Nov 022017

Some months ago, I was told of Chad Mayes saying, “Man I am so tired, I was at Bruno Mars last night…”

I suppose Chad Mayes is having a spectacular Mid-Life Crisis (google Narcissistic Rage for a clinical explanation). It has all the makings, an affair, fits of rage, a search for relevance and hearkening back to High School antics.

Now – you can join his Mid Life Crisis with the queen of Trump hate herself – Katy Perry. Nothing in politics happens by accident. Given that his staff, consultants and enablers are using social media on an almost daily basis to assert their authoritah over the rank-and-file Trump-supporting Republican base to remind them how wrong they are, you can draw no other conclusion that is a nexus for this event.

I am sure several of Chad Mayes’ enablers – see also donors, lobbyists, etc. will be there checks in hand to remind Chad of how right he was and how mean all those little people were for revolting.

If this is not enough – try this on for size. It is rumored and widely known in Sacramento that Anthony Rendon, the democrat Majority Leader (aka speaker) of the Assembly has given an order:

No credible democrat is to run against the Cap and Trade Republicans. If this is true, this is a serious boost to Marc Steinorth. It would also explain why Catherine Baker and Jordan Cunningham appear to have drawn no dem opposition. Since Rocky Chavez, Heath Flora, Devon Mathis and Chad Mayes are all in “safe” districts, a dem filing may not matter unless there are enough angry Republicans to vote for the real thing versus any of them. (Note: Devon Mathis will lose his primary to the Mayor of Viaslia, that is a prediction that we are solidifying and repeating)

With alleged polling showing every last one of these folks vulnerable to the right challenger in their area, it stands to reason why they would pledge allegiance to Rendon. It also informs us as to why Rendon has issued this edict (if indeed my two former dem legislators and one high-ranking union rep source are correct).

Then add the rumor I dropped last week about uncle moonbeam running a $5MM independent expenditure in support of the #capandtraitors and you have the full picture.

If you are part of the Cap and Trade Crew – you, too can join Chad Mayes to see Katy Perry to get away from Donald Trump, Republican Grassroots and bask in the glow of the burgeoning ecotopia known as California.

I will repeat my analogy that having Chad Mayes in Republican Leadership is like inviting Michael Jackson to your son’s slumber party. Someone is going to get violated repeatedly and given the pattern of Mr. Mayes (see also Narcissistic Rage) this pattern will continue until Gary Jeandron or Andrew Kotyuk dispatches him at the ballot box. Brian Dahle should remove him with extreme prejudice immediately and let the rest of us clean up the mess.

Feb 132017

So some would look at the forecast and say, this isn’t bad. Looks like 2 days of rain and 2 other days of sorta rain.

Problem one. Oroville is basically at sea level and will be drier than the mountains above it.

Problem two. Look at the temperature. A friend with training in Meteorology pointed this out to me. The temp of the first rainstorm is 61 degrees. That is quite warm.

The consequences of a warm storm mean early snow melting and thus will put even more pressure on the beleaguered Oroville Dam.

We will get a better idea of just how much rain we are looking at in the lowlands in a couple of days.

That said, let’s take a look at Quincy, which is at about 4000 feet at the top of the Feather River (dammed by Lake Oroville).

Here is a snapshot of the forecast around Quincy.

You should take note that the temperatures drop through to Sunday. This means that snow will re-appear by Sunday in the high country.

It would seem to me that the pressure will re-occur on the dam Late Friday to early Saturday as the main part of the early warm rain on Thursday will hit then.

All this said – keep asking the correct questions. What did the State of CA know and when? Why wasn’t maintenance done?

Feb 132017

Well, isn’t that special. The state about a day before 250K-ish people were evacuated said everything is ok.

In the meantime, they were evacuating the precious salmon (whose endangered status has been abused by Enviros and the Courts to hamstring infrastructure construction for years) starting 4 days ago.

The cover story is that because the main spillway of the dam broke and the auxiliary spillway was going to be used, all the silt and debris would kill the fish. It seems to me that those in charge knew more than they let on to anyone.

12 years ago Enviro Groups sued to have the Auxiliary spillway covered with Concrete. The suit / request was ignored because the Los Angeles water district and the State of CA did not want to pay the bill. Whoops.

Now, the earthen Auxiliary spillway is compromised and the severe erosion is preventing its’ use.

The main spillway has a 300 foot gash in it due to the failure of the concrete a few weeks ago. They are finally just unloading water at a huge rate down that spillway regardless of the damage. Oroville Dam is huge, and it is the tallest dam in America. It was built in 1968 and appears to have had little, if any maintenance done, explaining the breech of the main spillway.

