Matthew Cunningham is an Idiot Part 4: Bagging on Disneyland?

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Aug 232014

Matthew Cunningham has political Tourette’s Syndrome.

When he ranked on roadside vigils that are left by latino families and created a firestorm, you’d think he’d have learned.

Matt Cunningham was forced to resign from a prestigious post on the OC Parks Commission as a result of his stupidity. However, the Anaheim Chamber decided to retain Matt Cunningham despite protests demanding his ouster.

In a recent post, Cunningham was overcome with bravado having seen me in person for the first time. He couldn’t help himself, writing the following: (Aaron) looked as though he was competing for first prize in a “Dress Like An Obnoxious Tourist” contest.

You would think a even a moron like Matthew Cunningham would understand that I was actually agreeing with him on something.

Disneyland is easily the biggest draw to Anaheim and easily would be the biggest benefactor of the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce.

Apparently – Cunningham thinks an American Flag Shirt with Mickey Mouse on it is obnoxious.

While this isn’t exactly as egregious as his offending the entire latino community in Orange County (and LA County for that matter), with his stupidity… now he is bagging on Mickey Mouse.

Maybe I should apply for a job with the Anaheim Chamber since I appear to understand how to promote Anaheim a wee bit better than Matthew Guadalupe Cunningham.

Why Is Matt Cunningham’s Double-Dealing an Important Lesson?

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May 222011

Many of you regular readers of this blog have read me write more than a few times about my expulsion from Red County. I got expelled because I was honest about working for Steve Poizner.

Matt Cunningham is one of the partners in Red County – he is a well-connected member of the “Orange County Mafia”. The OC Mafia basically control the California GOP.

Cunningham is a reputed “conservative” activist. He was in Jon Fleischman’s wedding for example, and he has known several OC legislators since they were in College.

Somewhere, the quest for a paycheck trumped his Conservative Activist background.

The Friends for Fullerton’s Future Blog just opened up Cunningham again – finding a $30,000 contract for more Government Work. Here’s the deal – it is not wrong, just hypocritical for Cunningham to be doing this – and when you read the blog and the contract itself – you’ll see that Cunningham is sucking at the government teet for doing little or nothing.

Cunningham’s Partner – Chip Hanlon is getting sued by the FINRA and the SEC for fraud. Hanlon had also had his license to practice financial planning revoked in 2009 and a Bankruptcy around that time as well – explaining why the Red County Blog was sold to Meg Whitman.

Add to this, the previous revelations that Cunningham raked in over $200,000 from the first five commission – the Rob Reiner thing known as prop 10 – and you have a pattern of hypocricy.

You can see multiple posts about the First Five Commission all over the FFFF blog. Try Here, And Here, Again Here and some more Here.

The point? Matt Cunningham railed against Prop 10 for a long time before it passed. Chip Hanlon self-righteously bloveated against paid blogging.

Still others here locally seized on the self-righteous cannon and libel of the above two to use in their “case” against some of us locally.

So – some tried to use Fraud at the CRA convention and also used the rantings of two fruadsters from the OC to “reform” things? Epic Fail.

The Conclusion of the Red County Saga 6 Week Delay + Team Whitman’s Job Offer

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Feb 192010


Chip Hanlon could have simply ejected me from the Red County blog with no fanfare -i.e. “hey Aaron, your arrangement isn’t going to work for us”… rather, they saw an opportunity to drive traffic and profit -so they took it. That’s the real issue – then they grandstanded about ethics.

Haven’t Republican leaders learned enough about leveling the ethics finger? Just do your business and be done with it, but apparently, that would have inhibited some perceived gain those at Red County saw as a possibility.

As I blogged previously, posts were deleted, comments were deleted, lawsuits were threatened in addition to constant complaints about money.

Whitman’s Job Offer

As I had told a few people, back on December 24th, 2008 – the third of three meetings between Mitch Zak and I had occurred. The third meeting was the decision point, we had negotiated terms and I was to get back to Mitch about what I’d be doing for my compensation (the one-pager referenced below).

The entire email thread is available – but in an email dated 12/24/2008 at 8:50AM, Zak wrote:

Good morning Aaron,

Great seeing you this morning.  I enjoyed breakfast and good conversation.  As promised, I’ve attached Meg’s commonwealth club speech as well as an op-ed she penned on Prop 5.  Please send me the one-pager asap and I’ll begin working on it.  I look forward to reading the next installment from Captain Kool-Aid.

Merry Christmas to you and your family.


I consider Mitch Zak to be a friend – he did nothing wrong in trying to hire me on to the Whitman Campaign. Mitch replied on 12/26 after I had let him know I was not going to rescind my endorsement of Steve Poizner:

Thanks for the follow-up Aaron,

While I’m disappointed that we won’t be able to work together, I certainly understand.  We can revisit our conversation when the general election comes around.

In the meantime, lets stay in touch.


I have been forced to set Zak on fire because of the actions of Chip Hanlon and Matt Cunningham. This is one of the despicable things in politics… but in the case of Meg County vs. the Whitman Campaign, there is no honor amongst thieves.

Now – when I went to Steve Frank about what transpired in the conversation on 12/24/2008 to let him know that there was an offer on the table… that is what ultimately led to my arrangement with Steve Frank. Note that I worked for Steve Frank, not Steve Poizner.

Obviously, Steve Frank thought I had a job offer from Whitman.

Lies of Omission by Red County

Chip Hanlon was told both facts on 10/29/2009. Many who follow the Meg County blog have seen parts of the emails. Hanlon found out about my arrangement, because I told him – on 10/29/2009. However, I was not ejected from Red County until 12/09/2009 – why?

