Nov 062018

(This is a commentary from your intrepid blogger with a mix of facts and conclusions I have drawn from my experience with them)

Election Day has arrived. It was something like October of 2017 when I started in on Stan Sniff. Having been paying attention to Riverside Politics closely, I can tell you a few things.

Eric Linder is the Clear Choice for Supervisor in District 2. Karen Spiegel even agreed, attacking Eric Linder for his low scores from leftist groups including planned parenthood dating to his days as an assemblymember. Spiegel took $1,000 from Planned Parenthood.

Spiegel also voted for several tax increases as a City Councilmember, such as Cable Bills, Ambulance Fees and other city fees. Spiegel even signed letters in support of the massive SB1 Gas Tax Hike, Cap and Trade and the $100Billion disaster known as High Speed Rail.

Karen Spiegel is a fraud and her extreme left-wing attacks against Eric Linder show that she has made fools of the local GOP who endorsed her.

Not to be outdone is the Corrupt Sheriff of Riverside-Nottingham. Today is judgement day for Stan Sniff.

Stan Sniff’s issues are legion –

While claiming to be pro-gun, he has arrogantly hung on to the “Good Cause” excuse to deny 80% of the CCW applications submitted to him, until the scrutiny of months long wait times for said denials got to him politically stories of waits of up to 26 months just to get interviews were common. Sniff is “endorsed” by the NRA, a group controlled by H Paul Payne – who may well be stalking his separated wife and separately may be pocketing money meant for outreach.

Stan Sniff has mismanaged the budget of the Riverside Sheriff’s Office. We’ve posted dozens of stories and photos of broken equipment. Sniff is famous for complaining about every budget given to him by the board of supervisors – until magically this year’s budget that was a disaster in January was suddenly o.k. Even more curious was the sudden discovery of $10MM to fund resolving the years-long CCW application backlog. (Note, Sniff’s lackeys in the local media have not reported on the slew of declined applications)

Sniff is reputed and documented to have enabled and supported corruption within his ranks. We’ve detailed cover-ups of DUI’s, Felonies, Sexual misconduct, cheating on advancement exams, cheating on time cards, terminating whistle blowers, preferential treatment of certain employees at the expense of others, retaliation, promoting employee campaign donors, physical violence, sharing confidential medical records, violating anonymity of whistle blowers, terminating harassment victims rather than disciplining the harassers and the list goes on.

We’ve documented specific instances such as Frank “Drone Boy” Taylor, Lt. Robert “Gunslinger” Rose, Jason “Deuce” Horton, Lyndon Raymond “the Executioner” Wood, Robert Epps, Christian Dekker, Lt. Mark Bostrom and the list goes on ad naseum.

Sniff is reputed to give out CCW Permits to donors and political allies while refusing the applications of others that have more “good cause”. Sniff is reputed to have given donors helicopter rides and access to sheriff’s facilities that even employees have limited access to (such as gun ranges).

Stan Sniff has taken money from convicted felons and hosted campaign events at businesses owned in part by convicted felons. Stan Sniff lists people with police records prominently as endorsers.

In the Primary – Stan Sniff promoted people of color and attempted to use them as political props, similar to 2014. Sniff’s obsession with identity politics is so severe that he had a Gay Station Captain go to Palm Springs and lie on Camera about Homophobia (Sniff and the Captain met with a council-member beforehand ostensibly to orchestrate the theatrics). Two Muslim supporters of Stan Sniff got in to the act, one staging a hate crime and the other going to the board of supervisors meeting, giving a rambling incoherent presentation.

Stan Sniff has had political scizophrenia – he sided with the ACLU against the employees of his department on using Body Camrea Video in a manner that denies the men due process rights and sided with the ACLU with regard to cooperating with federal immigration authorities. Yet, Sniff claims to be a Republican.

Sniff has attacked Chad Bianco for supporting Natural Marriage and Gender Dysphoria Counseling. He has attacked the Republican Party for its’ stance on immigration and gun rights issues. Sniff has even attacked Chad Bianco for supporting “Shall Issue” CCW permitting, consistent with the NRA’s position. In a bizarre twist, in an attempt to cover the embarrassment of H Paul Payne and others that rigged the NRA endorsement for him, he called the NRA a “Moderate” Gun-Rights Group in a news article.

Sniff has claimed with a straight face on camera that he has successfully led the department, yet at the same time says talk about low morale is an election year stunt. In the last 24 months over 450 employees have left the Riverside Sheriff’s Office. Current Employees are on mandatory overtime, many are being forced to work 6 days a week because of critical shortages of manpower.

At least 25 current employees who are Chad Bianco supporters are facing disciplinary action and one young employee got 80 hours of unpaid suspension for taking a photo of himself in uniform while holding a Chad Bianco Sign. Countless times, we have documented threats, intimidation and Stan Sniff management staff campaigning on taxpayer time. Countless times, we have documented the termination of employees in order to cover up malfeasance, including Deputy Birchard who appears to have been set up and then later fired over something unrelated to the original set up. Sniff’s department is attempting to lynch Donald Vincent Brooks, who has not seen his child in over 2 1/2 years due to the smears and opportunistic prosecution. Gabe Dennington is in to year 6 of his fight against the department. Correctional Deputy Tammy Smoak was terminated because that was easier than dealing with the 6-8 employees at the SW Jail that were harassing her and others – several of those employees I have recently received documentation (Videos, Timesheets and otherwise) showing they have been cheating on their timecards – ripping off the taxpayers.

