Jun 222021

Did you know that Lisa Bartlett is up to her old self-serving tricks again? Remember when your intrepid blogger took off after Bill Brough and people accused Lisa Bartlett of standing up and telling her story to benefit herself? (Brough was to have run to Bartlett’s right for State Senate)

Now – today we have a screwy coalition opposing Lisa Bartlett’s latest move:


This luminary is on the same side as Jon Flash and Diane Harkey. This caused my bs-o-meter to redline.

You see, Lisa Bartlett has had a string of felony stupid, yet self-serving actions. She endorsed John Moorlach despite the fact that John Moorlach’s Chief of Staff covered up the rape of Trish Todd while waiting for $44K in consulting fees to be paid by Brough. (Conclusion I drew from known facts) Bartlett told Brough’s victims they don’t matter anymore now that she got Brough out of the way.

Now – Lisa Bartlett is pushing a “term limits” measure for a special election ballot. This means if the measure passes, those in office are exempted and get to start over at 0 terms like everyone else. If passed, the Measure gives people three terms lifetime with no 4 year sit-out provision. As it stands now, you can serve two terms, sit out four years and then serve two more.

Did I mention I HATE Term Limits? You’ve gotten a generation of special interest produced puppets and egomaniacal narcissists that are always thinking about their next run for office. If it was not for term limits, I’d have a harder time finding material for this blog.

Now, back to Orange County: Perhaps Lisa Bartlett no longer wants to run for State Senate, instead preferring the larger paycheck of an OC Supervisor?

Whatever my opinion on Term Limits is, this measure is garbage. Now enter my favorite Supervisor Candidate:

Well gheez, isn’t that special. It appears Harkey has taken a break from hiding her assets and living with her (ex) Husband to take up a new self-serving venture…

Grandstanding on Term Limits! She is about the only person that should put a sock in it over this measure. You see, if Bartlett’s measure passes, Diane Harkey would have to run against Lisa Bartlett. Given how Orange County Politicians are lemmings for the status quo (well most of them), Harkey’s support and once-a-week endorsement emails would evaporate in favor of the incumbent.

Yep – the same incumbent who bravely told her story of abuse by Bill Brough, then threw the other 6 known victims of Brough (one who was raped) under the bus when it was time for her next political move.

So – Bartlett is wrong. Harkey finally gets something right, until you look under the surface and see the self-serving motives.

Oh and the speaker at the meeting? Just call him Ma’am and vote no.

Feb 042021

John Moorlach lied to the Orange County Register. It is my opinion that the OC Register has not followed up, because to do so would force them to rescind their endorsement of John Moorlach due to the smearing of Trish Todd.

At least the OC Register published a pointed letter to the editor from Trish Todd – who was raped by Bill Brough (I believe her story 100%) while working for Senator Moorlach. We also know that Moorlach’s current campaign consultant Tim Clark covered up the rape and John Moorlach himself has been rolling in political tar for the last two months as his response has been absurd.

Perhaps Lisa Bartlett – herself a victim of Bill Brough – can get a straight answer from John Moorlach as to why he lied to the Orange County Register about Trish Todd. This is especially necessary as Lisa Bartlett is actively campaigning for John Moorlach in an apparent betrayal of the other 5 victims of Bill Brough. Many cynics believed that Bartlett told her Bill Brough story in order to end him politically to aid her upcoming State Senate Campaign. (Brough was thought to be her main competiton) It would sure seem that Bartlett’s revelations about abuse at the hands of Bill Brough did not extend any regard from her to any of the 5 other victims – given the nexus of victim 6 (Trish Todd) to John Moorlach. In effect Lisa Bartlett is enabling someone who has victim shamed one of Bill Brough’s other victims to advance herself politically.

What was Moorlach’s Lie to the Orange County Register?

But when he was asked about allegations that his chief of staff told Todd not to report the rape allegations, Moorlach told the Orange County Register during an editorial endorsement meeting that Todd was a “disgruntled” employee who was not his “best hire.”

The Voice of Orange County also was the first to publish a letter of commendation recommending Trish Todd for a raise, which further detonated the lie of John Moorlach. (Where was Lisa Bartlett then?)

