Aug 272024


I may not post every day, but I am watching

Come on Steve, they don’t need your help!

Steve wrote a recent gossip column making several charges about the LAGOP. I also received an email that was circulated challenging Steve’s assertions.

IN particular, Steve claimed LAGOP Chairman Tim O’Reilly said the LAGOP exists only at meetings. In a cut and splice worthy of the Kamala Harris campaign, he selectively edited O’Reilly’s comments that, in full context, say the opposite.

While we all want more from the LAGOP, they have been active and trying to climb out of the fiscal hole left for them by the previous management.

Perhaps Steve should write the LAGOP a check so they have some more funds to do GOTV with?

When you write Bulls–t it affects everyone and everything around you. Come on Steve, conservatives deserve better from their leaders.

Jul 052024

Keith Cascio is so clueless that he went to an LA Community Event, then bragged about it on social media. The problem is he tagged a bunch of local leftist activists in his post, now Cascio does not have an instagram account anymore.

From the same brilliance comes this tweet:

The act of desperation was a career criminal and two accomplices robbing and murdering a tourist from New Zealand. The tourist got run down by one of the scumbags.

Keith Cascio is an idiot and may as well have re-traumatized the family of the victim a second time.

It appears that the LAGOP did not do enough by removing this dumpster fire as their Treasurer. He should be removed all together and sent to a state hospital. He already lives in rent-controlled housing so the mental ward is a next logical step in his residency in government facilities.

For those of you wondering, there is such as thing as a Republican going too far left. It is easy to spot the wing-nuts and their conspiracies, but the Ron Bassilian-Keith Cascio version of the left fringe elements of the GOP is alive too.

May 092024

By now, you’ve been treated to emails calling Tim O’Reilly and everything under the sun. I stand behind my criticism of his by-law amendments. That said, those criticizing him are lying about the Keith Cascio situation.

Steve Frank has had a copy of the three-page letter sent to him by Tim O’Reilly when the extremely dense Cascio demanded to know why he was facing removal as Treasurer. Suffice to say, the list is damming and 100% true.

Steve Frank owes us all an apology for turning Cascio into a victim and for lying by omission about the state of affairs in Los Angeles County.

When you read the letter, posted in its’ entirety – remind yourself that Steve Frank has had this at least a week longer than your intrepid blogger and did NOTHING with it even though it would have provided much-needed context surrounding the bizarre actions of a man who appears to be disturbed (in this case I am referring to Keith Cascio and not Mr. Frank). This breach of journalistic ethics is what you expect from CNN, not a respected conservative leader. But when have ethics ever gotten between Steve Frank and a good smear?

Now, ask yourself why Steve Frank refused to publish this?

Ask yourself who the actual victim is here?

In the words of Tim O’Reilly: “Your decisions have been confusing to myself and your colleagues on the board…”, in the case of Steve Frank his decision in not confusing at all. His decision to not post this stuff shows you what he is willing to abrogate to win a political fight.

May 012024

Steve Frank posted some more stuff about the LAGOP. Some of it is deceptive and false. Given that Mr. Frank is attempting to lead the conservative opposition out of the morass in the CAGOP, objectivity and accuracy are paramount. Allow your intrepid blogger to help.

LAGOP Chair Tim O’Reilly Allows NON Republican to VOTE on Central Committee

As far as I can tell only one California GOP organization allows a NON REPUBLICAN a vote in its Committee.  LAGOP Chair Tim O’Reilly told folks that Nathan Hochman, an NPP, is STILL an Ex Officio of the LA Committee.  His reasoning is that Hochman was the GOP nominee for AG in 2022, hence is an ex officio, regardless of his current status.

Yet, on Monday night Hochman proudly stated he was voting for Biden against Trump.  He never answered the question if he was also voting for Schiff against Garvey.  He did not mention a single Republican he was supporting for office.

O’Reilly would not allow the LAGOP members to ask questions of Hochman.  Instead he had one member ask pre-determined questions.  Folks had to shout out questions to Hochman or demand he answer questions one on one—but not during the meeting.  Oh, again the LAGOP did not have a quorum to do all its business.  Of course, under these circumstances, why waste the time?

Rounding off the numbers, O’Reilly finally admitted the Committee had $18,000 in the bank—and still owed one person $16,000.  It is so bad that at the end of June the LAGOP is closing its San Fernando Valley HQ and moving into a joint center in Long Beach—the very south end of a county that is bordered on the north by Lancaster—80 miles away.  He did announce how much two of the recent fund raisers made—but REFUSED to tell how much two others lost.

Remember it was O’Reilly that tried to pass a Democrat Lite Platform for the CAGOP.  He also stopped the LAGOP from endorsing a Republican for DA—since he was supporting a Non Republican, Nathan Hochman.  Now he is working hard to close the CAGOP by CUTTING 16% of the delegates to the CAGOP—while the Democrats continue to increase their numbers (currently the CAGP has 1440 members and the Democrats State Party has over 3200).  At every turn O’Reilly is working hard to demolish the California GOP, its credibility and its volunteers.

#1. Hochman, his Ex-Officio spot became vacant when he left the GOP. I have checked and Hochman has not voted on anything. IF Tim O’Reilly actually said Hochman is still an ex-officio, he was wrong, but the hyperbole about Hochman still voting on the LAGOP is untrue.

#2. Lack of Quorum, was this because of a boycott led by Steve Frank and David Hernandez? There is always more to a story.

#3. Why is Steve Frank protecting Keith Cascio. No one knows the real financial numbers because Cascio refused to do his job and went berserk when people asked him simple questions. That should have been the story. Instead, Frank spun this as O’Reilly being dishonest. This is a terrible abortion of journalism and a complete cheap shot.