There are pictures around from 2013 with maintenance crews working on the affected area of the main spillway. What did they know? Why didn’t they do more? Did they relax because of the drought of 2014-2016?

Environmental Groups are doing exactly what I predicted on my Facebook yesterday – on Queue, they are writing articles about how we need to “Re-Think” flood control. AKA, get rid of dams.

Given the absolutely insane way the state responded to the drought, by building no infrastructure, no plans to build any infrastructure and just insane demagogic water conservative edicts, you would expect that the discussion is going to turn to “Dams are Bad”.

I am also not expecting the Republican Leadership to push for investment or investigations. The pattern has been acquiescence and letting the party in charge cover everything up.  I hope I am proven wrong.

I do expect, however that Assemblymember James Gallagher (who lives in the evacuation zone) will indeed be loud about this issue. I am sure the state media will ignore him.

Lest you think that the Dam is out of the woods – think again, Part 2 coming up in a bit.

Jerry Brown to Local Government: UP Yours

 Darrell Steinberg, Jerry Brown, Local Government  Comments Off on Jerry Brown to Local Government: UP Yours
Oct 022011

I would like to thank the Whitman for Governor Campaign for making this disaster scenario possible. While Whitman is installed at HP – Jerry Brown is finishing off California, doing the bidding of his union masters.

Many local governments were recognizing that Project Labor Agreements were breaking the banks of local budgets. A PLA is when a government project is basically reserved for a Union shop only. (There are exceptions where a non-union shop can get the contract – but they are very narrow)

The bill? SB922 by Darrell Steinberg, the number one whore of the Labor Unions.

Steinberg has been on fire this year screwing local government in favor of labor unions – leave us not forget what he did to school districts, basically preventing them from firing teachers to balance their budgets?

Click Here to read about that bill – Teacher’s Union to California’s Students, UP YOURS.

Latest Sacramento Stupidity – Tax the Internet

 Big Government, Taxation  Comments Off on Latest Sacramento Stupidity – Tax the Internet
May 262011

OK, folks – I am not a constitutional scholar, but the interstate commerce clause comes to mind. There are a few bills in the legislature and in the Democrats’ desperation to avoid cutting the ghastly, bloated welfare state – they are scrambling like street junkies to find more money to support their habits.

Solution – let’s shut down every Ebay business in the state. Why? They will be forced to collect taxes and carry a bond (Which is extremely expensive) to indemnify the state that they will do so. Oh, and did I forget to mention the punitive fines?

I had a BofE employee drop in on my office about 6 weeks ago to check and see if my INSURANCE AGENCY had a use tax permit! Why? The BofE is obsessed over internet commerce and trying to track down anything they can tax that may have been bought off the internet.

Quoting the Sacramento Bee Capitol Alert – and note the TEACHER’S UNION is in support of this! Surprise! (Remember, it is not about the kids – it is about six figure salaries and union dues for them…)

Elsewhere at the Capitol, Democratic Assembly members Nancy Skinner and Charles Calderon and Sen. Loni Hancock tout measures they say will level the playing field for California businesses competing with online retailers such as

The lawmakers will be joined by Bill Dombrowski, president and CEO of the California Retailers Association; Dean Murakami, president of the Los Rios Community College Federation of Teachers; and others at the news conference, which starts at 11:30 a.m. on the Capitol’s south steps.

Skinner’s Assembly Bill 153 and Calderon’s Assembly Bill 155 may come up for a vote Thursday in the Assembly Appropriations Committee. Hancock’s Senate Bill 234 passed the Senate 22-17 on May 5 and is now before the Assembly.

Here is the sinister thing – Hancock’s bill passed the State Senate. It is so bad that two of her fellow Dems voted against it. Hancock’s garbage is far less discussed than the Skinner bill… The hope of the Dems is that everyone is focused on the Skinner Bill and that Hancock’s slips through.

Even Better – Hancock tried to write her Internet Tax is such a way as to get around state law. (We’ve already seen Prop 25 circumvented – too bad California, you couldn’t get even with them even when you try…)

Bottom line – Brown will sign an internet tax and the tax will be enjoined, then tossed out by the court. Again, the Democrats kick the can down the street another couple years and the GOP continue to fight over their shrinking slice of the California Pie.

But – the police state is here to stay, if your a business like me… the BofE is watching you.

You can do something about this – never vote for a Democrat again.

P.S. The California Retailers Association apparently is a joke – they shill for left-wing Communists and have done so for years. Don’t let their name fool you.