Jul 142021

Um John – you should have stuck to the 12,000 person State Legislature

It’s funny, the first time I took a paycheck from John Cox I had people close to me tell me they did not like him. At least I got paid. My checks cleared, but a lot of other vendors did not. In addition, John Cox hired a yes man without an original thought in his head (Fred Davis) whose contribution to the California body politic was the bear gag. This is because Cox was tired of his former advisors telling him the things he needed to do to actually win the election.

In the 25 years I have done politics, there has been a rule. Every candidate with a wrapped tour bus has lost. Worse, Mr. Cox’ tour bus looks like an escaped meth addict from the county fair.

Darrell Issa is completely wrong for blaming John Cox for the shellacking the CAGOP took in 2018, it was Issa’s buddies promoting Faulconer that were the architects of that. However, Issa had to make that assertion because he was shilling for Faulconer in this letter.

That said, the rest of the indictment of Cox is astounding. In fact, having worked for him I can vouch for his erratic behavior, that is a 100% true statement.

Cox ran for President in 2008!? What the hell?

Three separate times he attempted to expand the state legislature to 12,000 members.

Darrell Issa was indeed true to attack Cox for his bizarre behavior and twisted messaging. Cox does not want to do the heavy lifting of a campaign, which is why a charlatan like Fred Davis could ingratiate himself to him, rent him a bear and let Cox feed his ego with 30 person meetings in lieu of raising the millions needed.

Could you imagine John Cox as a State GOP Chair? I’d imagine he’d be marginally better than Issa’s hero Jessica Patterson – but that is a very low bar dipped in a cesspool of corruption.

I sincerely hope John Cox is marginalized in to the ash heap of history after this idiotic recall campaign stunt.

P.S. if any of you reading have dirt on John Cox, I want to burn his political house down to the ground. Please email me at aaron@rightondailyblog.com. Its’ Party Time.

Mar 222018

The PPIC poll, regarded as one of the most accurate in CA has Gavin at 28, Cox 14, Antonio 12, Pretty Boy 10, Chiang 6, Eastin 5 and the rest in the 1-3 range. Abut 24% are undecided.

Yesterday, John Cox announced the endorsement of Congressman Doug LaMalfa. LaMalfa joins Mimi Walters in the John Cox camp. This is a significant break and represents that Cox is starting to convince Republicans of all stripes he has the goods to be a competitive Governor Candidate.

Finally, one of the largest County Republican Parties in California, the Sacramento GOP endorsed John Cox unanimously last night. They Join Fresno and San Mateo, all large county Republican Parties in endorsing John Cox.

(Please note that Hyperlinks are in Red or Blue in this blog, every one has additional info)

Jul 122017

Chad Mayes is the Assembly Republican Permanent Minority Leader. Chad Mayes has made some interesting decisions lately, one of which was tweeting about Harvey Milk Day. Milk is a historical nothing whose claim to fame was being gay and elected in a time when being gay and elected was not fashionable. Another was as tweet about paling around with the Democrat Majority Leader Anthony Rendon who rolls the GOP caucus (and Mayes) like they are not there.

So, I was not surprised to hear that Chad Mayes is attempting to undermine the moderate Democrats who are resisting the MASSIVE Cap and Trade tax increase that Governor Jerry Brown is currently seeking. Apparently a $65 Car tax and $.12 per gallon gas tax to raise $52 Billion is not enough. Chad Mayes is currently working under cover of darkness to “cut a deal” on Moonbeam’s climate debacle. Ostensibly, Mayes will then run to the cameras declaring the GOP to be the party of Conservative “Cap and Trade”.

I have been told that “leadership” has a poll that shows that “Climate Change” is a key issue to reaching the vaunted independent and democrat voters. Apparently Mr. Mayes and his friends in GOP leadership (at least on the Assembly side) think this means killing the farming industry, raising taxes and hammering the already last in the nation business environment down further. Mayes and others in leadership also were the prime movers behind David Hadley’s doomed from the beginning run for Governor of California.

Please note, I’ve had several folks cite my blog in attacks against Charles Munger. Mr. Munger is not responsible for this effort of Mayes, nor did he recruit David Hadley in to the race. (Mr. Munger did spend heavily on Hadley’s Assembly runs and Mr. Hadley is claiming more is coming his way in 2018. Duf Sundheim did the same in 2016, and it never came)

Charles Munger is not the one trying to raise your taxes even further, it is Chad Mayes and the assembly portion of “Republican Leadership”.

The effort behind David Hadley was much broader than Charles Munger and this climate change business is central to it. David Hadley is a Northeastern-Style Liberal Republican, his record as a member of the Assembly is clear on that fact. That breed of Republicans are tree-huggers.