I am waiting to see the response from the Orange County Register, Fred Whitaker, John Moorlach or Lisa Bartlett (his enabler that has forgotten her own story apparently) to this State Senate Commendation of the “Disgruntled Employee” who was not John Moorlach’s “best hire”:

It is even framed and signed by Moorlach himself.

So let me put this in terms anyone can understand. OC GOP Chairman Fred Whitaker called Trish Todd a liar before a thing was know about the validity of the accusations and put that in writing in an email. John MW Moorlach lied to the Orange County Register about Trish Todd, smearing her as a disgruntled employee. This is called victim shaming. Now, Lisa Bartlett herself a victim that was also shamed to a degree by the same luminaries in the OCGOP has tossed Trish Todd (and the other 4 victims) under the bus, campainging and raising money for John Moorlach.  (Please note that in 2016, Trish Todd had the resolution made as Trish Flowers – her maiden name)

John Moorlach has been caught in a rape cover-up and lying about the victim.

Let’s re-print the last line of this senate resolution so even executive board members of the OCGOP can understand it:

RESOLVED BY SENATOR JOHN M.W. MOORLACH – that he commends Patricia Ann Flowers [now Todd] for the professional services she has provided to the constituents of the 37th Senatorial District throughout the State of California, and extends to her sincere vest wishes for continued success in the future.

Even that was a lie.

It is time to expel John Moorlach from the body politic and OCGOP Chairman Fred Whitaker with him. Sadly, due to her decisions, it is possible that Lisa Bartlett may need to be added to this list as well.

In case you need a more legible version of the resolution because you refuse to believe it is real – it is below: (Note the legislative register on the resolution)

Make sure you read the last two whereas clauses as many times as necessary to understand what John Moolach did when he lied about Trish Todd

Jan 292021

You’d have to be living under a rock in Orange County to not be aware of the Scandal that has embroiled John Moorlach. One of his then Senate Staff was raped by Bill Brough. Moorlach claims to have not known about the rape and when challenged had to admit some prior knowledge – yet still tried to hide behind his disdain for the Right on Daily Blog to justify his callous indifference to the victim.

Worse, Tim Clark, who is John Moorlach’s “volunteer” Campaign Manager and was his Senate Cheif of Staff has been implicated in covering up the rape. Why? Perhaps it was because Bill Brough still owed Mr. Clark $44,000 which Clark was finally paid in October of 2015, some three months after he covered up the rape of Trish Todd by Bill Brough. You’d have to be a complete fool to think that Clark was not thinking about that $44K first and of course the negative news for his meal ticket John Moorlach who was fresh in office when Todd was raped. (BTW – Tim Clark and Bill Brough are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. I think they are both scum of the earth and as such I believe pretty much every negative thing I’ve learned about both of them)

So what is the significance of the Lisa Bartlett endorsement of John Moorlach? It was her revelation of abuse at the hands of Bill Brough in 2011 when both were councilmembers in the City of Dana Point that started the avalanche of events that led to the humiliation and defeat of Brough at the ballot box. Because Lisa Bartlett stood up in front of Fred Whitaker and a bunch of others who are currently trying to Save John Moorlach and who resisted holding Brough accountable, 5 other victims of Bill Brough’s are now known. These include people still actively working in Orange County politics.

Trish Todd got raped by Bill Brough. Tim Clark covered it up. John Moorlach feigns lack of knowledge of the whole affair. His and Clark’s handling of the scandal has been abysmal. So why did victim 1 seemingly set fire to victims 2-6 by endorsing the man whose Supervisor campaign is about to go up in flames over covering up the rape of victim 6? (Trish Todd)

When I first saw the facebook post of Lisa Bartlett endorsing John Moorlach I was enraged. It came across as Bartlett not caring about the other victims as she got what she wanted – Bill Brough out of the way seemingly clearing the path for her to run for State Senate unabated in 2022. Brough, because he is a sociopathic monster will look at this and claim vindication (as in Bartlett only accused him because she wanted to wreck him politically). Remember, Bill Brough is incapable of understanding he did anything wrong at any time even as he is allegely trying to justify the rape of Trish Todd to anyone that will listen. These are two of the worst case outcomes of this endorsement.