#3A. Moving the HQ, the part Steve deliberately omitted is that the LAGOP had donated (or heavily subsidized) office space for years by Andy Garakhani and others, this is well-known all over. With Andy withdrawing from the CAGOP political scene it makes sense that this arrangement goes by the boards. This was spun as some sort of failure by Tim O’Reilly, that is a deceptive lie.

#4. Platform, O’Reilly was wrong to support the garbage platform. The Republican DA candidate was a complete disaster and would have gotten steamrolled by Gascon! It was correct to stay silent when your candidate is a disaster, but the implication of Steve’s post is that O’Reilly was in the bag for Hochman and made sure the Republican candidate got screwed over. That idiot did not need Tim’s help.  Lastly, regarding the by-law amendments, O’Reilly deserves all the criticism over those.

Time and time again, the legitimate criticisms that Steve Frank makes against Establishment people get lost and muted in a hail of half-truths, cherry-picked facts and/or outright lies. If Frank and crew want to have a legitimate chance of ousting the establishment at next March’s convention there needs to be a strict adherence to facts and not the grifter-style clickbait.

Apr 302024

I hate the top two elections, but they are the law and were the law long before Prop14 in local elections.

In LA, George Gascon, who is being exposed for corruption, wrote Prop 47 and has been on a society-destroying rampage. He has drawn Nathan Hochman as his runoff opponent in the fall of 2024. Gascon is in the crosshairs because it appears he abused his office to dig up dirt on legitimate law enforcement officers and political opponents.

Hochman is a former Republican who left the party over Trump, amongst other things. What he is not is Gascon. In this circumstance, I can see no problem with Tim O’Reilly inviting him to speak to the LAGOP. Hochman is registered as a DTS. I might feel differently if he was a dem. Further, there has been no mention of an endorsement or an attempt at such.

I have gotten several emails about Keith Cascio’s situation. I blasted Cascio weeks ago for being a complete freak. The erstwhile Assemblyman loves him some Earth Day and Black Lives Matter. He may well be to the left of Hochman.

LAGOP Members:

I want to update everyone on some items that we will address at the LAGOP meeting on Monday, April 29, 2024.

1.       Our Treasurer, Keith Casio, has stepped down* from his office on the Executive Board. Notice was previously given that we will elect a new Assistant Treasurer on Monday night. According to our bylaws and given the vacancy that now exists in the office of Treasurer, whoever is elected as Assistant Treasurer will automatically become the new LAGOP Treasurer. We will then hold a second election for a new Assistant Treasurer to fill that vacancy.

2.       A pending bylaws change remains as to whether to count Ex-Officio members in determining quorum for meetings. This does not affect any one’s right to vote as members of LAGOP. Assuming we get the required 50% quorum, we will vote on this rule change.

3.       Last, I will offer a motion to ask for a decision on whether we immediately seat the Ex-Officio nominees-elect (now certified from the March Primary) or wait until December. There is a conflict in our bylaws. If LAGOP immediately recognizes the new nominees elected as LAGOP members, that action terminates membership for all existing (2-year term) Ex-Officio members. The conflict is that our bylaws state that we will follow Elections Code 7404 in determining Ex-Officio membership (those with a Certificate of Nominations immediately become members—prior Ex-Officio members immediately expire). At another point, the bylaws show that all new members (including Ex-Officio) are sworn in together at the Organizational meeting (in December or January). This is the way it has traditionally been done up until last term. I previously believed that state law pronouncements overrode County Party Bylaws. I recently learned that was incorrect. County Party Bylaws supersede state law in terms of political party organization. Current regular members and Ex-Officio members will get to decide what we do as a body.

Mr. Casio and I agreed that as Chairman, I would release the following statement regarding his stepping down as Treasurer:

“Earlier this month, I advised our Treasurer, Keith Cascio, that I had lost confidence in his ability to continue in his duties as the LAGOP Treasurer. I asked that he step down from his office. After due consideration, Keith has now reluctantly agreed to resign as LAGOP Treasurer, effective immediately. He remains as a valuable member of our Central Committee and will now be able to reallocate his time and efforts to his Assembly District campaign and his chairmanship of ADC55. We are fortunate that he will continue as one of our most brilliant minds in technology and as a CAGOP regional Data Captain. Keith leaves the Executive Board as a class act on good and amicable terms.”

I look forward to seeing you all at the meeting,

Timothy L. O’Reilly
Chairman – LAGOP
Republican Party of Los Angeles County

Keith Cascio is widely loathed by people in the LAGOP political scene and the last paragraph in the above is absurd. In addition, Cascio has been circulating a 3 page letter to him from O’Reilly that is an indictment of an immature brat who got mad over something petty and attempted to shut down the LAGOP by abrogating his job duties. O’Reilly demolished Cascio’s behavior and if Cascio had any self-awareness would have taken measures to see that the letter never made it anywhere.

I sure hope David Hernandez and Steve Frank are not going to try to hold this guy up as a martyr. Cascio is 2200 degrees and is in the same class as Fennell and Grcar in the opinion of your intrepid blogger.

Cascio had a chance to leave well and has not because his internal self-destruct mechanism runs faster than an Olympic sprinter. This email was hardly hours old and Cascio was emailing people claiming to be a victim.

On one hand, I am highly irritated at O’Reilly’s by-law proposals. But, on the other hand feel for him having to deal with Cascio. No one deserves that. Lastly, I agree with his decision to give Hochman a forum to convince Republicans who can’t endorse him to at least vote for him.