It is not as simple as Red County adhering to an ethical code – they took money from Whitman and said nothing about it. Hanlon wrote the following to me on 10/30/2009:

Understood. Clarifying from yesterday’s call: if you had to disclose the payments from Steve Frank– or whatever the related entity is– so it’s clear you have a Poizner interest, how big a problem would that be for you? I mean, would you reeeaaaalllyy prefer not to, is it no big deal, or somewhere in between? Again, I just have to think through what RC can live with, and I can’t ask Matt for guidance on this specifically.  Thanks.

It is absolutely 100% true that I answered with the following: “The problem is that I would lose the deal and would be devastated financially. I told you about it so you’d understand the backside pressure I have. ” – I had just closed escrow on a new house. Today is a different story.

Mind you, there was no further communication until 12/09/2009 when Chip called me telling me it was over. There were no intermediate options given – such as, “look dude, you’re going to have to go public”. Chip characterized my follow-up questions as begging in the post he had already written before we hung up the phone – as it was up before I got in to my office.


Chip Hanlon chose to do it is public and messy as he could – picking and choosing facts as it suited him in order to get even with Steve Poizner for not buying advertising on the Red County Blog.

They then went out and said I failed to disclose and that was the reason why they did what they did.  I did disclose – some six weeks prior and asked if I could keep the disclosure out of the public. I got my answer.

Hanlon’s company – greenfaucet got $20K from Whitman 12/03 – I was axed 12/09. When coupled with the direct and extremely personal nature of Hanlon’s angry string of blog posts that followed – draw your own conclusions as to what happened.

There it is – that simple. A blog with an extreme financial interest in the Whitman Campaign attempted to publicly destroy a blogger working as a consultant for a consultant with an interest in the Poizner camp.

Campaign combat 101.

P.S. as of 2/18/2010 – Three months after my ouster – the Red County System has finally removed all of my posts.

P.P.S. Lest anyone forget about who we are dealing with in Meg Whitman, watch the embedded video.

Feb 042010

Updated 2/19/2010 from original posting 2/4/2010

As we learned from the Orange Juice Blog – Chip Hanlon is a paid vassal of Meg Whitman for Governor. He never disclosed this – and still hasn’t even after being exposed as a fraud.

Chip Hanlon and Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham have exempted themselves from their own standard of disclosure.  Hey, they own the place – they can be hypocrites… comes with ownership. The problem is when you are a public leader – your standard has to be higher than that of everyone else.

Many times – I spoke with Hanlon on the phone and every time, he complained about the fact that Steve Poizner’s campaign did not purchase an ad on the Red County system. We now know that this was a red herring as Hanlon’s firm was a recipient of Whitman’s lavish campaign cash.

When Chip Hanlon chose to very publicly and aggressively expel this blogger from the Red County system – he made threats including threatening to Sue either myself or Steve Poizner for lost advertising revenues…

And given the fact that Hanlon openly blustered about Poizner’s sleazy campaign tactics and how he was using me in lieu of purchasing an ad…

The issue all along was the money.

It is a not-too-closely guarded secret that the Red County system is a money loser. The Whitman ad on the home page of the site is worth a reputed $2500 a month – which seems to have been a low estimate when you look at $20K that received from Whitman, one could easily draw the conclusion that Whitman bought Chip Hanlon.

Look closer – the payment to greenfaucet was dated 12/03/2009 – I was expelled 12/09/2009. Calbuzz actually got it backward in their post from a few weeks ago.

Fake Blog Post?

Some in Southern California will remember the post I put up that was deleted within a couple hours about the Orange County Lincoln Club endorsing Steve Poizner for Governor. Chip Hanlon asked me to put it up and ultimately, Matt Cunningham deleted it after people in Orange County complained about it.

It was a ploy for traffic.

Deleted Posts

Several contributors to the Red County System have had posts deleted – including myself.

During the Doug Ose vs. Tom McClintock primary – I had posts far less incendiary than those I wrote against Meg Whitman deleted.

I remember a posting about a news story regarding a fundraiser that Linda Ackerman was employing – Matt Cunningham deleted my post and emailed me regarding “Dez” – one of the subjects of the media firestorm. (The stories referred to her as Desiree – so apparently Cunningham knew her)

People have emailed me screen shots of comments that either Hanlon or Cunningham deleted.

None of this paints a bright ethical picture for the Blog that expelled Sgt. York and grandstanded on the platform of ethics.

It’s interesting that the same circles that produced Mike Duvall also are home to Cunningham and Hanlon… things that make you go hmmm…

Smashmouth politics.

Feb 022010

Courtesy of the Orange Juice Blog – we learn that Chip Hanlon’s firm – was paid $20,000 by the Whitman Campaign for “information Technology and Email.”

Chip Hanlon – whose Red County System also sports a gigantic Whitman for Governor Banner ejected this blogger from Red County to “protect the integrity of the Red County Blog system.”

That’s correct- while Chip Hanlon and Matt Cunningham were bellowing about Poizner’s sleazy campaign tactics (they characterized as paying me) – they themselves were on the take. While getting paid – Hanlon mused openly about suing Steve Poizner for lost advertising revenue.

Speaking of unprincipled – looking at Chip Hanlon’s donor records shows he takes a michavellian approach to his campaign donations as well.

$1000 to Adam Schiff (who unseated House Impeachment manager Jim Rogan in 1998)
$250 to Joe Lieberman

Stay tuned as this blogger – formerly known as Sgt. York on Red County is going to tell the rest of the story about what happened.