43,500 felons THAT WE KNOW OF have been early released due in large part to Stan Sniff’s refusal to lead on the issues of jail space and jail staffing. All the years he fought with the board of supervisors and used jail staffing as a tool for political leverage have made thousands of felons very happy as many know they will never face real consequences for their criminal acts.

Despite Sniff’s distorted Statistics – the official statistics from the Department of Justice show Crime is spiraling in Riverside County. This is the clearest sign of failure for a Sheriff.

Stan Sniff is alleged to have bought off Supervisor John Taviglione for his endorsement. They agreed to a shame of an audit of the Jurupa Valley Station in order to give Taviglione some face-saving cover on his way out of office. JT’s residual grudge against the Riverside Sheriff’s Association and the nexus of this deal allowed him to kill off two birds with one stone.

Sniff is tying up loose ends. He promoted the documented racist Tony Pelato. He promoted Christian Dekker, famous for setting up fellow employees, cheating on his timecards, milking overtime and along with Martin Tochtrop (who Sniff also Promoted to, get this, the Internal Affairs department) tried to set up an inmate at the jail they knew was being released by mistake. He has promoted almost everyone we saw on the cheating scandal list, almost in a narcissistic rage to show everyone he is still boss. When you combine this with the sudden flurry of personnel investigations, strategically against Chad Bianco supporters and Whistleblowers – you have a disturbing pattern similar to the narcissistic rage Obama went off on in his last months in office. (recalling the fleets, throwing Israel under the bus at the UN, pardoning bradley manning and other traitors, last minute regulations, attempting to appoint several losers, the FBI/DOJ set up of Trump Campaign officials, etc.) I shudder to think what Sniff and his minions on the second floor will do in the two months he has as a lame duck sheriff (beyond destroying evidence that is)…

We know that the local media are in the bag for the Sheriff, the dynamic is almost exactly similar to the national stage. The Press-Enterprise and the Desert Sun endorsed Stan Sniff for some very petty and personal reasons. Don’t kid yourself, they both have buyer’s remorse and doubled down on corruption and failure – because to support Chad Bianco would mean an admission that they had been in the bag for the corrupt sheriff and they were wrong. They’d rather lose their credibility than do that. Again, see the national media whose trust interval is in the 25% range and a recent Morning Consult Poll (which has a Dem +5 Bias) said 64% of Americans think the media has done more the divide the country than anyone or anything else.

Even if none of the above matters to you at all – Even if Sniff had actually been a decent sheriff versus the documented reality – what about the cover up of the Kevin Duffy serial Child Molestation Scandal? Sniff has not even lied about it right. He said there was only one victim, we know of 7. We know that the cover up started from almost day one. We know that something like 250 children were at risk from this guy. We know that dozens of victims were denied closure due to the cover up.

You can be as cynical as you want and say “All politicians are corrupt, who cares”. When a politician (Sniff’s words) does not protect women and children what’s left?

You have it all – a feckless GOP that has refused to stand up for its’ own enumerated values. A local media establishment that has cowered in fear of the tyrant. A tyrant that has run roughshod over his department. Leadership within said department that are all enablers of the tyrant. Crime rates spiraling, scum getting let out of jail as fast as they are arrested and areas with as few as one deputy on patrol due to staffing shortages…

… then a courageous remnant within said department that rose up in the face of losing their livelihoods to say enough is enough.

I will finish with this – Sniff’s enablers in the local media and the local GOP have attacked me personally several times including making me the target of some of the faked events. My business (outside of politics) has been attacked. My wife has been attacked with people trying to get her fired and creepy social media trolling. I’ve had friendlies wonder on the phone with me how I have avoided getting assaulted, followed or set up by the Sheriff.

I don’t live in fear of Stan Sniff, instead I drove in to his neighborhood and shot video of his house.

The men and women of the Riverside Sheriff’s Office – at least those that did not whore their integrity out to the Sniff Regime almost to a person pinned their hopes of overthrowing Stan Sniff on this blog and this blogger. What was going to be an interesting diversion from the more mundane political stuff I do every election cycle turned in to a personal mission. I am not sure if Stan Sniff will lose tonight (if you are an election day voter – please vote for Chad Bianco), but what I am sure of is that Stan Sniff’s reign of terror has been severely altered and exposed. What I am also sure of is that the mission to restore the integrity of law enforcement in Riverside County does not end today… it continues. Your Intrepid Blogger will have a lot to follow up on regardless of the outcome…

Nov 032018

Tax Hikes, State Money, Closing Down Local Businesses, and High Speed Rail… you’d be shocked to learn she does not like doing paperwork.

