to be done. (Please keep going guys…)

AD-01 and SD-01 Megan Dahle and Brian Dahle. I worked for Brian Dahle for pay twice. I’ve never regretted doing so. (boy that’s rare) Megan Dahle has proven she is more than a last name and would be a compelling candidate in her own right. The Dahle’s put Prop 19 on the Ballot – we need that thing passed to help save family farms. The Dahle’s are two of the best people you will meet in State Level Office, they stick out like a sore thumb in that cesspool.

(Yes on Prop 19 by the way)

Which gets me to Placer County Local Races.

In Loomis you have a simple choice for Town Council.

Jennifer “Jenny” Kinsley – Loomis Business Owner, former Loomis Chamber of Commerce President
James “Danny” Cartwright – a former marine sniper. Need I say More?

The third candidate is a #DEFUNDTHEPOLICE #BLM #ANTIFA college professor. I may chose to burn his (ahem, Political) house down later, but for now we will leave it here.

Roseville City Council District 1 (yup, the City went to Districts): Tracy Mendonsa, I’ve known him for several years. Good Dude. (Also endorsed by the Placer GOP)

Roseville City Council District 4 Bruce Houdesheldt (also endorsed by Placer GOP)

Roseville City Council District 5 Gary Johnson (also endorsed by Placer GOP)

Similar to Loomis – I may reserve the right to hammer the opponents of any of these three. The other guy running in District 1 is not a match for the City of Roseville in any way shape or form.

Placer County Office of Education – Area 1:
Susan Goto – The immortal loser Rene Aggielairuh is running against Susan Goto. Apparently, this is the office Rene decided on this time. He has run for supervisor, city council, two school boards and is now running for office of education. It appears that the cops visiting his house 56 times in 6 years (that we know of) has had no impact on him.
Roseville Joint Union High School District:
Pete Constant
Julie Hirota
Heidi Hall
Roseville City School District
Julie Constant
Meghan Krafka
This gets me to Rocklin. Oh mama, this is going to be a mess. The extreme left-wing homosexual activist Rick Miller is seeking to keep his 3 seat ruling Junta on the Rocklin USD Board. Apparently, adopting the most extreme LGBT indoctrination agenda in this conservative city was not enough. Rick also convinced Camille Maben to run for her 8th(!) term on the Rocklin USD Board. Maben was on the Rocklin USD BEFORE I MOVED TO PLACER COUNTY and now that I am gone SHE IS STILL THERE. I lived in Placer County 23 Years!!!
So here are the parent and family friendly alternatives to “Team Miller”:
Rocklin USD:
4 YR Julie Leavens-Hupp,
Rachelle Price
2 YR Tiffany Saathoff
The psychotic nutjob (at least that is what I think of her based on my research) Theresa Landon went berzerk because she felt entitled to the seat that Rachelle Price now holds. It is clear that she has resisted therapy (more than she resists President Trump) and is on the rampage path again.
If I am Rick Miller, I am not liking my life very much right now having to feature the support of the #ANTIFA #BLM left in a local election in Rocklin. (However, I am sure Theresa Landon hates me for reasons other than being a white male, but I digress)
Then there is the Rocklin City Council. I am quadruple endorsing. I will explain why in a bit. It is always said if you want to piss everyone off, dual endorse. Well guess what, I am doing it in a vote for three at large race. I guess I am getting my money’s worth.
#1 Joe Patterson. He is one of my favorite squishes in politics. I can recall few issues I have ever disagreed with him on as he has been a councilmember. I also helped him get elected in the first place and have never regretted it. Go Joe.
#2 Challenger Candidate Josh Rolph. I like Josh. I know him to be a full portfolio conservative. Can he convince people in Rocklin they need change? Will he have the resources to be competitive? I think he will. If he can not raise the money he thinks he can, he won’t win.
#3 Rocklin Mayor Greg Janda. I helped get Janda Elected to the Rocklin City Council in 2012. I have not regretted doing that either. Janda had trouble with the conservative base because he threw in with the Rocklin establishment supporting a couple Trump-Hating liberal democrats for local office. However, I have seen Janda on the right side of issues like working with Kirk Uhler to oppose the massive proposed Pioneer Energy Rate Increase that failed to carry.
#4 Ken Broadway. The quintessential nice guy. He went one step further going out on a limb actively supporting Jim Holmes re-election. For this, Broadway was the odd man out in the Placer GOP endorsement process. I supported Mike Murray with no reservation and do not disdain Ken for supporting his incumbent supervisor – he was just wrong for doing so. I like Ken as a human being, and I always have. This is why I chose to quadruple endorse rather than not endorse Ken.
Both Ken and Greg were railed for their support of local democrats and I believe Ken had better answers. I am also aware that Mr. Broadway has been a man on fire since the Placer GOP chose Josh Rolph over him.

