Sam Blakeslee to Republican Caucus: SUCKAS!!! Why SD-01 Race is Critical

 CA SD-01 Race, Martin Garrick, Roger Niello, Sam Aanestad, Ted Gaines  Comments Off on Sam Blakeslee to Republican Caucus: SUCKAS!!! Why SD-01 Race is Critical
Sep 042010

What am I talking about?

Remember how Abel Maldonado had to be confirmed as Lt. Governor because we needed him out of the State Senate and in the LT Gov chair so he could not vote to raise taxes again?

Remember how we needed to throw Sam Aanestad under the bus? Even though Aanestad is as flawed as any politician – he never raised anyone’s taxes…

How does that relate to the SD-01 Race?

Well – the Assembly, led by Martin Garrick tossed aside principle in the name of strategy to get Sam Blakeslee elected in a special election to the State Senate to follow Maldo. The Assembly Republicans voted as a block to confirm Maldonado to the Lt. Governor position – vacating Maldo’s Senate Seat so Sam Blakeslee could run for Senate – giving the GOP an “upgrade”.

Blakeslee returns the favor by refusing to sign the No New Taxes Pledge.

Now – another Republican who has refused to sign that pledge is running for office. Roger Niello.

If both Niello and Blakeslee are in the State Senate – there is no defense from another massive tax increase like the one in Feb 2009 that Niello voted for.

Think about it – the biggest sellout Republican, Abel Maldonado (whose campaign signs look like Obama’s) is now Lt. Governor in the name of having a better vote in his place, now Sam Blakeslee has bailed after getting what he wanted…

Garrick looks like a failure and…

Now Roger Niello and Ted Gaines are locked up in an Epic Primary for another State Senate seat.

Think about it.

Meantime – Republican leadership gets yet another Epic Fail and they are wondering why California is 21% DTS?

Apr 092010

That’s correct. As early as next week – Assembly Speaker John Perez will be putting the confirmation of Abel Maldonado up for a floor vote. This comes from a well-placed source in the capitol…

So the man who supported Harvey Milk Day, the Largest Tax Increase in State History, Voted to Ban .50Cal Weapons, Voted for Socialized Medicine and so much more is going to get rewarded.

Remember – Assembly Permanent Minority Leader Martin Garrick has declared that voting to confirm Abel Maldonado is a leadership vote. Yikes.

This is politics over principle – and a lot of the Orange-County Based Republican Blogs are silent because Garrick is from their neighborhood.

I have no such constraint – and if I was from Orange County, I’d probably be in Garrick’s office making them defend their decision to sell out Republican Values in the name of strategy. Why is a man who sells his budget vote every year getting backup from the Republican leadership?

You see – Sam Blakeslee, the immediate past Assembly Permanent Minority leader is in line to run for Maldonado’s Senate Seat. The thinking is that we get Maldonado out of office now so that Blakeslee can have an easier time of retaining that seat.

What about the effect of making it that much easier for the poster child of reject Republican values to be the nominee for Lt. Governor? Janice Hahn and Gavin-Any-Twosome-Newsome are in city governments that will both be in municipal bankruptcy shortly.

Martin Garrick’s legacy to the Republican Party will be set in stone soon. If the Assembly Republicans – including Chuck DeVore – all tow the line again, we will have had our values trampled.

Leave us not forget who Abel Maldonado is.

Meantime – a good man, Sam Aanestad who most of the above Assembly-members support is getting thrown under the bus.

Martin Garrick and the GOP Leadership Need to Be Called Out for Supporting Serial Tax-Raiser Abel Maldonado

 2010 Lt. Governor Race, Abel Maldonado, Chuck DeVore, Martin Garrick, Sam Aanestad  Comments Off on Martin Garrick and the GOP Leadership Need to Be Called Out for Supporting Serial Tax-Raiser Abel Maldonado
Mar 182010

Why Do I seem annoyed?

Someone explain this to me – you have someone in your midst that votes for horrific budgets year in and year out. He votes for nanny state laws, extreme environmental regulations and expansions of government that the mind strains to quantify.

Yet his fellow Republicans want to promote him to the second highest office in the State. It is especially absurd when you realize that his appointment to Lt Governor was itself a payoff for rolling over for King Arnold time and again.

And Martin Garrick – the Assembly Republican Permanent Minority Leader has basically told the CRA, Conservatives and the Tea Party to go pound sand.


There’s a State Senate seat in the balance, don’t you know. That’s right – the former Assembly Permanent Minority Leader – Sam Blakeslee wants to become a State Senator in Abel’s District.

The Play?

They claim to have polling showing that Blakeslee can win in this majority Democrat District. So get Maldo out of the Senate and Blakeslee can become the Senator denying the Dems a vote on the budget.

How many voters do you think will see it that way?

Only the 29 Republicans in the Assembly. Self-Styled Maverick Republican Chuck Devore cowered to Assembly Permanent Minority Leader Martin Garrick and reneged on his promise to oppose Abel Maldonado.

… and the rest of the Republicans who refused to stand up to Garrick subjugated Republican Values in the name of Strategy.

We need leadership Martin Garrick – not strategy.

What has happened is that the voters are now going to see Maldonado as a victim of the Democrats. And the second confirmation hearing will occur in May – right as people are getting their absentee ballots.

Meantime the Assembly Republican strategy will come at the expense of one of the Republican Party’s finest. Sam Aanestad.

So – there you have it… Martin Garrick has picked Ultra-Liberal Republican, gun grabber, eco-nazi, Serial tax-raiser and nanny government potentate Abel Maldonado over Sam Aanestad.

Man, do I feel violated…

DeVore? Anyone?