Which leads me to John Cox – check out his release today:

Our goal should not be to cooperate with the Democrat leadership’s war on the middle class, but to counter.

California — Republican candidate for Governor and businessman John Cox issued the following statement on the current Cap and Trade bill (AB-398) being negotiated in the California Legislature:

“A Republican Legislator who tries to put lipstick on the cap-and-trade pig only demonstrates their irrelevance,” Cox said. “Our goal is not to cooperate with the Democrat leadership’s war on the middle class, but to counter because our ideas about growth, jobs and pocket book issues are better than theirs. Cap-and-trade is a tax. Even worse, it’s a hidden tax that consumers pay in price increases on a whole variety of products.”

“Any Legislator that doesn’t get that is placing more value on the Sacramento establishment system, than they do on the people they represent.”

“Higher prices for energy means fewer jobs. Businesses ask why they should stay in a high-cost state like California when there are business-friendly states that would welcome them with open arms. Every time the liberal elite passes a tax, a fee or a regulation that raises consumer prices, people lose their jobs. I don’t want to cooperate with the politicians that are doing that. I want to replace them before even one more small business is forced to close its doors.”

Somehow those that recruited and encouraged David Hadley to run for Governor believe that their polling data means that we need to use the Republican brand to tax our way to prosperity. We did that, remember Arnold?

These folks obviously think that Pat McCrory lost his Governorship in NC over the bathroom bill, it was not. McCrory was a Republican Tax-Raiser. The Nevada GOP got slaughtered in 2016 because they also raised taxes a staggering $2 Billion (think of how small Nevada’s population is).

This argument may be completely moot as it appears that the “Climate Change” caucus in the GOP has two missions, to raise our taxes even more and to stop John Cox. (because David Hadley has a lower chance of winning the Governor’s Race than the San Francisco 49ers do of Winning the 2018 Super Bowl.)

I am not sure what Chad Mayes and the Assembly part of “Republican leadership” are doing. Cap and Trade will cause a million or more to leave the GOP in disgust. It seems like 26% Voter Registration is too high a number for them. It is 10.65% in Massachusetts, perhaps that is the goal?

Jul 082017

Search David Hadley for Governor.

If you were not paying attention, you’d see David Hadley for Assembly in the google list.

Was his “run” for Governor that well thought out?

I’ve been told that a firm called “Axiom” is running Mr. Hadley’s campaign. Axiom is run by Jeff Roe. It appears that the connection was made by Ron Nehring to Mr. Hadley via the connection to the Ted Cruz for President Campaign. Roe went on to have a role in the #NEVERTRUMP movement, both directly and indirectly.

I had personal experience with Jeff Roe when I worked for Dr. Ben Carson in Nevada. I was on the ground when Ted Cruz ran a robocall, social media and email campaign claiming Dr. Carson was suspending his campaign in order to deceive Iowa Caucus goers in to Caucusing for Ted Cruz. It was national news and the bad will from that was likely a major factor that halted Ted Cruz’ ability to gain any further ground on our President due to the stench of poor ethics left on Ted Cruz as a result.

The home of #NEVERTRUMP is now running David Hadley’s campaign, yet another sign that this is the “establishment” flexing their muscles against the choice of the little people, Businessman John Cox.

Why would David Hadley hire someone who is a sworn enemy of Donald Trump Supporters? I asked Mr. Nehring straight out on multiple occasions if he was voting for Donald Trump, He never answered the question. Is this the team David Hadley is assembling?

Jeff Roe reportedly ripped off Kelli Ward, the suicide bomber candidate against John McCain in the 2016 US Senate Primary for a $20k+ a month retainer (I will check the FEC reports soon). It makes me wonder how much Hadley has been charged for Mr. Roe’s services. Kelli Ward got humiliated by the 80+ year old RINO in the Primary.

When Mr. Roe’s latest client announced his run for governor a one-page website was released bereft of content.

The website was not mobile optimized. #EPICFAIL

What exactly are David Hadley and Jeff Roe doing? Over half of people exclusively get their information from the internet!

You’d think that an extremely expensive political consultant with a reputation for scorched earth and questionable ethics would have at least covered the digital bases.

You’d also wonder why someone who has run the campaigns of hard-right candidates is now running someone out there in McCain land ideologically? Is this a serious campaign, or is this a suicide mission to ensure John Chiang or Antonio Suave make it in to the runoff with Gun Grabbin Gavin?

I had yet another screenshot sent to me from Facebook – it presents David Hadley as the Republican Reformer. I wonder where that came from? The “Reform” event being held at the Brooks Firestone ranch?

I have drawn the conclusion that David Hadley’s campaign for governor is a foil. There is no way someone wanting to be taken seriously in the most populous state in the USA could be making these mistakes. It is pretty hard to reform anything when the very voters whose support you need can’t search your website on their Phone or Ipad.

