Jun 022012

Well, well, well – it did not take long at all for my prediction to come true.

The Amador County Dem Party has capitalized on the cronyism of Arnold Zeiderman and was handing out the literature and displaying the signs of his opponent.

The venue was the Italian Festival in Sutter Creek this weekend – apparently Zeiderman was treated to the Chairman of the Amador Democrat Party lambasting the endorsement of Jeff Seaton and Jeff Seaton’s personal history as an example of “Republicanism”.

Thanks a ton Arnie Zeiderman.

But – Zeiderman delivered the endorsement to his family defense attorney, didn’t he?

If you are a Republican in Amador County – you need to bum-rush the Central Committee Meetings and take that party back.

P.S. Both Jeff Seaton and his opponent are Registered Republicans.

My How Time Files – Jeff Seaton Update

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Jun 012012

There is a reason why a month is a political eternity.

I posted the below on April 24th and the revelations since then have caused me to realize that the below was the tip of the iceberg!

When you are electing a judge and vetting a Judge candidate for a Republican Party endorsement – there is some responsibility for research.

$250k to the Sheriff’s Department, $350K+ to the DA’s Office are two figures that were given to me of the Tribe’s  Annual largesse.

Jeff Seaton was not vetted at all. Or, if he was – then that could indeed tell the story of why the Indian Tribe in Amador County appear to be attempting to buy a Judgeship.

The Tribe tosses money around the community like water – so the $1,000 from a Dalton + the $10,000 from the Tribe itself is chump change.

I harken back to the case of Schmitz vs Schmitz. Seaton got fired, and the pattern is similar to the grotesque malfeasance in the Purdue Case. In the letter dated November 4th, 2008 – Schmitz lambasted Jeff Seaton for, cancelling appointments, no-showing, failing to make any discovery efforts, being unprepared in court, and the letter alledues to Jeff Seaton sleeping with the wife of the Schmitz that fired him.

Jeff Seaton forfeited $6100 in legal fees according to the letter.

I have never seen anything like this in the 15 years I have been involved in politics. This letter of termination was entered in to evidence by Jeff Seaton’s Ex-Wife Patty.

You see, Patty had been covering for Jeff Seaton’s behavior as it related to Mr. Schmitz’ anger over the bungling only to get served with divorce papers and kicked out of the law office on to the street in favor of his Mistress. The letter has it all in there.

I had written yesterday that Patty has not come out publicly against Seaton because she wants to be able to garnish his Judge wages to get back spousal support that Jeff Seaton is not paying… (Is anyone surprised that Jeff Seaton wouldn’t pay like he has been ordered to???) Well I also was informed that another explanation is that Jeff Seaton is preparing to appeal the divorce decision of the Appellate Court because he wants to further delay paying Patty the money that is rightfully hers. As a result, the attorney has a gag on her.

Whatever the reason is, Jeff Seaton has some serious integrity issues.

Take a look at the $400,000 in personal debt in the divorce proceedings. $322K is an Equity Line against an office building and the rest is credit card debt.

This guy wants to be a judge? Someone who is $400K in the hole in this economy is compromised.

Here is a 2011 Income Statement from Seaton’s Law Firm, it shows $218K in receipts and about $66K in operating income. How the heck is he keeping current on the debt payments on that $400k on the debt list? The monthly payments on that are almost $3000 a month.

The more research I do on Jeff Seaton, the more questions I am raising.

Just don’t vote for this guy. Just don’t.

Later we found out that the ex-wife of Schmitz gave $150 worth of earrings to Jeff Seaton, seemingly validating the claims made.

In addition – revelations from the 3/20 divorce settlement hearing added volumes to the above – including Seaton losing his office building to pay the ex back for the back spousal support and the revelation as to why we have never heard from Patty Seaton. She stands to gain a lot if Jeff Seaton gets the $178k annual income from getting elected Judge.

In addition, we discovered that there are a slew of delinquent bills plus judgements against Seaton for Court Costs and Legal Fees.

But – Arnie Zeiderman and the Amador GOP stand defiantly behind their man.

Updated: Slamming Amador GOP For Considering Endorsing Jeff Seaton

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May 302012

I must disclose that I am not a member of the Arnie Zeiderman fan club. He is the Liberal Cylon robot of David Stafford Reade and I am not surprised when he takes RINO positions. But I was shocked to learn that Arnie Zeiderman is pushing for the Amador GOP to endorse Jeff Seaton for Judge!