Gas Tax Karen is a bookeeper by trade. This makes these two incidents even more curious in the grand scheme of things.

She was fined five times by the Fair Political Practices Commission for failing to do her paperwork properly. While the fine was $500 total, it could have been far worse.

Apparently, she did not report her husband’s source of income correctly. Whoops. Was this done to conceal the fact that he runs the local Chamber of Commerce?

While an administrative fine may not be a big deal by itself, when combined with other actions, it does indeed matter. It is part of a long-term pattern of her conduct suggesting that the rules are for everyone else, not her.

In addition, Spiegel got a lien for an equally small amount. $334. Why? She didn’t pay her bills.

The lien may still be active for all I know.

The issue here is that with Riverside County in serious financial condition despite the uptick in the economy, we need someone who is consistent.

When Eric Linder was in the Assembly, he had consistent marks from taxpayer groups.

Gas Tax Karen Spiegel supported the Gas Tax Hike, stuck her hand out for the money from the tax hike, supported High Speed Rail and has a pattern of personal irresponsibility.

On fiscal issues, it sure looks like Karen Spiegel is missing in action. If I had a vote in this race, I’d take Eric Linder.


Nov 022018

So, we’ve documented that Karen Spiegel supported Cap and Trade

So, we’ve documented that Karen Spiegel supported SB1 Gas Tax/Car Tax Increase.

So, we’ve documented that Karen Spiegel supported High Speed Rail.

The GOP forced Chad Mayes out as Assembly Minority Leader because of his role in passing Cap and Trade.

The GOP platform is expressly against higher taxes

The GOP is campaigning against High Speed Rail in 2018.

Then there is this: $1,000 from the Community Engagement Manager
Planned Parenthood of the Pacific South?

Donald Dix refused to shake my hand at the Riverside GOP Dinner – it has been put to me that he is a hard-right talk radio host on a low-power station somewhere in the Inland Empire. I’d be curious to know why he likes Karen Spiegel So Much…Dix is working with several candidates in Corona. (One of whom I actually like by the way, he probably should have asked me)

Frankly, beyond Dix, the rest of the folks on the RivCO GOP are a pretty conservative bunch. Did they do their homework? It has not been very difficult to turn up this information related to Spiegel.

Nov 012018

1. March 13, 2017 – Karen signed letter supporting SB 1 on behalf of the Corona City Council. This is the very tax she claims to oppose now. Did her connection to Donald Dix get her a free pass to participate in this event? Did the Riverside GOP know about this?

2. Southern CA Association of Governments (SCAG) RTP/SCS – Karen Spiegel voted for final report on April 7, 2016.

These sources include adjustments to existing state and federal gas tax rates. Value capture strategies, potential national freight program funds, tolls for specific facilities and private equity participation. Pg. 131

Revenue Source – State and Federal Gas Excise Tax Adjustment to Maintain Historical Purchasing Power

Description – Additional $.10 per gallon gasoline tax imposed at the state and federal levels starting in 2020 to 2024 to maintain purchasing power.

(She is supporting an additional Federal Gas Tax increase in addition to the one at the state level)

Revenue Source: Mileage Based user Fee (or equivalent fuel tax adjustment)

Description – Mileage-based user fees would be implemented to replace gas taxes – estimated at about $0.04 (in 2015 dollars) per mile starting in 2025 and indexed to maintain purchasing power.

Actions to ensure availability: (automatically increase)

3. Riverside County Transportation Commission Vote – January 26, 2018

Karen Spiegel left the room before a vote to oppose the Repeal the Gas Tax effort rather than standing up and taking a position.

4. Signed letter supporting Cap and Trade on behalf of Corona City Council.


5. Voted for $350 Ambulance fee

6. Voted for a 1% cable tv tax

7. Property Tax Bond Authorization

So what will Carl DiMaio do when he finds out the TRUTH about Karen Spiegel? Will she still be allowed to speak? Will someone have the guts to stand up to Donald Dix and his crew related to their financial interest in Spiegel? (I am sure Dix won’t shake my hand at any future events now, but at least he will have a legit excuse now)

Someone has to hold the Riverside GOP accountable for ignoring their own platform. Will you?

Oct 312018

Oh Karen, we hardly knew ye…

Chad Mayes, Arnold Squishenegger, John “Triggered” Kasich and their Ilk would be proud. (Maybe not so much over SB1 and High Speed Rail Support but I digress).

Gax Tax / Cap N’Karen Spiegel is starting to look at lot like Sabrina Cervantes these days. Maybe Spiegel has always been a flaming liberal and has been lying about that too?

Did Karen Spiegel forget what she sent her opponent, then Assemblyman Eric Linder???


Is there a tax hike Spiegel didn’t like??? (Hey that rhymes)

All this and Spiegel is a warm and cuddly councilmember that was subject to a recall! Perhaps this is why she wants to build a bridge in to downtown and close down a bunch of businesses while thwarting the process?

OR – you can support Eric Linder whose record in the Assembly is solidly pro-taxpayer and pro-business (even when people aren’t looking).