It is also quite fair to suggest that Jeff Roe is ripping off David Hadley, no political consultant worth their sale would allow these sorts of mistakes right out of the box.

Oh, and Hadley’s announcement was a footnote in most newscasts.

P.S. John Cox is going to be releasing his fundraising numbers shortly, that should be interesting.

May 262017

If so, why?

Wealthy Businessman John Cox declared his candidacy two months ago and entered the CA Governor Race with a Million Dollars of his own money. (With more coming)

6 Months ago, the talk was that we would have no one credible or funded in any statewide race. Now, the talk is about a near frenetic quest to find a second Republican to run against John Cox for Governor.

Meantime, there is no Lt. Gov Candidate, No Secretary of State Candidate, No Attorney General Candidate, No Controller Candidate for the GOP in 2018.

Yet, the New Majority PAC is trying with all their might to get the unpopular Mayor of San Diego, Kevin Faulconer in to the race. At one time, Faulconer was the liberal Republican star of the party, today his legacy is the Chargers moving to Inglewood. But, he does want to raise taxes on San Diegans!

This does not matter to the New Majority as it appears they have ideological issues with John Cox and have re-ignited their quest to make sure no Republican makes the runoff.

I’ve seen this pattern before, I call it “Controlled Failure”. This is the concept of primary sabotage in order to make sure if a Conservative wins a primary, he loses the general election in order to further the canard of Conservatives being unable to win. (I first saw this in 2002, when GOP leadership poured $10 Million in to a Treasurer Race, while Tom McClintock was leading in Polls for his Controller race… ultimately lost by 27,000 votes. McClintock received token support from GOP leadership)

Meantime, there is no Lt. Gov Candidate, No Secretary of State Candidate, No Attorney General Candidate, No Controller Candidate for the GOP in 2018.

Apparently, it is not just the left of the party that has a suicide pact, witness Tim Donnelly! Yes, the same Tim Donnelly (based on my research) whose personal financial situation is a disaster, has a failing radio show, likes to chase campaign staff, has run 3 failed referenda (where’s the money, Tim?), has a police record and may well be clinical on top of the previous list. (Did I mention that I am not a fan?) He popped up on Breitbart calling John Cox a moderate. Only in a pharmaceutically-induced fantasy, I guess.

Donnelly believes the Democrat Party is in disarray. He believes this is an open door to a Republican Governor. He thinks that should be him, when John Cox wrote himself a check larger than Donnelly’s maximum fundraising potential. Perhaps Tim Donnelly enters the race in order to enjoy being a candidate again for a few months and to get paid.

He is right about the dem party. Despite the all-out assault from the media and the “deep state” Trump keeps winning and Republicans keep winning elections.

But, it seems to be more than Republican Leadership and the New Majority can handle.

Just last night, while celebrating the #BODYSLAM victory of Greg Gianforte in Montana, I received my own un-named anonymous source leak of info. (If it is good for the NYT and WAPO, it is good for this blog, right?)

The leak is a well-placed GOP insider who indicated that Republican leadership are lobbying the rank and file GOP legislators (what few are left), to endorse David Hadley, Kevin Faulconer. (See also anyone not named John Cox).

If the GOP leadership understand what a threat John Cox is, perhaps Tim Donnelly’s therapist should explain the same thing to him?

Meantime, there is no Lt. Gov Candidate, No Secretary of State Candidate, No Attorney General Candidate, No Controller Candidate for the GOP in 2018.

The specific info is that a group of major GOP donors have not stopped trying to find a Governor candidate not named John Cox. David Hadley, a one-term Assemblymember who lost re-election by 8 points in 2016, went to Sacramento to speak to the aforementioned legislators in search of endorsements and money. Note that Hadley is basically out of the running for governor and is lining up a rematch for AD66 instead.

Now, it appears that the flavor of the week is Kevin Faulconer.

Why are they doing this? Is the goal to dilute Republican Votes assuring Antonio Villaraigosa joins fellow far left democrat Gavin Newsome in the runoff? Two well known GOP consultants are on Mr. Villaraigosa’s payroll. Do they believe that recruiting a moderate/liberal Republican and pouring money in to them will get that person in to the runoff? Or, it is another case of “controlling failure”, as in we’d rather lose with our guy than win with someone we can’t control?

I am all about being a team player, having supported many candidates for the GOP I was not thrilled with. However, it becomes difficult to the extreme to be a team player when I have a front row seat to another case of the moderate wing of the Republican Party apparently doing what they accuse the Conservatives of doing.

All the above said, it makes me like John Cox even more.

Did I mention that there is no Lt. Gov Candidate, No Secretary of State Candidate, No Attorney General Candidate, No Controller Candidate for the GOP in 2018?