Seaton’s largest donors are:

  • A Casino
  • A left-wing Law Firm in Santa Monica
  • The Grandfather of a man sent to prison last year

So far, we’ve established that Seaton has had two marriages end due to his outrageous infidelity.
He has verbally attacked crime victims publicly.
He has engaged in disgusting courtroom antics – including turning his back on a victim who was so badly injured that part of her internal organs were hanging out of a wound she suffered in a savage attack.
In his defense of criminals – he has put law enforcement on trial.

The above would be enough to make the Amador GOP get embarrassed for considering Seaton – but Seaton’s story defies common decency.

In the case of People vs. Vick – Vick had prior convictions. He was up for molesting an 8 year old girl. Seaton hired an psychological expert named Tamara Wishnowski to develop questions that would devastate the 8-year-old victim.

In the case of People vs. Sanne – the defendant was charged with molestation. It appears that Seaton misrepresented an offer in court by a D.A causing a demand for censure. There is an ongoing investigation of behind the scenes conduct and special favors that may well explain some of Seaton’s endorsements… Click here for more on the Sanne Case

In the case of People vs. Jenkins – the defendant brutally attacked his grandfather. The grandfather, apparently being an enabler started paying Seaton and refused to cooperate with any investigation. There was no waiver of conflict of interest by Seaton who apparently did not comprehend the ethical issue.

Never fear – Jenkins committed another crime. He is currently being prosecuted for attempted murder in a stabbing shortly after walking off scott free for beating his grandfather.

Recently, Seaton defended a Yuba County man who got convicted of 13 counts of child molestation (this guy seems to draw child molesters like flies).  The convicted molester is trying to have the verdict overturned as the allegation is that Seaton was on pain meds the whole time… Click Here for more on the case of Christopher Perdue, a man we believe is innocent.

Why is this guy running for Judge? Why is the Amador GOP considering endorsing him? — at a minimum, Seaton should be censured for his conduct not endorsed.

Why is Zeiderman supporting him? Why did the Jackson Rancheria give him a large check?

Jeff Seaton will be more dangerous as a Judge than anyone he has defended in court! Amador County deserves better, our California Justice system deserves better.

May 302012

(This was one of my first posts on Jeff Seaton – it is re-posted because JeffSeaton is calling Jennifer Minton a liar over her robotic phone call received in Amador County recently. Please remember that the Amador County Republican Party endorsed Jeff Seaton after their Chairman Arnold Zeiderman got another Seaton supporter appointed to the committee to provide the margin for endorsement.)

Criminal Defense Attorneys. They are a necessary evil until evil overcomes them.

Jeff Seaton is a defense attorney in Amador County who believes our criminal justice system forces defendants to run the gauntlet. Now he wants to run for Judge and turn the tables.

He has defended the scum of the Earth. He puts his heart and soul into the defense of scum, victim be damned.

In one horrific case – Jennifer Minton, a school teacher, was brutally assaulted by parolee Jeffrey Allan Tate while riding her bike along a peaceful Amador country road.  Minton was so badly injured that part of her intestines were hanging out from the terrible wound Tate had inflicted on her. The facts were overwhelming and the jury convicted Tate despite the argument by Jeff Seaton that Tate was the real victim because of his disturbed childhood. At sentencing, Seaton objected to the victim being allowed to make a statement, stating that, “She just wanted to make a good news clip.” Then in an act of contempt to the jury and court, Seaton turned his back to Minton during her remarks – including talking to someone else. Tate was sentenced to life in prison + 5 years and 10 months, the maximum sentence possible… however, he was eligible for Parole just 10 years later.

Incredibly, Seaton writes on his campaign website the following words that belie his insincerity:

The first thing I want to establish is that I strongly believe in, and support, law and order.  Who doesn’t?  Everyone must be held accountable for his/her behavior and conduct.  Punishment for a crime should be commensurate with the crime committed.”

How can a voter believe such a statement? You can trust that Seaton’s future behavior as a Judge will probably change very little  from his past behavior as a criminal attorney.  Look at his contempt for crime victims.

He defended Kerry Cook – who killed a Teacher in a DUI. Later, the same Kerry Cook committed another DUI and finally went to prison.

In People vs Olson – an officer was assaulted in course of his duties and Seaton was able to manipulate and twist the facts make it the officer’s fault and got the defendant off.  That criminal defendant, Olson, had two strikes at the time – the Third came when Olson was convicted of a Hate Crime and threat that got him 27 to life. Seaton made it possible for Olson to effectively get a fourth strike.

This is what Seaton means by Punishment for a crime? Get ’em off so they can do more damage?

As I previously mentioned – Seaton has received a large check from the Jackson Rancheria and apparently has the support of the Amador establishment. Why?