And, we’re off. Hopefully your intrepid blogger does not need to annihilate anyone in Placer Politics this cycle, but we still have 10 weeks to election day.
Mar 132020
Here is yet another story from a former employee who actually won their civil service case yet had their career wrecked by Jeff Wilson:
How long does a personnel file remain available to review ? I would love to offer the investigative material from mine. I was up on the chopping block at the same time as Karin [Bjork].
I have heard rumors concerning the investigative process during the time I was placed on leave but just ignored them.
The unsuccessful attempt to fire me gave me insight to the Civil Service process. In hindsight I should have called more staff into the process as witnesses.
The list Scott had included Brad Alford to testify against me. After my attorney posed several questions Brad Alford actually cried. Kind of shocked me. Aside from the fact he lied! I would love to get a transcript of that hearing. He was a sexual assault investigator at the time and I was the Advocate for 2 minors that were assaulted by a CHP Officer.
I always thought that since he heard all of the sex case interviews, maybe he was under more pressure to keep secrets and bend the facts than I realized.
Sorry to say this. I hope Alford realizes how I felt when he lied about me.
I can verify age related pressure from administration.In 2016 Clark G. called the Victim Compensation Staff into a closed door meeting in the Law Library. (this is the section that processes claims for the State of California Crime Victim Compensation Board.) In a very pensive and unusually nervous manner he basically wanted to know how long we all planned to continue to remain employed there.
As the four of us sat there and all looked at each other, I commented; “are you even allowed to ask us that?” Nervous laughter ensued but, ultimately that event none the less, led me to make the final decision to leave. He was at one time the Union Shop Steward, and should have known the question would be hurtful and damaging. I wonder now if he was told to do it.
I am really wondering what the hell has been going on in the Placer DA’s office for the last 8 years. What has become clear is that there was a stalinistic purge executed under Jeff Wilson. Regardless of the defenses of Dave Tellman, everyone in senior management has to be tainted by this rampage.
During the onset of the ravaging of staff, I was one of the original first bunch being constantly harassed. I was walked out and placed on leave for over four months. I followed up with the above person who emailed me.
I was ordered in writing to :
Phone in to Troy Kenney Chief Investigator every day.
To remain at home to answer a call back.
And on 3 occasions asked to meet and be served legal documents relative To the attempt to terminating me.
I demanded a full Board hearing.
Alfords testimony was supposed to be some slam dunk investigative brilliance that was extracted from the investigative process in that CHP case.
He was a witness at my Civil Service Hearing
I was at the time; The Victim Services Unit Supervisor defending my employment against the charges that I was obstructive .
His testimony was not factual. He lied. Then he cried. Scott O turned beet red and hung his head in shame. (Blogger’s Note: Scott O is Scott Owens, the former DA of Placer County)
I think I was the practice run for what would be a series of ignorant blunders.
Karin B. Todd K. I think Rick O was a target. Carl M. Then poor Dave K. Parks on the railroad tracks. (Blogger’s Note, we’ve written about some of these previously.)
(That CHP Officer was prosecuted and terminated and is registered as a sex offender.)
I was reinstated with a demotion to Victim Advocate.
In retaliation, I never worked as a Crime Victim Advocate again. Against the findings of the Civil Service Board ruling and oral statement, I never worked with another crime victim again.
I did entry level clerical intake.
…and yes this is a mess. There is so much
To those of you that have been reading Right On Daily for any length of time, this resembles the stuff I was writing about in the Riverside Sheriff’s Office Drama. Regarding the Alford referred to in this article – it is the assertion of this source that Alford lied in testimony to help a CHP officer that got caught committing sexual misconduct. What a small world it is.
Then I got another tidbit:
Hey Aaron, just thought I would chime in with my 2 cents on Dave Tellman
Yes he is a really nice upbeat guy but for some reason since December I have been invisible to him. I don’t work for him now but did in the past.  He has always been very pleasant to me now he just looks past me. Weird don’t understand it.  Then the second thing he is very close to a couple staff members where their families go on weekend get always,  I know friendships will occur at work but should not show up at work but it is obvious.  There is the looking the other way when it comes to time off.  Even weirder still if there is a riff between him and Jeff, these staff members are also Jeff’s favorites. Just an odd fact!
Now I would like to throw another name into the mix.  Kelly LeRossignol,  when Jeff promoted Doug And Jennifer he also promoted her and she became responsible for the office staff.  She’s been at the office a few years I guess not really sure but was also very friendly. But I had never worked with her so when he promoted her I asked someone who I always saw talking to her what was she like since she was now over me.  I said she seemed nice and she said. “ oh let me tell you, she will slit your throat and you will bleed out before you even know what she has done” I thought that was kind of harsh but a few weeks later I got called in to Doug’s office because I dared to be unhappy with a decision she made and let me tell you that statement was no lie!  Doug glared at me but said nothing but there is no kindness or give and take in that person.
Please keep it anonymous!  Are you getting crazy with all the stuff you are getting!
Dave Tellman – open invitation. I want to interview you on the record about why you are qualified to be the Placer County DA. I want to ask you questions about all of the stuff that occurred while you were a part of management. Please email me at aaron@rightondaily.com – my cell phone has also been circulated around as well. Let’s talk, I want to know why I and my readers should be able to trust you to be DA.
To the other candidates for DA that made it through the backgrounds (there are five of you not named Jeff Wilson) I will interview any of you as well. Jeff Wilson, withdraw your application and retire.