I did some research and learned that Lisa Bartlett had endorsed John Moorlach right after he lost his Senate Re-Election Campaign. This detail matters as the rape of Trish Todd was not fully known at the time she endorsed John Moorlach. Now, why Lisa did not pull her endorsement once known is another issue, but this fact mitigates the likely accusations of political cynics questioning her motives for coming out publicly against Bill Brough. However, if Bartlett was still having nightmares about what Brough did, you’d think she’d have told Moorlach to sit on her endorsement and not publicize it at least.

Now, Lisa Bartlett is going to be forced to have to publicly deal with the perception this has created.

This is where Tim Clark comes in. It is the opinion of this blogger, because I know Clark and his absolute ruthless lack of character that he knew 100% what he was doing. I believe he knew this endorsement and the timing of it would do maximum damage to Lisa Bartlett to the benefit of John Moorlach. In effect, Clark used Lisa Bartlett as a human shield for the moral failures of John Moorlach. Read a summary of the horrific crisis communication from the Moorlach Camp on this whole issue.

Lisa Bartlett because of her decision is isolated politically now. Andrew Do, Don Wagner and now Laurie Davies have all endorsed Kevin Muldoon. Bartlett is in even worse shape as she is clearly being used by the Corrupt Tim Clark and the morally failed John Moorlach as a political human sheild. Clark has made it clear in the communications of the Moorlach for Supervisor campaign that their next move is to use Lisa Bartlett as a hammer to further de-legitimize Trish Todd, Jennifer Rodriguez, Heather Baez, Maria Elena Banks and the anonymous dem staffer that spoke to the LA Times.

If you want to know why Women who get raped and/or abused by people in power are reticent and even afraid to come forward? Use Trish Todd as an example. Fred Whitaker in an email attacked her. It is common knowledge that Whitaker and someone who may or may not have been Tim Clark was calling people smearing Todd in order to jam down a party endorsement of Moorlach. The OC Register has apparently stopped covering the Moorlach saga because they don’t want to be forced to rescind their endorsement of Moorlach, the OC Lincoln Club and OC New Majority have chosen silence rather than correcting their errors – even as members of both groups are honeslty telling others about their buyer’s remorse of John Moorlach. Still worse, the Women leaders of the California Republican Party are silent on this whole issue. We were supposed to be impressed by all of them because they were Republican Women leaders. When our leaders – apparently Lisa Bartlett included – refuse to stand up for abused women who will?

Now Lisa Bartlett has a choice to make.

If she says nothing, then it means she is complicit and willing in protecting John Moorlach rather than being used as a human shield by Tim Clark and John Moorlach. Silence in the wake of this endorsement will permemently call in to question her motives for her original revelation of the incidents between her and Bill Brough. It will also smear the credibility of the other victims, because people will ask reasonable questions, like “what happened to the nightmares, Lisa? Or did those stop now that Brough is no longer an opponent to your senate race?”

If she makes a statement regarding the rape of Trish Todd and it is a weak statement it will be perceived as Bartlett trying to cover up her mistake.

If she makes a strong statement denouncing how Fred Whitaker, Tim Clark and others have handled this situation, it will restore her credibility.

Why Bartlett did not tell Moorlach no is a question I will likely never be able to answer fully. She could have revoked the endorsement or told Tim Clark not to use her endorsement – instead she tried to avoid conflict and now she is in the middle of the mess. However, what Bartlett chooses to do in the next few days in the wake of this will tell everyone volumes.

Lisa – get a good look at Trish Todd and then ask yourself how your endorsement of John Moorlach made her feel? Did you think of her and the others when you did what you did? The next move is yours, make it count.

Michael Todd, begs reporters to hold Orange County Assemblyman Bill Brough accountable for allegedly raping his wife, Patricia Lenkiewicz Todd, right, in 2015. They were in her lawyer Michael Schroeder’s office in Orange on Wednesday, December 2, 2020. (Photo by Mindy Schauer, Orange County Register/SCNG)